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The Dangers of Pentecostal Fundamentalism

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Dear All,


Shri Mataji has said:


" How to now turn human beings away from these superficial religions, these

perverted paths of destruction? How to tell them about all these established

organizations? For ages they have been ruling, making money, making power. "

(19th Sahasrara Day, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


What Shri Mataji states is the truth, but many people do not realize the snare

they are in, when they get taken in by Fundamentalism. Shri Mataji has also

stated that all Fundamentalists are actually " missing the fundamentals " . Take

for example, the very fundamental doctrine of reincarnation that was removed

from Christian teachings at the Council of Nicea. From what i can ascertain, the

real reason this teaching was removed, is because it gave the priests and

leaders more power over the people. If the people believed they only had one

lifetime to get it right, i.e. their spiritual life, then they would be more

inclined to follow the priest or leader's wishes, in things.


A very present concern now is that the Pentecostal Churches are taking in a lot

of people with their so-called " Baptism of the Holy Spirit " . I have been there,

done that, when I was in my late teens. I know it feels good and invigorating

for a while, but it is not the real baptism of the Holy Spirit. I felt drunk

with power and danced automatically with all the others. Looking back I see it

as a mass hysteria in which everyone is in a state of mind that whatever the

minister says, is accepted as the 'gospel truth'. This mass hypnosis is what

Pentecostals feel was experienced on the Day of Pentecost. It is a 'siddhi', a

power, but it is not the power of God. The power of God comes as peace in the

soul. i know because i received my real Baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1993, when

the Kundalini energy which is the power of the Holy Spirit, rose within, and i

felt it as a Cool Wind or Breeze.


If a person is in the snare of Pentecostalism, and instead of becoming their own

spiritual master, is instead hanging on to every word of the preacher, then they

are in spiritual jeopardy. If the preacher tells a person not to question things

like a scientist, then the person is in danger of a 'blind faith'. Real faith is

not blind. Real faith sees the unseen. It knows. If a person is told that all

other religions are wrong ways to God, then the person is in danger of spiritual

short-sightedness. The incarnations and prophets teachings all agree in essence.

It is the followers who came after them and made a religion out of the

teachings, that changed the teachings, so that they seem to disagree now, one

with the other. It is important to discover the essential agreement again. The

truth is the truth, wherever it is found. What is not the truth, will show up to

be inconsistent with the truth.


At this Blossom Time, as Shri Mataji calls it, it is important to have one's

real birth of the Spirit, one's real Baptism of the Spirit. A person can become

their own master, by giving themselves an opportunity to have their Self

Realization. It is a way out of fundamentalism of any kind whatsoever, which

just leads to a dead-end street anyway. Now is the Time for everyone that wishes

it, to have their real Baptism of the Holy Spirit, through kundalini awakening.

Jesus resurrected and forged the pathway so that we could have it too. He was

the first to resurrect. Now is our time of resurrection, en-masse, Shri Mataji

tells us!



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