Guest guest Posted April 5, 2008 Report Share Posted April 5, 2008 Dear All, We concluded Part 4 with: " It is of great significance that Jesus left his disciples with the understanding that he would return again at any time and bring the world to an end. In a real sense it can be said that the resurrection itself brings the world to an end. It is the passage of human nature beyond time and space, and reveals the whole of this spatial temporal world as a passing phenomenon. We see the one Reality reflected through the changing forms of space and time, but we know that these forms are conditioned by our present mode of consciousness. When we pass beyond this limited mode of time-space consciousness, we shall see the eternal Reality as it is. As St. Paul says, " now we see in a glass darkly but then face to face " (1 Corinthians 13:12). The whole of human history is a passage from our present mode of existence and consciousness into the eternal world where all the diversities of this world are seen in their essential unity. Our present mode of consciousness is dualistic, but as the mystics of all religions have discerned, the ultimate reality is non-dual. This new mode of being and consciousness is the 'nirvana' of the Buddha, the 'brahman-atman' of the Upanishads, the 'al haqq' of the Muslim mystics and the kingdom of heaven of the Christian Gospel. It is here and here alone that we can find the meeting place of all religion. " Here now is Part 5. Enjoy, violet The New Humanity - Part 5 (107) As we saw earlier, the sin of humanity had been their separation from the Spirit, their falling back into the separate self, and thereby coming into conflict with nature, with their fellows, and with God. Jesus comes as the man who offers himself in sacrifice in total surrender, to God, to the Supreme, and in doing this he reverses the sin of Adam. Adam, the primal Man, had fallen by disobedience, by following his own mind and will rather than surrendering to the Spirit. Jesus, the new Adam, the Son of Man, the representative Man, makes a total surrender to the Spirit, to God, to the Father, and by that he overcomes humanity's separation from the Father, from God, reuniting humanity as one body in himself. He breaks down all the barriers that have been set up and finally he reconciles creation with himself, as a new creation. This then is the birth of a new humanity and it can be regarded as a new stage in evolution. Humanity had developed through various levels of complexity, through the hunting, the pastoral and the agricultural stages to the great civilisations. Now with Christ a new stage is taking place and a new humanity is being born. The new humanity is born " not of blood, nor of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God " , Jesus is the new Man who is born of God, who is the Son of God. At Pentecost the Spirit returns to man. Whereas in the Fall of man the Spirit had departed and humanity had centred on itself, now the Spirit returns. Adam, the first man, as St. Paul says, was a living soul whereas Jesus, the second Adam, is a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45). Jesus has transformed the disobedience of Adam into this new man who is now the 'anthropos pneumatikos', the man of the Spirit, and he continues to communicate the Spirit to mankind. (P.108) At Pentecost, it is said, there were people present from all nations on the earth. This is an exaggeration of course, but it means that people representing the entire Roman Empire, which were all the nations Israel knew, were gathered together in Jerusalem for this festival. It was symbolic of the fact that the Spirit was to be given to all nations. Through the receiving of the Spirit this new humanity became what St. Paul calls the dwelling-place of God in the Spirit (Ephesians 2:22). In other words, we are made into the temple of God in which the Spirit can dwell. St. Paul describes this in writing to the Ephesians where he speaks of the " immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe, according to the working of his great might which he accomplished in Christ when he raised him from the dead " (Ephesians 1:19,20). It was God who raised Christ from the dead. Christ made that sacrifice of himself, the total sacrifice, and thereby he overcame death which was the consequence of sin. The disintegration of man was healed by this surrender on the cross which is also the reintegration of man. St. Paul continues, " And made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come " (Ephesians 1:20,21). This is a reference to the cosmic powers of which we have spoken. Jesus, through the resurrection, is raised above humanity and also above the whole cosmic order, above all the cosmic powers, and, as St. Paul puts it, he is made " to sit at God's right hand in the heavenly places " . That refers to the transcendent order of consciousness. It is appropriate to translate these biblical images into the framework we have been using so far. We have spoken of the three worlds where the earth is the physical order, the air is the psychic or psychological order, and the sky, or heaven, the spiritual order. God dwells in heaven, in the spiritual order, whereas, significantly, the spirits are said to dwell in the air. (P.109) St. Paul speaks of the " prince of the power of the air " (Ephesians 2:2). The spirits of the air, along with angels and other beings, represent an intermediate state, the psychic or psychological realm. Man, of course, dwells on the earth. So Jesus goes beyond the physical and beyond the psychic world, beyond the angels and the gods, to the transcendent world, the transcendent reality itself. " He has put all things in subjection under his feet, " which means, as we have seen, that the whole material creation becomes subordinate to him. A New Vision of Reality (Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and Christian Faith) Bede Griffiths Templegate Publishers - Springfield, Illinois ISBN 0-87243-180-0 Pgs. 107-109 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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