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GSM - Overnight they gave up their drugs, their alcoholism

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[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit, recognized in the

Native tradition as the White Buffalo Calf Woman, assails us with the undeniable

Truth of the deep dangers of alcohol and drugs for all of humanity.]


" All the saints in the world have said that alcohol is very dangerous for life.

The reason is that it goes against our

awareness, this is a fact, you know that after taking a drink our

awareness becomes blurred or excited, it is not normal, that's the

reason they said no. "

(H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 2nd Sydney Talk, 27/3/81)


" Alcohol, as you know, has different variations depending on the

habits of the person...alcohol is very dangerous because it

finishes off your liver; it finishes off your awareness; it makes

you very clumsy; your attention is fuzzy, because alcohol makes a

person in such a way that he loses all his dharma. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Advice on the treatment of virus

infections, Pune, 1/12/87)



[Tenskwatawa, the Shawnee Prophet, gives a powerful depiction of a

time of great despair followed by a breath of hope for himself and his people.]


" My brothers! My sisters! I have been given a great power. I have

been told by Our Creator to use this power to save you. My name is

Tenskwatawa (He-Who-Opens-The-Door). I have been shown how to open the door that

has shut us out from happiness.


I died and went to the World Above, and saw it. I had done every sin

against my people and myself. You knew me! I was a sinner, I was a

drunkard! I had another name then. That name is so smeared with the

filth of my old sins that my mouth will not utter it, for my mouth

is now pure! Tenskwatawa has never spoken a lie or an obscenity, and

never will. I have come back cleansed. I am as we were in the

Beginning! In me is a shining power!


In the Beginning, we were full of this shining power, strong

because we were pure. We moved silently through the woods. With a

silent arrow we killed the animals and ate pure meat. In silence the

fish swam in pure rivers, and we caught them in silence and ate

them. In silence our corn and beans and squashes grew from the

earth, and those we ate. We drank only clear water, after the milk

of our mother's breast.


I have heard that lost silence. You have not heard it because you

have not been dead. Up under the roof of the sky, there is that pure



In the beginning, our people broke that beautiful silence only to

pray to the Great Good Spirit, or to speak wisely in council, or to

say kind words to our children and our elders, or to give the war

cry when we avenged wrongs.


Our Creator put us on this wide, rich land, and told us we were free

to go where the game was, where the soil was good for planting. That

was our state of true happiness. We did not have to beg for anything.


Our Creator had taught us how to find and make everything we needed,

from trees and plants and animals and stone. We lived in bark, and we wore only

the skins of animals. Our Creator taught us how to use fire, in living, and in

sacred ceremonies. She taught us how to heal with barks and roots, and how to

make sweet foods with berries and fruits, with papaws and the water of the maple

tree. Our Creator gave us tobacco, and said, Send your prayers up to me on its

fragrant smoke. Our Creator taught us how to enjoy loving our mates,

and gave us laws to live by, so that we would not bother each other,

but help each other. Our Creator sang to us in the wind and the

running water, in the bird songs, in children's laughter, and taught

us music. And we listened, and our stomachs were never dirty and

never troubled us.


Thus were we created. Thus we lived for a long time, proud and

happy. We had never eaten pig meat, nor tasted the poison called

whiskey, nor worn wool from sheep, nor struck fire or dug earth with

steel, nor cooked in iron, nor hunted and fought with loud guns, nor

ever had diseases which soured our blood or rotted our organs. We

were pure, so we were strong and happy.


But, beyond the Great Sunrise Water, there lived a people who had

iron, and those dirty and unnatural things, who seethed with

diseases, who fought to death over the names of their gods! They had

so crowded and befouled their own island that they fled from it,

because excrement and carrion were up to their knees. They came to

our island.


Our Singers had warned us that a pale people would come across the

Great Water and try to destroy us, but we forgot. We did not know they were

evil, so we welcomed them and fed them. We taught them much of what Our

Grandmother had taught us, how to hunt, grow corn and tobacco, find good things

in the forest.


They saw how much room we had, and wanted it. They brought iron and

pigs and wool and rum and disease. They came farther and drove us over the

mountains. Then when they had filled up and dirtied our old lands by the sea,

they looked over the mountains and saw this Middle Ground, and we are old enough

to remember when they started rushing into it. We remember our villages on fire

every year and the crops slashed every fall and the children hungry every

winter. All this

you know.


For many years we traded furs to the English or the French, for wool

blankets and guns and iron things, for steel awls and needles and

axes, for mirrors, for pretty things made of beads and silver. And

for liquor. This was foolish, but we did not know it. We shut our

ears to the Great Good Spirit. We did not want to hear that we were

being foolish.


But now those things of the white men have corrupted us, and made us

weak and needful. Our men forgot how to hunt without noisy guns. Our

women don't want to make fire without steel, or cook without iron,

or sew without metal awls and needles, or fish without steel hooks.

Some look in those mirrors all the time, and no longer teach their

daughters to make leather or render bear oil. We learned to need the

white men's goods, and so now a People who never had to beg for

anything must beg for everything!..


Many of us now crave liquor. He whose filthy name I will not speak,

he who was I before, was one of the worst of those drunkards. There are

drunkards in almost every family. You know how bad this is.


And so you see what has happened to us. We were fools to take all

these things that weakened us. We did not need them then, but we

believe we need them now. We turned our backs on the old ways.

Instead of thanking Weshemoneto for all we used to have, we turned

to the white men and asked them for more. So now we depend upon the

very people who destroy us! This is our weakness! Our corruption!

Our Creator scolded me, " If you had lived the way I taught you, the

white men could never have got you under their foot! "


And that is why Our Creator purified me and sent me down to you full

of the shining power, to make you what you were before! As you sit

before me I will tell you the many rules Our Creator gave me for

you. I will tell you how I went to the World Above. When I tell you

of the punishments I saw, they will terrify you! But listen, those

punishments will be upon you unless you follow me through the door

that I am opening for you!...


No red man must ever drink liquor, or he will go and have the hot

lead poured in his mouth! You know I have been a slave to liquor

since first I tasted it. But never again will I take any! If ever

you saw me taste it again, you would know that what I tell you is



Turn your backs on the whiskey sellers and the traders! "


Tenskwatawa - Shawnee




[The Dhammapada speaks of the results of cravings and intoxicating




One who destroys life,

utters lies, takes what is not given,

goes to another man's wife,

and is addicted to intoxicating drinks-

such a man digs up his own root

even in this very world


335- 336

Whoever is overcome

by this wretched and sticky craving,

his sorrows grow

like grass after the rains.


But whoever overcomes

this wretched craving,

so difficult to overcome,

from him sorrows fall away

like water from a lotus leaf. [1]



[Although alcoholism was never a part of the American Natives'

original tradition, their immense struggle with the newly-introduced white man's

alcohol has continued, throughout the intervening years, to take a devastating

toll on their people:]


" Like many tribes, the Blackfeet never used drugs or alcohol, even

during religious ceremonies, until white men introduced it in the

mid 1800s, " Whitegrass said.

" The fur trappers who introduced alcohol to the Indians were either

alcoholics themselves or they used alcohol abusively, " Masis

said. " So Native American people learned to use alcohol to get drunk. "



" Strong liquor was first sold to us by the Dutch, and they were

blind, they had no eyes, they could not see how much it hurt us. The

next people who came were the Swedes, who continued to sell us

strong liquor. We love it, so we cannot refuse it. It makes us wild;

we do not know what we are doing. We abuse one another; we throw one another

into the fire...Through drinking, seven score of our people have been killed.

The cask must be sealed, it must be made fast; it must not leak by day or night,

in the light or in the dark. "


Okanicon - Delaware



" We gave them forest-clad mountains and valleys full of game, and in

return what did they give our warriors and our women? Rum, trinkets,

and a grave. "



" Alcohol was used as an enticement, as pay and as a weapon against

Indians whose goods, lands and rights were wanted by the government

and private business alike. " [2]


In a Minnesota country newspaper article, subtitled: " 300 gather to

note the toll by alcohol abuse " , Melvin Eagle, the traditional Chief

of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe is quoted as saying: " Alcoholism is

not our traditional way. We need to try to pull together and away

from alcohol because it is destroying our people. " [3]



" We are no longer alert. We continuously lie to our children and

teach them to be liars. Easter bunnies, Santa Claus, denying what

their senses tell them, these are all lies. If you're well educated

you'll work to hurt people, you'll do the work of big institutions.

You'll work to make alcohol, drugs, TV, schools, religion, things to

put people's minds to sleep. " - Grace Spotted Eagle Inuit Native

American (1985)




[underlying all the historical and cultural reasons for the Natives'

enslavement to alcohol there is, however, an inherent understanding of the need

for a return to the spiritual discernment of the past.]


" Since we listen to the voice of the Great Spirit we are happy. "

Tenskwatawa Shawnee



Clifford Calf Tail

" But we need to be healed spiritually before we can be healed

physically, " he said. Without a strong spiritual underpinning, Calf

Tail said, Native Americans are powerless before the poverty, illness, premature

death and abuse so common in the community.[4]





" Handsome Lake declared alcohol the greatest source of sin...Alcohol

was the biggest force of sin in changing the lives of the Native

people. "

Reg Henry, Cayuga faithkeeper, Six Nations Reserve [5]


" Alas, many are fond of it and are too fond of it. So now all must

now say " I will use it nevermore as long as I live as long as the number of my

days is, I will never use it again, I now stop. "


Handsome Lake Iroquois




I am happy to learn that you have been so far favored by the Divine

Spirit as to be made sensible of the things which are hurtful to you and

particularly that you and they see the ruinous effects which the abuse of

spirituous liquors have produced upon them. It has weakened their bodies,

enslaved their minds, exposed them to hunger, cold, nakedness and poverty, kept

them in perpetual broils and reduced their population.


President Thomas Jefferson " Letter to Handsome Lake "




[The use of alcohol with its destructive results affects all nations

as can be seen in Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's observations:]


" The greatest problem of Europe is – real problem – that they

drink...Now this is a curse of Europe that they all drink, and

drinking is something very difficult. They can't give it up, poor

things, they are slaves, slaves of drinking...This is the biggest

problem of Europe, but do you know it is much worse in America.


So this is the big problem. You should openly talk about it to

everyone, that what is drinking is stupidity. You see, in India we,I don't know,

somehow we have solved the problem. People don't drink so much because from the

very beginning there, the drinking is regarded as a very bad thing. If a girl

could know that the fellow drinks, she will never marry [him]. So society [in

India] doesn't accept drinking, is a good thing.


Indians who do not drink in India, here they come and drink. When

they come here, then they think it is something ideal and they

drink. I've known many like that who came abroad and started drinking.


Have you seen a man who is drunk? What do you think of them? They

are more than mad people. People are mad because something gone

wrong, but these are mad because they have been drinking. So you

have to tell them, 'You are all mad. You are going to ruin your

country.' "

(6th Night of Navaratri 2007, Sydney, Australia)



[This February 8, 2008 Australian newspaper article clearly confirms

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's prescient warning on the 6th Night of Navaratri 2007,

Sydney, Australia, " You are going to ruin your country. " ]


" Abuse of alcohol an

epidemic " , PM warns

Mark Metherell, SMH, 21st Feb, 2008

February 21, 2008


BINGE drinking has reached " epidemic "

proportions, the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd,

has said, as he foreshadowed action to combat

the growing problem of alcohol abuse.

Mr Rudd said yesterday that police across

Australia had expressed their concerns to him

that alcohol abuse " lies at the core of increasing

spates of urban violence around the country " .

He foreshadowed talks with the state

governments and said he had already spoken

with the federal Health Minister, Nicola Roxon,

about what might be done.

His remarks have been welcomed by the

Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation

Foundation, whose recent survey found one in

10 Australians were frightened by a drunk

during the festive season.

The foundation's chief executive,Daryl

Smeaton, said Mr Rudd's comments marked a

breakthrough in recognition of the scale of the

problems created by alcohol abuse. " No prime

minister has said anything like this before, " he


The estimated cost of the alcohol toll had

doubled in the past eight years to $15 billion.

Demands on police services had also soared

with alcohol-generated problems now thought to

account for as much as 80 per cent of police

work, Mr Smeaton said.

Mr Rudd told Brisbane radio yesterday: " I am

concerned about what I would describe as an

epidemic of binge drinking across the country.

" It is not good for young people's health ... But

the key question is, what do you do about it?

Moaning and groaning about it is one thing ...

How do we act effectively on these? "

Mr Rudd said the response could only be done

in partnership with the states and territories,

" but frankly I think it is starting to get somewhat

out of control ... I think we are dealing with a

growing problem, not a static problem and

therefore I think we have got to sit down as

governments and work out an appropriate

response " .

Labor has already pledged to establish a

national preventive health taskforce that would

investigate unhealthy behaviour including

excessive drinking and

will take responsibility for developing a national

preventive health strategy.

The taskforce would initially focus on the

increasing burden of chronic disease caused by

alcohol, obesity and tobacco, Ms Roxon said.

The Opposition Leader, Brendan Nelson, said

he was concerned about the abuse of alcohol

by young people and the Opposition would

consider responsible measures to address the


The Family First leader, Steve Fielding, who

has Senate approval for an inquiry into alcohol

promotion, says he will ask all state police

commissioners to inform the inquiry on the

impact of the alcohol toll.

Senator Fielding welcomed Mr Rudd's call for

action on alcohol and also his plans for a study

of poker machines.

He has introduced two bills into the Senate to

tackle both problems, including a ban on

alcohol advertising on television before 9pm

and health warnings on alcohol labels.

The legislation would require advertising to be

approved by a government body and outlaw

ads that linked drinking to personal, business,

social, sporting, sexual or other success.

Senator Fielding said he was confident that Mr

Rudd would act on both alcohol and pokies.

" There is such a community groundswell, "

Senator Fielding said.

" People will be looking for more than just

words. "

--------------------- End of newspaper article.



" If the majority is stupid, then all the stupidity is regarded as

great. They have no brains, they have no intelligence to understand

how can these things help? Alcohol for example. I mean alcohol, it

has done no good to anyone, but alcohol - without alcohol you are no



They won't talk to you, they say that unless you have alcohol

you cannot talk. And it is so rampant, it is so much in the society

that all the parties I attended, except for me and my husband,

everybody was drinking, and drinking much more than normal because

it was free.


They are all poisons, these are all poisons spoiling us completely

from one to another. This one is a taboo now for cigarettes, imagine - why to

smoke? I don't understand, like a chimney people are smoking. But they have no

courage to give it up now. Everywhere, no smoke, no smoke, no smoke. When will

they start `No alcohol'? Everybody sees that it's so dangerous. It is against

human awareness,

everybody sees it. You see people falling down, you see people

cursing each other, fighting. I tell you, if you stop this alcoholism, all this

shamelessness will go away, because when you take alcohol, your awareness is

abated. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Ganesha Puja 1997)



[Warnings about the evils of alcohol [drugs, gambling] are found throughout

spiritual writings.]


" An earthen pot full of nectar and a gold vessel full of wine. Think

a while and decide what will you opt for. " (Tukaram)


" Even if wine is made from the water of the Ganges, O Saints, do not

drink it. " (Ravidas, Guru Granth, p1293)


" Those who are deluded by sensual pleasures...and enjoy wine are

corrupt. " (Kabir, Guru Granth, p335)


" Cannabis, wine, all wear off in the morning.

But the intoxication of Naam [the Lord's Name] stays day and night

forever. " (Guru Nanak, Guru Granth )


" One who trades in this Nectar [Divine Bliss] - how could he ever

love the wine of the world? (Guru Nanak, Guru Granth , p360)


" They question thee about wine and games of chance; say: in both is

great sin and some profits for men; but the sin of them is greater than their

usefulness. " (Qur'an 2:219).






[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi corrects and expands our understanding

about Christ and alcohol:]


" Where, in what book – I mean like Bible or any book – is said that

drinking is good? Did Christ drink? They will follow Christianity,

they will follow Christianity and not follow Christ. It's like that.

Christ never drank. His parents didn't drink. Now what makes them

think that they have a right to drink? Specially for Christians.

Stupid they are if they think that drinking is their right. And then

they have problems with drinking. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 6th

Night of Navaratri, 2007)


" The only thing they have picked up from Christ that He went to a

wedding, and created wine out of water, and distributed. Now this

wine is just the juice of the grapes. It's also called wine in the

Hebrew language...Instantly, you cannot create alcohol. It has to

rot, rot, rot, and the more it rots, the more good it is, they say.

They write it down, this is 25 years old, so is the price is much.

But if it is 300-year-old the price is exorbitant. So it has to rot

and smell like hell, then only it's a good alcohol; it's a fact. How

could Christ create that instant, that moment - alcohol?


But now what I find is this, that if somebody dies they will take

champagne to celebrate, what, good riddance of bad rubbish? Or when somebody is

born they will do it, but on Christmas day especially, after coming from church,

don't go to any Christian's house...All such ideas have come from where? Is

because the English, and the

Portuguese, and the French brought Christianity to us. Now, by any

chance, are they Christians? What business they had to bring

Christianity to this place? They took Christianity to all the

places, specially Spanish. Spanish, Portuguese went round the whole

world to spread Christianity and today is the mess that you see in

those people. They are nothing but drunkards.


Yesterday I was going back, and the sea was full of happiness and

joy, and the water had reached a very high level; it happens with Me. But what I

found, there were four, five Christians coming, singing carols, and just

completely drunk, and I was thinking they'll be drowned in this water very soon.

This was the great boon of Christianity on human beings that you can drink as

much as you like.


Now this drinking has come, I should say, from where? God alone

knows, but it has come also from the Christians. And the Muslims also drink, no

doubt, but they hide and drink. They don't openly drink, and don't call it a

religious duty that you should drink.

Imagine in the church when they give communion, they give you some

sort of a dirty smelling wine. After that, how can you have communion? Once you

are drunk you are finished. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Christmas 1995,



" But it's absolutely wrong and nonsense that He [Christ] created

alcohol. What He did was to change the water into the taste of grape

juice. Alcohol is called as grape juice in Hebrew language. I mean,

you can say, it is not called, but wine means alcohol as well as

grape juice. But it cannot be, because instantly, you cannot create

alcohol. Alcohol takes time. It has to rot and rot and rot - then it

becomes an alcohol...So many people, specially in Christian

religion, believe that Christ sanctified wine, which is absolutely

wrong. He never sanctified alcohol. He changed the grape juice into

wine taste. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Ganesha Puja 2000)



[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi tells us that we cannot know the meaning

of our life until we are connected to the Power that created us. That

connection, called Self-Realization, comes about only through our pure desire

and since our awareness becomes spoiled through drinking, alcohol can be

considered " the greatest enemy of our Self-Realization " as seen in Her



" I think the greatest enemy of our Self-Realization is the drinking.

Drinking, if people take to drinking, they become such slaves; their

brains are not all right. So I think at Sahasrara [they] must be

also spoilt with drinking. So drinking I think is the worst enemy. "

(Sahasrara Puja 2001)




[Yet, despite the ravages that alcohol, drugs, smoking and gambling wreak on

humanity, the power of Kundalini, which is the reflection of the Primordial

Mother, the Holy Ghost, is such that, " it has worked even on people who were

drug addicts, who were alcoholics and who were very immoral, " with the saving

grace being that " they

all had intense and pure desire to secure self-improvement, Self-

Realization. So many of such people achieved their goal of Self-

Realization. Overnight, they gave up their drugs, their alcoholism. "


Indeed, the Incarnation of the Holy Ghost, Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi, (White Buffalo Calf Woman of the American Native tradition),

has come in this Age of the Last Judgment, the Resurrection Time, for the

Redemption of ALL Her children everywhere!]



" There are also many, many people who have given up their bad habits of smoking,

drinking and drugs, sometimes overnight. So many people who were drug addicts

have given up drugs because they have found that power of the Spirit within

themselves that helps them to enjoy their own being and also gives them power to

stop them running after these enjoyments which are very, very transitory, have

bad reactions and are destructive in the long run. It is not a rational or

mental understanding, but the light of the Self which gives power and expels the

darkness spontaneously. Many people who are being harmed by the false gurus,

cults and anti cults are absolutely cured and have become very great people in

their own fields. So many have achieved great heights in their

accomplishments. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Book/first small/English, Chapter 1,

Sahaja Yoga)


" The power of Kundalini is the pure desire of attaining your self-

hood. If someone doesn't have it, you cannot force him because the

Divine respects the freedom of that person if he wants to go to hell.

Self-Realization can be attained easily if the people have a sincere and pure

desire to get their Self-Realization. But if they stick to some of their ideas,

which are fixed, the Kundalini won't rise. Also it cannot work for idiots or for

immature people. It

works for people who are wise, who are more in the centre, and it

works very fast.


I was amazed to see that it has worked even on people who were drug

addicts, who were alcoholics and who were very immoral. But they all had intense

and pure desire to secure self-improvement, Self-Realization. So many of such

people achieved their goal of Self-Realization. Overnight, they gave up their

drugs,their alcoholism.


Thus you become very powerful and at the same time you understand

that you are now glorified and you start behaving in a very dignified and a very

sensible manner. This is how a new style of life where you become innately, I

say innately, righteous. Nobody has to tell you : " Don't do this " and " Don't do

that " . It is all achieved through your enlightened attention. This enlightened

attention is also full of power. Wherever you put your attention it

works, it created peace, it creates harmony and also it creates a new dimension

of collective consciousness.


So to [blame] your genes for your mistakes is not going to work out

anymore because these genes can be changed in their database and can go through

to the level of a very righteous, angelic personality. The ego and the

conditioning of a person gets dissolved by the ascent of the Kundalini and he

becomes really a free bird. Absolute freedom is achieved in reality and his

behaviour changes tremendously with great faith in himself. He becomes a witness

of the whole drama of life. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,

13/9/95 Beijing (Pekin/China),

Inter Regional Round Table,

Fourth World Conference on Women






[1]Acharya Buddharakkhita.Dhammapada.Malaysia.Sukhi Hotu Sdn Bhd.

pp.162,216,217. ISBN 983-9382-13-6

[2]Green, Rayna, The Encyclopaedia of the First Peoples of North


Canadian ed. Groundwood Books/Douglas & McIntyre, Toronto, Ontario,

M5S 2R4,

1999p.7 ISBN 0-88899-380-3

[3]© COPYRIGHT 1999 Great Falls Tribune, a division of Gannett Co.



[4]© COPYRIGHT 1999 Great Falls Tribune, a division of Gannett Co.



[5]Green, Rayna, The Encyclopaedia of the First Peoples of North


Canadian ed. Groundwood Books/Douglas & McIntyre, Toronto, Ontario,

M5S 2R4, 1999

p.8 ISBN 0-88899-380-3

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