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the enemies in disguise that the astrologer warned about!

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> The latest from Montreal is that their Yuvashakti is bored of, and

> indifferent to, weekly meditations/meetings. The gung-ho spirit of

> the 80s and 90s has waned, and i am talking about the SYSSR elders.

> The chickens, as predicted, are finally coming home to roost folks.


Dear Jagbir and All,


It is not surprising that the Yuvashakti have become bored and indifferent to

weekly meditations/meetings, when they are told to " just give self-realization "

- which means they are not to give Shri Mataji's Identity, Mission, and Message

as well, which is why the " just " word is employed in this instance. Shri Mataji

once told SYS who were not confident about giving Her Identity, Mission, and

Message, to just give self-realization, until they gained the confidence to do

so! However, that quote has now taken a life of its own, i.e., it is misused

with regard to SYS, who are now all told to " just give self-realisation " , when

they are clearly capable of doing more, i.e., giving Shri Mataji's Identity,

Mission and Message to the world-at-large! It is no wonder then, that the

Yuvashakti feel disheartened, when from meditations/meetings to

meditations/meetings, the giving of Shri Mataji's Identity, Mission, and Message

is not given any encouragement! What is the point then, of all the



Sahaja Yogis are really due for a big wake up call regarding " enemies in

disguise " who have overtaken Shri Mataji's organisation, and have prevented SYS

from giving Her Identity, Mission, and Message to the world-at-large! What is

worse, is that they have done this right under the noses of the SYS! And they

have done this to the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti's Blossom Time Message, Her

Resurrection Message! The " enemies in disguise " couldn't care less about that

message, which is why SYS are told to " just " give self-realization! That's why

the 'warning bells' should be ringing loud and clear, for the SYS who are under

the 'spell' of these " enemies in disguise " ! Here is the quote, in which the

astrologer makes reference to these " enemies in disguise " , of Shri Mataji:


" Also Mataji might have to steer through conflicting loyalties and aims of some

of her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. " (Nirmala Yoga - Jan-Feb



One might ask: " What exactly, are " so-called followers who are enemies in

disguise " ? " So-called followers " indicates that they look like followers of Shri

Mataji's teachings, but they are not really. They may look like that outwardly,

but are not like that inwardly. The word " enemies " , indicates there are more

than one. Enemies are the opposite of friends. Enemies of Shri Mataji, would be

persons that at the very least, would not support Her Identity, Mission, and

Message - and at the very most, would go against Her Identity, Mission, and

Message. They would try to prevent Her Identity, Mission, and Message from being

known, which amounts to " destroying it " . Shri Mataji did warn SYS in the

mid-1990's that the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus's time had all incarnated and

come back to Sahaja Yoga! She told this to a room full of yogis at Sydney

Airport! The term " enemies in disguise " infers that the enemy is " disguising

themselves " . The best way to disguise that a person is an enemy, is to pretend

to be a friend or follower. According to the astrologer, there are more than one

follower of Shri Mataji, who are " enemies in disguise " .


One might ask: " How would " so-called followers who are enemies in disguise " do

their work? Once any " enemies in disguise " can get themselves into influential

positions, they can change the organisation of Shri Mataji, of Sahaja Yoga, to

suit themselves. " Enemies in disguise " do not act fairly, because they are not

fair people. They use tactics that are not moral, to get what they want. They

can compromise any leader, who does not remain true to himself with regards to

the truth. If a leader remains true to himself with regards to the truth, once

" enemies in disguise " have full control of the organisation and the media, they

can easily concoct and assign a false misdemeanor against that leader or any

other SY, for that matter, for all SYS to read about, even if it is a lie. The

only practical way to fight " enemies in disguise " once they have control of an

organisation, is to expose their misdeeds, done against Shri Mataji, and against

SYS. When their actions are exposed, they lose their credibility, and when they

lose their credibility, they also lose their power over others.


regards to all,






Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's Astrology Chart


" MATAJI was born at Nagpur at 12.09 p.m., I.S.T. (noon time) on 21st March 1923.

At this moment, taking into consideration the local time of Nagpur, the Sun was

exactly on the Meridian in full glory, and being in the zero degree of Aries or

the 30th degree of Pisces, the Sun in that position made a Rajayoga (i.e. an

aspect for leadership and prominence in life), which has endowed her with the

Sun's glamour and power.


Her rising sign is Cancer and the Ascendent is in the 8th degree. The Ascendant

in Cancer makes her a Mother of the Universe, a Jaganmata, as the Ascendant is

strongly aspected by five planets, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars and the Moon,

while it is occupied by Pluto, which itself forms grand trines with three of the

five planets and sextiles with the other two. Her spiritual powers arise mainly

from this combination of aspects in the angles of the chart, also, the position

of the planet of spiritual life viz. Neptune in the second house indicates that

her wealth accumulation is spiritual. It is interesting to note that the current

position of Neptune in the transit is near the cusp of the sixth house. This

shows that her main work in the years to come will be solely in this field.


The Lord of the Ascendant Moon, is exalted in Taurus strongly posited in the

11th house, conjunct Mars, which is Lakshmi-Yoga and invest her with divinity.

She is thus the incarnation of Mahalaxmi. She is destined to live richly like a

Goddess. Her aristocratic origin is further indicated by the exalted Saturn in

the 4th house, who being the lord of the 7th house (Capricorn) has brought her

into matrimonial union with an eminent official. This same Saturn makes for

vairagya, i.e. distaste for worldly life and renunciation.


Jupiter strongly aspected in the 5th house, makes her a Mother-Teacher and as he

is trined by three powerful planets and squared by two and opposed by two,

Mataji will have a most eventful life as a World Teacher. It will all bring a

great renown, an enormous following all over the world, a lot of conflict with



Saturn, strong in the 4th house, gives much longevity, great distinction towards

the end of life, a lot of power both spiritual and temporal, although it

inclines her to some solitude also in old age.


International fame is indicated by the presence of a strong Uranus in the 9th

house, trined by Jupiter, Pluto and sextiled by Mars and Moon. Also, the

Mercury-Uranus conjunction gives Mataji great eloquence and invincibility as a



The T-square formations between Moon - Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune,

indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be hindered by obstructive

activities of evil and negative forces. Also Mataji might have to steer through

conflicting loyalties and aims of some of her so-called followers who are

enemies in disguise. But despite all this, she will find her way to the goal of

her life, viz., universal Self-Realisation!


Altogether, a great and powerful chart of a truly Divine personality. "


Nirmala Yoga - Jan-Feb 1981




> Dear Violet and all,


> It will all work out in future as SYs begin to realize for themselves

> the truth of the matter. Mahesh has realized that earlier than the

> majority. Other SYs are also finding out the truth as more of them

> are now also visiting http://sahajayoga-shrimataji.org/.


> The SY management/leaders want SYs to only visit kosher SY sites. It

> is just like telling SYs going to Paris not to visit the Eiffel Tower

> or any of their liver-heating cafes. French perfumes and vineyards

> are taboo too. (i have a long list of prohibitions but shall refrain

> from mentioning as they are too mundane and depressing for those free

> from their SY minders.)


> The latest from Montreal is that their Yuvashakti is bored of, and

> indifferent to, weekly meditations/meetings. The gung-ho spirit of

> the 80s and 90s has waned, and i am talking about the SYSSR elders.

> The chickens, as predicted, are finally coming home to roost folks.


> regards to all,


> jagbir



> , " Violet "

> <violetubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > Mahesh is to be commended for sending the material and links of

> http://www.adishakti.org and http://www.al-qiyamah.org/ and

> http://www.sahajayoga.org to many Muslim sites. It is a beautiful

> email that he sent to the Muslim sites, all of which cannot be seen

> in the appended email, which has words also highlighted in it, from

> the work that Jagbir has done. In fact, most of the work, is the work

> Jagbir has done, and Mahesh basically made a beautiful covering

> letter, using Shri Mataji's Words. Jagbir encourages that. That is

> what we are about - getting Her Message of the Resurrection and Last

> Judgment out there, and we encourage all Sahaja Yogis to work

> together with us. We accept and embrace all, warmly, and always

> forgive any past misunderstandings, if there have been such. There is

> nothing to prevent us all working together. Shri Mataji encourages

> this, of Sahaja Yogis, as shown by Her talk on " LOVE " , which She gave

> most recently.

> >

> > The appended email was also sent to every SY in the Toronto

> collective as well. It was brave of Mahesh, considering that

> the 'officials' of Sahaja Yoga have labelled Jagbir's sites

> as 'unofficial'. But Mahesh knows they are in agreement with Shri

> Mataji's teachings, otherwise he would not have sent them, or even

> mentioned these sites. Apparently after sending the appended letter

> to the Muslims, and to the local Toronto yogis, the 'official' Sahaja

> Yogis felt the need to set all the SYS back on the right spiritual

> path again. Apparently, they sent all the SYS of the Toronto

> collective an email, not demanding of course, but only advising, that

> they only read the 'official' sites of Sahaja Yoga. They also

> apparently gave them a long list of 'official' Sahaj sites, just to

> be sure, to keep on the right spiritual path for their spiritual

> liberation.

> >

> > Mahesh must have endured some frustration, with all this knowledge

> freely given here, and at the fingertips, and yet labelled

> by 'officials' as 'unofficial'. It is natural to want to please

> the 'officials' as well as to want to please Shri Mataji. i would

> like to have done that too. But i found out i couldn't do justice to

> both, unfortunately. i have never heard Shri Mataji use 'official'

> and 'unofficial' labels. Truth is what it is. It is the Absolute

> Truth. That's what She's always said! There is no 'official'

> or 'unofficial' Absolute Truth! As Sahaja Yoga is the Absolute Truth,

> there can't really be an 'official Sahaja Yoga' and an 'unofficial

> Sahaja Yoga'! So this labelling has to be a mental concept only.

> >

> > Relative truth is different, and is what we know as the tenets of a

> religion that have been formed out of the teachings of an

> incarnation. That is, there is the Absolute Truth, and then there are

> the rules, regulations, rituals, and customs, that are formed in a

> religion. The rules, regulations, rituals, and customs cannot be

> called the Absolute Truth, because they vary from religion to

> religion. In Sahaja Yoga, we are supposed to be more discriminating.

> Shri Mataji said She hoped we would not make a religion out of Her

> teachings. But by labelling some of the things Shri Mataji gave

> as 'official' and some other aspects of what Shri Mataji gave

> as 'unofficial' the 'officials' of Sahaja Yoga are managing,

> manipulating, limiting and therefore, in that way, editing Her

> Message.

> >

> > Like Mahesh has done to a certain extent, we all want to work

> together. There does not need to be labels of 'official'

> and 'unofficial' to divide us. Maybe, time and the new generations

> coming up will change things, hopefully, if they are not changed in

> our generation. There is no reason Sahaja Yogis should be divided.

> Remember the " Love " Message that Shri Mataji gave in a recent talk,

> which has not been posted here though, but She talked about the great

> need for LOVE. We don't need 'Official Talk'; we need more real love

> in action, more open communication, more acceptance, more toleration.

> If Sahaja Yogis can't even work together, but have to be

> made 'unofficial' or have to be firstly made 'official', how is Shri

> Mataji's Message ever going to get out there? Everyone needs to work

> together, unofficially, if necessary. 'Unofficial' may be the best

> way, so that there are not so many 'official' restrictions, which

> Shri Mataji Herself never made!

> >

> > If everyone does the right thing like Mahesh did, or at least tried

> to do, then soon the 'officials' would also become 'unofficial' and

> get off their high horses and work for unity instead of trying to

> divide SY from SY, as they are doing.

> >

> > Here then, is that wonderful email. Thanks, Mahesh, for not

> regarding us as 'unofficial' here, just because some 'official'

> Sahaja Yogis have labelled us as such, not that it worries us - but

> it was a nice gesture, anyway. Just as i am sure most Sahaja Yogis

> also strive for, our highest priority is for the kingdom of God.

> >

> > love to all who are working for the kingdom of God on earth,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> > Re: [GeoIslam] Your Mother

> > GeoIslam ; 7alat_al_ummah ;

> > Al-basma ; al_e7saan ;

> > Alfagr-alislamy ; arab-night ;

> > Arab_Q ; asd_al_islam_elmasry2 ;

> > assunnah ; badr_elislam ;

> > bmmi ; bo_3omar2003 ;

> > Cinta_Rasul ; d3wtna ;

> > daar_ul_muslimeen ; DiscoveringIslam ;

> > DiscussionforMuslimsOhio ; dostii ;

> > Elhadidy_NET ; eramuslim ;

> > FriendsMailz ; history_islam ;

> > horras_el3aqedah ; icdncr_ud ;

> > ingatan ; insideISLAM ;

> > Islam-Global_Religion ; Islam-

> Science ;

> > Islam_Muslims@;

> > islam_peace_and_understanding ;

> > islamcarahidupku ; islamic-ebook ;

> > Islamic_circle ; Islamic_dream ;

> > islamic_events ; islamic_liberality ;

> > islamic_professionals ; islamic_ways ;

> > IslamicMinds ; islamicreflections ;

> > IslamIstheTruth ; IT_Jobs_Freshers ;

> > karachians ; London_Muslim ;

> > Lowongan_kerja_untuk_ikhwahfillah ;

> > madinaway ; morrishscienceofamerica ;

> > Muslim_Rose ; MUSLIMS_ARE_COMING ;

> > the_ansars

> > maheshkhatri@

> > Sun, 16 Mar 2008 21:45:25 -0700

> > [sahajayogaToronto] Re: [GeoIslam] Your Mother

> >

> > Hello

> >

> > As you all acknowledge the mother, it is time for all seekers of

> truth to know that the mother referred is none other than her

> holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

> >

> >

> > Muslims, Hindus, Christians and all have to evolve to a higher state

> >

> > " That you have to be born again, that you have to be baptized, that

> you have to become a Pir, that you have to become a Brahmin - all

> these descriptions have come to us from all the great scriptures. It

> is very easy to say that we don't believe in God, we don't believe in

> any Incarnation, we don't believe in Jesus, we don't believe in any

> religion, we don't believe into anything; is very easy to say. Even

> it is easy to say that we believe in them, we believe in God, we

> believe in Christ, we believe in Krishna, Rama, all that. Both things

> are equally the same.

> >

> > When you believe in God you believe in the darkness and ignorance,

> and when you do not believe in Him also you are in ignorance. By

> believing into you close your eyes, accept the faith and go along

> with it. Of course it shows that you are conscious of some Power

> which is beyond. Such people have a great chance. But in the case if

> you go to these extremes in this kind of faith then you start only

> believing in Christ, only believing in Muhammad, only believing in

> Krishna - I mean depending on where you are born. How human beings

> are so narrow-minded?

> >

> > If you are born in England either you will be a Catholic, or a

> Protestant, or maybe one of these witchcraft people. You believe into

> anything because you are localized in a place; there has been some

> identifications because your mother believed into something, because

> your father believed into something, or you paid for it. And this

> faith can become such a blinding effect on people that you develop

> absurd types of groups which call themselves as Christians, Hindus,

> Muslims - whatever you may say - and are extremely, extremely

> exclusive, blind, and fanatic.

> >

> > Today one of the problems of the times of the modern times is

> fanaticism. Now this fanaticism has been growing. The more people try

> to get out of this fanaticism, it grows more. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, Being Born Again

> > May 12, 1980 - Caxton Hall, London, U.K.

> >

> > Links to explore

> >

> > http://www.sahajayoga.org

> > http://www.adishakti.org

> > http://www.al-qiyamah.org/

> >


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Dear Violet and all,


i find this astrological reading to be both significant and uncannilly

precise a quarter century later:


" The T-square formations between Moon - Mars, Venus, Jupiter and

Neptune, indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be hindered

by obstructive activities of evil and negative forces. Also Mataji

might have to steer through conflicting loyalties and aims of some of

her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. But despite all

this, she will find her way to the goal of her life, viz., universal

Self-Realisation! "


It is now obvious that some of Shri Mataji's plans have been hindered

by the obstructive activities of:


i) evil forces like Simon Dicon Montford and company;

ii) conflicting loyalties of SYs between leaders/WCASY/Sir C.P. and

Shri Mataji;

iii) conflicting aims of SYs/leaders to just give self-realization

instead of openly and publicly declaring the Blossom Time as

consistenly and repeatedly done by Her over the decades;

iv) so-called followers who are actually enemies in disguise i.e.,

the negative forces of ii) and iii) within the organization hindering

Her plans to emancipate humanity.


But despite all this, She has found Her way to the goal of her life,

viz., universal Self-Realisation!




http://www.adi-shakti.org/ — Divine Feminine (Hinduism)

http://www.holyspirit-shekinah.org/ — Divine Feminine (Christianity)

www.ruach-elohim.org/ — Divine Feminine (Judaism)

www.ruh-allah.org/ — Divine Feminine (Islam)

http://www.tao-mother.org/ — Divine Feminine (Taoism)

www.prajnaaparamita.org/ — Divine Feminine (Buddhism)

http://www.aykaa-mayee.org/ — Divine Feminine (Sikhism)

http://www.great-spirit-mother.org/ — Divine Feminine (Native)


So everything is alright now. The astrological readings have, except

for the pending final triumph, all come true. Shri Mataji will

eventually succeed in achieving the goal of Her life - universal Self-

realization! All you need to ensure and participate in Her victory is

by distancing and disassociating yourself from all the " obstructive

activities of evil and negative forces " . As i have said many times

before " Do not empower them! "


regards to all,






, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> The latest from Montreal is that their Yuvashakti is bored of, and

> indifferent to, weekly meditations/meetings. The gung-ho spirit of

> the 80s and 90s has waned, and i am talking about the SYSSR elders.

> The chickens, as predicted, are finally coming home to roost folks.


Dear Jagbir and All,


It is not surprising that the Yuvashakti have become bored and

indifferent to weekly meditations/meetings, when they are told

to " just give self-realization " - which means they are not to give

Shri Mataji's Identity, Mission, and Message as well, which is why

the " just " word is employed in this instance. Shri Mataji once told

SYS who were not confident about giving Her Identity, Mission, and

Message, to just give self-realization, until they gained the

confidence to do so! However, that quote has now taken a life of its

own, i.e., it is misused with regard to SYS, who are now all told

to " just give self-realisation " , when they are clearly capable of

doing more, i.e., giving Shri Mataji's Identity, Mission and Message

to the world-at-large! It is no wonder then, that the Yuvashakti feel

disheartened, when from meditations/meetings to meditations/meetings,

the giving of Shri Mataji's Identity, Mission, and Message is not

given any encouragement! What is the point then, of all the



Sahaja Yogis are really due for a big wake up call regarding " enemies

in disguise " who have overtaken Shri Mataji's organisation, and have

prevented SYS from giving Her Identity, Mission, and Message to the

world-at-large! What is worse, is that they have done this right

under the noses of the SYS! And they have done this to the

incarnation of the Adi Shakti's Blossom Time Message, Her

Resurrection Message! The " enemies in disguise " couldn't care less

about that message, which is why SYS are told to " just " give self-

realization! That's why the 'warning bells' should be ringing loud

and clear, for the SYS who are under the 'spell' of these " enemies in

disguise " ! Here is the quote, in which the astrologer makes reference

to these " enemies in disguise " , of Shri Mataji:


" Also Mataji might have to steer through conflicting loyalties and

aims of some of her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. "

(Nirmala Yoga - Jan-Feb 1981)


One might ask: " What exactly, are " so-called followers who are

enemies in disguise " ? " So-called followers " indicates that they look

like followers of Shri Mataji's teachings, but they are not really.

They may look like that outwardly, but are not like that inwardly.

The word " enemies " , indicates there are more than one. Enemies are

the opposite of friends. Enemies of Shri Mataji, would be persons

that at the very least, would not support Her Identity, Mission, and

Message - and at the very most, would go against Her Identity,

Mission, and Message. They would try to prevent Her Identity,

Mission, and Message from being known, which amounts to " destroying

it " . Shri Mataji did warn SYS in the mid-1990's that the scribes and

Pharisees of Jesus's time had all incarnated and come back to Sahaja

Yoga! She told this to a room full of yogis at Sydney Airport! The

term " enemies in disguise " infers that the enemy is " disguising

themselves " . The best way to disguise that a person is an enemy, is

to pretend to be a friend or follower. According to the astrologer,

there are more than one follower of Shri Mataji, who are " enemies in

disguise " .


One might ask: " How would " so-called followers who are enemies in

disguise " do their work? Once any " enemies in disguise " can get

themselves into influential positions, they can change the

organisation of Shri Mataji, of Sahaja Yoga, to suit

themselves. " Enemies in disguise " do not act fairly, because they are

not fair people. They use tactics that are not moral, to get what

they want. They can compromise any leader, who does not remain true

to himself with regards to the truth. If a leader remains true to

himself with regards to the truth, once " enemies in disguise " have

full control of the organisation and the media, they can easily

concoct and assign a false misdemeanor against that leader or any

other SY, for that matter, for all SYS to read about, even if it is a

lie. The only practical way to fight " enemies in disguise " once they

have control of an organisation, is to expose their misdeeds, done

against Shri Mataji, and against SYS. When their actions are exposed,

they lose their credibility, and when they lose their credibility,

they also lose their power over others.


regards to all,






Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's Astrology Chart


" MATAJI was born at Nagpur at 12.09 p.m., I.S.T. (noon time) on 21st

March 1923. At this moment, taking into consideration the local time

of Nagpur, the Sun was exactly on the Meridian in full glory, and

being in the zero degree of Aries or the 30th degree of Pisces, the

Sun in that position made a Rajayoga (i.e. an aspect for leadership

and prominence in life), which has endowed her with the Sun's glamour

and power.


Her rising sign is Cancer and the Ascendent is in the 8th degree. The

Ascendant in Cancer makes her a Mother of the Universe, a Jaganmata,

as the Ascendant is strongly aspected by five planets, Jupiter,

Mercury, Uranus, Mars and the Moon, while it is occupied by Pluto,

which itself forms grand trines with three of the five planets and

sextiles with the other two. Her spiritual powers arise mainly

from this combination of aspects in the angles of the chart, also,

the position of the planet of spiritual life viz. Neptune in the

second house indicates that her wealth accumulation is spiritual. It

is interesting to note that the current position of Neptune in the

transit is near the cusp of the sixth house. This shows that her main

work in the years to come will be solely in this field.


The Lord of the Ascendant Moon, is exalted in Taurus strongly posited

in the 11th house, conjunct Mars, which is Lakshmi-Yoga and invest

her with divinity. She is thus the incarnation of Mahalaxmi. She is

destined to live richly like a Goddess. Her aristocratic origin is

further indicated by the exalted Saturn in the 4th house, who being

the lord of the 7th house (Capricorn) has brought her into

matrimonial union with an eminent official. This same Saturn makes for

vairagya, i.e. distaste for worldly life and renunciation.


Jupiter strongly aspected in the 5th house, makes her a Mother-

Teacher and as he is trined by three powerful planets and squared by

two and opposed by two, Mataji will have a most eventful life as a

World Teacher. It will all bring a great renown, an enormous

following all over the world, a lot of conflict with evil.


Saturn, strong in the 4th house, gives much longevity, great

distinction towards the end of life, a lot of power both spiritual

and temporal, although it inclines her to some solitude also in old



International fame is indicated by the presence of a strong Uranus in

the 9th house, trined by Jupiter, Pluto and sextiled by Mars and

Moon. Also, the Mercury-Uranus conjunction gives Mataji great

eloquence and invincibility as a debater.


The T-square formations between Moon - Mars, Venus, Jupiter and

Neptune, indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be hindered

by obstructive activities of evil and negative forces. Also Mataji

might have to steer through conflicting loyalties and aims of some of

her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. But despite all

this, she will find her way to the goal of her life, viz., universal



Altogether, a great and powerful chart of a truly Divine personality. "


Nirmala Yoga - Jan-Feb 1981




> Dear Violet and all,


> It will all work out in future as SYs begin to realize for

themselves > the truth of the matter. Mahesh has realized that

earlier than the majority. Other SYs are also finding out the truth

as more of them are now also visiting http://sahajayoga-



> The SY management/leaders want SYs to only visit kosher SY sites. It

> is just like telling SYs going to Paris not to visit the Eiffel

Tower or any of their liver-heating cafes. French perfumes and

vineyards are taboo too. (i have a long list of prohibitions but

shall refrain from mentioning as they are too mundane and depressing

for those free from their SY minders.)


> The latest from Montreal is that their Yuvashakti is bored of, and

> indifferent to, weekly meditations/meetings. The gung-ho spirit of

> the 80s and 90s has waned, and i am talking about the SYSSR elders.

> The chickens, as predicted, are finally coming home to roost folks.


> regards to all,


> jagbir



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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> So everything is alright now. The astrological readings have, except

> for the pending final triumph, all come true. Shri Mataji will

> eventually succeed in achieving the goal of Her life - universal

> Self-realization! All you need to ensure and participate in Her

> victory is by distancing and disassociating yourself from all the

> " obstructive activities of evil and negative forces " . As i have said

> many times before " Do not empower them! "


Dear Jagbir and All,


There is no doubt that the astrological readings have come true. Neither is

there any doubt that the pending final triumph, will come true, i.e., that Shri

Mataji will eventually succeed in achieving the goal of Her life of universal

Self-realization! That said, universal Self-realization entails much more than

kundalini raising efforts only. It entails explaining to the seekers of the

Truth, what the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit means in terms of their own

spiritual language and culture. That way they will understand and value it, as

it is their resurrection, which Shri Mataji, Herself, has always explained very



i would like to add one more thing with reference to Shri Mataji's

" enemies in disguise " that has struck me, of late. It's that i am now

inclined to believe that there's been a deliberate orchestration and conspiracy

of silence by Shri Mataji's " enemies in disguise " , who must have come to the

organisation of SY with the express purpose of destroying Shri Mataji's

Identity, Mission, and Message. And being the " enemies in disguise " that they

are, they will probably also have no qualms of conscience, in using the

organisation Shri Mataji created, for their own personal advantage of power,

money, ambition, and etc. The extent of the organisational subversion of Shri

Mataji's Identity, Mission and Message could surely not have been accidental?!

It must have been deliberately and cleverly orchestrated over time, so as not to

alert the genuine followers of Shri Mataji, who did have Her best interests at

heart?! i understand even more clearly now, why Jagbir keeps saying: " Do not

empower them! "


Here are some powerful reminders why we should not empower them!:












regards to all,





> Dear Violet and all,


> i find this astrological reading to be both significant and uncannilly

> precise a quarter century later:


> " The T-square formations between Moon - Mars, Venus, Jupiter and

> Neptune, indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be hindered

> by obstructive activities of evil and negative forces. Also Mataji

> might have to steer through conflicting loyalties and aims of some of

> her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. But despite all

> this, she will find her way to the goal of her life, viz., universal

> Self-Realisation! "


> It is now obvious that some of Shri Mataji's plans have been hindered

> by the obstructive activities of:


> i) evil forces like Simon Dicon Montford and company;

> ii) conflicting loyalties of SYs between leaders/WCASY/Sir C.P. and

> Shri Mataji;

> iii) conflicting aims of SYs/leaders to just give self-realization

> instead of openly and publicly declaring the Blossom Time as

> consistenly and repeatedly done by Her over the decades;

> iv) so-called followers who are actually enemies in disguise i.e.,

> the negative forces of ii) and iii) within the organization hindering

> Her plans to emancipate humanity.


> But despite all this, She has found Her way to the goal of her life,

> viz., universal Self-Realisation!


> http://www.adishakti.org/

> http://www.al-qiyamah.org/

> http://www.adi-shakti.org/ — Divine Feminine (Hinduism)

> http://www.holyspirit-shekinah.org/ — Divine Feminine (Christianity)

> www.ruach-elohim.org/ — Divine Feminine (Judaism)

> www.ruh-allah.org/ — Divine Feminine (Islam)

> http://www.tao-mother.org/ — Divine Feminine (Taoism)

> www.prajnaaparamita.org/ — Divine Feminine (Buddhism)

> http://www.aykaa-mayee.org/ — Divine Feminine (Sikhism)

> http://www.great-spirit-mother.org/ — Divine Feminine (Native)


> So everything is alright now. The astrological readings have, except

> for the pending final triumph, all come true. Shri Mataji will

> eventually succeed in achieving the goal of Her life - universal Self-

> realization! All you need to ensure and participate in Her victory is

> by distancing and disassociating yourself from all the " obstructive

> activities of evil and negative forces " . As i have said many times

> before " Do not empower them! "


> regards to all,



> jagbir



> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:


> > The latest from Montreal is that their Yuvashakti is bored of, and

> > indifferent to, weekly meditations/meetings. The gung-ho spirit of

> > the 80s and 90s has waned, and i am talking about the SYSSR elders.

> > The chickens, as predicted, are finally coming home to roost folks.


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> It is not surprising that the Yuvashakti have become bored and

> indifferent to weekly meditations/meetings, when they are told

> to " just give self-realization " - which means they are not to give

> Shri Mataji's Identity, Mission, and Message as well, which is why

> the " just " word is employed in this instance. Shri Mataji once told

> SYS who were not confident about giving Her Identity, Mission, and

> Message, to just give self-realization, until they gained the

> confidence to do so! However, that quote has now taken a life of its

> own, i.e., it is misused with regard to SYS, who are now all told

> to " just give self-realisation " , when they are clearly capable of

> doing more, i.e., giving Shri Mataji's Identity, Mission and Message

> to the world-at-large! It is no wonder then, that the Yuvashakti feel

> disheartened, when from meditations/meetings to meditations/meetings,

> the giving of Shri Mataji's Identity, Mission, and Message is not

> given any encouragement! What is the point then, of all the

> meditations/meetings?


> Sahaja Yogis are really due for a big wake up call regarding " enemies

> in disguise " who have overtaken Shri Mataji's organisation, and have

> prevented SYS from giving Her Identity, Mission, and Message to the

> world-at-large! What is worse, is that they have done this right

> under the noses of the SYS! And they have done this to the

> incarnation of the Adi Shakti's Blossom Time Message, Her

> Resurrection Message! The " enemies in disguise " couldn't care less

> about that message, which is why SYS are told to " just " give self-

> realization! That's why the 'warning bells' should be ringing loud

> and clear, for the SYS who are under the 'spell' of these " enemies in

> disguise " ! Here is the quote, in which the astrologer makes reference

> to these " enemies in disguise " , of Shri Mataji:


> " Also Mataji might have to steer through conflicting loyalties and

> aims of some of her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. "

> (Nirmala Yoga - Jan-Feb 1981)


> One might ask: " What exactly, are " so-called followers who are

> enemies in disguise " ? " So-called followers " indicates that they look

> like followers of Shri Mataji's teachings, but they are not really.

> They may look like that outwardly, but are not like that inwardly.

> The word " enemies " , indicates there are more than one. Enemies are

> the opposite of friends. Enemies of Shri Mataji, would be persons

> that at the very least, would not support Her Identity, Mission, and

> Message - and at the very most, would go against Her Identity,

> Mission, and Message. They would try to prevent Her Identity,

> Mission, and Message from being known, which amounts to " destroying

> it " . Shri Mataji did warn SYS in the mid-1990's that the scribes and

> Pharisees of Jesus's time had all incarnated and come back to Sahaja

> Yoga! She told this to a room full of yogis at Sydney Airport! The

> term " enemies in disguise " infers that the enemy is " disguising

> themselves " . The best way to disguise that a person is an enemy, is

> to pretend to be a friend or follower. According to the astrologer,

> there are more than one follower of Shri Mataji, who are " enemies in

> disguise " .


> One might ask: " How would " so-called followers who are enemies in

> disguise " do their work? Once any " enemies in disguise " can get

> themselves into influential positions, they can change the

> organisation of Shri Mataji, of Sahaja Yoga, to suit

> themselves. " Enemies in disguise " do not act fairly, because they are

> not fair people. They use tactics that are not moral, to get what

> they want. They can compromise any leader, who does not remain true

> to himself with regards to the truth. If a leader remains true to

> himself with regards to the truth, once " enemies in disguise " have

> full control of the organisation and the media, they can easily

> concoct and assign a false misdemeanor against that leader or any

> other SY, for that matter, for all SYS to read about, even if it is a

> lie. The only practical way to fight " enemies in disguise " once they

> have control of an organisation, is to expose their misdeeds, done

> against Shri Mataji, and against SYS. When their actions are exposed,

> they lose their credibility, and when they lose their credibility,

> they also lose their power over others.


> regards to all,


> violet




> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's Astrology Chart


> " MATAJI was born at Nagpur at 12.09 p.m., I.S.T. (noon time) on 21st

> March 1923. At this moment, taking into consideration the local time

> of Nagpur, the Sun was exactly on the Meridian in full glory, and

> being in the zero degree of Aries or the 30th degree of Pisces, the

> Sun in that position made a Rajayoga (i.e. an aspect for leadership

> and prominence in life), which has endowed her with the Sun's glamour

> and power.


> Her rising sign is Cancer and the Ascendent is in the 8th degree. The

> Ascendant in Cancer makes her a Mother of the Universe, a Jaganmata,

> as the Ascendant is strongly aspected by five planets, Jupiter,

> Mercury, Uranus, Mars and the Moon, while it is occupied by Pluto,

> which itself forms grand trines with three of the five planets and

> sextiles with the other two. Her spiritual powers arise mainly

> from this combination of aspects in the angles of the chart, also,

> the position of the planet of spiritual life viz. Neptune in the

> second house indicates that her wealth accumulation is spiritual. It

> is interesting to note that the current position of Neptune in the

> transit is near the cusp of the sixth house. This shows that her main

> work in the years to come will be solely in this field.


> The Lord of the Ascendant Moon, is exalted in Taurus strongly posited

> in the 11th house, conjunct Mars, which is Lakshmi-Yoga and invest

> her with divinity. She is thus the incarnation of Mahalaxmi. She is

> destined to live richly like a Goddess. Her aristocratic origin is

> further indicated by the exalted Saturn in the 4th house, who being

> the lord of the 7th house (Capricorn) has brought her into

> matrimonial union with an eminent official. This same Saturn makes for

> vairagya, i.e. distaste for worldly life and renunciation.


> Jupiter strongly aspected in the 5th house, makes her a Mother-

> Teacher and as he is trined by three powerful planets and squared by

> two and opposed by two, Mataji will have a most eventful life as a

> World Teacher. It will all bring a great renown, an enormous

> following all over the world, a lot of conflict with evil.


> Saturn, strong in the 4th house, gives much longevity, great

> distinction towards the end of life, a lot of power both spiritual

> and temporal, although it inclines her to some solitude also in old

> age.


> International fame is indicated by the presence of a strong Uranus in

> the 9th house, trined by Jupiter, Pluto and sextiled by Mars and

> Moon. Also, the Mercury-Uranus conjunction gives Mataji great

> eloquence and invincibility as a debater.


> The T-square formations between Moon - Mars, Venus, Jupiter and

> Neptune, indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be hindered

> by obstructive activities of evil and negative forces. Also Mataji

> might have to steer through conflicting loyalties and aims of some of

> her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. But despite all

> this, she will find her way to the goal of her life, viz., universal

> Self-Realisation!


> Altogether, a great and powerful chart of a truly Divine personality. "


> Nirmala Yoga - Jan-Feb 1981




> > Dear Violet and all,

> >

> > It will all work out in future as SYs begin to realize for

> themselves > the truth of the matter. Mahesh has realized that

> earlier than the majority. Other SYs are also finding out the truth

> as more of them are now also visiting http://sahajayoga-

> shrimataji.org/.

> >

> > The SY management/leaders want SYs to only visit kosher SY sites. It

> > is just like telling SYs going to Paris not to visit the Eiffel

> Tower or any of their liver-heating cafes. French perfumes and

> vineyards are taboo too. (i have a long list of prohibitions but

> shall refrain from mentioning as they are too mundane and depressing

> for those free from their SY minders.)

> >

> > The latest from Montreal is that their Yuvashakti is bored of, and

> > indifferent to, weekly meditations/meetings. The gung-ho spirit of

> > the 80s and 90s has waned, and i am talking about the SYSSR elders.

> > The chickens, as predicted, are finally coming home to roost folks.

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >


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