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More importantly, he (Jesus) expects a scribe not to reject the instruction about the Kingdom of Heaven as spurious and be content merely with the old.

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> " This mission of the Paraclete, like that of Jesus Himself, is two-

> sided; for to the world which has rejected Christ it brings

> judgement... This cannot take place until Jesus has been exalted

> (17:7). " Dictionary of the Bible...


> But we will overcome those against us, even if it is the entire SY

> organization itself. The Last Judgment CANNOT take place until Jesus

> has been exalted. The Paraclete has done just that for more than

> three decades. We must sustain Her work without any fear and make

> sure the rest of humanity realizes it is the promised Blossom Time.

> There is no question that the Paraclete and Lord Jesus will triumph.



More importantly, he expects a scribe not to reject the instruction

about the Kingdom of Heaven as spurious and be content merely with

the " old. "



Matt 13:44-46 (Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl)


44 " The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a

man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that

he has and buys that field. 45 " Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like

a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of

great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.


Jesus tells two thematically-related parables to describe what is

required of the one who hears about the Kingdom of Heaven. First, he

says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a valuable treasure in a

field that must be procured at any cost to the purchaser. (In the

ancient world, coins and other non-perishable valuables were often

buried underground for safekeeping.) Second, he compares the Kingdom

of Heaven to a valuable pearl that is worth more than anything a

merchant already possesses and must be procured at any cost to the

merchant. The response required of the one who hears about the

Kingdom of Heaven is the willingness to to procure entry into it at

all costs, since it is valuable beyond all description.


1.2.4. Matt 13:51-52 Parable of New and Old Treasures


51 " Have you understood all this? " They said to him, " Yes. " 52 And he

said to them, " Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the

Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings out of his

treasure what is new and what is old. "


In a saying found only in Matthew, Jesus compares the scribe who

receives instruction in the Kingdom of Heaven to a man who brings out

of his storehouse both old and new goods. What is in the storehouse

may be food, clothing or other goods. The scribe is a man who is

knowledgable in the scriptures, having figuratively a " storehouse " of

knowledge. He knows what God has done in the past and has promised to

do in the future. Jesus' point is that the Kingdom of Heaven, the

realization of eschatological salvation, stands in continuity with

previous stages of salvation history, in no way nullifying them, but

being anticipated by them. The " old " represents what the scribe knows

about the previous stages of salvation history, whereas the " new " is

what he has learned about the present fulfilment of the

eschatological promises. Jesus expects the scribe not to miss the

salvation-historical significance of the present time when the

Kingdom is beginning to be manifested, but to incorporate it into

the " old " of what he already knows. More importantly, he expects a

scribe not to reject the instruction about the Kingdom of Heaven as

spurious and be content merely with the " old. "





Main Entry: spurious

1: of illegitimate birth : bastard

2: outwardly similar or corresponding to something without having its

genuine qualities : false <the spurious eminence of the pop celebrity>

3 a: of falsified or erroneously attributed origin : forged b: of a

deceitful nature or quality


Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

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