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Early Christian Gnostics KNEW Sahaja Yoga!

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Dear All,


In the passage below, Shri Mataji makes it clear that Sahaja Yoga is not a new

thing, and that early Christian Gnostics KNEW Sahaja Yoga. This should awaken us

to the fact that Sahaja Yoga is not exclusive to any " organisation " of Sahaja

Yoga. Please note the great importance, the emphasis, that Shri Mataji places on

the words KNOW and KNEW, in these extracts from the appended:


" Sahaja Yoga is not a new thing. And it has been expressed in all the scriptures

that unless you become the Spirit, unless and until you are reborn, you cannot

KNOW the religion. "


" Early Christians also were called Gnostics because they KNEW. It means to KNOW

on your central nervous system - not mentally. "


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Synopsis of Felicitation Ceremony Talk, Birthday

Puja, Delhi, India - 21 March, 1992)



So folks, we really need to get over this Sahaj conditioning that somehow Sahaja

Yoga can possibly be restricted to an exclusive organisation presided over by

new, but 'old' priests. If that's what Sahaja Yoga " organisation " has become, it

was never meant to become that! Sahaja Yoga is the KNOWLEDGE that is confirmed

on our very subtle system itself! It is the inner KNOWING, the Gnosis, that also

the early Gnostic Christians KNEW!


So............ Sahaja Yoga never was, or ever could be, restricted to an

exclusive " organisation " as evidenced by the abovementioned quotes from Shri

Mataji. Also, there is no such thing as recruiting people to fill up membership

lists in an exclusive " organisation " for the benefit of the new, but 'old'

priests, because Sahaja Yogis are everywhere that they are " born " of the " Spirit

within " . That's where they are!


Jesus described the early Christian gnostics, the Sahaja Yogis, as the SALT of

the earth. He talked about the necessity for them to shine their LIGHT, which

meant they were to spread their enlightenment. According to Shri Mataji, as soon

as [Apostle] Paul took over, Christ's disciples ran away, and when Thomas came

to India, he hid all the knowledge about reality in a jar in Egypt. Shri Mataji

says that this came about, because Thomas and other disciples would have been

persecuted by the people who were interested in " organizing " religion. We find

today, that the same thing has happened in " organization " Sahaja Yoga; the same

scenario has been repeated, all over again. But the early gnostic Christians had

their UNION with the Divine. In Shri Mataji's talk below, She explains that

early Christian Gnosticism was Sahaja Yoga!







Whether you talk about the form or the formless, it is just talk. If you only

talk about the flowers, you don't get the honey. If you just talk about the

honey, you still don't get the honey! Talks are just talks; they are just words.

In Sanskrit, Shri Adi Shankaracharya called this 'Shabda Jalam' - the web of

words. How does one go beyond the web of words? Of course, Kundalini awakening

is not a new thing in this country! Sahaja Yoga also, is not a new thing! And it

[Kundalini awakening and Sahaja Yoga] has been expressed in all the scriptures;

that unless you become the Spirit, unless and until you are reborn, you cannot

KNOW the religion! That doesn't mean you know it by your efforts, [i.e.]

mentally whereby everybody knows what their religion or philosophy is.


Recently it was shocking to hear that many Armenians killed Azerbaijans just

because they were Muslims, but before going to kill them, they used to read the

Bible. How can it be? Just imagine, " Christians " doing that! Islam is one of the

best religions, but nobody has understood what Mohammed Sahib has said - that

you have to KNOW about it. KNOW comes from the Sanskrit word, GNA.


Early Christians also were called GNOSTICS because they KNEW. It means to KNOW

on your central nervous system; not mentally. That's why as soon as [Apostle]

Paul took over, Christ's disciples ran away, and when Thomas came to India he

hid all the knowledge about reality in a jar in Egypt! This was because he would

have been persecuted by people who were interested in " organizing " religion, in

making money out of it. As a result of all this nonsense, people said: 'Better

not talk of religion. In the name of religion they murder and kill.' How can

that be a religious act? Human beings can make a mess of everything! That does

not mean there is no divinity or reality.


In the past, very few people got realization. Raja Janaka gave realization to

only one person, Nachiketa. It was a very slow process. One Guru gave

realization to only one disciple. Then in the 12th century, Gynaneshwar

requested his guru to at least allow him to write about it in simple language.

In his book, 'Gynaneshwari', he wrote about the Kundalini in the 6th chapter.


even though it was written in the local language.


It [Kundalini and Sahaja Yoga] has also been written about 14,000 years ago, in

Sanskrit, by Markandeya. In the 6th century, Adi Shankaracharya also wrote about

it. In the villages of Maharashtra, they all sing Namdev's poem, saying: " O

Mother, give me the Yoga, give me the connection with the Divine power! " For

ages they have been singing it, yet not KNOWING what they are singing about!

Then the development came through Guru Nanak, Kabirdas, Ramdas Swami and

Tukaram. All these great saints incarnated in this country, especially Kabirdas

and Nanak Sahib, and [they] very clearly talked about Kundalini.


But still, people misunderstood it, because there was no way to KNOW it. So in

these modern times, I thought that 'whatever is the discovery for " one " person,

has to be for " the masses " - that people should KNOW about it!' Only " one "

person KNOWING on the central nervous system couldn't be accepted and this is

why these people were crucified and poisoned. When they died, then of course

they built temples in their names, but while they lived nobody accepted them.


Somehow or another, i have been able to manage a method whereby a person can

raise the Kundalini of the masses, so that when the Kundalini rises, She

connects you to this all pervading power. This all pervading power does all the

living work! Look at these flowers, which we take for granted! Look at our eye!

It's a great work of a very delicate camera. What about your brain, which is

another great computer, already programmed! But we just accept it, not wanting

to KNOW how it works. All these living processes, we just accept 'blind-folded'

and we are not at all concerned to KNOW how these flowers have come from out of

the Mother Earth, how their heights are maintained and how their colors are

reproduced from a tiny seed.


But this all pervading power is pure love! That pure love, which is the energy

that does all these beautiful delicate things! Once you are connected with that,

your Spirit gets enlightened. It enlightens your attention. As your attention

gets enlightened, you become a different personality, altogether. First of all,

you become collectively conscious. This means that you KNOW about others and

their subtle centers, as you also KNOW about your own centers, on your finger

tips. You KNOW your problems, and the problems of others. These centers are the

ones, which are the foundation of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

being; when you put these centers right, you are alright.


In Delhi, there are doctors who have got their M.D. in cures of Sahaja Yoga.

Many diseases which are supposed to be incurable can be easily cured in Sahaja

Yoga, because when the Kundalini passes through these six centers, She

enlightens, nourishes and integrates those centers. It's not like one part of

the body is treated and another is neglected; but in totality, you are alright;

She [the Kundalini] puts you in the central path of balance. With this light you

become a wise person, because you can empty your mind at any time. This is

called thought-less AWARENESS. At that time you become absolutely peaceful. When

this connection is well-established, then you become full of doubtless

awareness, which means you become so powerful that you can give realization to

others, cure people, and talk about Sahaja Yoga as YOUR OWN KNOWLEDGE. I have

given guidance, whenever questions have been asked about things, but much has

come FROM WITHIN and the ENLIGHTENMENT [iTSELF] has told them, that these

scriptures [of all the religions] are very different, from the way that people

are following them. They can now SEE, the enlightenment of these great souls,

who came on this earth to help us.


So in the evolutionary process, we are just standing at the edge of our last

breakthrough, and that is our SELF-REALISATION and the whole world has to get

it! I don't know whether the whole world will get it or not, but the way it's

moving in Sahaja Yoga, I feel that lots of people in my lifetime alone, will get

realization! Not only that, but they will form that beautiful society which

doesn't fight, doesn't have violence, doesn't cheat, is not ambitious, doesn't

quarrel, doesn't talk ill of others and doesn't cut each others' throats; these

ideas don't even come come into their heads! They are extremely moral; they

don't look at other women, do not trouble their children and are the most

law-abiding people, automatically! I don't have to tell them: 'Don't do this, or

that'. All their bad habits drop out. A boy who came to Shri Mataji who was a

drug addict in a half coma state gave up drugs completely the next morning.

Nowadays they are appointing the military to fight drugs, they are trying

everything. No need! Just awaken them! In awakening, in that little light in

which you can see for yourself what is wrong with you, you also have the power

to throw that away, in no time at all.


There are so many doctors in Delhi who have done wonders and have taken up

Sahaja Yoga as a scientific system of the Divine and they have brought it down

to the level of medical science.


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Synopsis of Felicitation Ceremony Talk, Birthday

Puja, Delhi, India - 21 March, 1992)

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