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Knowledge of Devi that liberates

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, " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org



> i always have believed that the best and bravest of Her devotees

> are yet to be awakened. For many years i have been unable to

> overcome this awareness despite some senior SYs continue saying

> that those who are supposed to come into Sahaja Yoga are already

> Her devotees. But i know that is not the case and am convinced by

> this inner awareness that the best days of the Blossom Times are

> yet to come.



Dear Jagbir and All,


i am glad you brought up this point. i have also heard Shri Mataji say that " all

that were supposed to come to Sahaja Yoga, have come to Sahaja Yoga " . i believe

She was meaning that all the SYs that were supposed to come to Sahaja Yoga to

help Her get Sahaja Yoga 'off the ground', had come. The two words: " supposed

to " strongly indicate that there was a prior arrangement/agreement. Shri Mataji

says that all the details had been planned in advance for Her Advent, down to

the finest detail. That a required number of devotees work together to help Shri

Mataji achieve Her Goal of Universal Self-Realisation, was a sheer necessity,

given the sheer scope of the work. That would also be why we were called by Her

in various ways. i recall that She called you in a very dramatic way!


While we're on this subject, Shri Mataji told us that as the 'first ones', we

would be held in great esteem and love by subsequent generations, and

historically, too. Of course, Shri Mataji saying this, made us feel somewhat

'elite' - but it is only an 'eliteness' in the sense of being the 'first ones'.

As far as 'spiritual eliteness' is concerned, Shri Mataji told us that the later

yogis would be even 'greater yogis' than we were. So Jagbir, when you say that:

" i always have believed that the best and bravest of Her devotees are yet to be

awakened " , this is also what Shri Mataji told us. She said the later ones would

be greater 'spiritually' than the earlier ones. The earlier ones had the job of

forging and paving the way, for the later, greater ones to do an even greater

job. It kind of makes sense.


i have to say that as blessed as we have been who have seen Shri Mataji in Her

physical or Saakar Form, those who come after us, who will only be able to see

Her in the Formless, Nirakar Form; they will be more blessed in a way, because

they will quickly recognise Her as their 'Very Own Self'. Although Shri Mataji's

devotees have intellectually learned about that, many still do not comprehend

it. That's why those coming later, will be greater, and more blessed. Shri Jesus

expressed these same sentiments:


" Thomas answered and said to Him, " My Lord and my god! " Jesus said to him,

" Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see,

and yet believed. " (John 20:28-29)


In conclusion, i am appending a stunning talk by Shri Mataji, which i am sure

everyone will enjoy!


regards to all,





The Knowledge of the Devi that liberates...


" As I'm facing you today - you have to face the others; you have to face the

people. Dedication doesn't mean that you 'don't talk' of Sahaja Yoga. Many

people think that keeping silent is the way you are dedicating. Only in

meditation you should be [silent]. But you still have to get out of that

[and]... Tell all the nations and tell all the people all over, the great

message that the time of Resurrection is here. " Now, at This Time " . And you are

all capable of doing it. If somebody tries to sneer at you for that, try to say

things with understanding, [with] wisdom...


Now, the name of your Mother is very powerful. You know that is the most

powerful name, more [so] than all other names - the most powerful mantra. But

you must know how to take it. With that complete dedication, you have to take

that name! Not like any other name...


So be prepared for the second phase. You are in the front. It is very little

time I need. But I really need people with steadfast wisdom and dedication.

Steadfast. Even for a second, it should not go [from] this side [to] that side.

Then we can progress fast; we can go ahead to fight the battle! Perhaps you are

aware now, of the subtleties of the negativities, how they use their power to

destroy God's work - of course, they are limited - and how you have to be alert,

equipped, and dedicated. This, I can only talk to you (about]; I cannot say it

to the people who come to Caxton Hall. Some of them are 'half-baked', some of

them are absolutely new and naive, and some of them are absolutely 'third rate'.

But here, as you are before me today, I want to tell you very frankly, as

Krishna has told only to Arjuna:


" Sarva dharmanam parityajya, mamekam sharanam Vraja "


There is no other way out. 'Vraja' means the one who is 'twice-born', like a

solid, solid personality. When you are 'solid', then you must dedicate. When you

are 'perfected', then you must dedicate....


All these things are to be understood after realisation, and after maturity.

Before that it is not possible. That is why for the last eight years, I did not

say these things to you. I was on very patronising [i.e., Shri Mataji is saying

that She was being like a patron] and sweet terms with you. And always, I made

you feel that you are obliging me. It is no obligation.


Beyond all these conceptions you have become your Self, now ready, to be

responsible, to be what you are made for. Like the ship is built, is brought to

the sea, tried, and found out to be sea-worthy to sail out now, into the sea. So

this is the second phase, where you have to sail out, when you know everything

about the ship, everything about the sea. With complete freedom and wisdom, you

have to sail now. Not afraid of any storms or any gales or any typhoons because

now you all know. Your job is to cross through. May God bless you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cowley Manor Seminar, 31-7-82




Knowledge of Devi that Liberates


" jagbir singh "

Sat May 22, 2004 7:46 pm

Knowledge of Devi that Liberates


shriadishakti , " jagbir singh " wrote:


> i always have believed that the best and bravest of Her devotees

> are yet to be awakened. For many years i have been unable to

> overcome this awareness despite some senior SYs continue saying

> that those who are supposed to come into Sahaja Yoga are already

> Her devotees. But i know that is not the case and am convinced by

> this inner awareness that the best days of the Blossom Times are

> yet to come.


> Shri Mataji promised that Sahaja Yoga will be established before

> She leaves. i believe that She has begun the shift from Her

> temporary, external being to that of Her eternal, inner Self. As

> She ages we SYs should not only learn to meditate on Her in our

> Sahasraras but also seek guidance from within. This will take time

> and effort but sooner or later we will overcome any conditioning.


> Over the next two years or so i will post proof of what the Adi

> Shakti is within, how Shri Lalita operates and why the Maha-Devi is

> Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent - the Shakti. Future

> generations, free from all the present-day problems and subtle

> system pettiness, will advance to great heights. That is why i am

> sure that the best of the Blossom Time is yet to come....


> However, there is one paramount and overriding fact that all must

> always remember in times of doubt. All of you only know from your

> collectives about the physical Shri Mataji who lives in Cabella,

> Italy. i am now telling you about the eternal Adi Shakti, the Maha-

> Devi, Shri Lalita, the Shakti of All who resides in the Sahasraras

> of all beings. The difference between the two is that of heaven and

> earth, even if they are One and the Same.


> New seekers and SYs may express doubts about Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi because of incompetence on the part of those chosen to uphold

> Her divinity and message. But under no circumstances will the same

> ineptitude be allowed to happen to the Shakti within. She will

> triumph with the help of those willing to stand up for Truth, as

> they had done over countless births. This forum awakens them again

> to rise to the Call of the Conch whose sound they have always

> responded faithfully time and again over countless births!



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