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According to Shri Mataji our true nature--Spirit--is ... (a field of pure consciousness)

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" Innately, within us, resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten

you, to give peace, the bliss and the joy of our being. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" But when you becomes the Spirit, the Spirit, being the collective

consciousness itself' is the reality, the concept becomes your

awareness. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" One has to know what is the ultimate goal of our life. The ultimate

goal of our evolution is to become the Spirit, which is the

reflection of God Almighty in our heart. That is self identity and

also self knowledge. Also, one becomes one with the all pervading

Divine power of love. Our awareness is enlightened by the Spirit and

Divine vibrations start flowing through our central nervous system

enlightening our being. We also feel the cool breeze of the Holy

Ghost, which is the all pervading power of Divine love, coming out of

our fontanelle bone area as well as flowing through our finger tips

and our hands. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every

human being and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the

reflection of God Almighty, while the Kundalini is the reflection of

the power of God, of His desire which is the Primordial Mother, or

you can call it Adi Shakti, Holy Ghost or Athena. So the Kundalini is

the reflection of the Holy Ghost, while the Spirit is the reflection

of God Almighty. The all-pervading power of love is the power of the

Primordial Mother, which creates and evolves, and does all the living

work. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" You are yourself and you must see yourself as your Self, as your

Spirit. And Spirit is a Universal Being, is the innocence, is the

virgin within you. This body is a palace and it is the House of God.

Within it God kept the Infinite Flame. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Atma is the reflection of Paramatma in our heart. This reflection is

like the sun in water. Although reflection of the sun is in the

water, he is away in the sky and not in the water. Similarly, Atma is

as much as it is seen, it is beyond all that and not limited by it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" The Atma (Spirit) resides inside this heart and after Sahaja Yoga

its light spreads within us in seven layers. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" God is no more a concept, it is the reality, the joy and

happiness of your Spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" The representatives of Sadashiva and Adi Shakti in us are the Atma

and the Kundalini. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" The nature of the Spirit is that it is an universal being within

every individual. As there is one God Almighty His reflection on

every human heart is the same, but the reflection of the Spirit

varies because of the different types of reflecters. When this

Spirit, which is the source of joy and truth, is connected through

the Kundalini the human attention becomes enlightened. Thus one knows

the absolute truth on our central nervous system and becomes a joyous

collective being. The spirit is reflected in the heart but the seat

of God Almighty is above the fontanel bone area, above the apex of

the head. "





" Kundalini is our Mother, we are Her only children and She has been

with us through all our lives just waiting for the moment of

fulfilment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" It is the Divine love and grace of God which has made you a human

being and it is His grace which is going to make you a supreme human

being in Sahaja Yoga. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Spirit is the only thing that is at the center, and at the periphery

if you look at things, they look as if they are separate and

different. But if you can approach somehow into that state where your

Spirit resides, you will be amazed to see that everything integrates,

everything coordinates, and there is no difference. Say, in Mohammed

Sahib, Dattatreya, Raja Janaka or Shirdi Sai Nath — there is no

difference in their principle if you can just get your Spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Until you are able to understand the meaning of the " Self " , the

physical body would remain imperfect and would be unable to verify

the Truth. But once the physical instrument is connected with Truth,

you are able to verify the Truth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Until the spirit is awakened, no religion can be absorbed or

established within us. It just cannot be imbibed. It remains on the

outside and when it is on the outside it moves away from a balance.

People either become power oriented or money oriented. They do not

move toward the spirit, they are not spirit oriented. When the light

of the spirit comes, then at once human beings discover this (self)

principle established within. For this, human beings don't have to

make any effort. Spontaneously! Sahaj! Sahaja Samadhi Lago. This

feeling comes in a very sahaj way to human beings.... When you accept

one Vishwa Dharma, in that all religions are there and to respect all

religions is wisdom, is discretion. And to respect all the

incarnations, and all the saints, visionaries is not just verbal or

intellectual but is established within us spontaneously with the

light of the spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" When you become one with the Spirit all your problems will be

solved. A realized person never talks in first person. He becomes

separate from himself, leaving aside his desires, his materialistic

ideas. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" In Sahaja Yoga, you have to understand one simple thing, that you

are the Spirit and whatever is not the Spirit is not yourself. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" The object of Sahaja Yoga is basically to become and experience the

spiritual Self. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





Now as you know, the Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty. So

when the spirit in you starts reflecting itself in its full beauty,

then you become the giver. You are no more a person who has to take

away, you just become the giver, you are so fulfilled.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" In this light of love, you love yourself in the right way and you

give up all that is wrong, all that is immoral. This love is eternal,

is very powerful and gives you a confidence in the collectivity of

human beings because it is the spirit which enlightens... all the

powers, and the spirit is the source of collectivity and love for

every human being in the world. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Paramatma is the enjoyer, and therefore ail should desire Him. We

should enjoy the God, who is the enjoyer of every thing. If we start

enjoying Him, what else do we need to enjoy? We should enjoy His

bliss. What is God's creation; what a beautiful world He has made;

how many things He has given to us; now we have become Sahaja yogis,

God has given this shakti in us; now we can know our Atma, and can

recognise the Spirit in others, how much unending grace God is

showering on us; with these thoughts you should grow in inner

happiness. If you start enjoying the God like this, then you will

find that your heart is growing and still more growing and you

feel as if it is encompassing entire creation. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" And they should know that Sahaja Yoga is only spirit oriented.

Nothing but spirit oriented. That, you have to have your spirit

enlightened, that your spirit has to work everything, that you are

not this body, this money, this position, this power, nothing. But

you are the spirit. This is what one has to know. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" So the meeting point only comes when all these ideologies become one

at the lotus feet of your Spirit. Spirit is the only thing that is at

the centre, and at the periphery if yon look at things, they look as

if they are separate and different. But if you can approach somehow

into that state where your Spirit resides, you will be amazed to see

that everything integrates, everything co-ordinates, and there is no

difference, say, in Mohammad Sahab, Dattatreya, Raja Janaka or Shirdi

Sai Nath. There is no difference in their principle, if you can just

get your Spirit. But this is a very major step for human beings. It

is a very major step for human beings. Because they want to live

with concept and not with reality. This is one of the problems which

we have faced throughout in Sahaja Yoga, all of us have faced it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" You have your own power inside you which got awakened and you

attained your own spirit, and this spirit has made you this way. And how

honorable it is that you have become people of great qualities. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to

know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot

conceptualize it. We have to know it. Unfortunately at this human

awareness level we cannot know the truth. We have to become the

Spirit. Whatever I am telling you today need not be accepted, no need

to have blind faith because all of them have praised Sahaja Yoga so

much, but keep your mind open like a scientist and I have put before

you this hypothesis and if it works, as honest people you have to

accept it because it is for your benevolence and it is for the

benevolence of the whole world. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" The Truth is, as I said yesterday, that you are the Spirit and once

you become the Spirit, you become Gunatit, Kalatit and Dharmatit.

Once you cross these limits, then you become like a drop in the

ocean. If the drop is outside the ocean, it’s always frightened of

the sun because if you dry it, he doesn’t know what to do, which way

to slip, which way to move. But once it is one with the ocean, just

moves and enjoy because he is not alone. It’s not alone, it’s moving

with the waves of that beautiful ocean of joy and that is what you

have achieved, of which you are aware. You know, but you don’t know

that you have achieved it because you are the Spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" So, all these things, whatever I have told you, you have to be aware

of your being of your own self, of your Spirit, that you are the

Spirit; and as you are the Spirit, you are beyond all these things

and once that happens, you’ll be amazed what a personality you are. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Once the Spirit starts shining fully in one's attention one actually

becomes enlightened in the sense that one can see for oneself that

one becomes one's own guide, one becomes one's own master. Then you

don't need any guide, but you are the master of yourself. In the past

this process was limited to one or to very few persons but now a

phenomena to allow en-masse realisation was discovered about twenty

years ago.


All such enlightened people follow a religion which is called as

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, meaning the innate pure religion within us.

These people have actualised the enlightenment. They have actualised

the baptism because they feel the cool breeze as Kundalini pierces

through the fontanel, and thus have become religious saints, yogis,

yoginis and seers. They are not like ordinary people who have not

entered into this new fourth dimension of awareness and established

themselves. These are the people who know themselves within and know

others in collective consciousness. They are the people who have

achieved a state in which they know on their central nervous system

that they are part and parcel of the whole. lt is not a blind faith

or lip service building a net of empty words. (Shabda Jalam).


This is the knowledge of the roots. All the trees of modem

civilisation have grown outside. If we do not go to our roots and

find out the fundamentals of our existence, these unbalanced,

crazily expanded civilisations are going to be destroyed. lt is very

important and imminent that the world should try to take its

attention towards finding out its roots. lt is described in every

scripture in some way or other, and has been extensively described in

the Indian scriptures. India is a very ancient country and it has

been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about

reality and guidelines of how to achieve it. Like all other real

saints of the world they also suffered at the hands of people

of outward religions (Dharma Martandas). "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Whatever one is doing now is relative in this modern world. In

relative terms, everything is working it out. This relative working

is not going to give any absolute results. Absolute knowledge only

comes from the Spirit, and so unless we know the Self, the Spirit, we

cannot know what is absolute and what is absolute truth. Otherwise ,

when we live in the relative world we will be always quarrelling ,

fighting and having wars. But if one is in the absolute then one

knows that there is only one truth for everything, and there will be

no more argument or discussion; everybody will enjoy that truth as it

is absolute. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" A materialistic society is never the ideal for Sahaja Yogis. It is

the spiritual society which has the Spirit enlightening them, and

which is giving them all these joyous experiences of the miraculous

powers of all-pervading Divine love. The ideals of Sahaja Yoga are

very different. The Spirit is the one which is the collective being

within us. We do not have to start an organisation to call it

something international, but automatically we become global, united

in one nation of Sahaja Yogis, where we understand that we are all

part and parcel of the whole, the microcosm becoming the macrocosm. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Reality and truth are not products of rational or linear thinking.

They are derived from absolute wisdom as it manifests itself

spontaneously, coming from the light of the Spirit. Prior to

Realisation one may or may not agree, but the truth is that the

Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart. Only after

Self-Realisation, and only then, is there a direct experience of the

Spirit. It then manifests its powers in the human personality, and

it's light enlightens the consciousness into a new awareness. The

divine intelligence of the Spirit radiates on all sides. It does not

have a linear movement like rational thinking. It is not partial,

tendentious, or manipulative, but is simply like the rays of the sun.

It enlightens every area of darkness and ignorance. The power

of glowing reality radiates from the Spirit on all sides, and

penetrates into all the deepest questions and problems. The power of

the Spirit is unlimited and it continues enlightening every area,

even the most difficult and obscure. There is no question of it

reaching a point where it must recoil and lead the mind into

confusion and error, as the linear consciousness inevitably does. On

the contrary, it enlightens wherever one's attention goes, and one

sees reality with complete clarity in a balanced and tangible way.

That is because reality is what it is. Unlike the limited ego (blind

consciousness), the Spirit neither wishes nor needs to manipulate any

idea to fit in with rational projections, to suit the demands of an

argument or of some mental construction. The trouble is that truth

cannot compromise. It stands on its foundations of deep, pure love. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" This is why the one who knows the truth sometimes shuns other people

because he cannot adjust his vision to fit in with the most popular,

successful or fashionable ideas of others' rational projections. He

stands on the pedestal of the Absolute, and he knows that beyond the

confusion and chaos of the rationalising modernisers is the realm of

Reality, the Absolute Truth. He knows that this Reality cannot be

achieved by rationality, within the limitations of the ego, but by

our ascent. This is not something imaginary, but the actualisation of

the experience of our soul or the Spirit. The Spirit is like the

steady axis of a wheel. If our attention reaches the immovable farm

axis at the very centre of the wheel of our existence (which is

constantly moving), we become enlightened by the Spirit, the source

of inner peace, and reach a state of complete calm and self-knowledge.


However, when our awareness remains attached to the ego on. the

periphery of the wheel, there is a continuous movement in the normal

course of our lives and we live on the level of a merely relative

understanding of the turmoil that surrounds us. Apart from this

limiting effect of the ego, all kinds of desires, expectations and

conditionings also affect and distort our consciousness, reaching our

superficial physical or mental senses causing strain, stress and

complete exhaustion. As opposed to this is the innate quality of the

Spirit that raises us above all artificial, unrealistic chaos into

the realm of Pure Reality, emitting peace, also outside, in the

surroundings. This is not something which can be demanded or forced

or paid for. It happens spontaneously through a living process

of evolution. The consciousness, which is unsteady and relative,

becomes, after our ascent, one with the all-pervading Divine

consciousness. This is because through Self Realization the Spirit

knows itself and is completely self-radiant, absolutely confident,

and self-sufficient. One can say that the Spirit is complete

awareness, and is therefore supremely aware of its own nature.


Now, as I have said, the nature of the intelligence of the Spirit is

like that of a unique light which emits radiance on all sides and

goes on emitting light as far as it can reach, without ever

encountering any polarity effect as a reaction. The consciousness

which comes from the light of the Spirit perceives', transforms and

creates. The intelligence of the Spirit is thus neither simply and

exclusively the cause nor the effect of anything, but it is cause and

effect combined together. It is neither active nor passive. It

therefore neither has to manipulate nor to take orders. It has the

built-in quality, simply, to act in order to be effective. We might

say: " it is, therefore, it does " . "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" The truth is there is a residual power in the triangular bone

Sacrum, called as the Kundalini. She has the power to bring forth the

complete nourishment and adjustment of the disturbed genes. Whether

they are genetic, inherent or acquired. When She is awakened, She

changes the series of genes. Not only that She corrects the gene's

data base but She breaks through the fontanel bone area and connects

the seeker to the all pervading power of Divine Love also called as

the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, Ruh Ritambhara or Parama

Chaitanya. Thus one, by this second birth, becomes a realised person

as actualisation of Baptism takes place. The light of the spirit

which is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart enters into our

attention and enlightenment. The seeker is really born again, not

just a certificate but he changes as the transformation takes place

within. There is a vast difference between an ordinary seeker

and a realised soul (Yogi). He becomes his own master full of Divine

Love. It is a resurrection process, like an egg becoming the bird.

Maybe this is the reason eggs are presented as a symbol, reminding,

that one has to get resurrected. The genes change and complete

transformation takes place. For some people it takes time if they are

sick or egotistical. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" The Spirit, which is the reflection of God Almighty, is the source

of absolute truth and joy. But this spirit does not shine in our

awareness when it is in the human state. Only after Self-Realisation,

does our awareness get enlightened by the Spirit. Thus, to find pure

love, peace and joy of absolute truth, one has to become the Spirit.

This is the first thing we have to understand and accept because we

are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, these

conditionings or this ego. We say: " My, body, my mind' etc., but is

this " me' which we refer to as " my " . "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" So now I tell you exactly to become the Spirit what happens. I don't

think anybody should object to that because it is for your

benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, for the

benevolence of your nation, for the benevolence of the whole world.

So please listen to me carefully. We have this power of Kundalini

within us. It's a very ancient science from India. In the Koran also

is written Asas. In the Bible it is said that, " I will appear before

you like tongues of flames. " Now the reality is that you must

experience. You not blindly have faith in me. We have had enough

problems of blind faiths. But experience, experience it that this

Kundalini rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area. And the

result, you get connected with this All Pervading Power of Divine

Love. It is no lecture. It is no sermon. This is the actualization of

your baptism. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" Happy Easter to you all.


So we celebrate Easter to show Christ resurrected Himself. The Spirit

that is Christ has to resurrect out of the material manifestation of

the Divine Itself. The matter is manifested because we ourselves have

created it. Not that we are born out of matter, our body, but we are

attached to it, we want it, we want to have it. Whatever you want,

that sustains itself, by your desire, because now you are on the

stage. If you want to sustain the matter, if you want to keep the

matter as the first priority, it will remain. It cannot disappear.

It has to go out of your mind that matter cannot hold you any further.


Christ rose out of the matter, came out of the tomb which symbolises

the matter which has enclosed us within, which has to be opened out

with our spiritual power. Throw away the stone that is covering this

grave. Get out of that and stand outside it. This is the message of

Christ's resurrection. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





" You have to rise into that new realm which is the realm of God

Almighty, what you call the Kingdom of God. And He said it very

clearly to Nicodemus that " You have to be born again, " and when he

asked " 'Am I to enter back into my mother's womb to be born again? "

And He said it so clearly! It's so clear. Those who don't want to see

can remain blind, but he said it very very clearly; that " No,-that

is, whatever is born of the flesh is the flesh, but whatever is born

of the Spirit is the Spirit. "


I mean nothing could be more clear than that, that it has to be

born 'of the Spirit'. Of course, human beings have a special capacity

to twist everything around. For them Spirit could be a book, could be

some words, could be an organisation, a church, or some sort of a

thing like that which they have made. But whatever is man-made is not

the Spirit; this is the ,clear' statement of Christ, which people

wanted to avoid and start their own organisations, their own ideas

and created a very mythical thing in His name. And now the time has

come for it to be blasted. It has been going on and on now for

thousands of years, captured so many innocent people, and people are

into it. ut when you are resurrected, and you become realised souls,

one has to understand that now your movement is 'inward', you are

moving towards your roots and not outside. So whatever was the

endeavour 'before' realisation has to be changed; the direction

has to be changed. And that point mostly we miss. This is the thing

today I am trying to explain to you : that so far to a human mind

entertainment was important ; entertaining-to the mind, not to the

Spirit. Entertainment to the Spirit is 'absolutely' opposite to the

entertainment to the mind. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





If we see the world we have all kinds of problems¾ecological,

political, economic, and family problems. But the center point of all

these problems is one¾that's the human being. And if somehow we can

transform this human being into a new awareness of universality, then

all these problems can be solved. All the saints and great

philosophers the world over have spoken about the spirit. All the

scriptures also have talked about becoming the Spirit. But in reality

all these religions which were very great, which were very pure, were

absolutely real got into a mess because people who followed them were

either money-oriented or power-oriented. They were never spirit-

oriented. They never bothered as to how to achieve this ascent.

Neither Buddha nor Mahavira spoke of God because they thought that

if they did so people would start thinking they belong to this or

that religion. So they talked about the formless which is the Spirit,

and they insisted that you should have your self-realization. It was

the same with Guru Nanak and Mohammed Sahib. They all talked about

the Formless Divinity.


But whether you talk of the form or the formless, it is a talk. Like

if you talk about the flowers, you don't get the honey. And if you

also talk of the honey, you don't get the honey. Talks are talks.

These are words. In Sanskrit, Shri Adi Shankaracharya called this as

Shabda Jalam, is the web of the words. How to go beyond the web of

the words? Of course, Kundalini awakening is not a new thing in this

country. Sahaja Yoga also is not a new thing. And it has been

expressed in all the scriptures that unless you become the Spirit,

unless and until you are reborn, you cannot know the religion. That

doesn't mean you know it by your efforts. Mentally everybody knows

what their religion or philosophy is. Recently it was shocking to

hear that many Armenians killed Azerbaijans because they are Muslims

but before going to kill them they used to read the Bible. How can

it be? Just imagine Christians doing that. Islam is one of the best

religions, but nobody has understood what Mohammed Sahib has said

that you have to know it. Know comes from the Sanskrit word, gna.

Early Christians also were called Gnostics because they knew. It

means to know on your central nervous system, not mentally. That's

why as soon as Paul took over, Christ's disciples ran away, and when

Thomas came to India he hid all the knowledge about reality in a jar

in Egypt. This was because he would have been persecuted by people

who were interested in organizing religion, in making money out of

it. As a result of all this nonsense, people said better not talk of

religion. In the name of religion they murder and kill. How can that

be a religious act? Human beings can make a mess of everything. That

does not mean there is no divinity or reality.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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