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According to the Guru Granth our true nature--Spirit--is ... (a field of pure consciousness)

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib states -




Just as the sun is the real self of all sunlight and the ocean is the

real self of all waves, Wahe Guru alone as the substratum of the

whole Cosmos is your real Self and the one real Self of ALL forms of

existence, there is nothing anywhere that Wahe Guru is not (Wahe Guru

is also labeled as Paramatama, God, Khuda, Christ, Buddha-nature,

Tao, Ein-Sof, Jehovah, Brahman, etc, etc - the real Self of all).

That which out of ignorance is perceived as the universe or Cosmos is

in reality nothing but the Self-experiencing and Self-expression of

the one Wahe Guru to Himself within Himself. On this supreme reality

the Sri Guru Granth Sahib being the true Guru and final authority for

all Sikhs reveals:


He who recognizes God within himself and is pierced through with his

name is satisfied. When man understands his own self through the

Guru, what more is left for him to do or to get done? * Guru Nanak

Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Pg. 60


He who recognizes his own self (the divine substance of which he has

been created) comprehends Him. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Page 25.


Within thee abides God. Do thou attain to peace by serving the Guru.

* Pg. 33


From the absolute viewpoint and in the highest reality - what appears

as all the endless diversity throughout the infinite Cosmos is again

truly nothing but the spontaneous Self-experience and Self-expression

of the one Wahe Guru to Himself within Himself (known in the East as

Raab Di Leela - God's Play).


It is He Wahe Guru (also labeled by differing cultures merely due to

language differences as Paramatama, God, your real Self, Allah,

Khuda, Christ-consciousness, Buddha-nature, Tao, Ein-sof, Brahman,

the Infinite etc, etc) who is shining as the sun and the stars. He is

the mother earth, and the stars and all the galaxies. He is the ocean

and He is the gentle air that we breathe in. He Himself is your body

and mind and the force at work within. He is the speech that is

uttered and He is the sound and ear that hears. He is the musician

singing and He is the audience listening. He is the stage upon which

the musician sits and He is the light through which the audience can

see the artist's face. He Himself is the cause of all religions that

like the flow of all rivers - whether winding or straight -

ultimately all find their rest in the one ocean that is He. He

Himself is the cause, substance and real Self of the whole Cosmos.

Everything lives within the one Wahe Guru and the one Wahe Guru lives

within everything because Wahe Guru is everything.


Here then are a few additional excerpts from the highest guru - the

Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Japji Sahib, Rahiras, Kirtan Sohila and Sri

Raga with many related commentary in parenthesis) on the reality of

Wahe Guru being your real Self residing within every atom of your

being as the substratum yet unseen by divine design due to the

limitations of our 5 senses of perception and the veiling curtain of

the restless dualistic thoughts of the mind: -


In this world, the Lord Himself is the life of the entire universe. *

Sri Guru Ram Das Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Pg. 41


In the universe, the union of sensitivities and stupefaction,

wherever I see, I find God pervading there. * Guru Amar Das Ji - SGGS

Pg. 21


Know thus O Nanak ! that the True One is all by Himself. That Pure

One is all in all Himself. He is neither established nor created by

any one. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 2


(Note: Just as an ocean whilst creating ever-changing forms of waves

upon it's surface itself remains as it always was - with nothing

added not taken away from it's whole, so Wahe Guru creates countless

forms and dramas within Himself and yet remains completely



Nanak, the One Lord is pervading everywhere. There is no second

whatsoever. * Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 57: 43-46


(Note: Here Guru Nanak Dev Ji states that apart from Wahe Guru merely

appearing as all the diverse forms within the universe, nothing else

exists - there is no second entity or reality).


Beside God, there is no other second. On His Name alone, do thou

meditate. * Guru Arjan Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 46


Everything the Lord Himself is. There is no second (there is no other

reality). When that Lord Himself causes us to speak, we speak just as

He wants us to speak. * Guru Ram Das Ji - SGGS Pg. 39


Thou art the river, All-knowing and All-seeing. How can I, a fish

find thy limit? Wherever I look, there Thou art. Getting out of Thee

I burst and die. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 25


The One Lord is within thy home (body) and the One without. He

Himself is found within all places. * Guru Arjan Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 45


Thou art everywhere and in everything, I thought Thee distant.

Whatever I do, that is in Thine presence. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS

Pg. 25


The One Lord is dwelling amongst all. He, the Unique One is pervading

everywhere. * Guru Amar Das Ji - SGGS Pg. 27


Ye saints, see with the searching glance that God abides close by and

is fully pervading everywhere. * Guru Amar Das Ji - SGGS Pg. 27


Make brotherhood with all the highest sect of yogic order and deem

the conquering of self (one's real Self) the conquest of the world. *

Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 6


God is Himself the Master and Himself the servant. * Guru Nanak Dev

Ji - SGGS Pg. 10


(Note: Since Wahe Guru alone is within everything, He Himself is both

Master of the universe and at the same time being within every atom

in existence is the true experiencer through all the diverse forms He

has created within Himself. This whole spectacle of the universe is

nothing but His own Self-experience and Self-expression - phrased by

many mystics as Raab Di Lila - God's Cosmic Play).


Thou art the river, and all are within Thee. Beside Thee, there is

none else. * SGGS Pg. 11


As seconds, minutes, hours, quarters of a day, lunar days, weekdays,

months and several seasons spring from the lone sun, even so - many

forms originate from the Creator, O Nanak ! * SGGS Pg. 12 & 13


(Note: Just as all the divisions of time originate from the movements

of sun, so all the seemingly diverse forms of creation emerge from

and appear within the one Wahe Guru alone).


Thousands are Thine eyes, yet Thou hast no eye. Thousands are Thine

forms, yet Thou hast not even one. Thousands art Thine pure feet,

even then Thou hast not one foot. Thousands Thine noses and yet Thou

art without a nose. I am bewitched by these plays of Thine. Amongst

all there is a light and that light art Thou. By His (God's) light,

the light shines within all souls. * SGGS Pg. 13


The True Lord is fully filling every heart. God Himself unites man in

His union, and he then sees the True mansion close by (within

everything and everyone). * Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 20


He who perceives God's light within every heart comes to understand

the essence of Guru's teaching. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 20


(Note: What the ignorant call the universe, the enlightened recognize

to be nothing but the one God spontaneously experiencing and

expressing Himself to Himself within Himself).


Lord Himself is the Relisher. Himself the Relish and Himself the

Enjoyer of the Relish. He Himself is the Bride and Himself the Couch

and the Bridegroom. My Master is dyed with love and is fully

pervading everywhere. He Himself is the Fisherman and the fish and He

Himself is the water and the net. He Himself is the metal ball of the

net and Himself the bait within. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 23


By separating, He separates not and is contained amongst all. * Guru

Arjan Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 46


(Note: Just as water in an ocean cannot be separated, but may appear

to be so when appearing as a wave, even so the forms appearing within

Wahe Guru are not separate from Wahe Guru).


Pervading God ever sees, hears and is just near. He resides in every

heart. * Guru Arjan Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 47


I have seen with me the Lord for seeking whom I assumed this body.

The Lord who filleth the water, earth and space beholdeth everyone

with His grace. * Guru Arjan Dev Ji - SGGS Pg. 48


Thou Thyself art the pure pearl and Thyself the devotee and

intercessor. By the Word of the Guru, the Invisible One is praised

and seen in every heart. Thou Thyself art the ocean and the ship and

Thyself this shore and the yonder one. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji - SGGS Pg.



(Note: This states that Wahe Guru being everything is Himself both

the devotee and the Guru that saves the devotee leading him back to



They who recognize their own self (Wahe Guru), find the Lord's

Mansion in the good place of their home heart. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji -

SGGS Pg. 56


By recognizing his own self (the real Self being Wahe Guru), man

abides in his own home and his ego and desire depart. * Pg. 57


The Truest of the true is pervading everywhere. * Guru Nanak Dev Ji -

SGGS Pg. 73


With thy sight behold in every heart, the Lord of the world-forest

who is fully pervading the ocean and land. * Guru Ram Das Ji - SGGS

Pg. 79


The foolish and ignorant man recognizes not the Creator who is within

himself (Wahe Guru who is the substratum of all existence). Because

of the love of duality, he instructs the world and himself

understands not Divine Knowledge. * SGGS Pg. 86


Wahe Guru - who is infinite consciousness and consciousness being

one -

can never be divided or separated although by His own power He may

appear to be so, just as a movie with lots of diversity may appear on

one screen. but when the movie is over - the unaffected screen alone

remains as it always was, the screen is permanent, the projected

movie is impermanent. And ultimately without the screen as the

substratum, the movie could not be seen.


Ultimately then from the absolute viewpoint -


This universe is nothing but the spontaneous Self-expression and Self-

experiencing of the infinite Wahe Guru to Himself within Himself

(since He is all that exists) and in the East this is known as Raab

Di Leela. This can also be summed up as simply as: -


1. Wahe Guru alone is real

2. The universe is unreal

3. Wahe Guru is the universe (to think of the universe as separate

and distinct from Wahe Guru is a false idea arising from ignorance of

the truth).


This truth should be contemplated again and again, from beginning to

end so that although engaged in diverse activities, one is not bound

if one's consciousness is saturated with this reality, because no

truth can affect one until it passes the mind and enters the heart

for the heart is the real source of our being. This truth can be

stated a million different ways a million different times, but in

conclusion it can be summed up as simply as -













(By Pardeep 1997)

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