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The Great Mother provides evidence of Her existence, human existence beyond death, rebirth and conviction that present path will lead to Her Feet

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" Re: Devi Mahatyam - The Inner Victory

, " chandra_hari18 "

<chandra_hari18 wrote:




I am bewildered by the contradictions you quote. You have quoted some

text to suggest that I am not aware of the tattvas and then in the

next para you enumerate Shakti as a tattva.


All that you say, the scholarly output I am sure I will find in some

text. What I am asking is some output on the realization of the



1. What is the way for one to develop the convictions on the existence

of great mother?


2. How can one be sure of existence beyond death?


3. How can one be convinced of rebirth?


4. How can one gain the conviction that he is on the path that leads

to Her feet?


Essays can be written on Muladharad prathammudito yascha bhava... and

other verses. How the Vaikhari form 'Varna-vigraha' can be realized?


chandra hari "





" Mother! Who Was I In The Previous Life? "


All these mystical Revelations soon began puzzle the father. As the

torrential manna monsoon lashed from all sides shelter was sought in

rationality. Why was all this happening to him? What had he done to

deserve such blessings? There were so many questions. However, one

question urgently needed an answer. If Lalita was an angel then who

was Kash?


On April 23, 1994, Kash was told to solve this mystery. He bowed

before the photograph of the Great Spiritual Mother, raised his

Kundalini, and went into fana (deep meditation). The Power of the

Holy Ghost immediately led him up the Tree of Life, pass the Gate of

Lord Jesus at the Agnya Chakra and into the City of Light — this was

the Kingdom of God within all humans declared by the Universal Savior

twenty centuries ago.


The Everlasting Light shone ever so brilliantly from above the

Celestial Throne of the Great Holy Mother as the Shakti of Sadashiva

sat in Bliss and Joy. He bowed and asked permission to pose a few

questions. She agreed.


Kash: " Mother! Who was I in the previous life? "

Shri Mataji: " I am glad to answer you this question. "

Kash: " Can you answer this question please? "

Shri Mataji: " Okay. You were an angel, and you came down to Earth to

help everybody. "


Shri Mataji then took Kash to see Shri Hanuman who was meditating in

His temple. They entered from the front, bowed down to Him, sat down,

raised their Kundalinis, and joined in meditation. Kash then became

so thoughtless that he was not even aware that he was meditating in

the Sahasrara, far less that he was meditating on Earth itself! He

had no words to express the Bliss of Shri Anandamayi in his Sahasrara.


Next morning, on April 19, 1994, Kash went to meditate again with

Shri Mataji. The divine energy of the Shekinah coursed through the

Sefirots and took him into the Pleroma,OP the Bridal Chamber that

ancient Hebrews knew existed within all humans. He opened his eyes as

he emerged from the celestial clouds of the Kingdom of Heaven. The

Supreme Spirit was sitting on the majestic Throne, with the Divine

Light shining above Her.


Kash bowed and squatted before Her. He then had a talk with Her. In

the course of this conversation the Great Spirit told him that his

name in heaven was " Shri, " and that both Lalita and he were from the

same family living in heaven.


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 280



Rev. 20.4-10: The First Resurrection


This First Resurrection of the Bible matches that of the Qur'an

(Chapter 75 Al Qiyamah [The Resurrection]). Unfortunately the misled

Muslims have also been deceived, and told by their naive ayatollahs,

shaikhs, ulema, mullahs, imams and scholars that Resurrection will

only take place when the world ends — just as in Christianity — and

not before the End. None of them seem to understand and accept the

Truth that only after the Comforter has arrived on Earth and

explained all that Shri Jesus wanted to be explained will humans be

enlightened enough to comprehend the Reality of the Last Judgment.

(The Muslim scholars definitely do not want any Muslim to be aware of

this Reality as it will destroy their 'final prophet' falsehood.)

The First Resurrection of the Bible matches that of the Srimad

Bhagavatam. Kash confirmed from the Great Divine Mother that all

liberated souls will spend another 15 trillion 480 billion years

after the Great Dissolution on another planet. On August 22, 1994,

Kash meditated and took along the Second Canto of the Srimad

Bhagavatam. In his Sahasrara he opened page 108 [Canto 2, Ch. 2, Text

26] to enquire about the translation of the second paragraph:


" This Sisumara is the pivot for the turning of the complete universe,

and it is called the navel of Visnu [Garbhodakasayi Visnu]. The yogi

alone goes beyond this circle of Sisumara and attains the planet

[Maharloka] where purified saints like Bhrgu enjoy a duration of life

of 4,300,000,000 solar years....


At the time of the final devastation of the complete universe [the

end of the duration of Brahma's life], a flame of fire emanates from

the mouth of Ananta [from the bottom of the universe]. The yogi sees

all the planets of the universe burning to ashes, and thus he leaves

for Satyaloka by airplanes used by the great purified souls. The

duration of life in Satyaloka is calculated to be 15,480,000,000,000

years. "


Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 2 Text 25-6

(A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam,

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1987, p. 108.)


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 1824



The First and Second Deaths


Kash also confirmed from the Great Divine Mother on August 22, 1994

that all liberated souls will spend another 15 trillion 480 billion

years after the Great Dissolution on another planet. The Great Adi

Shakti also confirmed that Shri Krishna first spoke the Srimad

Bhagavatam about 100,000 years, which points to other inhabited



On that day Kash meditated and took along the Second Canto of the

voluminous Srimad Bhagavatam. In his Sahasrara he opened page 108

[Canto 2, Ch. 2, Text 26] to enquire about the translation of the

second paragraph:


" This Sisumara is the pivot for the turning of the complete universe,

and it is called the navel of Visnu [Garbhodakasayi Visnu]. The yogi

alone goes beyond this circle of Sisumara and attains the planet

[Maharloka] where purified saints like Bhrgu enjoy a duration of life

of 4,300,000,000 solar years....


At the time of the final devastation of the complete universe [the

end of the duration of Brahma's life], a flame of fire emanates from

the mouth of Ananta [from the bottom of the universe]. The yogi sees

all the planets of the universe burning to ashes, and thus he leaves

for Satyaloka by airplanes used by the great purified souls. The

duration of life in Satyaloka is calculated to be 15,480,000,000,000

years. "


Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 2 Text 25-6

(A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam,

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1987, p. 108.)


All liberated souls will spend another 15,480,000,000,000 years on

Satyaloka after the Great Dissolution — This Revealed Truth is


The Srimad Bhagavatam was first spoken by Shri Krishna about 100,000

years ago — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.


This above Vedic verse confirms the Qur'anic Second Death for those

failing during the present Resurrection, as well as the biblical

Second Death:


This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part

in the first resurrection:

On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of

God and of Christ. " Revelation 20:4.


It is clear that those obeying His Call to the First Resurrection on

Earth and succeeding in their quest will be pricelessly rewarded —

they will become the spirit, never again to face Death. They will

live forever as the Kingdom of the Universal Soul! Even the Great

Dissolution will not effect them, but the rest have to face the

Second Death. The Holy Scriptures of Hinduism, Christianity and Islam

all confirm this Truth.


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, pages 2322-3





In a lunar culture, the idea that we have many lives, moving in and

out of this physical dimension of reality, would have been thought of

as perfectly natural, given the nature of the recurring cycles of the

moon. I have long felt that we have many lives, fragments of which

may return to us, some vividly and some as a faint memory - perhaps

as a longing for a specific place or a strong attraction to someone

who seems strangely familiar to us or, conversely, as fear or dislike

of places or people we barely know. When I first went to India and

came across the belief in reincarnation in both Hinduism and

Buddhism, it never occurred to me to question it. I felt totally at

home in India, at home in these religions so different from my own.

Because of the breadth and depth of their concept of divinity, the

Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita meant more to me than the Christian

image of God I had grown up with. I found myself drawn to study the

life of the Buddha and the wonderful images of him that had spread

from India all across Asia to China and Japan.


It seemed obvious to me that thousands of years of contemplation in

traditions that were far older than Christianity needed to be

respected and, moreover, the idea that we have many lives seemed so

logical. One life was not nearly long enough to encompass all that

was in me that wanted to live and experience, nor was it enough to

learn all I wanted to know and to apply that knowledge to how I lived

my own life, however it was to unfold. The idea that we are

continually reborn into this material dimension until we are able to

recover the knowledge of our divine origin and begin consciously to

relate to the source or ground of our being made perfect sense. I was

glad to encounter this idea of Kabbalah which must have preserved the

lunar tradition of returning countless times to this dimension of

reality. The teaching about the long-term karmic effects of my

actions, carried over from life to life, made me more conscious of

the need to act with greater awareness of how I was living and how I

was treating other people; it seemed more compassionate as an

explanation of suffering and release from suffering than the doctrine

of original sin. There were so many questions that could never be

answered if the framework was limited to one life. But if I widened

it to embrace many lives, everything made more sense. There was more

time to pause and reflect on things instead of packing every moment

with frenetic activity, in case something was left out of my one and

only life.


In a recent book, Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos (2006),

Ervin Laszlo sums up the many cultures and peoples who have believed

in reincarnation. " It has, " he writes, " been an intrinsic part of

myth, metaphysics, and philosophy for thousands of years. It is an

essential element in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism,

Zoroastrianism, Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, and Taoism. It is present

in the belief systems of African tribes, of native Americans and pre-

Columbian cultures, of the Hawaian kahunas, and of the Gauls and

Druids. It was adopted by the Essenes, the Pharisees, the Karaites,

and other Jewish tribes and groups; it remains an important element

in the Kabbalah. In ancient Greece the Pythagorians and the Orphics

d to it. Plato spoke of " metempsychosis " (the transmigration

of the psyche) in many of his famous dialogues – Phaedo, Phaedrus,

Republic, and Timaeus – Julius Caesar mentioned it as a doctrine held

by the Celts and Roman historians noted that it was shared by the

Germanic people. " So how did it come to be lost in the West?


Reincarnation was once part of Christian doctrine until it was

removed at the time of the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 AD

when the Emperor Justinian anathematised the teachings of the great

Christian teacher Origen about the pre-existence of the soul. Origen,

described by Saint Gregory as " the Prince of Christian learning in

the third century, " wrote: " Every soul comes into this world

strengthened by the victories and weakened by the defeats of its

previous life. " It seems nothing short of tragic that Justinian who,

with his wife Theodora, stands clothed in magnificent robes in the

Basilica of San Apollinare in Ravenna, had also, in 529 AD, closed

down the 1000 year-old Platonic Academy in Athens, driving out its

last teacher, Damascius. Through the prejudice of one powerful man,

Christianity was deprived of a teaching that could have given it

greater depth and a more complete perspective on life, and the

culture of the West was impoverished by the loss of the legacy of

Platonic and Neo-Platonic teaching with all its rich insight into the

nature of the soul.


A few years ago, a book came into my hands called The Miracle of

Death. I wrote a foreword to it because I felt it could help many

bereaved people to trust in the survival of their loved ones. Betty

Kovács, the author, who lost first a son and then a husband in car

accidents two and a half years apart, describes how, out of a

sustained meditative attention, there was born in her not only a

deeper capacity for insight but the opening of her awareness " to a

dimension so vast that I was stunned to realize how excruciatingly

small a space I had been trained to live in and call reality. " What

she experienced as her awareness of this dimension expanded was the

shattering of the myth of materialism which condemns so many to a

meaningless life of " mediocrity, addiction, violence, indifference

and fanaticism. " The message of her book is one of hope and trust

that we will be able to open ourselves to the experience of the

mysteries of the universe and weave these mysteries into our daily

lives, so healing the deep fragmentation in our soul. On the last

page of her book she writes, " As we reconnect, full circle, to the

roots of our existence in the Mind of the universe,… We understand

that `Death is as Divine as Life,' because it is Life –

because `There is nothing but Life. "


I think there is nothing more for me to add.


Andrew Harvey & Anne Baring, The Divine Feminine

Conari Press Berkeley, CA

ISBN 1-57324-035-4 (hardcover)

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