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The First and Second Deaths of the Quran, Srimad Bhagavatam and Bible

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The First and Second Deaths


The Islamic scholars may try to hide behind their interpretation of

surah 44:56 and 37:59 concerning 'First Death' and fool their

followers again. They will refuse to acknowledge the Eternal Truth of

rebirth by clinging on to their shallow interpretation of these



Moreover, We shall join them to Companions with beautiful and

lustrous eyes.

There can they call for every fruit in peace and security; Nor will

they there taste Death, except the First Death;

And He will preserve them from the penalty of the Blazing Fire.


surah 44:54-56 Al Dukkan (The Smoke)


Had it not been for the Grace of my Lord, I should certainly have

been among those brought (there)!

Is it (the case) that we shall not die, except our First Death, and

we shall not be punished?


surah 37:57-59 Al Saffat, (Those Ranged in Ranks)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)


Both these verses refer to the First Death. It deals with those

spiritual beings that will be entering the Kingdom of Allah. But why

is it specifically mentioned as " first death " and not just death? Why

does the Qur'an mention that " nor will they there taste Death, except

the First Death " as in surah 44:54-56 Al Dukkan (The Smoke)? Why does

the Qur'an mention that " is it that we shall not die, except our

First death " as in surah 37:57-59 (Al Saffat)? Is it because they had

tasted death or died many times before, but have now finally tasted

the actual First Death, that is the final end of the physical body?

Is it because they had tasted 'material death' many times before but

have now become spiritual beings for the first time by finally

experiencing the Resurrection and First Death of the gross body

(which is exactly what is taking place on Earth now)?


Humans can only become spirits once they cease living in a material

body. By changing from one body to another no actual Death takes

place. The souls are just given another body in a never-ending cycle,

through ceaseless births and deaths. In Reality there is no death,

that is, the end of existence as the human soul is an eternal entity.

If there is no end or finality, then no actual death has taken place.

Only when humans becomes the pure, free spirit does the First Death

actually take place, that is, it is the end of existence for the

spirit in a material body. At last one attains eternity and freedom.


Kash also confirmed from the Great Divine Mother on August 22, 1994

that all liberated souls will spend another 15 trillion 480 billion

years after the Great Dissolution on another planet. The Great Adi

Shakti also confirmed that Shri Krishna first spoke the Srimad

Bhagavatam about 100,000 years, which points to other inhabited



On that day Kash meditated and took along the Second Canto of the

voluminous Srimad Bhagavatam. In his Sahasrara he opened page 108

[Canto 2, Ch. 2, Text 26] to enquire about the translation of the

second paragraph:


" This Sisumara is the pivot for the turning of the complete universe,

and it is called the navel of Visnu [Garbhodakasayi Visnu]. The yogi

alone goes beyond this circle of Sisumara and attains the planet

[Maharloka] where purified saints like Bhrgu enjoy a duration of life

of 4,300,000,000 solar years....


At the time of the final devastation of the complete universe [the

end of the duration of Brahma's life], a flame of fire emanates from

the mouth of Ananta [from the bottom of the universe]. The yogi sees

all the planets of the universe burning to ashes, and thus he leaves

for Satyaloka by airplanes used by the great purified souls. The

duration of life in Satyaloka is calculated to be 15,480,000,000,000

years. "


Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 2 Text 25-6

(A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam,

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1987, p. 108.)


All liberated souls will spend another 15,480,000,000,000 years on

Satyaloka after the Great Dissolution — This Revealed Truth is


The Srimad Bhagavatam was first spoken by Shri Krishna about 100,000

years ago — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.


This above Vedic verse confirms the Qur'anic Second Death for those

failing during the present Resurrection, as well as the biblical

Second Death:


This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part

in the first resurrection:

On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of

God and of Christ. " Revelation 20:4.


It is clear that those obeying His Call to the First Resurrection on

Earth and succeeding in their quest will be pricelessly rewarded —

they will become the spirit, never again to face Death. They will

live forever as the Kingdom of the Universal Soul! Even the Great

Dissolution will not effect them, but the rest have to face the

Second Death. The Holy Scriptures of Hinduism, Christianity and Islam

all confirm this Truth.


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, pages 2322-3



" I am the least bothered about anything whatsoever. What is such a

disaster you have seen in your life? — just tell Me. I have seen the

last dissolution of the whole Universe. What can I fear anymore? "


Shri Maha-pralaya-saksini Devi

Tivoli, Italy — September 11, 1983


Maha-pralaya-saksini (571st): Witness of the great dissolution. When

everything and even every God is destroyed, She alone remained

witnessing that process. `Kalpopa-Samharana . . . Sa Saksini Vijayate

Tava Murtireka.' Glory to Your form, the lone Witness to the Dance of

Siva at the destruction of the Kalpa (Sri Samkara Mantra-Matrka-

Stava). She is that aspect in everything known as Saksi Kala which is

indestructible. Every devotee becomes `that' after liberation or


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