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On articulating Shri Mataji's Divine Message of Sahaja Yoga

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Dear All,


Giving Shri Mataji's Divine Message of Sahaja Yoga is not just quoting

" verbatim " what Shri Mataji said. It is giving Shri Mataji's Divine Message of

Sahaja Yoga, which is nothing but Jesus's Last Judgment and Resurrection Message

" in full " from one's own individual gnostic experience of it. The only way that

a person can really give Sahaja Yoga, is from their own Self, when they have

" made it their own " . Sahaja Yoga doesn't belong to some organisation, or some

priesthood, but it belongs to each one of us, personally and collectively.

Jagbir says we could have been in a much better position to give the Divine

Message of Sahaja Yoga, than unfortunately, is the case today:


" It is obvious that SYs today " would all be in a much better position to give

Her eschatological message... individually or collectively. " If they had just

followed Shri Mataji's request and announced Her Message officially in 1994 we

would have been in a far better position today. Shri Mataji had everything lined

up to ensure that success. Alas, our leaders failed miserably and this is one of

the greatest negativity to engulf SYs. Today we are witnessing the sad legacy of

missing out on the greatest opportunity to spread Her Message, notwithstanding

the fact that events were triggered by Her well in advance of the New Millennium

that many were expected to bring forth tremendous spiritual changes on Earth. It

is indeed heartbreaking to see how our leaders squandered YEARS of golden

opportunities and spreading ugly rumors that the children were possessed and

family craving attention and that SYs should not listen to anything they say or,

better still, shun them. It was our disgraced and expelled world leader Yogi

Mahajan who in the 1990s personally targeted the " special personalities " and

ensured they were regarded as demonic and their character assassinated the

moment he found out they were visiting the Adi Shakti in their Sahasraras daily.

Since he wielded enormous influence as Shri Mataji's right-hand man, it was so

easy for him to get other leaders and sidekicks to spread this negativity. The

rest is history. But even though YM has been expelled Alan Wherry, John Noyce,

Ed Saugstad and others have taken over. "





" Sahaja Yoga is not a new thing. And it has been expressed in all the scriptures

that unless you become the Spirit, unless and until you are reborn, you cannot

know the religion. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Synopsis of Felicitation Ceremony Talk

Birthday Puja

Delhi, India

21 March, 1992


The religious leaders of Jesus's day didn't understand the religion, so the

Gnostics were compelled to hide their writings to prevent getting killed. The

religious leaders in Shri Mataji's day have not understood the religion and the

Gnostics who have given mystical evidence to confirm Shri Mataji's incarnation

have had to leave the organisation due to their collective unbelief in the

Revelations of the Adi Shakti. The 'organisational face' of Sahaja Yoga is

missing the mystical evidence that gives confidence to declare Shri Mataji's

Advent and Divine Message.


" Early Christians also were called Gnostics because they " knew " . It means " to

know " on our central nervous system - not mentally. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Synopsis of Felicitation Ceremony Talk

Birthday Puja

Delhi, India

21 March, 1992


Jagbir and others have been quoting from various and diverse writers, who have

expressed their gnostic understanding very well. Sahaja Yogis must give

themselves the same freedom. It doesn't matter if it doesn't fit into the agenda

of WCASY, John Noyce, Alan Wherry and others who are more interested in

promoting a " uniform " religion, than in giving the Divine Message of Sahaja

Yoga, which is nothing if not the " completion " of Jesus's Last Judgment and

Resurrection Message, by Shri Mataji. Sahaja Yogis need to give from their " very

within " where the Spirit resides. The " very within " from where the Spirit

resides, is the flow of the " living truth " of the Spirit. Sahaja Yogis have it!

They must not let the religious leaders quench that, because that is also

" quenching and hurting the Holy Spirit " - but they must resurrect that, within

themselves! They must give themselves the spiritual freedom of expression, that

Our Mother always gave.


Appended, is an article from Shri Mataji about how the freedom given to human

beings has been used for wrong purposes. She tells how to use that freedom

rightly. You know how people sometimes accuse Jagbir of being critical of Sahaja

Yoga, or of Sahaja Yogis? It's not a bad thing if it is " constructive "

criticism, and you are telling the Truth with Love. It's only bad if it is

" destructive " criticism and you are destroying something beautiful and true -

like what has happened with regard to the Gnostics, who have given mystical

evidence to confirm Shri Mataji's incarnation. Constructive criticism is the

same as discipline, enlightening others, and giving people a " Vision " . Without a

" Vision " , the people perish!


i hope you enjoy the appended article, where Shri Mataji dishes out a bit of

'constructive criticism' for the benevolence of Sahaja Yogis.


love to all,





" But when human beings came, they got their freedom. That’s the only, I should

say, the species which fell into the maya of thinking and of having the ego in

them. With this ego a maya worked on them, I should say, and they forgot about

the principle that created this universe. They took it for granted. They felt

that this is their own right, that they are there, this is their own achievement

and they are the owners of everything. This started working in their mind so

much that they invaded other countries, they destroyed so many people and they

never felt bad about it. All their lives they have been thinking about

aggressing others, controlling others and doing all kinds of harmful things. But

they never even thought or never did any introspection to see that what we are

doing is very, very wrong and it should not be done. Because of the freedom,

they have such a turmoil in this world and the people who were in charge of

affairs, they were very, very cruel and extremely... had no feelings for the

other people. And this happened so many times on this earth.


Now, Sahaja Yoga has started. Once Sahaja Yoga has started, we have Sahaja Yogis

who are now receiving the blessings of the Adi Shakti directly. But still, I

must say, among Sahaja Yogis also, we don’t have people whom I would call as

very well matured. There are Sahaja Yogis, some of them are just because it is a

fashion; maybe it should be better from their angle or from their selfish angle

or whatever it is. It’s a very wrong thing. If you are in Sahaja Yoga, you must

know, now you are responsible for the whole world. You are the only people who

have come forward. You are the only people who have achieved something and then

at this juncture, you should behave in a manner that behooves a big saint or a

realised soul. But sometimes you find them behaving in such a manner, it’s

shocking sometimes. They have no respect for themselves or for others and their

whole attitude is very funny. Some of them are money-oriented, some of them are

power-oriented. And those who are power-oriented are more dangerous I think than

[the] money-oriented. Because those who are power-oriented try to bring such [a]

bad name to Sahaja Yoga. They are very insulting, dominating and horrible

people. Their whole attitude is to achieve power in Sahaja Yoga and they try all

tricks to achieve that power. But for some time they look alright. After some

time, you’ll find they’ll all disappear from the field of Sahaja Yoga. It’s a

very big cleansing process going on. You must understand that you have come in

the field of very high consciousness where you are in contact with the Divine.

Now here, if you behave like ordinary people who have no divinity within them,

how long will you continue like this? So, this is very important that you should

try to meditate and evolve yourselves and become really, very good Sahaja Yogis.

In some places we are very, very lucky. In some countries we are very, very

lucky, but in some countries I find the people are just deaf and dumb; they

can’t understand Sahaja Yoga. For My programme they do come and afterwards they

just disappear. This one, I think is also.... Sahaja Yogis are responsible for

this, the way they go about, the way they want to do Sahaj work is not Sahaj.

Must be something definitely wrong with the whole thing and that’s why it’s not

working out the same way as it is working out in many places. So, I have to tell

you that all this is there, that Adi Shakti is there and all this has happened

through Adi Shakti. But now, the further work has to be done through you people,

because you are the channels, you are the ones who have to transform people. And

everybody should understand and know how many people we have given realisation

[to]. We have to think of it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Adi Shakti Puja

Cabella, Italy

21 June, 1998

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