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Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 2

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 1 with the following:


" The parents owe it to their children, to their society and indeed to their

country, to give special attention to the upbringing of the young ones of the

family. Looking at the way things are today, it seems necessary to educate the

parents themselves about their responsibilities and duties in this regard. To

begin with, the destructive knowledge bequeathed by Freud must be thrown into

the sea, once and for all! This can be achieved by keeping Freudian psychology

out of the syllabus of studies in schools and colleges. Parents should spend

time with the children instead of leaving the house with their swimsuits for a

holiday. Life is fun but discipline is also necessary. A complete check must be

kept as to where the children go, when they return and who their friends are.

Parents should keep very pleasant company with their children. If this is done,

children will look forward to the pleasure of spending time with their loving

parents, instead of roaming around as street urchins. The aptitude of children

should be discovered and encouraged. Children's company provides a great deal of

innocent joy. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

Chapter 8 'World Peace'



Here now is Part 2.








Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 2


There was a young little boy named Akshaya, who fell down and broke his skull,

but he recovered with Sahaja Yoga. One day I called him and he started talking.

He asked me: " Mataji, do you know how to make biscuits? " I told him: " I do not

know. " So he started educating me: " First you ask your Mummy to clean the tray.

Then ask your Mummy to make the dough. Then ask your Mummy to make balls of the

dough, then you can flatten the balls. Then ask your Mummy to put the tray

inside the oven. She just uses gloves. Then ask your Mummy to take out the tray

when the biscuits are cooked. When they become cooler, you can collect them in a

cake plate and eat them with your friends. " I told him: " I have no Mummy. " So he

said: " Where is she gone. Better call her. " I told him: She has gone to God, she

cannot come. " He really felt sorry so he said: " Then you cannot make biscuits. I

will make some for you because I have a Mummy. " ....What a sweet dialogue between

two friends! I have stores and stores of such beautiful stories. I can write a

big book with these experiences.


All entrepreneurs' efforts to spoil the innocence of children has to be attacked

collectively by the parents. Films and video cassettes, which seek to put

indecent and immoral ideas into the innocent minds of children, should be

banned. Parents should launch a campaign against such videos and films. The

education and training of children should create respect for elders, respect for

their teachers, respect for each other and respect for society.


They should learn and assimilate the concept of one human family, global peace,

and global religion, at a very young age. They should know through their caring

parents, that pure and selfless love is the most important thing in life and

that morality is the most valuable virtue, far more important than money. By

reading well-selected stories and novels, children will take to a righteous

life. Their language should be sweet and respectfully humble. They must be made

aware that, as members of the human race, they are at the apex of evolution and

they are born here on this earth to ascend even higher.


The curriculum of studies for children should be developed with utmost care.

Instead of selfish exclusivity, children should experience the joy of sharing.

They should be given truthful information about people in other parts of the

world, so that they respect all peoples regardless of their colour, creed or

nationality. They must be made aware of the society that they are going to live

in - the good part of it. There should be conferences to discuss what could be

done to 'adjust' these innocent children into chaotic modern society. They

should never be forced to believe in any exclusive religion which creates

problems and leads people to fight in the name of God. Moreover, children in the

family should be encouraged to avoid hatred and possessiveness. If they are told

from childhood: " You should possess all the things that you have around you " ,

they will develop a terrible ego, even about all the useless toys that they



The toys for children should be selected with utmost care. They should not

promote or glorify violence, nor should they have violence as a theme. The

children could have very beautiful or creative toys just to make them feel the

beauty of creation. Toys in the shape of the horrible creatures of the past or

of the present, which have been made in an ugly way, should not be given to the

children, and should not be sold. Indeed, such toys should be banned. If some

good toys are produced and all the dirty, bad toys are banned, children will

definitely develop a keen liking for toys which are creative and beautiful.


When my daughters were small, I made it compulsory, in a way, that they should

only see films made on the Ramayana or the Mahabharata or the Gita or the Bible.

Surprisingly they grew up with a taste for such movies, so much so that when I

sent them to my Mother's house, my sisters wrote to me that they (my daughters)

did not want to see any film which did not have a traditional theme or was not

based on stories from the Puranas. Now my daughters have grown and they are so

different from the rest. This is just a way of developing a taste for good

films. The children then don't like to see a film which is ugly.


In my own experience, I have seen that children are basically very innocent and

pure. Of course, if the mother and father quarrel all the time or they read

dirty books or see filthy films when the mother is pregnant, it has an adverse

effect on the child. The parents must have complete rapport with their children

and spend more time with them in handling them in a very loving, delicate

manner. If instead of fighting with each other in the presence of children, the

parents spend time in talking to children in the house, keeping them company,

they will definitely create very good children and a great asset to society.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8


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