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Christ, Conditioning, and the Ego - Part 4

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 3 with the following:


" This conditioning can be remoulded, if you know what sort of life Christ led.

That's very important. First of all, He was born in a manger. To be born in a

manger means " poor circumstances " . That means He shows there is no need to have

money or to have a huge big property with which to impress people. Those were

the days where people expected tapasya [penances]. So He came on earth and lived

like a Tapasi. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, India

24 December, 1995


Here now, is Part 4.







Christ, Conditioning, and the Ego - Part 4


On the contrary, the Christians are the most self-indulgent people you could

think of. You go to any Christian nation and you will be amazed how they are

just slaves of money and their watches. How they are living is very shocking to

see. They are following Christ: " Yes, we follow Christ " . " Then what is " Follow

Me " ? He's there and you are standing and moving backwards! Is that following? If

you see the Catholic church or even the Protestant church, you will be shocked.

How are they following Christ? I can't understand! Till now I have never

understood, because 'Catholic' is nothing but money oriented which is the only

thing they have picked up from Christ, i.e., that He went to a wedding and

created wine out of water and distributed it. This wine is just the juice of

grapes. It's also called " wine " in the Hebrew language, thank goodness! I read

the direct Hebrew translation of the Bible. It's called " dracksharas " - because

" instantly " you cannot create alcohol! It has to rot, rot, rot, and 'the more it

rots, the better it is' they say. They write it down, just twenty-five years

old, the price is much, but if it is three hundred years old, the price is

exorbitant. So it has to rot and smell like hell. Then only it's good alcohol.

It's a fact! How could Christ create that instant, that moment, alcohol?! But

now what I find is that if somebody dies, they will take champagne to celebrate

'what'? [referring to the champagne]: " Good riddance to bad rubbish " ! Or, when

somebody is born, they will do it.


But on Christmas day, especially after coming from church, don't go to any

Christian's house. Even the Indian Christians have started following the western

people, because Indian Christians believe that Christ was born in England! Where

have all such ideas come from?! It is because the English, Portuguese and French

brought Christianity to us. Now, by any chance, are they Christians?! What

business had they to bring Christianity to this place?! They took Christianity

to all the places - especially the Spanish. The Spanish and Portuguese went

round the whole world to spread Christianity, and today you see the mess that is

in those people. They are nothing but drunkards!


Yesterday I was going back and the sea was full of happiness and joy - and the

water reached a very high level. It happens with Me. But what I found was there

were four or five Christians coming and singing carols, and just completely

drunk! I was thinking 'Very scary.... they'll be drowned in this water!' This

was the great boon of Christianity on human beings - that you drink as much as

you like! Now, where has this drinking come from? God, I don't know! But it has

come from the Christians and the Muslims also drink, no doubt, but they hide and

drink. They don't openly drink. And don't call it a 'religious duty' that you

should drink!


Imagine in the church, when they give communion, if they give some sort of dirty

smelling wine. After that, how can you have communion?! Once you are drunk, you

are finished! But all these things happened, so today we are talking about

Christ. He is sitting in a position of the Agnya chakra, controlling the pineal

and pituitary. By that, He controls our conditioning - if we follow Him. Then we

cannot be conditioned by anything. Because He talked of " Spiritum " . Spirit

cannot be conditioned by anything. Whatever is good and congenial to the Spirit,

will be accepted. It's a different attitude of the person, who is spiritual.

Like we had people here. I know they're not very comfortable; some of them are

put into this stance here, and that stance there. But they're enjoying the

spiritual atmosphere. They don't care where they sleep, live, what they have.

This is all because we have entered the kingdom of God. But those who have not,

worry so much: " This is not good " , " I want it this way " .... They seek all the

material happiness, the trouble being, that everybody criticises and gets angry

with everybody - but don't actually have the spiritual joy! And they can never

enjoy, unless they become fully spiritual.


Christ has openly said that you have to know yourself. Same in the Koran,

Mohammed said if you listen, you will know yourself - you will not know God.

There are a lot of truths in the Koran. I find the Koran is left over by this

'Mowaiya'. [break Quote]:


[Folks, it is confirmed here about 'this Mowaiya' that tampered with the



" Who Tampered the Religion?


A contemplating glance over the dialogue will show that how Muslim Bin Aqeel

even at the end moments of his life was defending Imamat and very vociferously

announced that the Holy Ahlebait (A. M. S.) did not change or distort the

religion rather it has been habit of Mowaiyah, Yazid and their offsprings. "




[Resume Quote]:


Also in the Bible. Also in the Jewish. I find their Torah has lots of truth, but

it is covered by all these kinds of thinking, 'lots of rationality' - and they

have done it, just for their own purposes. We have to understand that Christ

never actually started a religion. No! None of them have. Especially Mohammed,

who talked about Abraham, about Moses, about Christ and His Mother much more,

than it is spoken about in the Bible. He respected Her, and He said they're

having 'more than one lack of realised souls' - before. But still, the Muslims

are some sort of unique people, because they call themselves 'Muslims' whether

they drink; it doesn't matter - womanise; it doesn't matter - kill people; it

doesn't matter. They're running after things which are forbidden to them but

they are still 'Muslims'. It's the same with the Christians. It's difficult to

find a man who is a real Christian, who follows Christ - before realisation.

After realisation, of course, we are different. But for that, you have to cross

this Agnya. The Agnya is also there, to control your ego. Christ, in his

lifetime, showed how ego works. His own crucifixion itself, shows how Christ is

such a great incarnation of purity - that was crucified. It shows what people

are like - what they did to Him. How He struggled and was tortured by these

stupid people and how He then was crucified by the government.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, India

24 December, 1995

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