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What Shri Mataji said to yogis at Chelsham Rd. in 1980 - Part 3

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Dear All,


Here is Part 3, the conclusion.







What Shri Mataji said to yogis at Chelsham Road in 1980 - Part 3


It's a very big thing that you are doing. You are not small. We are doing a very

great work because it is the solution of all the humanity. This is the solution

of all the problems - whether political, economic, or anything at all, whatever

you call it. It is not only that, but the more people you have, you'll be

surprised how much better it will work out. Collectively I can cure cancer, if

you are more and if you are clear people. But your channels are so full of

problems, that nothing flows through you. If you get yourselves cleared out,

collectively I can stop cancer from spreading. Because, if you spread more

vibrations, what happens is that the left and right side of Virat becomes

clearer - and [therefore] the attack from the left and right side which creates

cancer and all these horrible diseases, will be less.


But you do not understand your responsibility, what you are doing. You are

playing into the hands of satanic [forces], by not paying attention to your

cleaning, by not paying attention to your spiritual growth. You are not helping

Me at all, because these vibrations do not flow out. They have to flow through

you! If I could manage them, there would be no need for Me to run after you. It

has to flow through you! You are the channels! And if you do not keep yourself

clean and humble and meek about it, it doesn't work out. You are not helping Me

at all by that. So the localised problem of your 'limited problems' should be

given up - and see to the bigger problems that need solving.


I can stop the happening of cancer completely, if I have 21,000 Sahaja Yogis.

Completely, cancer will go out of [circulation]. Leprosy, I can control. Cancer,

I am controlling already. I mean, the statistics (which I have not seen) will go

down. It's a left side attack. And the more [negative things] you try to do to

the left side, the more attacks there will be. The right side attacks are lots

of things: " Wars " .... all these wars and all these things take place, because we

are invaded from the right side. All these aggressive people like Hitler and

all, are aggressing us.... [so] how very necessary it is for you to rise above

your lower self! One should understand that, and not indulge in the nonsense

that you are doing. You have to work really hard for that. Even if you have to

get up early in the morning, you have to get up and do it. You should understand

your responsibilities.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Extract from Formal Talk

Chelsham Road

London, England

27 September, 1980



, " Violet " <violetubb



> Dear All,


> Part 1 concluded with:


> " Now the essence of 'Puja' is also how to overcome our material

grossness. 'Puja' is nothing but 'how to overcome our material

grossness'. When we want to have a matter to ourselves, you must know

that it is given to us by God. Everything belongs to God. Supposing we

give a flower to God - after all, it is God's own creation that we are

giving! You show the light to God, or do Aarti to God. What [is it]?

It is all God's Light only. What do we do? By showing the light to

God, we worship the light within us. The light elements get

enlightened within us. The light element is here on the Agnya. When

you do Aarti, when you put light before God, when you show light to

God - the light element within you, gets enlightened. When you give

flowers, Mooladhara gets enlightened. When you give honey, your

attention gets enlightened. So why do we give it to God? After all,

God doesn't need anything! But God is 'the Enjoyer'! You are not the

Enjoyer! You cannot enjoy. 'Enjoy' is God in you, when God is there,

that enjoys. That is the Spirit! So whatever pleases your Spirit, is

used in the Puja, to be given.


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Extract from Formal Talk

> Chelsham Road

> London, England

> 27 September, 1980


> Here now is Part 2.


> Enjoy!


> violet



> What Shri Mataji said to yogis at Chelsham Rd. in 1980 - Part 2


> Now you give rice. All these things have been discovered that you

give rice to the Devi, that rice should be put in her lap. What is a

little rice to a Devi? It's that by putting rice in you, you have the

satisfaction of getting food that is satisfying, that is enlightened.

But that doesn't mean you start showering things on me. That doesn't

mean that. What I'm trying to say is that it's with dignity and

understanding, that you give me rice. Now people don't understand that

'rice-giving' is to be given to God. After all, why give him [Christ]

palm leaves? What was he going to do with palm leaves? What was the

use of putting palm leaves before him, or to give him an oil bath, or

to rub his feet with oil? It is for you to get the advantage! Now, in

Sahaja Yoga, it is proved now that when you rub my feet, you feel

better - not me. You rub my hands and you feel better. When you fall

at my feet you feel better, see?


> She is a great [reflexologist]. " What were you doing? "

" Reflexology. " 'Reflexology' is a big name, and she's supposed to know

about feet and things like that. One day she said: " Mother, I want to

come and massage your feet. I know this and all that " . So I said:

" Alright, come along! " So she came to rub my feet. Instead of myself

becoming relaxed, the more she rubbed, the more relaxed she became. So

you see, when you do things for God [referring to God Almighty], the

blessings come to you. You are blessed! [break Quote]


> [When Shri Mataji is saying: " So you see, when you do things for

God, the blessings come to you " ........it needs to be understood that

Shri Mataji is not making a " claimship " of being " God Almighty " as

some Sahaja Yogis have misunderstood it. To clarify, it can be

compared to ourselves doing something good for others, but saying we

are " doing it for God " . We are not saying though, that the others " are

God " . So spiritual discretion is needed, not to get the wrong idea, of

what Shri Mataji is saying here. By pleasing Shri Mataji, the

reflexologist was also " pleasing God " in the same way that by

ourselves helping others, in the right Spirit, we are also " pleasing

God " .]


> [Resume Quote]:


> Whatever is a problem 'with you', you give to God to solve. You also

give to God what satisfies you, and the satisfaction comes to you!

Now, when you give these flowers to me, they give you two things.

Flowers are very important for your Swadisthan and for your

Mooladhara. If the flowers are beautiful, then they give to your

Swadisthan [whose fundamental quality is that of creativity]:


> http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/swadhisthan_chakra.htm


> If they are fragrant, they cure your Mooladhara:


> http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/mooladhara_chakra.htm


> Now, there's no end to flowers also! But think what you are doing

for your chakras. Then there are other things that are used - like

'ghee'. Shri Krishna is very fond of ghee and butter, so when you rub

my feet with 'say' butter, your Vishuddhi will improve:


> http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/vishuddhi_chakra.htm


> You know that it's not mine [i.e. Shri Mataji's Vishuddhi that

improves]. I have no problems. I only have one problem - that you are

within Me and when you have problems I have problems, because these

vibrations [that Shri Mataji has] have to go to you. So i prepare

vibrations here as an antidote - and they have to flow! It's a very

subtle thing to understand - to move from 'the gross' to 'the Spirit'!

This is the thing by which you move [ascend], because first, you

enlighten your chakras. By enlightening your chakras, your Deities

[within] become happy, 'prasanna'. By making the Deities happy, you

get a passage for your Kundalini to pass through. By making the

passage for the Kundalini, it goes up, and then your attention starts

becoming 'One' with the Spirit. It is step by step that you move from

matter to subtler matter... from subtler matter to your chakras...

from chakras to Deities... from Deities to the Spirit. Then the

'state' enjoys itself. So there, you do not have to do anything. Just

give your spirit to Spirit. That's why these things were described.


> Now, people could not see this linkage. They thought that " why

should we give anything to God. After all, it is all his own! " The

argument started: " Why should we put lights, there is no need! " But

this is an escape of 'where' you are at 'what' stage. You are at a

stage where you have to detach yourself from matter. So with Sahaja

Yoga - I find that you must understand the complete vision of Sahaja Yoga.


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Extract from Formal Talk

> Chelsham Road

> London, England

> 27 September, 1980


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