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It's true! The Deities reside within human beings!

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" Religions are also the expressions and experiments of realized souls - the

seers. They also talk about the inner being, second birth, and about

Self-realization. In the beginning, in India, they tried to take the attention

inside by introducing symbols (idols) that they saw of this unconscious,

universal being within. This gave rise to pantheism and the aspirant's attention

got stuck to symbols (Sakar) and to rituals which killed the main objective.


So the other type of experiments of talking only about the abstract (Nirakar)

gave rise to many other religions which ended up as dogmas or " isms. " The reason

is obvious. Talking about the flower or the honey cannot take you to the honey

but can only create dogmatic " isms " in the mind. You have to be a bee to reach

there, i.e., you have to be reborn. This has to happen within to take you

inside. It is too great an achievement and unbelievable, but I feel the search

of ages has brought great results. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



[ " In the Upnishads the term brahm mostly refers to the personal form of God and

occasionally to the impersonal (nirakar) aspect of God, just like the verse 7 in

the Mandukyopnishad. The reason is that the nirakar aspect of God or nirakar

brahm is formless and actionless and so it cannot even Grace the souls or become

the creator of the universe or do any other thing of any kind. It is only the

‘purush,’ the personal form of God, Who does all those things. The Upnishads

describe the Gracious kindness of God awarding liberation and His abode to the

souls, and the creation of the universe etc. This is the work of the personal

God only, that’s why there is very little description of the nirakar

(actionless) brahm in them. " ]





" There are Deities who are in the Chakras. When the Kundalini rises She awakens

them just like seeds. Once they are awakened they start working it out. They

know what is their job, what to work out like they have been appointed. Those

Deities you have achieved through your evolution at different points. So where

ever they are settled they do the job. "


Shri Siva Devi (Siva [53rd]: One who bestows on the devotees true knowledge i.e.




" But you have your own Gods. You have your own Goddesses. You are the making of

your own which are mythical. Face it yourself. You need not believe into

anything but you need nor disbelieve also. Just as you go into a college you

have to study, not believing into anything or non-believing, but you have to see

it for yourself. You have to experiment yourself. "


Shri Satchakropari-samsthita Devi

Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985

(Satchakropari-samsthita [108th]: She is above the six chakras.)



" The attack of the negativity is on but no more do we crucify a saint. This way

I will not face the punishment. They will be punished now. All those who try to

do such things will be punished because a New Age has started. Today I want to

tell you about the Agnya Chakra, about Jesus Christ, who advanced to this center

of Agnya Chakra where you see this red mark. Behind that, inside the brain, on

the crossing of the optic chiasma is this subtle center where this Great Deity

is placed through His crucifixion. "


Shri Bhanu-Mandala-Madhyastha Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — October 6, 1981



" So now the time has come for you to get integration. The complete synthesis of

all the religions has to complete. But it is not a mental projection . . . And

when it happens you automatically realize that all of them belong to the same

Tree of Life, are milestones in our life by which we rise. Now many people have

a habit that they are stuck to one channel. For example those who are Hindus

will just believe in Krishna and nobody else. Krishna is just here (pointing to

the Vishuddhi Chakra). He came 6,000 years back. He is here. And then some will

believe only Rama. Rama is just here (pointing to right Heart Chakra). Or some

will believe only in Christ. Now Christ is just here (pointing to Agnya Chakra).

He's the Gate but He is not the Destiny. So what is the Destination? Is the

limbic area. " You have to enter into the Kingdom of God, " He said. "


Shri Lokatita Devi

(Lokatita [960th]: Transcends all created universes. Also it means She is seated

above Sahasrara — the highest of the worlds or Lokas, which is also called

Sadasiva-Loka in the body.)



" Today is the day we are celebrating Easter. Easter is extremely symbolic of not

only of Christ but also for all of us, in that the most important day is that of

the Resurrection. The Resurrection of Christ has the Message of Christianity.

Through Resurrection Christ has shown than one can be resurrected with the body

that you have. And without His Resurrection we could not have managed the

crossing of Agnya Chakra. "


Shri Bhairavi Devi

Self-Knowledge For Resurrection

Easter Puja, Calcutta, India — March 14, 1995



" Innocence is innately built within us. So the first and foremost thing that the

Will of God built up was innocence, the auspiciousness. The first thing He did

was to create Shri Ganesha, or I would say She, because the Will of God is Adi

Shakti. And all this innocence was created first of all to make the whole world

very beautiful. All those qualities were also placed within you, all those

Deities were placed within you. Specially made, human beings were specially made

so that they should become saintly people, that they should have their saintly,

innate sense. But it happened in the countries which developed, that our brain

was bombarded by all kinds of television, all kinds of things, and we became

very vulnerable. "


Shri Gudha-gulpha Devi

The Will Of God, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy — May 10, 1992



" We are here to know the Truth, first through our mental understanding and then

through our experience, to prove everything you have heard so far. But the minds

are very conditioned. Like in India when you talk about Christ to Hindus, saying

that Christ is based and placed in the Agnya Chakra, they think that I am trying

to spread Christianity because I was born in a Christian family. But when people

talk about the Deities on the Chakras, which is a fact, people in the West start

thinking they are talking about Hindu philosophy. But one must know they are all

related to each other. Christ Himself has said in the Bible those who are not

against Us are with Us. . . .


I have been coming to Switzerland for four years and I have been telling Arneau

just wait before talking about the Deities because I know the conditioning of

the Western mind. They will never try to understand that there is something

beyond what they know from the missionaries. "


Shri Varuni-Mada-Vivhala Devi

Seeking In The West, London, U.K. — November 21, 1979



" You have to be kind towards your auspiciousness and holiness so that Christ

enjoys His stay there in your Agnya; that we do not torture Him by our useless

ideas, uncomfortable behaviors, inauspicious appearances and unholy acceptance

of wrong ideas. Try to respect Him; there He stands. Try to make Him very

comfortable. I wish I could do that, but He resides in everybody's Agnya Chakra.

If He was only in My Agnya, I would have given Him the greatest comforts, but He

wants to be manifested in everybody's Agnya.


So I have to request you as a Mother to look after Him, give Him a nice cradle,

give Him a comfortable time, because He is born to give you your Resurrection.

He has taken up such a great responsibility to suck all your conditioning and to

suck all your ego, but that does not mean that you put stones on top of it. It's

like, sometimes I find the conditioning of some of the people in the West is so

great that a big mountain is falling on this little Child. And sometimes I find

a big a bad breath, horrible breath of ego — it stinks — blowing like a big wind

towards the Agnya. Horrible stink coming out of this terrible type of an ego.

Absolutely not the way to treat the King of Kings who is born within you. "


Shri Baindavasana Devi

Christmas Eve Talk, Pune, India — December 24, 1982

(Baindavasana [905th]: Seated in Bindu, the innermost point of Sri Cakra. It is

stated to be the abode of Shiva. It corresponds to the stalk of the

Sahasrara-Padma in the head of the devotee.)



" Up till now many saints, sages have known and revealed about this Shakti.

Whatever they could not describe in prose, they tried to convey through poetry.

Whatever description was not possible to put in words they composed different

names of the Devi and described. We all know this and many people also know the

meaning of this. But one thing they perhaps do not know is that every human

being has all these Shaktis, Powers, dormant in them and they can awaken them.

These dormant Powers are eternal and limitless. "


Shri Bindu-Mandala-vasini Devi

Navaratri Puja, Pune, India — October 16, 1988

(Bindu-Mandala-vasini [380th]: Resides in Bindu-mandala, which is the innermost

point in Sri Chakra representing Anandamaya; in the body it is chandra-mandala

which is below Brahma-randhra in the skull.)



" I am the Primordial Mother and I have to do the Job of awakening the Primordial

Nature, the Dharma within you human beings, and that's what I have to do and

nothing else. But for that I don't do anything. I am Nishkriya. I don't do

anything. Really, I don't do. It's done by Nature, done by Shri Ganesha, Vishnu,

Mahesha, everybody. They are all doing it.


But what is the relationship? The relationship is they are all in My Body and

they are all bound by their own Dharma. And they act. This is the relationship:

spontaneous, automatic, like a built-in relationship. For example, the fan it's

built-in. As soon as you push the button it starts moving. It's like that. All

of them are related to Me and they start moving. It's like that. All of them are

related to Me and they have a tremendous protocol, tremendous respect . . .


See, this thing is that very, very deep thing that I am telling you that you are

a human being; that there is built-in within you are your Dharmas, and if you go

against your Dharma then you will be finished. They are all built-in within you.

They are all there potentially. I hope you will understand how important it is

to be aware of your restrictions within your Self. Thanks very much all of you.

May God bless you. "


Shri Brahmopendra-Mahendradideva-samstuta-vaibhava Devi

Shri Ganesha and the Innate Dharma

Ganesha Puja, Cabella, Italy — Sep. 7, 1997

(Brahmopendra-Mahendradideva-samstuta-vaibhava [83rd]: After having acceded to

their wishes and accomplished Deva-Karya, Her splendour is praised by the Devas

such as Brahma, Vishnu and Indra.)



" When Self-Realization takes place the Deities are awakened and the Chakras are

nourished and refreshed . . . As soon as the Deities are awakened their Powers

are also awakened. This is a living process and how it works out you cannot

explain. "


Sri Brahmarupa Devi

Bombay, India — Feb. 26, 1987

(Brahmarupa [265th]: One of the Trimurtis who is Her Sakti, who

creates. [Vis. Pur.])



" The Chakras are all milestones in the path of evolution, each evolving and

developing at particular stages in our history. The Vishuddhi centre for

instance in the throat developed fully at the time when humans first raised his

head. Then, when the Chakra was established, the Deity for that centre was

created and placed there. "


Shri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta Devi

(Shri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha- sarvayudha-pariskrta [68th]: Mounted on the

chariot or Sri Chakra. She is armed with all the weapons i.e. powers. She has

three bodies: the Stula, Suksma and Karana which are represented by the three

Chakra — Sri-Chakra, Geya-Chakra and Kiri-Chakra. Geya Chakra is mounted by

Mantrini i.e., mind. Kiri Chakra is mounted by Varahi, i.e., Buddhi. Her weapons

are there in the microcosm. They are good qualities like Soma and Dama, truth,

and righteousness, distinguishing between real and unreal and developing a

cosmic view of the Reality. They are for fighting the ego (Bhanda); with the

help of these qualities the enlightened mind realises the Ultimate Reality as an

all-pervading consciousness.)



" Be careful. Take My warnings always seriously. You all have to come up very

well now. It is not only doing My Puja that is going to help you. I can tell you

this much. Now you better worship your Self. You have to worship all the Gods

within you! "


Shri Goptri Shri Nirmala Devi






, " Violet " <violetubb



> Dear All,


> Shri Mataji talked about the Deities that reside within us:


> " I have no problems. I only have one problem - that you are within

Me and when you have problems I have problems, because these

vibrations [that Shri Mataji has] have to go to you. So i prepare

vibrations here as an antidote - and they have to flow! It's a very

subtle thing to understand - to move from 'the gross' to 'the Spirit'!

This is the thing by which you move [ascend], because first, you

enlighten your chakras. By enlightening your chakras, your Deities

[within] become happy, 'prasanna'. By making the Deities happy, you

get a passage for your Kundalini to pass through. By making the

passage for the Kundalini, it goes up, and then your attention starts

becoming 'One' with the Spirit. It is step by step that you move from

matter to subtler matter... from subtler matter to your chakras...

from chakras to Deities... from Deities to the Spirit. Then the

'state' enjoys itself. So there, you do not have to do anything. Just

give your spirit to Spirit. That's why these things were described. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Extract from Formal Talk

> Chelsham Road

> London, England

> 27 September, 1980



> Folks, today i happened to come upon an article of confirmation by

an independent witness, that the Deities do reside within human

beings! Here is that article, from http://www.adishakti.org:


> " Kash was once giving Self-Realization to a new seeker Gurmit Singh

seated comfortably on a chair before the photograph of the Great

Divine Mother. Gurmit, who lived around Lachine and knew Kash's father

for many years, was brought by his Punjab village friend Bhupinder to

have Self-Realization.


> After putting himself in bandhan Kash asked the help of the Great

Primordial Kundalini to awaken the Kundalini residing within Gurmit.

He then used his hands to channel energy into the sacrum bone of the

seeker, where the Kundalini had laid dormant for ages.


> He closed his eyes in concentration and vibrations began flowing

profusely from his hands. The Kundalini of Gurmit responded and

informed Kash's Kundalini the condition of the chakras. Kash instantly

decoded this vital information on his fingertips and knew precisely

which chakra was malfunctioning and the extent of damage. He then

proceeded to cleanse these energy centres by invoking the Deities

present at those affected chakras.


> Every now and then he checked his own Kundalini for any

developments. She kept coordinating with him, advising him to work on

another chakra whenever a 'blockage' was detected. Sometimes he had to

rotate two or three chakras quickly, one after another, as the

Kundalini kept scanning the subtle system like a spiritual virus detector.


> Occasionally he would coax Gurmit's Kundalini to rise and penetrate

the Sahasrara, raising it all the way from the Mooladhara chakra to

the top of the head. By checking the top of the Brahmarandhra for the

Divine Cool Breeze and finding none, he knew that the Kundalini was

still having obstructions. Then again he had to communicate with his

Kundalini and continue rotating the energy centers in different

combinations, working continuously to open and connect the physical

body to the Universal Self.


> Kash worked on until the first few strands of the Kundalini pierced

the Thousand-Petal Lotus and the Divine Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit

began to blow from the top of the fontanel bone area. It was done. The

Great Mother Kundalini within had given second birth to Gurmit, the

genuine baptism of God Almighty. This was the rebirth that the Holy

Scriptures had mentioned, a mystery that no religious institution

knows about or is able to perform.


> Then Gurmit's friend Bhupinder, who had also helped Kash to awaken

the Kundalini, decided to meditate. Suddenly he got up and began to

shake his head in disbelief: he had felt the presence of Guru Nanak

very strongly and even caught a fleeting vision of Him. Everyone

observed him as he kept on shaking his head in utter amazement, face

flushed with emotion. All turned to Kash to see if he could confirm

this fact.


> Kash closed his eyes momentarily. What he saw with his spiritual

eyes was stunning — all the Deities were seen sitting on each and

every chakra of Gurmit's subtle body! It was the Divine Vision of the

Third Eye! Kash was given the Divine Vision to witness the spiritual

body of a human being for the very first and only time. He observed

that there were more than 20 Deities, each about an inch in size,

sitting on various chakras inside Gurmit. All these Spiritual Beings

were in a squatting position and in deep meditation.


> Kash told his father, Bhupinder and Gurmit that he had just seen the

Deities sitting inside the latter's body.


> He positively recognized Shri Ganesha above the anus (Mooladhara),

Shri Vishnu and Shri Lakshmi at the navel (Nabhi), Shri Krishna and

Shri Radha at the throat (Vishuddhi) and Shri Jesus behind and between

both eyes (Agnya). Right on the limbic area of the head (Sahasrara)

was the Spirit of the Living God Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, also

squatting and meditating.


> Bhupinder, Gurmit, and the father looked at each other and then at

Kash, unable to believe or understand what they just heard.


> Note: It has to be clearly understood that at this time Kash was new

to spiritualism and had no knowledge of the subtle human body. The

family members did not even know how to recite the great mantra of the

Great Adi Shakti, let alone know the various chakras, their locations

inside humans, and the presiding Deity. Yet Kash precisely located

their positions, matching them exactly to what Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi had told humankind since She opened the Sahasrara on May 5, 1970.

This simple fact proved that not only was his spiritual vision

flawless, but so was the Truth of the Great Primordial Goddess.


> The remaining Universal Beings could not be identified because Kash

was still new to spiritualism and did not know their names or

features. Put simply, although he saw all the Immortal Ones meditating

on all the various chakras in Gurmit's body — Shri Krishna, Jesus,

Buddha, Muhammad, Mahavira, Lao-tze, Moses, Abraham, Nanak, Confucius

and so on — he could not identify any of them. (It is just like

meeting a group of strangers and trying to ascertain their identity.

The only way to do so would be a formal introduction, i.e., through

previous knowledge or photographic recognition.) This inability was

compounded not only by their small size and multitude, which made

observation and memorization difficult, but also because of the brief

period that this Divine Vision was granted to him.


> It must be accepted that all the Deities are sitting in every human

being exactly at the energy points Shri Adhiparasakthi Shri Nirmala

Devi has proclaimed. Since Kash has positively identified the

positions of a few, then it is only logical that the other Divine

Beings also exist at precisely at the chakras revealed by the Great

Holy Spirit. Those who want to understand this profound Truth have to

thoroughly understand the immensity of this spiritual Reality — upheld

by many sages, saints and yogis — that " inside each of us are primal

gods and goddesses. " (Deepak Chopra.) This Knowledge is priceless for

all seekers of Truth. It is also the mysterious subtle Reality briefly

mentioned in the Bible and Qur'an, but explicitly expounded in Vedic



> Again we have to mention that there was just no way Kash could have

identified these Universal Beings — absolutely no way! In the first

place, how did he know that the Immortal Beings are within the body?

No one in the family even knew of this Truth, a fact that took a long

time after this incident to fathom. Then, how was it possible for him

to know exactly where they were sitting? He could have said that Shri

Jesus was seen on the Vishuddhi chakra, Shri Lakshmi/Vishnu at the

Swadisthan, and so on. But he did not. He told exactly what he saw and

those Divine Beings he identified corresponded exactly to that

revealed by the human Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Earth.


> And we must also bear in mind that two non-family members, Gurmit

and Bhupinder, witnessed and heard what Kash told them. (Anyone may

question them to confirm the above facts.)


> Based on this extraordinary mystical experience the following Truths

are announced to all seekers of the Spirit:


> Shri Ganesha is meditating in the Mooladhara Chakra — This Revealed

Truth is Absolute.

> Shri Lakshmi and Vishnu is meditating in the Nabhi Chakra — This

Revealed Truth is Absolute.

> Shri Radha and Krishna is meditating in the Vishuddhi Chakra — This

Revealed Truth is Absolute.

> Shri Jesus Christ is meditating in the Agnya Chakra — This Revealed

Truth is Absolute.

> Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi is meditating in the

Sahasrara Chakra — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.

> The Divine Beings are within all human beings — This Revealed Truth

is Absolute.


> http://adishakti.org/his_beings_within.htm



> Jai Shri Mataji!


> violet


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