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Shri Mataji spoke of the collapse of the financial system

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Dear All,


i am re-posting this because in the mid-1990's, i remember Shri Mataji telling

us that the financial system would collapse, making way for a new system. My

earlier use of the words " banking system " were close, but i believe Shri Mataji

actually used the words " financial system " . In the mid-1990's what Shri Mataji

said was a bit of a shock, but today it seems that is already happening. Shri

Mataji specifically spoke about America, but said that what happens there,

affects the whole world.


Below is an article that talks about this financial collapse. Again please use

your own discretion and discrimination with this article, and with all media

articles. The article shows how people are getting very disillusioned with the

external things that are happening around them, such as the collapsing financial

situation. This poor external situation will hopefully turn Americans from the

uselessness of materialism to their internal Self, the Spirit! People will come

face to face with the realisation that their true wealth is the Spirit - and the

collectivity of the human Spirit! Christ said:


" Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroy,

and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in

heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in

or steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. " (Matthew



Whatever happens ---- if people turn to their Spirit, their material needs, not

wants, will be looked after. In such a situation, people will again see the true

spiritual values of life and the need for people to work together in the spirit

of the brotherhood of man. Stealing and aggressing one's fellow man does not

work. It has to be a spiritual co-operation that changes humanity's outlook!






TBR News July 14, 2008



The Voice of the White House


Washington , D.C. , July 12, 2008 : " It is interesting to see the media coverage

of what is very obviously the collapse of the American banking and credit

system. Yes, I said collapse. These things do not happen all at one time, just

like a television drama, but start slowly and grow in speed with the passage of

time. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are slowly sinking into nothing and a number of

the major American banks are joining them. The combination of the rigged

mortgages and the hedge fund swindles will very soon become evident. The FDIC

only works so long and then it will be impossible for the federal government to

cover the losses of bank depositors. We don't need to go into the reasons for

this collapse but to sum them up, it was greed and self-deception and nothing

else. The banks, the credit card industry and others, bought up the fake

mortgages, dazzled with the prospect of the huge rise in income on flexible rate

mortgages when their terms came due. These millions of mortgages were utterly

worthless but our bankers bundled them and sold them off to as many foreign

investors as they could find before anyone realized that the mortgage holders

were virtually insolvent and could never pay the increases the banks were

counting on for their huge profits. Everyone suffers and soon the idle rich will

discover that their precious hedge funds are nothing but glorified Ponzi schemes

and that like the mortgage holders, they will be left holding an empty bag. This

is a critical election year and if these crisis peak before November, there will

be hell to pay at the polls. Congress can do nothing and Bush will do nothing so

we will have a reprise of 1929-1933 and we can watch the enormous

finger-pointing derby begin. My advice? Dump your stocks, clean out your

certificates of deposit, max out your credit cards and put all of your cash into

gold and silver. Don't trust the gold selling firms that assure you they will

keep your gold in their very own wonderful vaults. If you believe that bullshit,

you can believe in fried ice cream, kids. Buy easily turned coins or bullion and

find a safe place for it and not in the bank safety box. Did you know our very

own DHS has the right to go into any safe deposit box anywhere in the United

States? And if they are looking for pictures of bin Laden and you have a pile of

gold coins loose in the box, guess how many will be left when the agents leave

the bank? No, put the gold away somewhere and sit on it. When the banks fold up

and other people have lost their deposits, you will be safe. Do it now, not

later. "



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