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The Vision for the Future - i am still reeling from a devastating email

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Dear Violet and All,


i am still reeling from a devastating email about the past

unforgivable, immoral activities of a present country leader (and

WCASY member). i am not at liberty to disclose the contents of the

email as the identity of the sender, who knows the victim personally,

can be known. The email reveals how much the negativity has

penetrated the present SY organization and those who claim to be

representatives of Her Will. (Thanks Sir C.P. for being instrumental

in orchestrating this unprecedented blasphemy!) How come all the

footsoaks, candle treatments, string-burning, mantras etc., etc., -

the sacred cow of the SYSSR - has, despite years in SY, failed to

douse the erotic fire smouldering in the loins of this country leader?


However, since i am no more associated with the present SY leadership

and organization, it really does not matter any more. On the

contrary, i again feel vindicated of my exposure of the immense

negativity that has penetrated the very core of the organization and

rendered it impotent and barren of truth and dharma. And if we

include their decades-old opposition to declaring the Comforter's

message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, it cannot be anything

but antichrist!


But Shri Mataji promised that the " Truth which is absolute has to

express itself in these Modern Times. And even if it is not accepted

it will never die. On the contrary, if it is not accepted, it will

expose all falsehood and destroy it! " Thus i have again updated the

subheading of http://adishakti.org to optimize, in a nutshell, the

very Truth that has to express itself in these Modern Times, and

penetrate the consciousness and conscience of humanity:


" The Divine Feminine:

The Kingdom of God


Since November 1993 the spiritual experiences of children's souls

meeting the Divine Feminine thousands of times over the years have

been recorded. All have independently corroborated and identified

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit

(Divine Feminine) sent to deliver and explain in detail the

Primordial Being's Divine Message of the promised General

Resurrection and evolution into the eternal spirit:

" 'But, if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in

you, he who raised from the dead Christ Jesus shall quicken your

mortal bodies also through His Spirit who dwells in you.' The divine

agent, then, is the Holy Spirit, in unity with the human spirit. "

[1] " The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn

(for the pious). " [2]

[1] F. J. Lambretch, Resurrection in the New Testament, page 297.

[2] Eric Eve, The Jewish Context of Jesus' Miracles, p. 195 "


The latest addition is:


" The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn (for

the pious). " [2]





Yes, as i see the Vision for the Future i am still reeling from that

devastating email that reminds me, in no uncertain terms, of the

nature of the immense negativity that has been always working against

the Comforter and Her message of the promised universal salvation.

That tens of thousands of so-called self-realized souls are

unconsciously empowering this antichrist negativity has left me

drained of any logical explanation. Every few weeks or so, despite my

solace in Silence, my disturbed conscience questions: " How? Why? Why?

Why? " The only answer i can get: You were called to " Join Shri

Mataji! " Other than that this nightmare makes no sense!


regards to all,





, " Violet "

<violetubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> i refer to these words in particular:


> " There was a huge uproar as leaders tried frantically to shut down

the website. Shri Mataji was approached for help. She told them that

he was doing nothing wrong and must be left alone. "


> http://www.adishakti.org/



> The reason why your website is up and running is because Shri

Mataji approved of it. The leaders must have asked Shri Mataji: " Shri

Mataji, please shut Jagbir's website down! " She refused to do it.

Instead of asking you to shut it down, She openly approved of it

instead! It must have been a real slap in the face of the leaders.

But then, Shri Mataji said we must dedicate completely to Her

(signifying the internal Holy Spirit) and not to Sahaja Yoga

(signifying the external leadership):


> " You have to dedicate yourself completely to Me, not to Sahaja

Yoga, but to Me. Sahaja Yoga is only one of My aspects. Leaving

everything you have to dedicate. Complete dedication – otherwise you

cannot ascend any further. Without questioning, without arguing,

complete dedication is the only way you can achieve it. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Cheltenham, U.K.

> 31 July, 1982



> Jagbir, now that the huge uproar of the frantic leaders is eight

years down the track from 2000 (which is when you set the website up)

can you tell us what you have learned/gleaned from that experience of

oppositional behaviour, if anything? Is there any particular

knowledge/insight/understanding that you would like to share with us,

to encourage us to go forward with confidence? What is your vision

for the future, in the work that we are doing? i know that we are

only just starting to get off the ground, but it is a great start

with so much hope for the future!


> warmest regards,


> violet


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Dear Jagbir and All,


i received this same email some months ago. i did my " reeling " then - as you are

doing your " reeling " now. i reeled in disbelief, horror and incredulity at the

" past, unforgivable, immoral activity of a present country leader (and WCASY

member) " . i also " am not at liberty to disclose the contents of the email as the

identity of the sender, who knows the victim personally, can be known " . i also

was appalled that " all the footsoaks, candle treatments, string-burning, mantras

etc., etc., - the sacred cow of the SYSSR - has, despite years in SY, failed to

douse the erotic fire smouldering in the loins of this country leader " .


Jagbir, you say:


> However, since i am no more associated with the present SY

> leadership and organization, it really does not matter any more. On

> the contrary, i again feel vindicated of my exposure of the immense

> negativity that has penetrated the very core of the organization and

> rendered it impotent and barren of truth and dharma. And if we

> include their decades-old opposition to declaring the Comforter's

> message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, it cannot be anything

> but antichrist!


[Jagbir, knowing these things, it is a relief that we are " no more associated

with the present SY leadership and organization " . You are right that " it really

does not matter any more " . Yes, it does vindicate your " exposure of the immense

negativity that has penetrated to the very core of the organisation " . And

Jagbir, when there is not dharma in a person's life, and truth and honesty

towards fellow Sahaja Yogis by its leaders, the organisation does become

" impotent and barren of truth and dharma " . Like you say, if you add the

" decades-old opposition to declaring the Comforter's message of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection " ...............what have you got left? Like you say,

these things all add up to go against Christ and are therefore " antichrist " .]


> But Shri Mataji promised that the " Truth which is absolute has to

> express itself in these Modern Times. And even if it is not accepted

> it will never die. On the contrary, if it is not accepted, it will

> expose all falsehood and destroy it! " Thus i have again updated the

> subheading of http://adishakti.org to optimize, in a nutshell, the

> very Truth that has to express itself in these Modern Times, and

> penetrate the consciousness and conscience of humanity:


> " The Divine Feminine:

> The Kingdom of God


> Since November 1993 the spiritual experiences of children's souls

> meeting the Divine Feminine thousands of times over the years have

> been recorded. All have independently corroborated and identified

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit

> (Divine Feminine) sent to deliver and explain in detail the

> Primordial Being's Divine Message of the promised General

> Resurrection and evolution into the eternal spirit:

> " 'But, if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in

> you, he who raised from the dead Christ Jesus shall quicken your

> mortal bodies also through His Spirit who dwells in you.' The divine

> agent, then, is the Holy Spirit, in unity with the human spirit. "

> [1] " The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn

> (for the pious). " [2]

> [1] F. J. Lambretch, Resurrection in the New Testament, page 297.

> [2] Eric Eve, The Jewish Context of Jesus' Miracles, p. 195 "


> The latest addition is:


> " The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn (for

> the pious). " [2]






[Yes, " the great age of salvation will dawn (for the pious) " . The impious will

have forfeited their opportunity for salvation, which means they have not taken

advantage of the chance to transform themselves through the resurrection of

their bodies from their lower self to become their Higher Self, the Spirit. At

this Last Judgment and Resurrection time, the impious will be found out, because

if you have sinned against the Lord, then " Be sure your sins will find you out " .

(Numbers 32:23b) But what this present country leader (and WCASY member) has

done is not just simply 'impious'. What he has done in his position of power is

" unconscionable " ! It is simply " unforgiveable " ! That's all i can say! And i

sympathize with you, Jagbir, that you are now " reeling " from the shock of it, as

i also did. i can tell you it took me a few days to get over the shock of it!]



> Yes, as i see the Vision for the Future i am still reeling from that

> devastating email that reminds me, in no uncertain terms, of the

> nature of the immense negativity that has been always working

> against the Comforter and Her message of the promised universal

> salvation. That tens of thousands of so-called self-realized souls

> are unconsciously empowering this antichrist negativity has left me

> drained of any logical explanation. Every few weeks or so, despite

> my solace in Silence, my disturbed conscience questions: " How? Why?

> Why? Why? " The only answer i can get: You were called to " Join Shri

> Mataji! " Other than that this nightmare makes no sense!


[ " Join Shri Mataji " must be your special answer. It was not " Join Sahaja Yoga "

which is significant, especially now. Shri Mataji called you to " join Her " . That

agrees with what She said at Sydney Airport in the mid-1990's - that if the

Sahaja Yogis did not give Her message from inside the organisation, She had

" others " to give Her message from outside of the organisation. That Shri Mataji

only said " Join Shri Mataji " means She called you to " join Her " - not Sahaja

Yoga. In fact, you have found it hard to " join Sahaja Yoga " because of all the

flack you have received there, just for telling the truth! i agree that other

than " Joining Shri Mataji " ---- this " nightmare makes no sense " ---- that

" thousands of so-called self-realised souls are unconsciously empowering this

antichrist negativity " .]



We know that " Sahaja Yoga " is only one of Shri Mataji's " aspects " :


" Sahaja Yoga is only one of My aspects. Leaving everything you have to

dedicate. Complete dedication – otherwise you cannot ascend any further. Without

questioning, without arguing, complete dedication is the only way you can

achieve it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cheltenham, U.K.

31 July, 1982


Shri Mataji is an incarnation of the Holy Spirit. As such, She speaks for the

Holy Spirit. That's 'why' when Shri Mataji says that we have to dedicate

completely to Her, She is saying that we have to dedicate completely to the Holy

Spirit within. So we don't dedicate to an organisation - but we dedicate to the

Holy Spirit. This truth is simple and backed by Christ's teachings. An

organisation of the Holy Spirit is supposed to be a place where people can

dedicate to the Holy Spirit Within, together. When an organisational entity

ceases to be that - simply because the leadership have not been faithful to the

truth that the Holy Spirit has given, such an entity becomes spiritually

ineffective in transforming the world. It loses the Holy Spirit's favour, which

comes from within, where the Holy Spirit resides.


As the real Will of the Holy Spirit, Shri Mataji showed Her Will to all of

humanity, unlike WCASY who only want to show Her Will to the few that are under

their rule - which shows how fake they really are! The Will of the Holy Spirit

has always been for all of humanity, not just the select few that WCASY now

claim Will-Ship over. WCASY just wanted a bit of the Holy Spirit's action for

themselves. Trying to usurp the Holy Spirit's Will was very blatant of them.

That is the one action, they will never get away with. Because Shri Mataji, as

the true Will of the Holy Spirit said:


" You have to dedicate yourself completely to Me, not to Sahaja Yoga, but to Me. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cheltenham, U.K.

31 July, 1982


regards to all,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:



> Dear Violet and All,


> i am still reeling from a devastating email about the past

> unforgivable, immoral activities of a present country leader (and

> WCASY member). i am not at liberty to disclose the contents of the

> email as the identity of the sender, who knows the victim personally,

> can be known. The email reveals how much the negativity has

> penetrated the present SY organization and those who claim to be

> representatives of Her Will. (Thanks Sir C.P. for being instrumental

> in orchestrating this unprecedented blasphemy!) How come all the

> footsoaks, candle treatments, string-burning, mantras etc., etc., -

> the sacred cow of the SYSSR - has, despite years in SY, failed to

> douse the erotic fire smouldering in the loins of this country leader?


> However, since i am no more associated with the present SY leadership

> and organization, it really does not matter any more. On the

> contrary, i again feel vindicated of my exposure of the immense

> negativity that has penetrated the very core of the organization and

> rendered it impotent and barren of truth and dharma. And if we

> include their decades-old opposition to declaring the Comforter's

> message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, it cannot be anything

> but antichrist!


> But Shri Mataji promised that the " Truth which is absolute has to

> express itself in these Modern Times. And even if it is not accepted

> it will never die. On the contrary, if it is not accepted, it will

> expose all falsehood and destroy it! " Thus i have again updated the

> subheading of http://adishakti.org to optimize, in a nutshell, the

> very Truth that has to express itself in these Modern Times, and

> penetrate the consciousness and conscience of humanity:


> " The Divine Feminine:

> The Kingdom of God


> Since November 1993 the spiritual experiences of children's souls

> meeting the Divine Feminine thousands of times over the years have

> been recorded. All have independently corroborated and identified

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to be the incarnation of the Holy Spirit

> (Divine Feminine) sent to deliver and explain in detail the

> Primordial Being's Divine Message of the promised General

> Resurrection and evolution into the eternal spirit:

> " 'But, if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in

> you, he who raised from the dead Christ Jesus shall quicken your

> mortal bodies also through His Spirit who dwells in you.' The divine

> agent, then, is the Holy Spirit, in unity with the human spirit. "

> [1] " The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn

> (for the pious). " [2]

> [1] F. J. Lambretch, Resurrection in the New Testament, page 297.

> [2] Eric Eve, The Jewish Context of Jesus' Miracles, p. 195 "


> The latest addition is:


> " The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn (for

> the pious). " [2]

> http://www.adishakti.org/_/messiah_will_come_and_the_great_age_of_salv

> ation_will\

> _dawn.htm


> Yes, as i see the Vision for the Future i am still reeling from that

> devastating email that reminds me, in no uncertain terms, of the

> nature of the immense negativity that has been always working against

> the Comforter and Her message of the promised universal salvation.

> That tens of thousands of so-called self-realized souls are

> unconsciously empowering this antichrist negativity has left me

> drained of any logical explanation. Every few weeks or so, despite my

> solace in Silence, my disturbed conscience questions: " How? Why? Why?

> Why? " The only answer i can get: You were called to " Join Shri

> Mataji! " Other than that this nightmare makes no sense!


> regards to all,


> jagbir



> , " Violet "

> <violetubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > i refer to these words in particular:

> >

> > " There was a huge uproar as leaders tried frantically to shut down

> the website. Shri Mataji was approached for help. She told them that

> he was doing nothing wrong and must be left alone. "

> >

> > http://www.adishakti.org/

> >

> >

> > The reason why your website is up and running is because Shri

> Mataji approved of it. The leaders must have asked Shri Mataji: " Shri

> Mataji, please shut Jagbir's website down! " She refused to do it.

> Instead of asking you to shut it down, She openly approved of it

> instead! It must have been a real slap in the face of the leaders.

> But then, Shri Mataji said we must dedicate completely to Her

> (signifying the internal Holy Spirit) and not to Sahaja Yoga

> (signifying the external leadership):

> >

> > " You have to dedicate yourself completely to Me, not to Sahaja

> Yoga, but to Me. Sahaja Yoga is only one of My aspects. Leaving

> everything you have to dedicate. Complete dedication – otherwise you

> cannot ascend any further. Without questioning, without arguing,

> complete dedication is the only way you can achieve it. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> > Cheltenham, U.K.

> > 31 July, 1982

> >

> >

> > Jagbir, now that the huge uproar of the frantic leaders is eight

> years down the track from 2000 (which is when you set the website up)

> can you tell us what you have learned/gleaned from that experience of

> oppositional behaviour, if anything? Is there any particular

> knowledge/insight/understanding that you would like to share with us,

> to encourage us to go forward with confidence? What is your vision

> for the future, in the work that we are doing? i know that we are

> only just starting to get off the ground, but it is a great start

> with so much hope for the future!

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > violet

> >


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