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Gautama, Lord of the Ego - Part 3

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Dear All,


In Part 2, we concluded with:


" So what this is, is to understand that if you have your ego in the real way,

that you should really have your own personality, character, understanding,

specialty and temperament. What did Buddha do? He said to get rid of everything,

your hair, even your eyelashes, anything that can be shaved off, hands, feet,

everything shaved off. Imagine what would have happened to us if we were

following Buddhism! And he said " Alright, just wear a saffron robe. Go off with

the saffron robes, with everything shaved off. And the ladies could only wear

two dresses. One was the blouse; the other was the sari - no petticoats;

nothing, whether you were a 'queen' or whether you were a 'sweeper'. All of them

should look alike, so no fashion anymore. But Buddhists are the greatest

fashionable people you could ever think of. If you go to Japan, you will go mad

if you see their fashions. It is so artificial, I don't know where Buddhism is

gone, whereas Buddha always praised people who are natural. All Buddhism is lost

like this, into a kind of wilderness. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Buddha Puja

" Gautama, Lord of the Ego "

Barcelona, Spain

20 May, 1989


Here now, is Part 3.







Gautama, Lord of the Ego - Part 3


Another thing: the right-sided people have a problem, because if you become too

right-sided, you neglect the left side - you neglect your mooladhara:




Because you see: " What's wrong? " " What's wrong? " Until you got aids, nothing was

wrong; now something is wrong. Until you get cancer, what's wrong in smoking?

" What's wrong? " They advertise even in India, that you look really great, if you

have a cigar or cigarette in your hand. You look like a chimney, but, alright.

So they pamper your ego by telling you all these things - and you are doing it.

And in that doing, you just forget, that you are a stupid fool. We are going to

lose all our beauty if we listen to all these cunning people, who are horrible,

take it from Me. We had 'Mona Lisa'. These days you don't find her anywhere, no!

You have 'mosquitoes' now, - horrible! They think they are very beautiful. They

don't emit any vibrations. From any angle of esthetics, they are not beautiful.

And by the time they are forty years, they look at least eighty!


So what has happened, is that we have played into the hands of our ego and our

mooladhara is lost. The mooladhara is like the brake. The right side is the

accelerator and the left side, which is the mooladhara [side], is the 'brake':

" What's wrong? " That is why Buddha preached Brahmacharya, celibacy. Because, if

you go too much to the right side, then there are many complications, which i

hear about from many people, that those who are overactive can't produce

children. First: " What's wrong? " Then: complete dryness. They cannot have

children. And if by any chance they have children, it may turn out to be

rakshasas [devils] only. So too much asceticism can take you too much to the

right. That is why Buddha said that no asceticism is needed. He said it, though

he had people around him, whom he looked after, and saw to it that they were

celibate people; he was the one who gave them balance and managed them.


So once you start going on the right side, you automatically end up like a

cabbage. Automatically, you cannot produce children, you cannot live long. You

can say, it is like taking cocaine: you speed up very much, you become very

speedy. When you have to live with them, it is really so very difficult, because

they move at the speed of a jet - and I move at the speed of an elephant! I just

look at them: " going, coming, going " . I don't know how to relate [to them]. So,

to curb this ego, we have to worship Buddha. We have to worship Buddha. But the

first principle is to respect your chastity. To respect Buddha, means to respect

your chastity. You don't have to give up your wife that you have been given,

unless they become horrid. You don't have to give up your husbands. All of them

[buddha's devotees] were without wives. Buddha had a wife, he gave her up.

Mahavira had no wife. Christ was never married. But in Sahaja Yoga you do marry;

you have children, no doubt. And as we were saying, " with ego " we become in a

way, very much involved into ourselves. So we can say there are three types of

people in this world [and one type is] those who are not bothered about others.


So the first message of Buddha is honesty to yourself - and the first area where

one has to see the honesty, is in your chastity. You can marry, you can have a

wife, you can have a husband, you can have children. So this ego which was there

first, created one type of a person, who is just involved in himself, his

ambition, his projects, his jobs, at the most his wife or children, his house,

his car and maybe his horse or dog. At the " most " , he could extend [to those].

Otherwise, if you told such a person: " Oh, I'm rather worried about someone " ,

that person would tell me: " See, you have done your duty. Now if that person

does not want to do it, why should you worry? You should be happy! " But how can

I be happy?! I'm not your type! And such a person will say that: " This is my

house, so why should I worry about anybody else, who has no house? " ---- " This

is my room, this is my carpet. Anybody who comes in my house: 'Oh, sit there!

Put that there! " Such a horribly harsh person. The " my " and " mine " , " my " and

" mine " goes on working.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Buddha Puja

" Gautama, Lord of the Ego "

Barcelona, Spain

20 May, 1989


[Written in the English way, with the meaning of what Shri Mataji gave, being


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