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Christ, Conditioning, and the Ego - Part 6

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 5 with:


" If you see his sermons he's so deep and enlightened despite the efforts of this

gentleman, Mr. Paul. You see Christ talking to people, explicating [laying open

the meaning] in different ways, what happens after realisation and how it can

get spoiled. He explained very beautifully why it didn't have much effect at

that time. His life was so charming and so beautiful. Like a shooting star, he

came on this earth but left such a remarkable impression on people. His

crucifixion was a part of the game, because he had to make the way in the Agnya

chakra [Narrow Gate] to cross it. The Agnya chakra was crucified, but his

Message is not crucifixion. People wear the cross, and I feel very hurt about

it. People were celebrating that he crucified himself, but that's not the

message. That's not why you should celebrate. You have to celebrate his

resurrection, because human beings are to be resurrected! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, India

24 December, 1995


Here now is Part 6.








Christ, Conditioning, and the Ego - Part 6


In Sahaja Yoga nobody is crucified and then resurrected, because of the 'one'

crucifixion of Christ. That was enough. That was sufficient. You can't carry the

cross on your shoulder! You don't have to! He is carrying it for you! He has

done everything for you. He also said that he died for all the sinners. That's a

fact. If he had not done that, it would have been difficult to open your agnya

because of two problems I have told you about. It's the " conditioning " and the

" ego " . His crucifixion has helped the loosening of these two horrible capacities

of human beings.


His life is to be understood in a very, very, deep sense. But if you are a

journalist: " Why did he crucify himself? If he was god, why did he get

crucified? " Now, [the answer to] the question of " Why did he get crucified? " is

to tell journalists who don't know anything about the chakras that: " Because it

was the era of the time of " Tapasia " - of " sacrifice " . And so, these three

dharmic persons [Christ, Buddha, and Mahavira] went into complete renunciation:


[ " So he [Christ] said: " I come from a country where people believe in filth and

I think this is my own country. " So Shalivahan said: " You are such a great

person, who has come on this earth so you should go back to those countries, to

save them and tell them about the pure principle of life. " In Sanskrit, it was

written as " Nirmala Tattwa " , and Christ went back, and after three and a half

years only, he was crucified. These were special days. I call them the days of

" tapasya " . In those times Buddha and Mahavira were born at the same level of the

Virata, the forehead. " ]




They led the life of a great Tapasi. They did it for us, not for themselves.

They didn't need it. They didn't want it, but they had to do it to cleanse us,

to give us a proper " meda " as it is called, to be cleared out. And they have

sacrificed their lives, sacrificed all the pleasures of life. For them it was

not a sacrifice. It was just the kind of life they wanted to have. For such

people there is no question of sacrifice but it is a question of doing

something. Without them, we could never have worked it out. It was essential for

us that these people would cleanse these three chakras [which are] part of the

one chakra of Christ.


They have worked it all out and that's why, today, Sahaja Yoga is so beautifully

created, so beautifully spreading. We have to thank them very much that it is

working out. Of course, you can see that all of their incarnations have helped.

Then we should also be [helping] the right heart, left heart, and all this

[where] all these angels as they are called in the Bible, helped us to cross

over. All these incarnations are responsible for our evolutionary process,

creating the ladders for us to ascend. So ultimately, you reach the state of

" tapa " at the sixth centre [agnya]:




And then, in the state of truth, " sate " , the truth comes to you. [it's] 'true

sahaja yoga in the brain' - in the limbic area, where the Kundalini enters. She

puts light there. She creates and enlightens the personality and then joins it

with this all pervading power of divine love and you are completely changed and

transformed. So their contribution to the ascent of human beings has been great.

And that of Christ, has been the greatest.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, India

24 December, 1995


[Written in the English way with the meaning of what Shri Mataji gave, being


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