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The eschatology of all three monotheistic faiths are harmoniously fulfilled by Devi

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(Ajay, this article is not for you as your steadily diminishing ability to

comprehend Shri Mataji's advent and message will only leave you all the more

confused and disillusioned. i have given you the SYSSR divinesahajayoga link.

That kindergarten is best for those who want to study the subtle system and its

1001 catches and cures. They are also experts at interpreting dreams, trapping

bhoots, neutralizing left-sided cats, give self-realization to animals,

pinpointing the exact time the Gates of Hell will open/close, etc., etc.,

............... and, most importantly, convince you that your subtle system is

constantly catching and you need to religiously study their thick SYSSR manual

to heal yourself 24/7 365 days a year.)




" What are they awaiting but for the Hour to come upon them suddenly?

Its Signs have already come. What good will their Reminder be to them

when it does arrive? (Qur'an, 47:18)


As the above verse indicates, God has revealed some of Doomsday's

signs in the Qur'an. In Surat az-Zukhruf 43:61, God informs us

that " He [Jesus] is a Sign of the Hour. Have no doubt about it... "

Thus we can say, based particularly on Islamic sources but also on

the Old Testament and the New Testament, that we are living in the

End Times. " - Harun Yahya


Note: According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary sign

means " a discernible indication of what is not itself directly

perceptible. Sign applies to any indication to be perceived by the

senses or the reason. " Thus Surat az-Zukhruf 43:61 indicates that the

Hour of the Resurrection, which is already taking place, is not

itself directly perceptible by most humans. The only way the

commencement of the Resurrection can be perceived is either by the

senses (feeling the Nafas al Rachman, the breath of the Merciful

i.e., Winds of Qiyamah flowing from the body - especially the hands,

top of head and legs) or by reason (confirming with heart, mind and

soul the declaration of the General Resurrection and Al-Qiyamah to

all humankind), or far better by both senses and reason. That is

exactly why the Holy Qur'an warns that most humans will be unaware

that is the Resurrection is taking place (surah 30:55-60 Al Rum), and

that includes most Muslims!




i have already linked the above at " He (Jesus) is the Sign of the Hour (of

Resurrection) " - Surat az-Zukhruf 43:61 [3] " of the main http://adishakti.org



" Since November 1993 the spiritual experiences of children's souls meeting the

Divine Feminine thousands of times over the years have been recorded. All have

independently corroborated and identified Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to be the

incarnation of the Divine Feminine sent to deliver and explain in detail the

Primordial Being's Divine Message of the promised General Resurrection and

evolution into the eternal spirit: " 'But, if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus

from the dead dwells in you, he who raised from the dead Christ Jesus shall

quicken your mortal bodies also through His Spirit who dwells in you.' The

divine agent, then, is the Holy Spirit, in unity with the human spirit " [1];

" The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn (for the pious) "

[2]; " He (Jesus) is the Sign of the Hour (of Resurrection) " - Surat az-Zukhruf

43:61 [3]. The eschatology of all three monotheistic faiths are harmoniously

fulfilled by Devi. "

[1] F. J. Lambretch, Resurrection in the New Testament, page 297; [2] Eric Eve,

The Jewish Context of Jesus' Miracles, p. 195; [3] Holy Qur'an


i have now a link at " three monotheistic faiths " that rips apart centuries of

falsehood, misconception and blind faith concerning the Resurrection - the very

heart and soul of all three faiths.


Shri Mataji has completed to the letter Her assigned eschatological

duties, and the Devi within aided Her with unmatched mystical

evidence and power of spiritual rebirth during the Resurrection to

silence all religious organizations forever. With the latest update

on the homepage the Divine Feminine is all poised to challenge the

most fanatical of religions and, most importantly, silence them. The

Resurrection effectively renders all religions--specifically the three

monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam--impotent.


But for those who understand and believe that the Resurrection has

begun, the eschatology of all three monotheistic faiths are

harmoniously fulfilled by Devi. No religion triumphs over another. No

religious organization tramples another. All faiths are in perfect

harmony towards the evolution of human beings into the eternal spirit!


regards to all,






Note: After Ajay's/Sharmila's emails i am feeling that i may be a

decade or two ahead, even for Shri Mataji's devotees. Except for a

handful, i doubt anyone truly understands to what extend religious

institutions (and the SY organization) have corrupted the teachings

of the Holy Scriptures and their founders. It is indeed a nightmare

that i have to continue defending myself against tens of thousands of

so-called self-realized souls, the very devotees of the Comforter,

that we must be conscientious and truthful towards our fellow human

beings. Is that too much to ask? Yes, it is indeed a nightmare for me!

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