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Gautama, Lord of the Ego - Part 4

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 3 with:


" So the first message of Buddha is honesty to yourself - and the first area

where one has to see the honesty, is in your chastity. You can marry, you can

have a wife, you can have a husband, you can have children. So this ego which

was there first, created one type of a person, who is just involved in himself,

his ambition, his projects, his jobs, at the most his wife or children, his

house, his car and maybe his horse or dog. At the " most " , he could extend [to

those]. Otherwise, if you told such a person: " Oh, I'm rather worried about

someone " , that person would tell me: " See, you have done your duty. Now if that

person does not want to do it, why should you worry? You should be happy! " But

how can I be happy?! I'm not your type! And such a person will say that: " This

is my house, so why should I worry about anybody else, who has no house? " ----

" This is my room, this is my carpet. Anybody who comes in my house: 'Oh, sit

there! Put that there! " Such a horribly harsh person. The " my " and " mine " , " my "

and " mine " goes on working. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Buddha Puja

" Gautama, Lord of the Ego "

Barcelona, Spain

20 May, 1989


Here now, is Part 4.







Gautama, Lord of the Ego - Part 4


And this ego then spreads more and more and more and then I believe an ideology

[forms] like Hitler's did. He must have been hurt by some Jews; he might have

been. So that 'hurt' was completely built into a big, horrible prison by his ego

and he wanted to kill every Jew. So this is the kind of person that's so

involved in himself: " I, me, mine, I am the best, Everybody is a stupid fool, I

am the most intelligent and clever, I know everything.... like a saint I was

coming by the road and I saw a thief, so I ran up the tree and hid myself; 'what

a great person I am'.... the thief came and he threatened me, so I gave

everything away, to him; 'what a great person I am'.... the thief came and took

away my wife; 'what a great person I am' " : " Self-Certificate " . And he is very

happy. Everyone is tired of such a person. Everyone is unhappy with such a

person. No one likes him. If such a person is coming from this side, most of

them will run away: " Oh, that's coming! " We have some people of that kind in

every city in India who are well known. Everybody knows them. So, now in the

morning the people go out for a walk in the garden, and they see such a person.

" Oh God, today we will not have our food. " I said: " Why? " " Today we met these

most inauspicious persons - 'this one', 'this one', 'this one'. But he is

walking like this: 'What's wrong?!' No one likes such a person. You may think no

end of yourself. No one likes you. In countries after countries, there have been

people with such collective nonsensities.


Sometimes when you see how many people were killed in America, by the same

Spanish people who today are Sahaja Yogis, I can't believe that you are the

children of the 'same Spanish'. I mean, you are so different, so beautiful. So

what was it that made them so cruel? It was that ego that built up in them, so

they could not see that these are human beings that we are killing, that we have

aggressed their country, that we are here killing them - that we have no right

to be here. It's the same with the Portuguese. They all disappeared into Brazil,

while they belong to Portugal and in Portugal there are only five percent of the

people left. They are not bothered about Portugal which is very, very poor. Same

thing with the Spanish who went to America: " So what! We won our own America. We

are here. We have done this, we have done that. We have killed so many people.

The Spanish have not killed anyone, so why look after the Spanish? " And this is

how their ego brought forth such destruction.


When I went to Columbia for the first time, I don't know but one gentleman knew

about Me. He asked: " Mother, are you the one who is known to be a spiritual

leader? " I said: " Yes, I am. So what? " He met me in a party. I was surprised he

called me " Mother " . So he said: " Can you bless our country with something that

can outwit these Americans. Let there be something from nature. We have got

wheat. We produce wheat here and these people want to buy it at such a low price

that we can't even maintain our families. It is such a low price, that

economically, we really cannot do it. We starve ourselves and sell this wheat to

them. So the shantytown of Bogota, Columbia has now become the most developed

one. They all travel by first class. The Americans are now taking their cocaine

and ['literally'] washing their feet!: " This is the reward of the ego! " You have

to pay the dividend. You have to pay for your ego - and very severely [at that]

Try any tricks with your ego, and it boomerangs back. " Of course, in Sahaja Yoga

it is the worst; it is the worst. I am frightened to see anybody riding a horse.


I must also mention another type of people there, who are 'leftsided'. They are

always complaining: " I have got a headache. I have got a pain here; I have got a

pain there. I have got this. " All kinds of diseases they will have. I read a

book of Jerome where it reads: " I hope you people are not in a hurry (laughs) so

he had described that one fellow who went to a doctor, said: " Sir, I have all

the diseases that are described in the Materia Medica except for one. That is

the 'housewife's knee' " The doctor said: " How is it that you don't have that? "

He said: " Because I am not a housewife. " So the doctor said: " How did you get

all these diseases and how do you know [you got them]? He said: " Because I read

the Materia Medica, and I found that all these diseases are with me. " The doctor

said: " Alright, I'll give you some medicine, but don't take it until you are

five miles away from here, and then you can take it. " So he took the medicine

which was in a piece of paper. He went five miles away and opened it, one after

the other, and found no medicine. But on the last paper was written: " You stupid

fool! Don't read the Material Medica. There is nothing wrong with you! "


So the 'complaining people' are another [category] and they are really

'bhootish' sometimes. They are very troublesome. If by mistake you just say:

" How do you do do? " , then there is a list of things. " Oh God, why did I ask the

person? " There is a list of things, one after the other: " This happened this

morning; this happened this evening, this happened, that happened; everything

happens to them.


" And the food was so bad and they treated me so badly and the Sahaja Yogis have

been so bad and they didn't take me there, and they troubled me so much, and I

was left alone. Nobody bothered about me, and they are very cruel to me and this

leader is very harsh to me. He does not treat me well, and this. And please

remove this leader, and he did this. " .... " What did he do? " He didn't allow me

to take water. " " Why? Why will he not allow you to take water? " There is

something 'stupid' like that, that is 'built-in'.


Sometimes I feel, 'where are all those great saints gone, who were the third

kind of people - who didn't worry about themselves, were not involved with

themselves, but were involved in others, were bothered about others?': " What is

the problem of another person? What is the problem the leader is having? How am

I behaving towards the leader? What am I doing to him? Am I of any help to him?

Am I sensible or do I trouble him all the time, and then go complaining to

Mother? " These people can never be satisfied. One is overly satisfied and the

other is never satisfied. And the one who is in the centre, is the least

bothered to find out whether he is satisfied or not. He just wants to see the

satisfaction of others. And that is what is to be seen in Buddha's life - how he

was, and how he was respected.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Buddha Puja

" Gautama, Lord of the Ego "

Barcelona, Spain

20 May, 1989


[Written in the English way, with the meaning of what Shri Mataji gave, being


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