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And Gregoire repeated loudly many times : but Shri Mataji, we are here!.

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Xxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxx


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:55:55 AM


Dear Jagbir ji,


I heard Mother might be coming to Canada and that HER daughter's visa

is awaited. Based on your last post and Isabell's mail it seems there

is a great divine turning point ahead. Even based on the message

below and the news about visiting Canada, it seems some leveling

would take place.







Dear Xxxxxxxxxx,


Thank you (and all others) for sharing your email/hope/anticipation

that a great turning point in the fortunes of Sahaja Yoga is in the

making. Without question, this new revolutionary approach will work

provided that Her devotees are up to the task of fulfilling that

supreme task given to them i.e., the emancipation of humanity (that

was previously controlled entirely by WCASY/leaders and lots of " yes "

men and women peddling the SYSSR).


Maybe it will take some time for this unparallelled freedom to sink

into the hearts and minds of SYs, so used they are to being told that

only the official SYSSR version--not the Adi Shakti's advent and

message in its entirety--must be followed.


So let me complete commenting on the remaining talk so that we can

make an informed decision as to which path to take at the crucial

crossroads of 2008 Puja Speech. This is a most important decision for

all of us, and the path we take will set the pace and passion of

change. No WCASY member or country leader/coordinator is going to

announce this ground-breaking responsibility with the same enthusiasm

as Sir C.P.'s infamous bestowing of powers/transfer of Her Will to

the World Council ...... far from it. They will downplay and water it

down, and it will be business as usual.


And just to give you a clue of the WCASY power struggle to again

dominate a new committee proposed by Shri Mataji, i quote from this

confidential email from the horse's mouth in Cabella, Italy:


" So it seems that the issue was the creation of a smaller commitee,

and Shri Mataji was very angry, She said commitee maybe, but no more

tha(n) 10 people. And Gregoire repeated loudly many times : " but Shri

Mataji, we are here! " .


Apparently, Shri Mataji left the pendal very angry, She did not make

Namaste, and as She was entering into the limousine, She repeated " a

commitee, MAYBE, but not more than 10 people. " (end)



The old guards want to desperately cling to power, addicted as they

are to basking in the limelight and thinking they are chosen

intermediaries between the Divine and the submissive mass of SYs. And

since they are all gathered in Italy, it is easy for them to have

papal-like dreams, and visions of ascending to the Divine Realms to

the deafening sound of a million conch shells welcoming home these

valiant spiritual warriors!


It is indeed a great insult for WCASY members, all bound for the

great glory of heaven, to be subject to such earthly humiliation.

That is why it was necessary for Gregoire to loudly and repeatedly

register his indignation and loss of face on behalf of all the chosen

ones: " but Shri Mataji, we are here! " ..... so why do you want to get

others to do the job? Don't you trust us? And what are we going to

tell SYs when we get home? Don't you realize you are insulting us?

Can we get Sir C.P. to overule and veto your rash decision? Maybe we

should again get you on Risperidone and let Sir C.P. take over!


So Gregoire repeats: " but Shri Mataji, we are here! " .... " but Shri

Mataji, we are here! " ..... " but Shri Mataji, we are here! "


But Shri Mataji ignores all his squawks on behalf of the WCASY

vultures jostling for prime pecking positions around Her. It is

indeed the dawn of a new era as the sun finally sets on the long reign

of the priestly class that pretended to be the popes, archbishops and

bishops between their frightened, fawning masses and the Divine.


i hope i made your day Xxxxxxxx (and others as well),




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Dear Jagbir, Xxxxxxxx and all,


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Xxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxxx

> adishakti_org

> Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:55:55 AM


> Dear Jagbir ji,


> I heard Mother might be coming to Canada and that HER daughter's

> visa is awaited. Based on your last post and Isabell's mail it seems

> there is a great divine turning point ahead. Even based on the

> message below and the news about visiting Canada, it seems some

> leveling would take place.


> Regards,


> Xxxxxxxxxx



[After, Shri Mataji's unprecedented talk at Guru Puja 2008 in Cabella, I am sure

we are all looking forward in anticipation of what She will say in Toronto,

Canada. i remember Her saying to us SYs gathered in Sydney, Australia in the

mid-1990's that: " I will establish Sahaja Yoga before I leave. " After the Guru

Puja 2008, we can have great reason to believe that She is doing just that. So

did " WCASY/leaders and lots of " yes " men and women peddling the SYSSR " believe

themselves to be the only ones designated to do that job? It seems so, when you

look at the disbelief, the incredulity on their faces - on response to what Shri

Mataji said at the recent Guru Puja in Italy.]



> Dear Xxxxxxxxxx,


> Thank you (and all others) for sharing your email/hope/anticipation

> that a great turning point in the fortunes of Sahaja Yoga is in the

> making. Without question, this new revolutionary approach will work

> provided that Her devotees are up to the task of fulfilling that

> supreme task given to them i.e., the emancipation of humanity (that

> was previously controlled entirely by WCASY/leaders and lots of

> " yes " men and women peddling the SYSSR).


[This " great turning point in the fortunes of Sahaja Yoga " is what was needed.

We can thank Shri Mataji that She has intervened and effectively freed all SYs

from the complete control of " WCASY/leaders and lots of " yes " men and women

peddling the SYSSR " . The 'controlling way' is the old paradigm, where people

were more interested in having control over local collectives, than in having

real, true collectivity, which is " ananya " - meaning, " where there is no other " .

There is no " us and them " in collective consciousness. It is just " us all

together " . Shri Mataji has now effectively established this New Paradigm:

" Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have

passed away; behold new things have come. " (2 Corinthians 5:17)]



> Maybe it will take some time for this unparallelled freedom to sink

> into the hearts and minds of SYs, so used they are to being told

> that only the official SYSSR version--not the Adi Shakti's advent

> and message in its entirety--must be followed.


[i think it will take some time for SYs to get accustomed to their 'unparalleled

freedom'. Until now, they have allowed a kind of 'unparalleled freedom' to

WCASY, to tell SYs what to do. Yet WCASY have not proclaimed the " Adi Shakti's

Advent and Message in its entirety " . Had they done so, they might be in a much

better position today.]



> So let me complete commenting on the remaining talk so that we can

> make an informed decision as to which path to take at the crucial

> crossroads of 2008 Puja Speech. This is a most important decision

> for all of us, and the path we take will set the pace and passion of

> change.


[i know that the actual path will reveal itself because we have the Holy Spirit,

the Paramchaitanya and Shri Ganesha leading us all the way. i have no doubt

about that. There is also no doubt that whatever decisions are made, it has to

be based on Shri Mataji's directives. That is Her Will. Since we are already

free of the WCASY/SYSSR influence, we might be the first to be able to " set the

pace and passion of change " , as you say, Jagbir.]



> No WCASY member or country leader/coordinator is going to

> announce this ground-breaking responsibility with the same

> enthusiasm as Sir C.P.'s infamous bestowing of powers/transfer of

> Her Will to the World Council ...... far from it. They will downplay

> and water it down, and it will be business as usual.


[That's true. It comes back to their " us and them " consciousness. Sir C.P.'s

" infamous bestowing of powers/transfer of Her Will to the World Council " was for

the " us " (WCASY/country leaders/coordinators). Shri Mataji's Guru Puja Talk 2008

was for the " them " (rank and file SYs). There was a lot of rejoicing when the

powers got bestowed on the " us " , but when even greater powers were bestowed on

the " them " - it put a definite damper on the Sir C.P. bestowal.]



> And just to give you a clue of the WCASY power struggle to again

> dominate a new committee proposed by Shri Mataji, i quote from this

> confidential email from the horse's mouth in Cabella, Italy:


> " So it seems that the issue was the creation of a smaller commitee,

> and Shri Mataji was very angry, She said commitee maybe, but no more

> tha(n) 10 people. And Gregoire repeated loudly many times : " but

> Shri Mataji, we are here! " .


[WCASY have been very much into communicating " to " Sahaja Yogis. What was needed

was to communicate " with " Sahaja Yogis. With us too! We have the case of the

evidence that Shri Mataji has given to confirm Her Incarnation. They don't want

to hear about it or see that! So, what are they communicating then?! Duilio

Cartocci who was there on the same side of the curtain that Shri Mataji was on,

asked this same question:


> 6)You said that this steering group would also have the mandate of

> communication to the sangha. What kind of communication? Sometime it

> can appear that you discuss a lot about communication, but then very

> few of you, or sometime no one, come really to the collectivity...


From what Duilio is saying, it would appear that Shri Mataji had already written

a letter to WCASY some time ago, requesting some sort of changes, but that these

do not seem to have been forthcoming:


> 11)I take the liberty to remember you the letter that Shri Mataji

> has sent to the World Council the last year: perhaps not so many

> things are changed since then.





> Apparently, Shri Mataji left the pendal very angry, She did not make

> Namaste, and as She was entering into the limousine, She repeated

> " a commitee, MAYBE, but not more than 10 people. " (end)


[i do not blame Shri Mataji for being angry. Who are these people who think they

know better than Her?! The scribes and Pharisees of past times, no doubt! And

they are already on the wrong path in so many different ways and

apparently.............are not even aware of it!!!]



> The old guards want to desperately cling to power, addicted as they

> are to basking in the limelight and thinking they are chosen

> intermediaries between the Divine and the submissive mass of SYs.

> And since they are all gathered in Italy, it is easy for them to

> have papal-like dreams, and visions of ascending to the Divine

> Realms to the deafening sound of a million conch shells welcoming

> home these valiant spiritual warriors!


[The photos of the Guru Puja 2008 showed definite mixed reactions from the

valiant spiritual warriors that sat behind the curtain with Shri Mataji. Some

appeared happy, others looked like they wanted to get out of there (and i don't

blame them) and the old guard especially, looked incredulous, desperate, and

pleading. Shri Mataji had given them a good chance to show their 'metal' and

they'd botched it. They'd not mentioned to the outside world about the Adi

Shakti's advent and message in its entirety. You have a good point there,

Jagbir, which i didn't even think about, that: " Since they are all gathered in

Italy, it is easy for them to have papal-like dreams, and visions of ascending

to the Divine Realms to the deafening sound of a million conch shells welcoming

home these valiant spiritual warriors! " What an amazing description that leaves

nothing to be desired and is truly inspired, LOL!]



> It is indeed a great insult for WCASY members, all bound for the

> great glory of heaven, to be subject to such earthly humiliation.

> That is why it was necessary for Gregoire to loudly and repeatedly

> register his indignation and loss of face on behalf of all the

> chosen ones: " but Shri Mataji, we are here! " ..... so why do you

> want to get others to do the job? Don't you trust us? And what are

> we going to tell SYs when we get home? Don't you realize you are

> insulting us? Can we get Sir C.P. to overule and veto your rash

> decision? Maybe we should again get you on Risperidone and let Sir

> C.P. take over!


[There they were on the hallelujah train bound for glory, when the train went

off the track. It was such bad luck for them. In the face of such humiliation, i

can see why Gregoire had to register his indignation. They had gotten used to

being the 'chosen ones' - which they had communicated in no uncertain terms

through Sir C.P. Therein i believe lay their 'seeds of destruction' as a body of

leaders over rank and file SYs. And when people put themselves on such a high

pedestal, the fall is therefore much greater and painful, too. And thus ends the

reign of the priestly class over the mystics, who are free.... free at long




> So Gregoire repeats: " but Shri Mataji, we are here! " .... " but Shri

> Mataji, we are here! " ..... " but Shri Mataji, we are here! "


> But Shri Mataji ignores all his squawks on behalf of the WCASY

> vultures jostling for prime pecking positions around Her. It is

> indeed the dawn of a new era as the sun finally sets on the long

> reign of the priestly class that pretended to be the popes,

> archbishops and bishops between their frightened, fawning masses and

> the Divine.


> i hope i made your day Xxxxxxxx (and others as well),



> jagbir



[You have definitely made our day, Jagbir. Thank you.]


warmest regards,



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