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Paragraph by paragraph comparison - original vs. official version

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Dear Jagbir and all,


Here is a paragraph by paragraph comparison - original vs. official version of

Shri Mataji's Guru Puja " Purnima " Talk - Cabella, Italy - 20 July, 2008. To make

the comparison easier, i have ensured that the paragraph breaks in the original

version are the same as in the official version. (While we are talking

'original' and 'official' lets remember that the original is what Shri Mataji

said - and the official is what WCASY have made of it.


regards to all,






Paragraph by paragraph comparison - original vs. official version

Guru Puja " Purnima " Talk

Cabella, Italy

20 July, 2008


Shri Mataji:


a./ " Today is a great day for all of us. Because the ... you could feel the

existence of God. By saying there is God, that was not sufficient. And to say

there is no God also was wrong, very wrong, and people have suffered, who have

said like this. Only after taking realization you know that there is God and

there are vibrations. It is a very big opening (happening?) all over the world.

Today I am saying that's why it's one of the greatest days for you. "




" Today is a very great day for all the Sahaja yogis because Sahasrara opened in

you, you could feel the existence of God. By saying there is God that was not

sufficient, and to say there is no God also was wrong, very wrong, and people

have suffered who have said like this. Only after getting realisation you know

that there is God and there are vibrations. It's a very big opening all over the

world. Today I am saying that's why it's one of the greatest days for you. "


a./ Comments:


[both versions are in agreement.]





b./ Shri Mataji:


" Many of you have felt the cool breeze on your hands and out of your brain. Some

have grown in Sahaja Yoga, some have not. Some are still carrying on with old

catches. But now I have to say that quite a lot of you can become gurus. Means

teachers. And should you act as teachers. To act as teacher you know Sahaja

Yoga, the theory and the practice of it, thoroughly well. And then you can

become great guru. It is a very big responsibility, lot of understanding for a

guru. "




" Many of you have felt the cool breeze on your hands and out of your brain. Some

have grown in Sahaja Yoga, some have not. Some are still carrying on with old

catches. But now I have to say that quite a lot of you can become gurus, means

teachers, and you should act as teachers. To act as teacher you should know

Sahaja Yoga, the theory and the practice of it, thoroughly well, and then you

can become a guru. It's a very responsibility, lot of understanding for a guru. "


b./ Comments:


i./ Original Version:


" And then you can become great guru "


Official Version:


" And then you can become a guru " .


(The word " great " was left out.)





c./ Shri Mataji:


" You should not have any ego first. You should not have any of your chakras

catching. You should be absolutely clear all the time. And then the vibrations

should be flowing in both hands. If they are moving in one hand and not in

another, you cannot become guru. So you have to be a perfect Sahaja Yogi, then

you can be a guru. And so many of you can be, but you have to attain first, `Are

you capable of being a guru or not?' With humbleness you will understand, those

who think they can be guru, should become gurus, because now I can't travel from

places to places. And you have to do my job, `Is to give realization to people " .

But you have to be able to give en-mass realization, then only you could be a

guru. If you can give en-mass realization, then you could be a guru. "




" You should not have any ego, first. You should not have any of your chakras

catching. You should be absolutely clear all the time, and there the vibrations

should be flowing in both the hands. If they are moving in one hand and not in

another, you cannot become guru. So you have to be a perfect Sahaja yogi, then

you can be a guru. And so many of you can be, but you have to ascertain first:

are you capable of being a guru or not? With humbleness you'll understand. Those

who think they can be guru should become gurus, because now I can't travel from

places to places and you have to do My job, is to give realisation to people.

But you have to be able to give en-masse realisation, then only you could be a

guru. If you can give en-masse realisation, then you could be a guru. "


c./ Comments:


[both versions are in agreement.]





d./ Shri Mataji:


" You can use my photograph, but the realization should not be from the

photograph, but from you, then only you can be a guru. There can be ladies or

men both, can become gurus, and spread Sahaja Yoga all over. Then my whole

touring business, Canada I have missed, and I would request all of you to go to

Canada, because it is a very beautiful place. And there are many beautiful

Sahaja Yogis there. You have to do now my work. I won't be able to go all over,

but you have to go to other countries, and create new Sahaja Yogis. You can do

it. "




" You can use My photograph, but the realisation should not be from the

photograph but from you. Then only you can be a guru. There can be ladies or men

both, can become gurus and spread Sahaja Yoga all over. In My whole touring

business Canada I have missed, and I would request some of you to go to Canada,

because it's a very beautiful place and we have very beautiful Sahaja yogis

there. You have to do now My work. I won't be able to go all over, but you have

to go to other countries and create new Sahaja yogis. You can do it.


d./ Comments:



i./ Original Version:


" and I would request all of you to go to Canada "


Official Version:


" and I would request some of you to go to Canada "



ii./ Original Version:


" And there are many beautiful Sahaja Yogis there. "


Official version:


" And we have very beautiful Sahaja Yogis there. "





e./ Shri Mataji:


" To begin with you can use my photograph, but latter on, you can only put the

photograph there, but use your own powers, and give realization. You can do it,

and that is how we can spread Sahaja Yoga all over the world. I have done my

level best now, but I don't think now I can travel anymore. So I am telling you

that you have to take over, and work it out. (Definitely you can?)... I am there

with you. And every place you work you put my photograph. But realization you

have to give and try to give mass realization, if that doesn't work out then you

should know that you are not a guru. If you can give mass realization, then only

you are a guru, otherwise you are not. "




" To begin with you can use My photograph, but later on you can only put the

photograph there but use your own powers, and give realisation. You can do it,

and that is how we can spread Sahaja Yoga all over the world. I have done My

level best now, but I don't think now I can travel any more. So I am telling you

that you have to take over and work it out. That doesn't mean you cancel Me –

no, not at all! I am there with you, and every place you work, you put My

photograph. But realisation you have to give, and try to give mass realisation.

If that doesn't work out then you should know you are not a guru. If you can

give mass realisation then only you are a guru, otherwise you are not. "


e./ Comments:


Original version


" (Definitely you can?)... "


Official version


" That doesn't mean you cancel Me - no, not at all! "


[(Definitely you can?) with the question mark there - means the person is not

sure what Shri Mataji said there. It wasn't clear to their ear from the tape.

The three dots after that are an editing mark that shows that there was

something else Shri Mataji said there, which was also not clear. The official

version fills it in, that Shri Mataji said there, that: " That doesn't mean you

cancel Me - no, not at all! " ]





f./ Shri Mataji:


" I said you can use my photograph, but you have to give realization to people.

This is a sign of a guru. Then you will really know what are different centers,

and what are the things missing in people. I have explained very clearly. In the

same way you will find those who come for realization, they have some defects

and you will find out what chakras they are catching. You know how to clear

(create?) those chakras. So you will tell them how to clear.


Now you have mastered Sahaja Yoga, so you should know what (tricks) to be done.

If you think you have mastered, if you believe that you have mastered, then you

can become guru, but first of all you should ascertain and find out for

yourself, if you are a guru or not. It is your responsibility now to give

realizations to people. And you can give if you have vibrations, as like a guru.

Or play (Devis?) also, they are called as gurui, not as guru, but as gurui. But

they can be called as guru also. And they can also do this work very well.


Solving the problems of people is not difficult then. Once they get realization

their problems will be solved. This is a big power you have got. You all should

use. First of all you can use a group, if you want. And afterward you should do

it individually. Can you imagine all of you, if you become gurus, how many

Sahaja Yogis we will have all over the world. "




" I said you can use My photograph, but you have to give realisation to people.

This is the sign of a guru. Then you already know what are different centres and

what are the things missing in people. I have explained very clearly. In the

same way you'll find those who come for realisation, they'll have some defects

and you'll find out what chakras they are catching. You know how to clear those

chakras, so you have to tell them how to clear.


Now you have mastered Sahaja Yoga, so you should know what is to be done. If you

think you have mastered, if you believe that you have mastered, then you can

become gurus; but first of all you should ascertain and find out for yourself if

you are a guru or not. It is your responsibility now to give realisation to

people. And you can give if you have vibrations as like a guru. Or ... ladies

also - they are called as guruis, not as gurus but as guruis, but they can be

called as guru also. And they can also do this work very well.


Solving the problems of people is not difficult then. Once they get realisation

their problems would be solved. This is a big power you have got, you all should

use. First of all you can use a group if you want, and afterwards you should do

it individually. Can you imagine all of you, if you become gurus, how many

Sahaja yogis we'll have all over the world? "


f./ Comments:


Original version:


" Or play (Devis?) also, they are called as gurui, not as guru, but as gurui. But

they can be called as guru also. "


Official version:


" Or ... ladies also - they are called as guruis, not as gurus but as guruis, but

they can be called as guru also. "


[(Devis?) indicates the tape was not so clear to the ear. The official version

again fills in the correct word - " ladies " .]





g./ Shri Mataji:


" Whatever you teach, you must practice. The person who drinks cannot become a

guru. A person who flirts and has a licentious life cannot become a guru. So

first examine yourself, `Are you clean or not?' If there are any possessed

people who try to become guru, they cannot. Honestly you should see on the

photograph if you are possessed, then you cannot be guru. So now to become a

guru is first to criticize yourself, to find out yourself only, and then you can

become a guru. I don't want to tell anybody individually. But you all can find

out. Say 4-5 people can join together, and they can find out from each other, if

they are all right or not. If there is missing, if they are catching. But if

they say that you are all right then you can become gurus, and you can teach

Sahaja Yoga. This is your responsibility. This is how Sahaja Yoga will grow,

otherwise after I retire or I don't go anywhere then Sahaja Yoga will go into

waste. So it is for you to carry the torch, the light. It is your responsibility

now. You have got your realization. "




" Whatever you teach you must practise; when a person who drinks cannot become a

guru, a person who flirts and has a licentious life cannot become a guru. So

first examine yourself: are you clean or not? If there are many possessed people

who try to become gurus, they cannot. Honestly you should see on the photograph:

if you are possessed, then you cannot be guru. So now to become a guru is first

to criticise yourself, to find out yourself fully, and then you can become a

guru. I don't want to tell anybody individually, but you all can find out. Say

four, five people can join together, and they can find out from each other if

they are all right or not, if there is missing, if they are catching. But if

they say there you are all right, then you can become gurus and you can preach

Sahaja Yoga. This is your responsibility. This is how Sahaja Yoga will grow.

Otherwise after I retire or I don't go anywhere, then Sahaja Yoga will go into

waste. So it is for you to carry the torch, the light. It's your responsibility

now; you have got your realisation. "


g./ Comments:


[both versions are in agreement.]





h./ Shri Mataji:


" I was born with the responsibility. I was born with all understanding. And now

you are also understand yourself, do not condemn yourself as long as you start

your own realization, but be careful don't become egoistical. You have to be

very humble, very humble with everyone. And work it out because if they are not

realized souls, you shouldn't condemn them, but tell them, very patiently and

sweetly, that you are not all right. Tell them how to meditate, how to improve,

it is now a very big responsibility. Actually I have done this work and you can

do this work also. So you all have to become a guru. "




" I was born with the responsibility. I was born with all the understanding; and

now you are also. Understand yourself, do not condemn yourself. As long as you

start your own realisation; but be careful - don't become egoistical. You have

to be very humble, very humble with everyone. And work it out, because if they

are not realised souls you shouldn't condemn them, but tell them very patiently

and sweetly that " you are not all right " . Tell them how to meditate, how to

improve. It's now a very big responsibility. Actually I have done this work, and

you can do this work also. So you all have to become a guru. "


h./ Comments:


[both versions are in agreement.]







Shri Mataji:


" This is the day of guru (purnima). And I bless you that you all can become

gurus. Whatever you have got now, " Don't waste it, don't throw it away, but use

it for the betterment of people'. If you want to (meeting), add 4-5 people

together, then you should separate, you have to give time to this. You have got

your realization, but you have to give realization, otherwise your state is not

all right, it is not normal. "




" This is the day of Guru Purnima, and I bless you that you all become gurus.

Whatever you have got now, don't waste it, don't throw away, but use it for the

betterment of people. If you go on meeting in the beginning have four to five

people together, then you should separate. You have to give time to this. You

have got your realisation but you have to give realisation, otherwise your state

is not all right, is not normal. "


i./ Comments:


Original version:


" This is the day of guru (purnima). And I bless you that you all can become

gurus. "


Official version:


" This is the day of Guru Purnima, and I bless you that you all become gurus. "


Original version:


" that you all CAN BECOME gurus "


Official version:


" that you all BECOME gurus "


[There is a slightly different meaning in: " you all CAN BECOME gurus " - and:

" you all BECOME gurus " . Whereas we all can become gurus, it is not 'a given'

that we all will become gurus. Shri Mataji said that not everyone will become a




ii./ Original version:


" If you want to (meeting), add 4-5 people together, then you should separate,

you have to give time to this. "


Official version:


" If you go on meeting in the beginning have four to five people together, then

you should separate. You have to give time to this. "


[shri Mataji is talking here about forming new organisations. She is not talking

about SY Organisation just continuing with their SY Meditation Classes, where

there are already 4-5 people running a meeting. She is talking about forming our

own organisations, with 4-5 people to help start it out - and then we each,

individually, work from the basis of the new organisation to give en-masse

realisation like a guru can, that has cool vibrations flowing in both hands on a

24/7 basis and has all the knowledge, the gnosis, etc. The forming and growth of

a new organisation does not happen overnight. It takes time, as it took time for

Shri Mataji to form the SY Organisation.]





j./ Shri Mataji:


" So today I want to tell you, what are the qualities we need for a guru. First

of all he should be a detached person. That doesn't mean you give up your family

or anything. But you should have a detached attitude. That anybody from your

family does wrong, you should go away from them, (sort it out). Secondly,

through your realization you can see you can spread happiness, and remove their

problems. You have seen whatever I have done you can do it. You have got power

to do it, but no hypocrisy. No hypocrisy, otherwise you will spoil the name of

Sahaja Yoga.


So if you are sure of yourself, then really you should become guru, and carry

the work of Sahaja Yoga. I think I gave you all my blessings, and all my

support, that now you take over and become guru. "





" So today I want to tell you what are the qualities needed for a guru. First of

all he should be a detached person. That doesn't mean you give up your family or

anything, but you should have a detached attitude that anybody from your family

does wrong, you should go away from him or her. Secondly, through your

realisation you can see that you can spread happiness and remove their problems.

You have seen whatever I have done, you can do it. You have got power to do it;

but no hypocrisy, no hypocrisy - otherwise you will spoil the name of Sahaja



So if you are sure about yourself then you should become gurus, and carry the

work of Sahaja Yoga. I think I give you all My blessings and all My support,

that now you take over and become gurus. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

20 July 2008, Cabella, Italy


[i./ Original version:


" So if you are sure of yourself, then REALLY you should become guru " .


Official version:


" So if you are sure about yourself then you should become gurus " .


The word " REALLY " was left out - which slightly changes the tone of the message.



ii./ Here ends the Official version, but the Original version continues

hereunder. As Jagbir has already pointed out, WCASY saw fit to edit it out

already, which is a shocking act of defiance against the Adi Shakti's Will and

Her Message to all the Sahaja Yogis who are devoted to Her alone (and not to

them). This is the best part then, as it is the part that decentralizes any

power and any authority that WCASY wanted over SYs. Shri Mataji gives many fine

details here, how SYs can form their own organisations - and spiritually

emancipate all of humanity! Jai Shri Mataji!:


Shri Mataji:


" You can also have all the pujas, and then you can use photograph. You have seen

how one has to work it out. And someone has ..?.. or some chakras are catching,

then you should tell that person how to correct it. On the photograph it is the

best, and very humbly you should tell them what is to be done. And you can say

or ... So now I am no more ..?.. businesses ... , I have done my best, and I

think I won't be able to do this again. It is not my old age, but I want to give

you a complete freedom to spread Sahaja Yoga.


You have got it free, and you also have to give it to people free, not to charge

them. Or in the pujas they (take your name), be careful that don't put yourself

on the puja, till you are confirmed and you are sure that you have created at

least hundred Sahaja Yogis, good Sahaja Yogis. Then they can do your puja also.

But the best thing is to wait and see. You don't get into puja business, till

you are, you have done a thousand people each, then you have the right to have a

puja. But you could have a puja with my photograph till you completely all

right. Now how confident is the main thing. Do not condemn yourself. You are all

realized souls, but those who can think they can become guru, (can become and

try). You have to have patience with the seekers. You can't be angry or hot

tempered. Unless until they try to trouble you. You should not lose yourself

(temp). You should be quiet.


Most of the gurus are very hot-tempered ..?.. that is why they were very busy

with their temper, and they couldn't focus ..?.. realization. So I have to warn

you `control your temper'. Watch yourself if you get angry, then you cannot

become a guru. You have to be a loving person, very loving and understanding.

Then you have to be humble, not abuse people, not to shout at people. If they

misbehave you can ask them to go out. But don't shout. If you think someone is

misbehaving, you can ask that person to get out. But you need not shout and get

angry with that person.


So it is a very big responsibility now. You have got your realization. So 4-5 of

you join to form a Sahaja Yoga group giving realization to people... Of course

my photograph will be there. But still you must try, try to understand that now

what is your responsibility. If the position is given, you have to always carry

on for the responsibility of that position. In the same way if you become a

guru, you have a certain amount of responsibility, that your own behavior should

be very good to begin with.


In the beginning you cannot tell them don't go to church, or don't do this,

don't do that. You give them realization and then you can talk to them. In the

beginning you shouldn't tell them, or they will just shun you. Accept them as

they are. In the beginning you should not ask for (pure) people if possible. You

can use my photograph to begin with. But don't cure them. They can all, if you

are confident, then 4-5 together should treat that person. Curing people is not

very easy and you may catch. So before acting on anyone you must take a

bhandhan. Bhandhan is very good if you, even when you are going out if you take

a bhandhan.


You should also make a very good speech, if possible. Now you know so many

things and you can talk to them. It is a very big responsibility.


Now I have been working from the year 1970. And today so many years I have

worked so hard, but I can't now do it, I have to go back and take some (rest

help). Everybody has said. And you are all scientists. But you can tell about

me, if it is necessary. But use my photograph. Every time you have a meeting use

my photograph.


Those who think they can be leaders, and as gurus. They should first see their

own vibration. Meditate on my photograph and find out. You have to absolutely

honest that you are one hundred percent all right and there is no catch, and

then you can become a guru. You have to do it. First you may get two people then

three people, I started with five. You can imagine how one can go. Try first of

all two, three, five and more. You can also advertise afterward, if you have

given realization to people, say about, say I have given realization to ten

people you can start your own organization, or whatever you may call it, and can

work it out.


Now you have the power, you have the right, but you must have temperament also.

In the beginning you have to be very patient and kind, very kind. Then gradually

you will find that you can cure people. You can use my photograph for curing to

begin with, and later on you can see you can cure. First of all on vibrations

you (face) what chakras are catching, which are good and which are bad. And then

you should correct them. If there is something wrong you must correct it and

then become guru. It is not just accepting that I am going to become guru. But

you have to be very, very authority on yourself. You have to judge yourself.

First of all you should find out, 'Can you become guru? And then you can tell me

your reports. I'd be very happy to know how many you have got now'. And that is

how Sahaja Yoga will spread, no doubt. It cannot remain as (it is state) because

I am withdrawing, but because now you are now so many Sahaja Yogis, which will

grow and work out. But I think now I can't travel, and I am going back. I won't

be able to come back again, not possible.


So you better work it out for yourself. You must write to me if you have

...(difficulties?).. If someone is catching or something or if you have problems.

Now I don't think any newspaper will criticize you. They have something for me,

but not for you. All of you promise me that you will try to become gurus. I did

not take any money from you, nothing from you. I just want that you should

spread Sahaja Yoga.


In the beginning, you are in the pujas, don't take any presents or money. You

can only take a little money from them, if you have need to have a hall, or a

big place, but that will be much later. First of all try with few people. It

will grow very well. Now another thing is puja you should not allow them to do

to you, to begin with, till you have done three hundred Sahaja Yogis, you can't

ask them to do you puja. You can use my photograph for the puja to begin with.

But be very careful, because you have powers now, and it might pamper your ego,

when you start thinking you are great, (no). You have to save the world. All my

work is that, and I would ask you to write to me in India if there is any

(difficulty?). Also write to me how you are spreading Sahaja Yoga, what is

happening I would like to know. But I think you must understand that I must

retire now, I can't travel. If you have any questions ask me?


Those who are confident that they can become gurus raise your hand? Oh so many

--- only one hand not two.


If anybody is taking money, you should tell him not to do it. Also ...(guides to

him?), you cannot take money to begin with, but when you have about three

thousand people, you can celebrate all the worshipping days, and worship, but

you must make at least three thousand disciples, then you can ask for a puja.


There are some people who cannot become guru, who are catching, and they have

problems. If you have problems don't become a guru otherwise it will affect you,

but if you think you are clear and opened out then you can become gurus. Is

there any question?


I am opening a center for international Sahaja Yoga, and when you have done

three hundred Sahaja Yogis, you can ask them to do puja and take money. Before

that if you get any money, you can send it to that center. There would be ..?..

in that center and I will declare it. If you have any questions ask me now?


First three hundred people you don't take any money, except for the hall, or

except for other expenses. But you don't take any money for yourself. Now can

you raise your hand ... who would like to be a guru.


May God bless you. "


Shri Mataji

Guru Puja talk 2008

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