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You definitely have not realized your Self, neither your friend nor her daughter

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, " ssahaji " <ssahaji



> On Aug 4, 2008, at 4:02 PM, ssahaji wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and all

> this is first time my posing here. i do have question...i hope i am

> going to get right answer.

> since last seven years i am in a sahajayoga....really enjoy my

> meditation. Originally i am indian...married to a indian guy. my

> husband is very loving guy, but he is not a sahajayogi...but he does

> meditation too.

> now my question is that....being a indian i have to go to lots

> relatives places....where they have puja through pandit...and other

> religious ceremony through different guru. My husband is also a

> follower of somebody. now whereever i go some places like that i

> feel heat in my body and i always have hadache.

> if i don't go than i am going to cutoff relation from everybody.

> so my question is how i can save my self from everything and enjoy

> everybody. i like to socialise and meet everybody....but this is the

> only way here in usa we are gathering toghter.

> now please don't tell me that don't go anywhere.

> i can't do that because of my husband.

> how can i help my self out of this.

> personally i do not believe in any other guru. Mother is my guru...

> so where ever i go any places like that i always pay attention on

> mother's feet....but still i am getting affected.

> please help me out




Dear ssahaji,


Both Isabelle and Anil gave excellent answers. You must socialize

freely, a past-time that you enjoy much.


i would request you overcome the fear of being touched by pandits on

the head, and eat the prasad given by them. Nothing is going to

happen to you ............ unless you are conditioned by the SYSSR.

Then you will have the symptoms mentioned in their thick manual -

catches, headaches, feeling heat, nausea, goose-pimples and what not.


ssahaji, you have a very loving husband who follows another guru and

probably worships some deity, just like your many friends and

relatives. Surprisingly you never mentioned idol-worship and i

believe you fully accept it, as most Hindus do (despite the fact that

there is not a single verse, just like vegetarianism, in all their

scriptures to support that). i may be wrong but that is the

impression i get as it is not dissimilar to worshipping Shri Mataji’s

photograph. Hindus say such external aids are temporarily needed, but

somehow centuries have passed (read lifetimes) on these manmade



But what you truly lack--along with your husband, friends, relatives

and most Hindus--is Self-realization. Had you realized IT then you

would have no questions, and definitely no fears. On the contrary,

you would tower above the pandits in Sat Chit Anand, and bestow the

gift of moksa on your husband. You have more to learn, and much to

discard, my ssahaji sister.







, " ssahaji " <ssahaji



> now other thing is my friend's daughter she is also a sahaj

> yogi...and she is going to marry somebdoy nonsahajyogi...they are

> very traditional indian family and that time she has to follow all

> rules...bow down to other guru and pandits in her religiours

> ceremony. My friend is really worried about her daughter that she

> is going to catch and she is going to be in trouble.

> i know there are so many indian woman going through this...your

> answer really help specially who is a sahaji woman and facing same

> difficulties i do. and Our Ma is a Adishakti than why we are still

> worried about catching. phycially does not matter where i am or

> what i do...but how i connect my self without worrying about wrong

> guru or catches. please help me out.



Dear ssahaji,


If only SYs were as concerned about realizing their Self as their

fanaticism with realizing their catches and religiously ridding

themselves of them, we would have had thousands of gurus meeting the

standards set by Shri Mataji during Her recent 2008 Guru Puja talk.

Why fear other gurus and pandits when SY 'gurus' and 'pandits'

condition SYs to avoid and cleanse themselves of such spiritual

contamination? i have a hard time determining which of the gurus and

pandits are more harmful, and is the main cause of all the fear and

anxiety exhibited by most SYs.


As far as i know, you have not realized your Self, even after years

in Sahaja Yoga. Since Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is not your Self (as

She has never claimed so), what is that you are truly seeking? How is

that you still do not know how to connect your self without worrying

about wrong guru or catches? What is the Self that She wants you to

realize, the summum bonum of all religions, scriptures, prophets and

Shri Mataji's teachings?


" Summum bonum (Latin for the highest good) is an expression used in

philosophy, particularly in medieval philosophy, to describe the

ultimate importance, the singular and most ultimate end which human

beings ought to pursue. The summum bonum is generally thought of as

being an end in itself, and at the same time containing all other

goods. " - Wikipedia


You definitely have not realized your Self, neither your friend nor

her daughter (and most SYs)! If that had been the case there would

have been no need for any fear ......... of catches, pandits, gurus,

non-SYs, and the 1001 taboos of the SYSSR.


So please read this article (and ALL of " Related Articles " ) where

Shri Mataji urges: " Achieve your Self, become your Self.... That's

the only way you can get rid of your confusions " :





ssahaji, please do not feel offended by my strong language as it only

reflects the catch, conscience and confidence crisis facing all SY

collectives. Despite more than three decades of Shri Mataji's

teachings of Self-realization very few SYs have actually realized

their Self. If nothing is done to reverse this pervasive SYSSR

mindset that cannot make SYs realize their Self, Sahaja Yoga will

remain as it is now - a mass of SYs who are renowned experts at

realizing catches rather than Self! Which seeker in the right frame

of mind would want to be indoctrinated with such petty fears, and

spend a lifetime keeping catch infections at bay?


So my question was determining which type of gurus and pandits are

more harmful, and is the main cause of all the fear and anxiety

exhibited by many SYs. That is an answer by itself.





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Dear Jagbir bhaiya

may be you are right i did not reliase my self fully....but what i noticed that whenever i go with my husband to his guru's place...i feel heat and hadache and that time it is very hard to put attention on my sahastra.

not only that i lost my vibration.

and the only reason i go with my husband to make him happy

now it's fear in my mind....i want to reach on my sahastra...but all these things pulling me down.

i like to spread sahajlove to everybody....doesn't matter they are sahajayogi or not.

may be i really don't understand how you look inside.

sometimes i feel misarable when i loss my vibration.

and that is the reason is stopping me to reach my sahastra.

May be as as a sahajayogi i am not mature enough.....but i really like to go beyond everything...feel happy...spread mother's love and enjoy everybody without any fear or without feeling lossing my vibration.

how i do that????????



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jsm, I really feel the mirarable condition, in which you are leaving.

But any how our beloved HH shreemtaji has fully armoured us for all

types of hurdles which will be faced by us.


First of all use divine vibrations. Before leaving for such Pro. raise

kundalni and put the Bundhan, have faith it will protect you, now in

that pro. keep your attention on Sahastrar. Use Bandhan to that pro. or

those socalled Guru.


Now put the Bandhan on your Bed and Pillow, and pray that our beloved HH

shreemataji shall take care, and your Husband shall have a Pure Chitta

and that purity shall divert him towards sahajayoga.


This is the least not the last word (World) of SahajaYoga. jsm.

, Sahaji Sahaj <ssahaji



> Dear Jagbir bhaiya

> may be you are right i did not reliase my self fully....but what i

noticed that whenever i go with my husband to his guru's place...i feel

heat and hadache and that time it is very hard to put attention on my


> not only that i lost my vibration.

> and the only reason i go with my husband to make him happy

> now it's fear in my mind....i want to reach on my sahastra...but all

these things pulling me down.

> i like to spread sahajlove to everybody....doesn't matter they are

sahajayogi or not.

> may be i really don't understand how you look inside.

> sometimes i feel misarable when i loss my vibration.

> and that is the reason is stopping me to reach my sahastra.

> May be as as a sahajayogi i am not mature enough.....but i really like

to go beyond everything...feel happy...spread mother's love and enjoy

everybody without any fear or without feeling lossing my vibration.

> how i do that????????


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, Sahaji Sahaj

<ssahaji wrote:


> Dear Jagbir bhaiya

> may be you are right i did not reliase my self fully....but what i

> noticed that whenever i go with my husband to his guru's place...i

> feel heat and hadache and that time it is very hard to put

> attention on my sahastra.

> not only that i lost my vibration.

> and the only reason i go with my husband to make him happy

> now it's fear in my mind....i want to reach on my sahastra...but

> all these things pulling me down.

> i like to spread sahajlove to everybody....doesn't matter they are

> sahajayogi or not.

> may be i really don't understand how you look inside.

> sometimes i feel misarable when i loss my vibration.

> and that is the reason is stopping me to reach my sahastra.

> May be as as a sahajayogi i am not mature enough.....but i really

> like to go beyond everything...feel happy...spread mother's love

> and enjoy everybody without any fear or without feeling losing my

> vibration.

> how i do that????????





Live in the spirit of the teachings of the Vedas. Learn to

discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent. Behold the

Self in all beings, in all objects. Names and forms are illusory.

Therefore sublate them. Feel that there is nothing but the Self.

Share what you have,-physical, mental, moral or spiritual,-with all.

Serve the Self in all. Feel when you serve others, that you are

serving your own Self. Love thy neighbour as thyself. Melt all

illusory differences. Remove all barriers that separate man from man.

Mix with all. Embrace all. Destroy the sex-idea and body-idea by

constantly thinking of the Self or the sexless, bodiless Atman. Fix

the mind on the Self when you work. This is the essence of the

teachings of the Vedas and sages of yore. This is real, eternal life

in Atman. Put these things in practice in the daily battle of life.

You will shine as a dynamic Yogi or a Jivanmukta. There is no doubt

of this.




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