Guest guest Posted August 7, 2008 Report Share Posted August 7, 2008 , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org wrote: > > Surprisingly you never mentioned idol-worship and i believe you > fully accept it, as most Hindus do (despite the fact that, just > like vegetarianism, there is not a single verse in all their > scriptures to support that). i may be wrong but that is the > impression i get as it is not dissimilar to worshipping Shri > Mataji's photograph. Hindus say such external aids are temporarily > needed, but somehow centuries have passed (read lifetimes) on these > manmade crutches. > " You can use my photograph, but the realization should not be from the photograph, but from you. " Shri Mataji Guru Puja, 20 July 2008, Cabella, Italy " John Noyce of Australia has been keeping a close eye on the activities of the owner of, who used to be in SY but clearly isn't a Sahaja Yogi now, and is openly critical of all Sahaja leadership... He is somewhat eccentric and for example, advocates not using a photo of Mother when meditating. " Alan Wherry, 6 March 2006 Note: The above email was sent by Alan Wherry to Viktor Bondar, both WCASY members, requesting a SY remove links on his website to Their appointee, John Noyce from Australia, had just denied ever monitoring!!! It is evidennt that WCASY members lack the fundamental 2008 Guru Puja requirements outlined by Shri Mataji--vibrations flowing from both hands, 100% catch-free chakras, pure knowledge and conscientiousness--to be gurus. SYs should begin throwing out all the useless baggage they have accumulated over the years, a heavy weight that slowed them down long ago ........ and now beginning to show clear signs of fear, confusion and lack of confidence, even regress, in established SYs! Main Entry: re·gress movement backward to a previous and especially worse or more primitive state or condition Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 8, 2008 Report Share Posted August 8, 2008 , Sahaji Sahaj <ssahaji wrote: > > Dear Jagbir bhaiya > may be you are right i did not realise my self fully....but what i > noticed that whenever i go with my husband to his guru's place...i > feel heat and headache and that time it is very hard to put > attention on my sahastra. > not only that i lost my vibration. > and the only reason i go with my husband to make him happy > now it's fear in my mind....i want to reach on my sahastra...but > all these things pulling me down. > i like to spread sahajlove to everybody....doesn't matter they are > sahajayogi or not. > may be i really don't understand how you look inside. > sometimes i feel miserable when i loss my vibration. > and that is the reason is stopping me to reach my sahastra. > May be as as a sahajayogi i am not mature enough.....but i really > like to go beyond everything...feel happy...spread mother's love > and enjoy everybody without any fear or without feeling losing my > vibration. > how i do that???????? > The Ascent to the Godhead - Part 2 " Beyond that world of the mahat [the great Self] is the 'avyakta', the unmanifest. Before anything comes into manifestation, to be known by the mind, it is first unmanifest. It is in the seed. That is what is called 'mula prakriti', the root nature or the cosmic nature, in which all is gathered up. Using the language of David Bohm we could say that this is the implicate order. The mula prakriti is where all things are implicated in one, like a seed from which the whole creation comes. From the mula prakriti the whole creation comes into manifestation in the world that we see. Then beyond the avyakta [the unmanifest] is 'purusha', that great cosmic Person whom we have been considering, and he is the end. Beyond purusha there is nothing. He is the goal. So we move from the senses and the mind to the intellect, to the cosmic consciousness, to the unmanifest and finally to the supreme person... The 'Katha Upanishad' then shows the path to this supreme goal. The text says, " A wise man should keep down speech in mind " . Speech is that by which we go out of ourselves, communicate to others, and when we begin to meditate we have to withdraw from speech into the mind, into the manas. Then " he should keep the mind within the self which is knowledge. " [3] That is, we should bring the 'manas' into the 'buddhi'. The manas is discursive, it goes from one thing to another, whereas the buddhi is single-pointed, 'ekagraha', one- pointed. It is " the still-point " . It is the key point where we open on the transcendent. It must be realised that not only does modern Western philosophy not go beyond that but, in fact, it has hardly reached that point. In the West the mind simply stops at the 'manas'. But in the Hindu tradition, beyond the 'buddhi' is the 'mahat', the great Self, so we open up on the transcendent, cosmic order. It was common knowledge to all ancient people that beyond the human is this cosmic order. The angels in the medieval Christian tradition were part of this, and there were nine orders of angels, nine orders of consciousness, beyond the human. The human is the lowest level of consciousness and beyond are all the other orders. In the Hindu tradition there is this vast cosmic order beyond. It corresponds to a large extent with the world of ideas of Plato, while in Plotinus it is the 'nous' which includes all the ideas from which the whole creation comes forth. It is here in Plato and Plotinus that Western philosophy comes nearest to the eastern tradition, although these developments tended to be lost later on in the West. So one goes beyond the 'buddhi' to the 'mahat', which is cosmic consciousness. Then the Katha Upanishad says he should keep that " in the self which is peace " ,[4] the 'shanta atman'. One goes beyond the world of the gods and of the angels which are at the limit of creation - to the uncreated, to the source, which is 'shanta', peace, the peace which passes understanding. One goes beyond understanding, beyond the mind. So that is the path of yoga. One of the first uses of the term yoga itself is found a little later on where the text says, " When the five instruments of knowledge, (that is the five senses) stand still, together with the mind, the 'manas', (when one's senses are still and the mind is still) " and then the intellect, the 'buddhi', does not move. " When, in other words, one has brought one's whole being to the still point, then " that is called the highest state. " [5] When all the external activity ceases, then the interior reality begins to unfold. We need to notice how this is completely contrary to the Western tradition which imagines that when one gets to the intellect one has come to the end. In the Eastern tradition the intellect is really only the beginning, when one has gone beyond the gross world and is entering into the subtle world and into the transcendent. he 'buddhi' is the path to that, but the highest state is beyond both the mind and the intellect; it is the transcendent state. Then the Katha Upanishad goes on to say, " This form holding back of the senses is what is called yoga. " So yoga was first the holding back of the senses. Later, in the yoga of Patanjali, yoga is defined as 'chitta vritti nirodha', the cessation of the movements of the mind. When the mind stops moving and centres in itself, then yoga begins. And yoga means union, uniting. " Yoking " is the same word in English. It is the integration of the whole person. All the elements in our nature have to be brought into that unity. At that stage one experiences oneself, one's 'atman'. So that is the path which is mapped out at this stage in the Katha Upanishad. [3] Katha Upanishad 3:10:13 [4] Katha Upanishad 3:10:13 [5] Katha Upanishad 6:10 A New Vision of Reality (Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and Christian Faith), Pg.178-180 Bede Griffiths Templegate Publishers - Springfield, Illinois ISBN 0-87243-180-0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2008 Report Share Posted August 11, 2008 Hello Jagbir and group members, I haven't posted for a long long time but i was visiting from time to time and i hope you will accept my humble opinion on using Shri Mataji's photograph: Clearly She has said in Her latest talk that the realization should come from us and not from the photograph. This means that we are supposed to use it, not to cling on it. But She also said that we should have Her photograph whenever we have meetings, and also use it for puja till we are gurus and make enough Sahaja Yogis. I think Her words were " You don't cancel Me " . Of course She is inside, but as She says what is inside is also outside. The embodiment of such a Divine Force is not to be disregarded. She also said that we can tell the seekers about Her if necessary. Not to go out and start yelling " The Comforter has come!! " . She gives us complete freedom as to how to approach the seekers, we can either tell them about Her nature immediately, or wait and see (as She Herself used to do). These are just my thoughts, a bit more matured compared to the last time i posted here, not necessarily due to footsoaking or WCASY approved treatments but due to collecivity and spreading of Sahaja Yoga... love, michalis JSM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2008 Report Share Posted August 12, 2008 , " michalis_9 " <michalis_9 wrote: > > Hello Jagbir and group members, > > I haven't posted for a long long time but i was visiting from time > to time and i hope you will accept my humble opinion on using Shri > Mataji's photograph: > You are welcome Michalis. The last time we exchanged emails you were quite agitated that i referred to Shri Mataji as a mere incarnation: " I agree with you that it is the Spirit within that matters but you exaggerate about Mother. She is nothing close to " mere " . Can I ask you when She said She is not doing anything? I know She's said that She works even during Her sleep. That She absorbs all our negativity, and Her attention is on us when we do puja. As far as I'm concerned we are lucky to have Her with us and claiming She is a mere incarnation does Her disservice. Moreover I've read talks where she wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges... What are you talking about. Please state whether you go along with Shri Mataji's teachings or you differentiate when you think it is proper. Regards, Michalis " /message/8502 > > Clearly She has said in Her latest talk that the realization should > come from us and not from the photograph. This means that we are > supposed to use it, not to cling on it. > You have again misunderstood Her. Let me refresh you with Her 2008 Guru Puja talk: “And so many of you can be, but you have to attain first, `Are you capable of being a guru or not?' With humbleness you will understand. Those who think they can be guru should become gurus, because now I can't travel from places to places. And you have to do my job, is to give realization to people. But you have to be able to give en-mass realization, then only you could be a guru. If you can give en-mass realization, then you could be a guru. You can use my photograph, but the realization should not be from the photograph, but from you. Then only you can be a guru.” (end) So Michalis, Self-realization should come from you and not the photograph. It is absurd to think that the photograph, not the Adi Shakti/Holy Spirit/Mother Kundalini within, confers Self-realization. Most SYs think just like you because of the SYSSR. So how can the realization come from you, not the photograph? Before continuing let me tell you that realizing the Self is a long, long, long process. It took me a decade to accomplish it .... and help me attain 2% enlightenment. Except for kundalini awakening and establishing the Cool Breeze the SYSSR has little to do with Self- realization. So how can the realization of Self come from you, not the photograph? Related Articles: Jesus: " God is spirit, and those who worship him ... " Self as Spirit: “Jesus answered them ... " Who am I - Deepak Chopra Silence Is God's First Language Theosis is a state akin to 'enlightenment' Look deep within God (Brahman) exists in every living being Aim of being reborn known to almost every religion All Holy Scriptures uphold the Self as Spirit, for Self is God Allâh is " closer to him (the human) than [his] jugular vein. " Yoga and Meditation (Dhyana) by Georg Feuerstein Has Yoga strayed from its core? Yoga is an art of living and not a religious practice A Christian practicing sahaja yoga meditation Shri Mataji: " Achieve your Self, become your Self. " Shri Mataji: " But this Judgment is so beautiful. " Shri Mataji: " What Christ said ... is nothing but Advaita. " On being liberated from the dualities of pleasure and pain Yoga Methods in Christian Mysticism Shri Mataji: " The ultimate act against the Spirit ... " Shri Mataji: " Self-Realization will lead to creation of a new race " Each religion springs from a profound experience of the Spirit This new mode of being and consciousness is the ... For if you walk on this road, it is impossible to go astray Mystic’s discovery of higher Self is only a step on a greater journey For the mystics, Jesus was a living embodiment of union with God Gnosis essentially is act of distinguishing soul from deepest self People who have never even glimpsed the realm of the sacred Eckhart Tolle's Teachings and Self-realization are in perfect harmony Eckhart Tolle's Stillness Speaks and T. A. are in perfect harmony What and where is Self/Brahman/God/Being ...?\ t_worship_in_spirit_and_truth_10-22-2007.htm > > But She also said that we should have Her photograph whenever we > have meetings, and also use it for puja till we are gurus and make > enough Sahaja Yogis. I think Her words were " You don't cancel Me " . > But Michalis, having Her photo for meetings and puja is not the same as “the realization should not be from the photograph, but from you”. i have never said that we should not use Her photograph for meetings and puja because that is required. Shri Mataji is telling us that we use the photograph for public meetings BUT the Self- realization must still come from you and your powers. Yet again She emphasizes this important distinction between Her photograph and realizing of the Self, which the photo cannot enlighten ……. all the more since the seekers know so little! (How much did you know in the beginning Michalis, the irony being that you still have not realized your Self despite years practising the SYSSR?) “To begin with you can use my photograph, but latter on, you can only put the photograph there but use your own powers and give realization. You can do it, and that is how we can spread Sahaja Yoga all over the world. I have done my level best now, but I don't think now I can travel anymore. So I am telling you that you have to take over, and work it out. That doesn't mean you cancel Me – no, not at all! I am there with you. And every place you work you put my photograph. But realization you have to give and try to give mass realization. If that doesn't work out then you should know that you are not a guru. If you can give mass realization, then only you are a guru. Otherwise you are not.” (end) But it is indeed impossible to explain anything without Shri Mataji, and by that i mean Her all-encompassing advent and message of the Blossom Time. More than three decades of enlightenment are indispensable in triggering the General Resurrection. Without Her quotes it is impossible to do anything. And seekers have to see how the incarnation of the Adi Shakti, how the Comforter looks like? So how can anyone of us ever cancel Her? > > Of course She is inside, but as She says what is inside is also > outside. The embodiment of such a Divine Force is not to be > disregarded. > She is 1% outside and 99% inside. After Shri Mataji’s Mahasamadhi She will be 100% inside. Where are SYs going to look for Her then? ..... in Her photograph? Why do i keep insisting that time is on Her side, and ours too? > > She also said that we can tell the seekers about Her if necessary. > Not to go out and start yelling " The Comforter has come!! " . She > gives us complete freedom as to how to approach the seekers, we can > either tell them about Her nature immediately, or wait and see (as > She Herself used to do). > SYs have been waiting forever to announce the Comforter’s advent and message to humanity. Unlike them, Shri Mataji has always been honest and upfront to the public about the Last Judgment. That is why despite three decades 99.99% of humanity neither knows nor will be interested in the SYSSR. And with Shri Mataji retiring the sun will, without question, set on the SYSSR. But She has given us complete freedom to form our own organizations and spread Her advent and message to humanity. Only fools will go out and start yelling “The Comforter has come!!” Intelligent people will only need to give seekers links to ........ before or after triggering their spiritual birth by the Spirit (kundalini awakening). Then these seekers can spend months/years realizing their Self as they take part in the Resurrection. That is how en masse realization will work out Michalis! > > These are just my thoughts, a bit more matured compared to the last > time i posted here, not necessarily due to footsoaking or WCASY > approved treatments but due to collectivity and spreading of Sahaja > Yoga... > > love, michalis > > JSM > You have matured Michalis but still have a long way to realize your Self, and the knowledge required for just that. All the footsoaks or WCASY approved treatments will never bring you any closer. On the contrary, you will only drift away and stagnate. Period! regards, jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2008 Report Share Posted August 13, 2008 Dear Jagbir, I'm in no position to declare anyone (let alone myself) as Self-Realized or not. All i'm interested in is constructive dialogue on spiritual matters, not to judge anyone or criticize out of the blue, as was asked by our Mother in Her latest speech. Therefore i find your comments on my (or anyone's for that matter) maturity and Self-Realization inappropriate as well as anti-Sahaj. Given the fact that you mostly base your statements on Shri Mataji's own quotes, it is natural that you are mostly correct. Nevertheless your way of expressing your views and the lack of sweetness and humility in your words indicate a person knowledgable, yet naive in understanding. However, it was interesting to see that in order to casually pass judgemenet on someone else you mentioned a discussion we had some time back. Let me quote you from the link you yourself provided: " Michalis, you asked me whether i " go along with Shri Mataji's teachings or you differentiate when you think it is proper. " i go along with Shri Mataji's teachings and enlighten when i think it is proper. " You also said it would take me weeks or even months to understand this statement. Well it's been years, and i still haven't. If there is any meening other than the fact that you just choose to " enlighten " Shri Mataji's instructions, the ones that you don't understand, i admitt i'm blind to it. Please take some time to realise that you'll light up the Sun way before you'll enlighten Shri Mataji's words. Not just you of course, any of us! regarding the use for Her photograph, i totally agree with you and this is what happens in Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji's photograph is just there. As simple as that. It would be nice if someone with your knowledge was helping with the spreading of Shri Mataji's message. It is common that extremely knowledgable people go to extremes and miss the essence, the core of the Divine Teachings. is a source of knowledge, not the path. Too much vidya turns into a-vidya if you don't decorate it with your humility. It is important that you do that. Not just trying to show off your knowledge and your so called exposures on the WCASY and mainstream Sahaja Yogis. The only way, the path, is simple meeditation and participation in the collective, at least according to Her " unenlightened " instructions. Lots of love, michalis JSM , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org wrote: > > , " michalis_9 " <michalis_9@> wrote: > > > > Hello Jagbir and group members, > > > > I haven't posted for a long long time but i was visiting from time > > to time and i hope you will accept my humble opinion on using Shri > > Mataji's photograph: > > > > You are welcome Michalis. The last time we exchanged emails you were > quite agitated that i referred to Shri Mataji as a mere incarnation: > > " I agree with you that it is the Spirit within that matters but you > exaggerate about Mother. She is nothing close to " mere " . Can I ask > you when She said She is not doing anything? I know She's said > that She works even during Her sleep. That She absorbs all our > negativity, and Her attention is on us when we do puja. As far as > I'm concerned we are lucky to have Her with us and claiming She is > a mere incarnation does Her disservice. Moreover I've read talks > where she wants us to use Her photo, even wear badges... What are > you talking about. > > Please state whether you go along with Shri Mataji's teachings or > you differentiate when you think it is proper. > > Regards, Michalis " > > /message/8502 > > > > > Clearly She has said in Her latest talk that the realization should > > come from us and not from the photograph. This means that we are > > supposed to use it, not to cling on it. > > > > You have again misunderstood Her. Let me refresh you with Her 2008 > Guru Puja talk: > > & #65533;And so many of you can be, but you have to attain first, `Are you > capable of being a guru or not?' With humbleness you will > understand. Those who think they can be guru should become gurus, > because now I can't travel from places to places. And you have to do > my job, is to give realization to people. But you have to be able > to give en-mass realization, then only you could be a guru. If you > can give en-mass realization, then you could be a guru. > > You can use my photograph, but the realization should not be from > the photograph, but from you. Then only you can be a guru. & #65533; (end) > > So Michalis, Self-realization should come from you and not the > photograph. It is absurd to think that the photograph, not the Adi > Shakti/Holy Spirit/Mother Kundalini within, confers Self-realization. > Most SYs think just like you because of the SYSSR. > > So how can the realization come from you, not the photograph? Before > continuing let me tell you that realizing the Self is a long, long, > long process. It took me a decade to accomplish it .... and help me > attain 2% enlightenment. Except for kundalini awakening and > establishing the Cool Breeze the SYSSR has little to do with Self- > realization. > > So how can the realization of Self come from you, not the photograph? > > Related Articles: > Jesus: " God is spirit, and those who worship him ... " > Self as Spirit: & #65533;Jesus answered them ... " > Who am I - Deepak Chopra > Silence Is God's First Language > Theosis is a state akin to 'enlightenment' > Look deep within > God (Brahman) exists in every living being > Aim of being reborn known to almost every religion > All Holy Scriptures uphold the Self as Spirit, for Self is God > Allâh is " closer to him (the human) than [his] jugular vein. " > Yoga and Meditation (Dhyana) by Georg Feuerstein > Has Yoga strayed from its core? > Yoga is an art of living and not a religious practice > A Christian practicing sahaja yoga meditation > Shri Mataji: " Achieve your Self, become your Self. " > Shri Mataji: " But this Judgment is so beautiful. " > Shri Mataji: " What Christ said ... is nothing but Advaita. " > On being liberated from the dualities of pleasure and pain > Yoga Methods in Christian Mysticism > Shri Mataji: " The ultimate act against the Spirit ... " > Shri Mataji: " Self-Realization will lead to creation of a new race " > Each religion springs from a profound experience of the Spirit > This new mode of being and consciousness is the ... > For if you walk on this road, it is impossible to go astray > Mystic & #65533;s discovery of higher Self is only a step on a greater journey > For the mystics, Jesus was a living embodiment of union with God > Gnosis essentially is act of distinguishing soul from deepest self > People who have never even glimpsed the realm of the sacred > Eckhart Tolle's Teachings and Self-realization are in perfect harmony > Eckhart Tolle's Stillness Speaks and T. A. are in perfect harmony > What and where is Self/Brahman/God/Being ...? > >\ t_worship_in_spirit_and_truth_10-22-2007.htm > > > > > > But She also said that we should have Her photograph whenever we > > have meetings, and also use it for puja till we are gurus and make > > enough Sahaja Yogis. I think Her words were " You don't cancel Me " . > > > > But Michalis, having Her photo for meetings and puja is not the same > as & #65533;the realization should not be from the photograph, but from > you & #65533;. i have never said that we should not use Her photograph for > meetings and puja because that is required. Shri Mataji is telling us > that we use the photograph for public meetings BUT the Self- > realization must still come from you and your powers. Yet again She > emphasizes this important distinction between Her photograph and > realizing of the Self, which the photo cannot enlighten & #65533; & #65533;. all the > more since the seekers know so little! (How much did you know in the > beginning Michalis, the irony being that you still have not realized > your Self despite years practising the SYSSR?) > > & #65533;To begin with you can use my photograph, but latter on, you can > only put the photograph there but use your own powers and give > realization. You can do it, and that is how we can spread Sahaja > Yoga all over the world. I have done my level best now, but I don't > think now I can travel anymore. So I am telling you that you have to > take over, and work it out. That doesn't mean you cancel Me & #65533; > no, not at all! I am there with you. And every place you work you put > my photograph. But realization you have to give and try to give mass > realization. If that doesn't work out then you should know that you > are not a guru. If you can give mass realization, then only you are a > guru. Otherwise you are not. & #65533; (end) > > But it is indeed impossible to explain anything without Shri Mataji, > and by that i mean Her all-encompassing advent and message of the > Blossom Time. More than three decades of enlightenment are > indispensable in triggering the General Resurrection. Without Her > quotes it is impossible to do anything. And seekers have to see how > the incarnation of the Adi Shakti, how the Comforter looks like? So > how can anyone of us ever cancel Her? > > > > > Of course She is inside, but as She says what is inside is also > > outside. The embodiment of such a Divine Force is not to be > > disregarded. > > > > She is 1% outside and 99% inside. After Shri Mataji & #65533;s Mahasamadhi She > will be 100% inside. Where are SYs going to look for Her then? ..... > in Her photograph? Why do i keep insisting that time is on Her side, > and ours too? > > > > > She also said that we can tell the seekers about Her if necessary. > > Not to go out and start yelling " The Comforter has come!! " . She > > gives us complete freedom as to how to approach the seekers, we can > > either tell them about Her nature immediately, or wait and see (as > > She Herself used to do). > > > > SYs have been waiting forever to announce the Comforter & #65533;s advent and > message to humanity. Unlike them, Shri Mataji has always been honest > and upfront to the public about the Last Judgment. That is why > despite three decades 99.99% of humanity neither knows nor will be > interested in the SYSSR. And with Shri Mataji retiring the sun will, > without question, set on the SYSSR. > > But She has given us complete freedom to form our own organizations > and spread Her advent and message to humanity. Only fools will go out > and start yelling & #65533;The Comforter has come!! & #65533; Intelligent people will > only need to give seekers links to ........ > before or after triggering their spiritual birth by the Spirit > (kundalini awakening). Then these seekers can spend months/years > realizing their Self as they take part in the Resurrection. That is > how en masse realization will work out Michalis! > > > > > These are just my thoughts, a bit more matured compared to the last > > time i posted here, not necessarily due to footsoaking or WCASY > > approved treatments but due to collectivity and spreading of Sahaja > > Yoga... > > > > love, michalis > > > > JSM > > > > You have matured Michalis but still have a long way to realize your > Self, and the knowledge required for just that. All the footsoaks or > WCASY approved treatments will never bring you any closer. On the > contrary, you will only drift away and stagnate. Period! > > regards, > > > jagbir > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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