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How followers have messed up the spiritual teachings - Part 1

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Dear All,


According to Shri Mataji, there are " ten essences of religion " . She says that

when these essences deteriorate, that the human being becomes either confused,

or aggressive. Shri Mataji says that many incarnations of the Primordial Master

have come to this earth to correct the balance within human beings - by

preaching love and moral discipline. But says Shri Mataji:


" The followers have made a mess of their teachings. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

book/Meta Modern Era

Chapter 6 'Religions'



Here now, is Part 1 in a series that shows how the followers have made a mess of

their teachings.


regards to all,





How followers have messed up the spiritual teachings - Part 1


All the religions from ancient times have said that a man or a woman has to

cleanse their mind through religious activity, with righteous thinking. The aim

of every religion was to establish balance in every way, to make way for the

ascent of the seeker. The second birth, walihood (Islamic), Selfhood, Buddha's

state, Jaini state, Gnostic, or Atmasakshatkar, are all names for

self-realisation. It was all right in the olden days, where people wanted to be

good and ascend. They obeyed and tried to do whatever was asked for by the

saints, prophets or incarnations.


In India, in the sixteenth century, we had many great saints who were poets.

Even in the twelfth century, we had some very great writers about spiritual

life. The main theme of all these saints was that we must cleanse ourselves for

our ascent. We must purify ourselves. So the greatest thing we have to achieve

is our second birth, our self-realisation, the salvation.


I have read a book about Jesus coming to India, in Kashmir, and meeting one of

the Kings of Shalivahana. The meeting is quoted from an ancient book of the

Puranas, in Sanskrit, which perhaps the writer doesn't know. It is written that

the Shalivahana King asked Jesus his name, and he said his name was Isa Masih.

[break Quote]



" The reader will also notice the transliteration of the Sanskrit verses of the

Bhavishya Mahapurana. This has not appeared at any other website or in any

Jesus-in-India book (except Saving the Savior). You will note in the

transliteration that the name, " isa masi " is clearly recorded in the first line

of verse 26, and we have highlighted the name in bold type. Please note that

verse numbers have been placed at the end of a given verse. So, verse 26 runs

for two lines, and the actual number has been placed at the end of the verse on

the second line. You will also note the name, " isa masiha " in the second line of

verse 31, again in bold type. "




[Resume Quote]:


It is written that the Shalivahana King asked Jesus his name and he said his

name was Isa Masih. And the king asked him: " Why are you here, in this country? "

Jesus said: " I have come from a country where people are Mlecchas " . 'Mlecchas'

are the people who only have a desire to be filthy, vulgar or immoral. In those

days in India all foreigners were called 'Mlecchas' because the Indians believed

that they had no idea of purification or transformation. Whatever the case, this

was the conversation between Shalivahana and Lord Jesus Christ. So Shalivahana

asked him: " Why do you not go back and cleanse these people and teach them about

Nirmal Tattwa? " (means the principle of cleansing). Thus, I think Christ went

back and was crucified within three and a half years by the Romans who were not

keen about their salvation. Now, the way the Church of England is trying to

support illegal marriages etc., -------- taking the support of the gene's

theory, it shows how the Indians were right in calling the Westerners

" Mlecchas " . I have dealt with this gene's theory in the chapter on Metascience.


The French were called " Firangis " by the Indians, which means: " changing many

colours " or " of artificial behaviour for the satisfactions of licentiousness " .

Later on, the British were called " Sahibs " , meaning " proud of their dress " ,

" egoists without any spiritual sensitivity " .


According to the Bible, the Shariyat is written in the chapter of Jeremiah.

These laws were given by Moses to the Jews, whom he found to be in a very

decadent state when he came back with his ten commandments. So he thought these

people required a very strict kind of conduct by which they could reach a

certain moral discipline and cleanliness. Otherwise, such immoral people could

not attain spirituality. Shariyat was not accepted by the Jews but was taken up

by Mohammed Sahib later on because he found that the Jews were not able to

accept it, but he thought he would put it down for people who wanted to follow

" Islam " , meaning " surrender to the Divine " . I feel it is a misinterpretation.

Mohammed Sahib could not have done it. He was himself, preaching about " Rahmat "

(compassion) all his life. How could he talk about such strict rules for women?


Perhaps he found that the people of other religions were even worse than the

decadent Jews. As it is, all these religions are very difficult to follow.

Christ has said that you have to cleanse yourself, you have to control your

attention and you have to see, through your introspection, what is wrong with

you, and try to cleanse yourself. Otherwise, he said (in the chapter written by

Matthew, in the Bible) " that if your one eye does the sin, (even if you look at

a woman twice) you better take out your eyes. If your hand does anything wrong,

anything sinful, cut out your hand. " He said: if somebody slaps you on one

cheek, to turn the other cheek to that person. Imagine Christians tolerating

even one slap on the face?


When you see the Christian people in the Christian nations, the way they have

killed people all over the world, one wonders by what yardstick they call

themselves " Christians " . One can understand very well that these are all

absolutely impossible rules and regulations for the advanced, modern persons, to

follow. These hard rules may not have been propagated by Christ, but may have

been introduced by Paul who was a squatter in the Bible and who edited it. He

was epileptic according to the principles of Sahaja Yoga. He was possessed and

wrote all kinds of lies through Peter who was the weakest disciple of Christ.

How could Christ give him the keys to build a church on seven hills? On the

contrary, he said: " The Satan will take you over " . Who is this Satan? The



It's not possible for anybody to be worthy of the Christian religion because

they have to be extremely sensitive to sinful actions like saints or angels. I

haven't seen anybody with a cut hand or with eyes missing in the whole of the

Christian kingdom. This proves that their belief in Christ is followed only up

to the point of going to the Church, listening to the sermons preached by a

person who is not even a realised soul, and who has not had his Divine baptism.


It is very surprising, because our mayor in Italy asked me: " How is it that

there are so many people attending your programme for hours together? They never

get bored. While when we are in the Church, after fifteen minutes, we start

looking at our watches, and after half an hour, we practically just run out of

the Church. It is just a social event but it is so very boring that after the

lecture we feel like going to the pub - otherwise we start fighting with each

other. " " After the blessing of the Trinity, why should they be so anxious to

drink and get lost? "


Thus we find, that in the Christian countries, people are behaving in an

absolutely opposite manner to what Christ had asked them to do. He had gone into

a very subtle side of purity that says: " Thou shall not have adulterous eyes "

while in the ten commandments, it was only said that: " Thou shall not commit

adultery " . If you are observant, you will be shocked to see that it is very hard

to find any man or woman in the Western countries who does not have adulterous

eyes. Of course it is different, if they are blind, or too old to flirt with

their eyes. They are always moving their eyes from one person to another with

lust and greed. It's impossible to understand how they can move their attention

so fast from one person to another, unless some screws are loose in their

brains, like a doll, which has screws that control the eyeballs. The eyes start

moving very fast like flirts. They might become mad or get possessed by one

thing or another. How can the human attention be so mobile in such a fruitless



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

book/Meta Modern Era

Chapter 6 'Religions'


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