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Shri Mataji: There is so much blind faith, there is so much of wrong ideas, so much of organizational fortresses they have built.

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> The Islamic challenge is little known, but HUGE. The world's

> Muslims believe that Jesus Christ is returning, in the flesh, to

> MURDER anybody who does not accept Islam. He will come as " Imam

> Mahdi " to establish Islam in the " latter days " by force. Anyone

> refusing him will be killed.


> This repugnant belief has been dinned into the ears of Muslim

> children for centuries, and has shaped the character of many

> Muslims [not all of them], and represents the true, psychological

> root of violence in the Islamic world--the expectation of a bloody

> Imam, full of spite and hatred. This is no exaggeration.



The Muslim Jesus


After the emergence or the " rising " of the Mahdi, the second most

important event among the Major Signs, is the return of Jesus

Christ. Christians who love Jesus understandably get quite excited

by the prospect that even Muslims are looking for and longing for His

return. Unfortunately, the Islamic belief of just who this Jesus is

that is coming, and what he does once he has arrived, is drastically

different than what Christians believe about Jesus.


The first thing that Christians need to understand regarding the

Islamic belief about Jesus is that Muslims of course reject the idea

that Jesus was or is the Son of God. According to Islam, Jesus is

not as the Bible articulates, God in the flesh. Secondly, in Islamic

belief, Jesus never died on a cross for the sins of mankind. The

Quran specifically denies that Jesus was ever crucified or that He

ever experienced death. Muslims believe that after Allah

miraculously delivered Jesus from death, he was assumed into heaven

alive in a similar fashion to the biblical narrative regarding

Elijah. Since then, Muslims believe, Jesus has remained with Allah

and has been awaiting his opportunity to return to the earth to

finish his ministry and complete his life. As such, to the Islamic

mind, Jesus was not in any way a " savior " . To Muslims, Jesus was

merely another prophet in the long line of prophets that Allah has

sent to mankind. The special title of Messiah, although retained in

the Islamic tradition, is essentially stripped of any truly

biblically defined Messianic characteristics. According to the

sacred texts of Islam, as we are about to see, when Jesus returns, it

most certainly will not be to restore the Nation of Israel to the

Jewish people. Nor will Jesus' purpose be to save and deliver his

faithful followers from the ongoing persecution of the Antichrist.

In order to understand the Islamic concept of Jesus' return, the

first thing that needs to be realized is that when Jesus comes back,

he comes back as a radical Muslim!


This chapter will outline the Islamic traditions regarding the return

of Jesus. Many of the Hadith below that refer to Jesus do not call

him by the name Jesus, but rather Isa. Muslims occasionally will

refer to Jesus by his English name for our sake, but the name that

the Quran gives him, and which most Muslims use is Isa (or Eesa) al-

Maseeh (the Messiah). Other common titles that Islam uses when

referring to Jesus are Hadrat Isa (Honorable Jesus), Isa bin Maryam

(Jesus son of Mary) or Nabi Isa (Prophet Jesus). Some of these

titles may be used below.


The Return Of The Muslim Jesus


According to Islam's sacred traditions, Jesus' return is usually

described as taking place just outside Damascus:


At this very time Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will

descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing

two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the

wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall

beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up,

beads like pearls would scatter from it. 1


The Subordinate Of The Mahdi


At this time, Jesus descends to meet the army of the Mahdi which will

be preparing for battle. It will be just before the time of prayer.


Muslims will still be preparing themselves for the battle drawing up

the ranks. Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus,

son of Mary would descend. 2


Based on the relevant Hadith, Islamic scholars seem to be in

universal agreement that the Mahdi will ask Jesus to lead the

prayers. Jesus will then refuse this request and will defer instead

to the Mahdi to lead the prayer.


The Messenger of Allah said: A section of my people will not cease

fighting for the truth and will prevail until the Day of

resurrection. He said: Jesus son of Mary would then descend and

their [Muslims'] commander [the Mahdi] would invite him to come and

lead them in prayer, but he would say: No, some amongst you are

commanders over some. 3


The important element here that needs to be stressed is that Jesus

will then pray behind the Mahdi as a direct statement regarding

Jesus' inferiority of rank to the Mahdi.


Jesus Christ will decline the offer and invitation of Imam Mahdi to

come and lead the Muslims in prayer, and say his prayer behind Imam

Mahdi. 4


Jesus (peace be upon him) will come and will perform the obligatory

prayers behind the Mahdi and follow him. 5


(Jesus) will be following the Mahdi, the master of the time, and that

is why he will be offering his prayers behind him. 6


Jesus The Faithful Muslim


After Jesus returns, in keeping with his identity as a faithful

Muslim, he will perform the ritual pilgrimage to Mecca called hajj:


The Prophet said: Verily Isa ibn Maryam shall descend as an equitable

judge and fair ruler. He shall tread his path on the way to hajj

(pilgrimage) and come to my grave to greet me, and I shall certainly

answer him! 7


Jesus Will Institute Islamic Law


While the Mahdi, as the Caliph (vice-regent) and Imam (leader) of the

Muslims is clearly seen as being a superior to Jesus, Jesus is still

said to be a leader of the Muslim Community. According to the

Islamic traditions, Jesus' primary purpose will be to oversee the

institution and the enforcement of the Islamic Shariah law all over

the world.


Ibn Qayyim mentioned in Manar al-munif that the leader… is the Mahdi

who will request Jesus to lead the Muslims in prayer. Jesus will

remain on the earth, not as a prophet, but as one of the Community

(ummah) of Prophet Muhammad. Muslims will follow him as their

leader. According to Shalabi, the Mahdi will lead the Muslims in

prayer, and Jesus will rule the Muslims according to the Divine Law

(Shari'ah). 8


Jesus, the son of Mary will descend and will lead them judging

amongst them according to the holy Quran and the Sunnah of the

Prophet Muhammad. 9


Jesus: The Greatest Muslim Evangelist


Islamic tradition teaches that because Jesus will declare himself to

be a Muslim, he will lead many Christians to convert to Islam.

Regarding those who do not convert to Islam, the Quran states that

Jesus will be a witness against them on the Day of Judgment:


There is not one of the People of the Scripture (Christians and Jews)

but will believe in him before his death, and on the Day of

Resurrection he will be a witness against them. (Surah 4:159)


Commenting on the above verse, Mufti Muhammad Shafi and Mufti

Mohammad Rafi Usmani in their book, Signs of the Qiyama [the final

judgement] and the Arrival of the Maseeh [the Messiah] explain that

the phrase " will believe in him before his death " means that

Christians and Jews will:


…confirm that he is alive and has not died and he is not God or the

Son of God but (merely) His (Allah's) slave and Messenger, and Isa

(Jesus) will testify against those who had called him son of God, the

Christians, and those who had belied him, the Jews. 10


Sheikh Kabbani, Chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of America

clearly articulates the Islamic perspective regarding Jesus'

evangelistic role when He returns.


Like all prophets, Prophet Jesus came with the divine message of

surrender to God Almighty, which is Islam. This verse shows that

when Jesus returns he will personally correct the misrepresentations

and misinterpretations about himself. He will affirm the true

message that he brought in his time as a prophet, and that he never

claimed to be the Son of God. Furthermore, he will reaffirm in his

second coming what he prophesied in his first coming bearing witness

to the seal of the Messengers, Prophet Muhammad. In his second

coming many non-Muslims will accept Jesus as a servant of Allah

Almighty, as a Muslim and a member of the Community of Muhammad. 11


Al-Sadr and Mutahhari, likewise articulate this same expectation:


Jesus will descend from heaven and espouse the cause of the Mahdi.

The Christians and the Jews will see him and recognize his true

status. The Christians will abandon their faith in his godhead

(sic). 12


Jesus Will Abolish Christianity


It is crucial to understand that according to Islamic tradition and

belief, when Jesus returns, he does not merely come to convert most

Christians to Islam but to literally abolish Christianity entirely.

This fact is understood when we analyze a very well-known, and oft-

quoted tradition that refers to four specific things that Jesus will

do when he returns. Jesus is said to:


Break crosses.

Kill all swine.

Abolish the jizyah tax (a Muslim tax on non-Muslims)

Kill the Muslim antichrist and his followers.


The Prophet said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is,

Jesus. He will descent (sic) (to the earth)… He will break the cross,

kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions

except Islam. 13


The three actions of breaking " the cross " , killing pigs and

abolishing the jizyah tax are based on the notion that Jesus will

eliminate all other religions on the earth other than Islam. Shafi

and Usmani explain that to " break the cross " means to " abolish

worship of the cross " . Several Muslim friends that I've spoken with

have expressed their understanding of this tradition: Jesus will

break or remove all crosses from the rooftops and steeples of

churches throughout the earth. This action will thus indicate that

Jesus will be making a clear statement regarding his disapproval of

the false notion that he was ever crucified on a cross. The killing

of the swine is so that the " Christian belief of its lawfulness is

belied. " 14 The reason for abolishing the jizyah tax (the compulsory

poll-tax that non-Muslims must pay in order to live in a Muslim land)

is based on the idea that when Jesus returns, the jizyah tax will no

longer be accepted. The only choice that Christians will have is to

accept Islam or die. As Sideeque M.A. Veliankode states in Doomsday

Portents and Prophecies:


Jesus, the son of Mary will soon descend among the Muslims as a just

judge… Jesus will, therefore, judge according to the law of Islam…

all people will be required to embrace Islam and there will be no

other alternative. 15


Even Harun Yahya, likewise affirms this belief in his book, Jesus

Will Return when he says, " Jesus will remove all systems of disbelief

in that period. " 16


Muslim jurists also confirm these interpretations: consider, for

example, the ruling of Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (d. 1368) from The

Reliance of the Traveller, the classic Shafi manual of Islamic



" ... the time and the place for [the poll tax] is before the final

descent of Jesus (upon whom be peace). After his final coming,

nothing but Islam will be accepted from them, for taking the poll tax

is only effective until Jesus' descent (upon him and our Prophet be

peace) ... " 17


Jesus The Slayer Of Jews


Beyond the " accomplishment " of abolishing Christianity on a worldwide

scale, another of Jesus' primary jobs is to kill a figure know as the

Dajjal, or the Muslim version of the Antichrist. But not only will

Jesus kill the Dajjal, but also all of the Dajjal's followers, who

consequently, will mostly be Jews. Muhammad Ali Ibn Zubair in an

article entitled, Who is the evil Dajjal elaborates:


The Yahudis (Jews) of Isfahaan will be his (The Dajjals) main



Apart from having mainly Yahudi followers, he will have a great

number of women followers as well. 18


Veliankode explains that one of the main reasons for Jesus return

is " to refute the Jews over the controversial issue that they killed

Jesus… However Jesus will kill them including their leader, the

Antichrist. " 19 Listing the events of the last-days as they occur,

Muhammad Ali Ibn Zubair, author of The Signs of Qiyama (Judgement

Day) begins:


His followers the Yahudis, will number 70,000… (Then) Hadrat Isa

(honorable Jesus) kills the Dajjal at the Gate of Hudd, near an

Israeli airport, in the valley of " Ifiq. " The final war between the

Yahudi's will ensue, and the Muslims will be victorious. 20


We will discuss this " final war " between the Jews and the Muslims in

more detail in a later chapter. But for now, it is important to

remember that when this final war (or more accurately a final

slaughter) occurs, according to Islamic tradition, it is the Muslim

Jesus who is the primary instigator of such.


Jesus: A Good Muslim Family Man


One final aspect of the Muslim Jesus' return must be pointed out.

After converting the world to Islam and killing unbelievers, the

Dajjal and his followers, Jesus is said to marry, have children and

eventually die:


The Prophet said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is,

Jesus… He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for

forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him. 21


After his descention (sic) on earth, Jesus will marry. He will have

children, and he will remain on the earth 19 years after marriage.

He will pass away and Muslims will perform his Funeral Prayer and

bury him next to the Prophet Muhammad. 22




Now let's review the various defining characteristics and actions of

the Muslim Jesus upon his return to the earth:


1. Jesus is said to return to the earth in the last-days near a

mosque in Damascus.


2. He will arrive at a time when the Mahdi and his army will be

preparing to pray.


3. He will be offered to lead the prayer by the Mahdi, but will

decline in direct deference to the Mahdi who Jesus declares to be the

leader of the Muslims.


4. He will then pray behind the Mahdi as a subordinate.


5. He will be a faithful Muslim


6. He will make pilgrimage to Mecca.


7. He will visit Muhammad's grave, and salute Muhammad, whereby

Muhammad will return the salute from the grave.


8. He will destroy Christianity.


9. He will repeal the jizyah tax thus causing the only option

for Jews and Christians to convert to Islam or die.


10. He will establish Islamic Shari'ah (Law) throughout the entire



11. He will kill the Antichrist and his followers made up largely of

Jews and women.


12. He will remain on the earth for roughly forty years, during

which time he will marry, have children and then die.


As we have clearly seen, the Muslim Jesus, in both his nature and

actions is far different than the biblical Jesus. Rather than coming

to reign as King and Messiah over all the earth from Jerusalem, Jesus

instead comes to convert the world to Islam or kill those who refuse

to do so. Instead of coming to save and deliver faithful Christians

and Jews, he comes instead to kill and slaughter them. We will

discuss a bit more about what the Bible has to say about the return

of Jesus in a later chapter.




1. Sahih Muslim Book 041, Number 7015

2. Sideeque M.A. Veliankode, Doomsday Portents and Prophecies

(Scarborough, Canada, 1999), p. 351

3. Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Number 0293, Narrated by Jabir

bin `Abdullah

4. Veliankode, p. 350

5. Sais I-Nursi, The Rays, The Fifth Ray, p. 493, as quoted in Harun

Yahya, Jesus will Return, (London, Ta Ha, 2001), p. 66

6. Ayatullah Baqir al-Sadr and Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari, The

Awaited Savior, (Karachi, Islamic Seminary Publications), prologue,

p. 3

7. Hakim Mustadrak (2:651) # 4162 as related by Abu Harayra quoted in

Kabbani, p. 237

8. Sahih Ashrat as-Sa'at, as quoted in Kabbani, p. 236

9. Veliankode, p. 351

10. Mufti Mohammad Shafi and Mufti Mohammad Rafi Usmani, Signs of the

Qiyama and the Arrival of the Maseeh, (Karachi, Darul Ishat, 2000),

p. 60

11. Kabbani, p. 237

12. Al-Sadr and Mutahhari, prologue p. 3

13. Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, Number 4310, Narrated by Abu Hurayrah:

see also Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656

14. Shafi, Usmani, p. 59

15. Veliankode, p. 358

16. Yahya, p.52

17. The Reliance of the Traveller and Tools of the Worshipper, a

Classic Manuel of Islamic Sacred Law, Translated by Noah Ha Mim

Keller, (Amana Publications, Beltsville Maryland, revised 1994) p.


18. Muhammad Ali Ibn Zubair WhoIis the Evil Dajjal (the " anti-

Christ " )? Online article from


19. Veliankode, p. 360, Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656

20. Muhammad Ali Ibn Zubair, The Signs of Qiyama, translated by M.

Afzal Hoosein Elias at http://members.cox.net/arshad/qiyaama.html

21. Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 37, Number 4310 Narrated by AbuHurayrah

22. Tirmidhi, as quoted in Jesus (Isa) A.S. in Islam, and his Second

Coming by Mufti A.H. Elias in







" There is so much blind faith, there is so much of wrong ideas, so

much of organizational fortresses they have built. All kinds of

nonsensical things are going on in this world, but they'll all be

finished. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Vienna, Austria 8 June 1988



" Once I happened to mean a fellow, a Muslim from Bosnia and he told

Me, " I want to die for my religion, for God's sake. " I said, " But

why? Who told you to die? " He said, " Now, if I die in the name of

God, I'll be resurrected. " I said, " It's all wrong. That's not the

way it is going to work out. Resurrection is going to work out this

way that at this time, all these souls will take their birth. All

these souls will take their birth and they will be resurrected. As

human beings they'll have to come. "


That's why we find all kinds of funny people these days, all kinds of

cruel, criminal, all kinds of idiotic, stupid, I mean very queer,

weird, funny ideas which find such, such a variety of people and such

a tremendous population that we should understand they have to have

their chance of Resurrection. But how many will come? That's the

point. How many are going to come? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Philadelphia, USA — October 15, 1993



" And, above all, all three persevere in making a claim which cannot

possibly be valid and true: that they are, each single one, the true



Each one of them, however, hides from the ultimate test of its

validity and truth behind a wall of unknowing and expectation. All

three chorus that only on the " Last Day, " when the " End " comes,

when " God " decides, will it be clear that the " other two " and all

others besides were false, and it (the claimant) was all along the

true community of the one " God. " "


Malachi Martin, The Encounter,

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, p. 182-85.



" The word God has become empty of meaning through thousands of years

of misuse. I use it sometimes, but I do so sparingly. By misuse, I

mean that people who have never even glimpsed the realm of the

sacred, the infinite vastness behind that word, use it with great

conviction, as if they knew what they are talking about. Or they

argue against it, as if they knew what it is that they are denying.

This misuse gives rise to absurd beliefs, assertions, and egoic

delusions, such as " My or our God is the only true God, and your God

is false, " or Nietzsche's famous statement " God is dead. "


Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Publisher: New World Library; 1 edition (September 27, 1999)

ISBN-10: 1577311523

ISBN-13: 978-1577311522



" What are they awaiting but for the Hour to come upon them suddenly?

Its Signs have already come. What good will their Reminder be to them

when it does arrive? (Qur'an, 47:18)


As the above verse indicates, God has revealed some of Doomsday's

signs in the Qur'an. In Surat az-Zukhruf 43:61, God informs us

that " He [Jesus] is a Sign of the Hour. Have no doubt about it... "

Thus we can say, based particularly on Islamic sources but also on

the Old Testament and the New Testament, that we are living in the

End Times. " - Harun Yahya


Note: According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary sign

means " a discernible indication of what is not itself directly

perceptible. Sign applies to any indication to be perceived by the

senses or the reason. " Thus Surat az-Zukhruf 43:61 indicates that the

Hour of the Resurrection, which is already taking place, is not

itself directly perceptible by most humans. The only way the

commencement of the Resurrection can be perceived is either by the

senses (feeling the Nafas al Rachman, the breath of the Merciful

i.e., Winds of Qiyamah flowing from the body - especially the hands,

top of head and legs) or by reason (confirming with heart, mind and

soul the declaration of the General Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah) to all

humankind), or far better by both sense and reason. That is exactly

why the Holy Qur'an warns that most humans will be unaware that is

the Resurrection is taking place (surah 30:55-60 Al Rum), and that

includes most Muslims!


So what is the Ummah awaiting but for the Hour of Doomsday to come

upon them suddenly? The Signs that the End is approaching have

already come. What good will the Reminder that Al-Qiyamah—Al Qadr

(Night Of Power And Fate)—has begun be to them when Doomsday—Al

Qari'ah (The Day Of Noise And Clamour)—does arrive?


The prophecies of the Holy Koran are devastatingly precise and will

run their course! Those Muslims reading these lines are forewarned,

in no uncertain terms, that those disputing the Great News that the

Resurrection has commenced will soon find that out when they stand

before Allah (SWT) and be judged for their disbelief (since they are

literally waiting for 'graves to open up', a centuries-old



Concerning what are they disputing?

Concerning the Great News. [5889]

About which they cannot agree.

Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!

Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!


surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)


" 5889. Great News: usually understood to mean the News or Message of the

Resurrection. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.

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