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Shri Mataji: So all the Gods requested that I, the Adi Shakti, has to take the birth.

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" Today is the nineteenth Sahasrara Day, if you count the day the

Sahasrara was opened as the first. I have to tell you the story about

the Sahasrara Day, about which it was decided long time back, before

I incarnated. They had a big meeting in the heavens. All the thirty-

five crores of gods, the Deities, were there present to decide what

is to be done. This is the ultimate that we have to do to human

beings — to open their Sahasrara, to open their awareness to the

Spirit, to the real Knowledge of the Divine, to remove the darkness

of ignorance. And it had to be spontaneously because it has to work

the living force of God. Also it had to be very quick.


So all the Gods requested that I, the Adi Shakti, has to take the

birth. They all tried their best. They did whatever was possible. The

saints were made by them but very few. They incarnated and people

made religions out of them which were perverted and brought them a

bad name. No Reality in those religions. These religions were money

oriented or power-oriented. There was no Divine Force working,

actually it was all anti-divine. How to now turn human beings away

from these superficial religions, these perverted paths of

destruction? How to tell them about all these established

organizations? For ages they have been ruling, making money, making



It was a tremendous task; it had to be done with great patience and

Love. It was very delicate work also because they believed in those

religions — innocent people, simple people — to blast them that this

is all nonsense, they are not religions, they are against the

Incarnations, against all the prophets, against all the saints.

That's why all the real saints had to suffer.


It's a powerful work that was to be done, and that's why the Adi

Shakti had to take birth on this Earth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Fregene, Italy — May 8, 1988



Descent Of The Divine Mother


On April 30, 1994, Kash was told to request from the Great Divine

Mother another Revelation. The Sahaja Yogi who gave Kash Self-

Realization explained that before Shri Mataji incarnated Herself on

Earth there was a major discussion in Heaven among the Divine Unity

concerning human beings. Something drastic had to be done to

enlighten humans before they completely destroyed themselves. Despite

all the Messengers, Prophets, Messiahs and Incarnations, despite all

the Wisdom of all the Holy Books, despite all social, educational and

economic progress, the human species were now beginning to gather

speed as they hurtled down the road of self-destruction. It was time

for the Creator to act and save His Creation.


All the Messengers of God Almighty then requested that the Great

Divine Mother should at last go down to Earth in human form and lead

humankind higher up the evolutionary path by infusing them with a

massive burst of enlightenment. Who else but the Adi Shakti would be

able to do such a tremendous job of en masse transformation?


Kash was just told to find out how it is possible for someone to

descend directly from the Kingdom of God to Earth.


He agreed and went to meditate in his room. He closed his eyes and

said the sacred mantras. Immediately the Divine Energy of the Holy

Spirit coiled in his sacrum bone responded. He traveled up the Tree

of Life, right from its roots at the base of his spine to the Great

Lotus Forest in his brains. At the optic chiasma he entered the

Narrow Gate and reached the Templum Spiritus Sanctus illuminated by

the Everlasting Light.


He bowed down to the Spirit of the Living God and exchanged

greetings. Shri Krishna, Ganesha, Jesus, Buddha, Rama, Sita, Vishnu,

Laksmi, Shiva and others were already present, sitting in a

semicircle on both sides of their beloved Divine Mother. Her child

wished all of them and greetings were returned.


He then told the Great Divine Mother that he wanted to witness

exactly how She had descended on Earth after being requested by the

gods to save humanity. The Great Primordial Mother told him that She

would show him after meditation.


When they finished Shri Adhiparasakthi Shri Nirmala Devi stepped down

from Her Golden Throne and said to Kash, " Come down to Earth with

Me. "


He walked to Her as Shri Visva-Garbha Devi [1] smiled radiantly in

Bliss and Joy. She stretched Her hands with palms downturned. Kash

was instructed to do the same, but this time with his palms facing

upwards but below Her palms, as they were going down to Earth. He did

so and they began to descend through the clouds into the vast

emptiness of endless space. (This was the first and only occasion

that Kash experienced `delevitation,' that is, descending down from

the Kingdom of God.)


Her child could see asteroids of all sizes and shapes whizzing past.

Occasionally tiny dots grew into gargantuan planets and flew by at

astronomical speed. Far away distant stars twinkled. Kash was in a

cosmic fairyland sparkling with countless suspended universes that

stretched into infinity.


At first Earth was just a tiny dot and he could not recognize it.

However, when it grew in size the familiar features of Earth

appeared; a blue ball with slight traces of white. Kash knew that it

was Mother Earth as he had seen similar sights on television. As

Earth grew larger he could see the outline of the continents and the

cloud cover clearly. The womb of humanity was a beautiful blue pearl

suspended against a backdrop of infinite, mysterious, dark space.


They came fast through the atmosphere and then slowed down rapidly.


They landed at the right corner of the St. Joseph and 34th. Avenue T-

junction. The Holy Spirit had brought Kash back to Lachine, Montreal!

He could see the Resurrection of Our Holy Lord Catholic Church and

the Saint-Louis school on his left, with rows of houses on both sides

of the road behind. Beside the school was the Dairy Queen outlet

where he sometimes came with his family for ice cream. The pier

jutting out into the seaway, with a weathered red and white

lighthouse at the tip, was directly in front. On his right he could

see the beach line that ran into a knot of trees at the far end.

Across the St. Lawrence Seaway he could see the familiar shoreline

where stood a solitary church with a steeple and silvery spire rising

above the flat landscape.


The Great Divine Mother stood around with him, casually observing

humans, their activities and environment as cars cruised along the

picturesque rue St-Joseph. Across the road people were strolling,

bicycling, picnicking, fishing, or just sitting around on the



Not even a single earthly creature even glanced at them — they were

invisible! Kash was sure of this fact as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was

enfolded in a red sari with small colorful flowers and Her dazzling

personality, devastating beauty and divine radiance would be obvious

to all pedestrians and passengers alike. Yet no one ever looked at

Her for She was indeed invisible!


After a while Shri Mataji told Kash that it was time to return. She

then held out Her Hands again, asked him to put his palms over Her

upturned palms, and levitated him back. They quickly passed through

the stratosphere and Earth swiftly disappeared from view. They

hurtled into the limitless universe and ascended through different

dimensions of the Spiritual Worlds, soon reaching the Highest of All —

the Kingdom of Heaven.


The Immortal Ones were still there, waiting for their return. Kash

again bowed to them and sat down beside Shri Mataji, who was now

seated on Her Golden Throne. They then had another collective

meditation after which he asked for leave and returned to this

frantic world of stock speculators and currency manipulators.


Note: On May 22, 1997 at 7:30 a.m. Kash was again asked if they were

invisible. He replied that they were. He added that this time their

bodies were not in the form of the spirit but flesh and blood. He was

asked to elaborate. According to him in the Kingdom of God everyone

is semi-transparent, that is, in the ethereal form of the spirit.

However, after descending down to Earth he noticed that his body was

not in the semi-transparent form of the spirit but that of a human.

Even the Holy Spirit was all flesh and blood. Yet they were invisible

to all human beings.


The Great Primordial Goddess had proved to Kash that She did indeed

descend on Earth as requested by the Messengers of God Almighty — in

the human form as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Avatar promised by

all the holy scriptures.




[1] 1. Visva-Garbha (638th): The entire universe is within Her as She is the

Mother of the universe.

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