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Shri Mataji's Vision of World Peace - Part 9

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Dear All,


Shri Mataji does not give general advice for 'World Peace'. She pays attention

to every detail. It is clear that if the 'details' are looked after, that the

'whole picture' will change for humanity. So do human beings understand just how

important all the details are, to achieve a New Age where there is 'World Peace'

instead of 'World War'?....


Part 8 concluded with:


" Actually the media people work according to mental processes and the mental

movement is always linear and proceeds only in one direction. Presently it is

purely money-oriented. There is another serious problem relating to the media.

In the olden days, news was regarded as completely objective. Comment was free,

but it had to be made on objective criteria. These impeccable principles of

journalism have now been thrown overboard. The same event is reported in one way

by one newspaper and in quite a different way by another newspaper. Any

comments? Far from being objective, they are in many cases, brazenly biased. If

you read Rupert Murdoch's papers, you will know what I mean. No wonder the

reading public gets totally confused. Thus we remain attacked all the time,

facing all the horrible newspapers, which, according to Sahaja Yoga, can give us

blood cancer. I would blame the media the most for shattering the readers' value

system and bringing such disaster to this world. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8



Here now is Part 9.








Shri Mataji's Vision of World Peace - Part 9


Religious fundamentalism and fanaticism have already become a threat to World

Peace. We had a discussion with some religious people in Italy and they refused

to accept a religion which was global. They wanted to have exclusive religions

[instead]. In this way, they promote conflict between the followers of one

religion and those of another. They believe that killing others in the name of

religion is their duty. On the other hand, all the great philosophers,

incarnations, prophets and Sufis have never talked about any exclusive religion.

Confucius first talked about humanity, but then came the Tao of Lao Tse who

tried to bring the subtle side to humanity. This Tao is something like the

Kundalini of Sahaja Yoga.


I have travelled through the Yangtze River. This voyage on a boat gave me a

unique experience and enabled me to understand Lao Tse very well. In the

beginning, this river is a very dangerous one, for boats to pass through. There

are lots of currents which flow in different directions. But along the side of

this river there are beautiful manifestations of nature. The very steep, rising

mountains that we see in the paintings of the Chinese are all to be seen there

with rivers flowing between them. It is very beautiful to see the banks of the

Yangtze River. As Lao Tse had said: " it may be very beautiful and attractive

outside, but you should keep your mind inside and ply through the Yangtse

River " . This is very significant, but how many understand what he said? How many

have tried to follow him? In China, many people do not seem to care much for Lao

Tse and his Tao ---- but there will come a time when they will realise that that

is the subtle side of humanity.


In Japan, we had another great master whose name was Vidhitama. He was the

disciple of Lord Buddha and he went to Japan and started the Zen system. 'Zen'

means meditation - 'dhyana' - and he wanted people to become thoughtlessly

aware. He found out many ways of making people thoughtlessly aware. The tea

ceremony and the temples that they have, are all meant to create thoughtless

awareness. I was amazed that none of the Japanese knew what the purpose of these

gardens were. There is one garden which has some moss on top of a hill in a very

small area and it is very interesting. You have to see the flowers and other

foliage there through a magnifying glass. All this should amaze a person and one

should become thoughtlessly aware. That was the idea of Zen, but surprisingly

few understood Zen.


Then there was a prophet, Zoroaster, who was born five times in his country,

Persia. Ultimately Mohammed Sahib had to come to say something very clearly

about religion. But the people who followed Mohammed Sahib, never realised the

oneness of his preaching or that of Zoroaster, and they made all the Persians

run away to all the other countries and so, many of them came to India.


Mohammed Sahib talked about Abraham, Moses and Christ, in a series, as they came

one after the other. He especially talked about the Mother of Christ with the

greatest of respect. In the Bible she is not given so much respect because of

Paul who edited the Bible. She is just called " the woman " . But Prophet Mohammed

says that anyone who talks against this Holy lady will be punished, or something

to that effect. So one can see that Mohammed Sahib never talked of an exclusive

religion called " Islam " , (i.e., " I surrender to God Almighty " ). But so many

followers of Islam are fighting the followers of other religions and even

amongst themselves.


The worst part is the practice of conversion. People are being converted from

one religion to another not for the faith, but for the non-religious reasons

such as matrimony or monetary gain. Bitter fights are going on in different

parts of the world between followers of different religions, all in the name of

God Almighty! This cruel phenomenon is not understood by any saintly person.

Groups of people claiming to profess the Islamic religion are in the forefront

of these fights. The Sufis amongst the Islamic people tried to tell them that

this is not the way to behave if you are a follower of Mohammed Sahib, because

this brings a bad name to Mohammed Sahib and to Islam. There are some people who

believe that Islam should be spread by Jihad. This was never the idea of

Mohammed Sahib. At the time when he was here on this earth, the people were

facing a very difficult situation because there were lots of tribes, and these

tribes were fighting and killing all the people who were taking to Islam. That

was the time when it was alright to talk about Jihad, but today there is no such

problem. Moreover, by talking incessantly of Jihad, they are becoming very

unpopular. Not only that, actually, they have achieved nothing. By doing all

this have they achieved their self-realisation? Have they attained their Qiyamah

[Resurrection]http://www.al-qiyamah.org/ and have they found the truth? Nothing

of the kind has happened to them. They are diverting the attention of people to

wrong things and are trying to do something which is absolutely no good for the

peace of the world. It is because of them that there are little wars going on in

so many places. In Chechnya there is a war going on. Wars are going on in other

countries as well, where the Muslims are thinking that they are the chosen ones

and that the whole world should become Islamic.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8



[Written in the English way with the meaning of what Shri Mataji gave being


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