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What a true Sahaja Yogi leader is really like - Part 4

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 3 with:


" Sometimes, the people who are lost in 'blind faith' are not seeking their

enlightenment or second birth. The leaders should not force the illumination of

such people because it is a big task. Instead of that, they should look after

the easier people who are earnestly and honestly seeking the truth. If we

understand that all the incarnations are coming from the same source through

their inner divinity that's enlightening them - then we'll automatically know

there's a higher life than just blindly believing in some faith. Somehow, they

should know the basic principle that all the religions are from the same source

and that they came in at different times - and they had to work it out according

to the times: " samayachar " :





Knowing the Self-Gnyana [the Self-Knowledge] is higher than reasoning. Reasoning

comes from the ego, but the absolute knowledge comes from the Self. The leader

should follow a spiritual life, enjoying his spiritual values, and his Gnyana

will grow more and more on his central nervous system.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

first small English book

Chapter 5

'The Leader in Sahaja Yoga'



" Gnyana or Jnana is knowledge. The central doctrine of this philosophy is that

everything is one, and it can be known. But that knowing is only by being. We

know ourselves not by words but by being ourselves, do we not? And this is

happiness, for it seems that though this consciousness of self that we find

ourselves to be is troubled, we always ascribe that trouble to something else -

something outside - which restricts or annoys us. Who is there who blames

himself for his sorrow? Even the thoughtful person who calls himself imperfect

ascribes his troubles and sorrows to the imperfections, and says that if he

could be without them he would be happy. Generally he tries to get rid of them.

So it is by the study of the self that this philosophy proceeds to disclose the

occult or secret truth which removes the imperfections and leaves the self free

and joyous. "




Here now is Part 4.







What a true Sahaja Yogi leader is really like - Part 4


The leaders should enjoy his 'selflessness'. He must speak in the third person -

for example he should say: " It does not work " or " It works " . He should not say:

" I am doing this " , " this is mine " , " these are my things " . The word " my " should

be completely dropped from the vocabulary.


The leader should develop himself fully, but if he needs to, he can take help

from the world leader. He has all the freedom that gives him complete

responsibility to decide for himself. But if he finds himself in a situation

where he needs help from any other leader or from the world leader, he should go

all out, because they are all your own - part and parcel of the one whole.

[break Quote]


[Note]: Since Shri Mataji announced at Guru Puja 2008 at Cabella that we can

form our own organisations, that advice changes things. Sahaja Yogis in the

organisation of Sahaja Yoga no longer have to take their advice from WCASY, as

Shri Mataji has freed them from those ties that bind them and prevent them from

moving forward in spiritual liberty. We are told from reliable witnesses, and

one was curtained off on the same side as Shri Mataji was curtained off on stage

- that Shri Mataji was not that happy, in fact 'angry' in the end with the

repeated refrain of Gregoire that: " But Mother, we are here!! " The " But Mother,

we are here!! " referred only to the select few SYs that form the WCASY group.

But in Her teachings, Shri Mataji never limited Her encouragement for us to

spread Her Divine Message to a special group of SYs. It was always to all of us.

It's just that certain SYs had organised it to mean " them " . But now, Shri Mataji

has announced a revolutionary paradigm, that as many as can, as long as they are

catch-free with the Cool breeze of the Holy Spirit flowing from both hands - can

become leaders to Gurus, according to their ability and/or outcome. Period. Thus

ends the WCASY-dominated era, for the Mother has spoken Her Will in very certain
































So............... " leaders " now refers to all Sahaja Yogis who have the

capability of becoming leaders of Sahaja Yoga in their own organisation.


[Resume Quote]:


The leader should not be a money-oriented, materialistic personality. He should

not be rigid, tough or aggressive or demanding about material things. He should

not ask for money, but he should give away his things and money as presents to

people, or to help them. The modern materialistic society should never be the

model for a leader.


The leader should lead a very clean, neat and artistic life. He should also

respect tradition in his dress and household.


The leader should know about the world-wide growth of Sahaja Yoga and whatever

is taking place.


They should keep all the cuttings from the newspapers. If the media is

criticizing Sahaja Yoga, then it should be noted. It is good in a way that we

can see our shortcomings. If the media is not honest, one should not worry about



All successful experiments of Sahaja Yoga in other areas of medicine, culture,

sciences, music, arts and crafts, literature, drama, poetry, business, education

and schools, photography and architecture must be recorded carefully. They

should be reported to all the City Centres.


The miracles of Sahaja Yoga must be recorded and should be reported to the world

leaders. The miraculous photographs must be reported and shown. They should not

be shown to people who are not seeking the truth.


There have been a few Sahaja Yogis who were leaders and who have had to leave

Sahaja Yoga. Some of them started becoming dictatorial and started making money

on their own. Some of them had some physical weaknesses for some sort of carnal

love and have also departed from Sahaja Yoga. But there are some who fell prey

to their wives, who were not Sahaja Yogis and were nowhere near the quality of a

Sahaja Yogi.

Such women have dominated their husbands for their personal needs and also

dominated the group. Such women are like so many women such as Mrs. Chiang Kai

Shek or Marcos' wife. They are the ones who try to take over from their husbands

by dominating the platform and want to assert themselves, while they have no

capacity, no ability to be there.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

first small English book

Chapter 5

'The Leader in Sahaja Yoga'

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