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Guru Puja 2008: The realization should not be from the photograph, but from you... I am there with you.

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Shri Mataji:

" You can use my photograph, but the realization should not be from

the photograph, but from you. Then only you can be a guru. There can

be ladies or men, both, can become gurus and spread Sahaja Yoga all

over. Then my whole touring business, Canada I have missed, and I

would request some of you to go to Canada, because it is a very

beautiful place, and there are many beautiful Sahaja Yogis there.

You have to do now my work. I won't be able to go all over, but you

have to go to other countries, and create new Sahaja Yogis. You can

do it. " (end)


[All along i have been insisting that Self-realization is not about

Shri Mataji or Her photograph. That is why i just stated that Self-

realization is " far more deeper than the shallow SYSSR being

peddled " . The realization of Self should not be from the photograph,

but from you. This again effectively removes most SYs from being

gurus. I quote from my recent reply to Michalis who is of the strong

opinion that:



> But She also said that we should have Her photograph whenever we

> have meetings, and also use it for puja till we are gurus and make

> enough Sahaja Yogis. I think Her words were " You don't cancel Me " .



You have again misunderstood Her. Let me refresh you with Her 2008

Guru Puja talk:


" And so many of you can be, but you have to attain first, `Are you

capable of being a guru or not?' With humbleness you will

understand. Those who think they can be guru should become gurus,

because now I can't travel from places to places. And you have to do

my job, is to give realization to people. But you have to be able

to give en-mass realization, then only you could be a guru. If you

can give en-mass realization, then you could be a guru.


You can use my photograph, but the realization should not be from

the photograph, but from you. Then only you can be a guru. " (end)


So Michalis, Self-realization should come from you and not the

photograph. It is absurd to think that the photograph, not the Adi

Shakti/Holy Spirit/Mother Kundalini within, confers Self-realization.

Most SYs think just like you because of the SYSSR.


So how can the realization come from you, not the photograph? Before

continuing let me tell you that realizing the Self is a long, long,

long process. It took me a decade to accomplish it .... and help me

attain 2% enlightenment. Except for kundalini awakening and

establishing the Cool Breeze the SYSSR has little to do with Self-



So how can the realization of Self come from you, not the photograph?


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Shri Mataji:

" To begin with you can use my photograph, but latter on, you can

only put the photograph there but use your own powers and give

realization. You can do it, and that is how we can spread Sahaja

Yoga all over the world. I have done my level best now, but I don't

think now I can travel anymore. So I am telling you that you have to

take over, and work it out. That doesn't mean you cancel Me –

no, not at all! I am there with you. And every place you work you put

my photograph. But realization you have to give and try to give mass

realization. If that doesn't work out then you should know that you

are not a guru. If you can give mass realization, then only you are a

guru. Otherwise you are not. " (end)


[Again, Shri Mataji repeats that Self-realization should not be

through Her photograph. Initially they may use it but sooner or later

it should be discarded. It seems that She is weaning them of their

infanticide tendencies of being totally depended on Her i.e., Her

photograph to initiate self-realization. The prevailing mindset for

decades has always been that without Her photograph no Self-

realization is possible. Most SSSYR SYs have little or no attention/

faith on the Divine Feminine within as the physical Shri Mataji is

all there is for them.


So how else can this statement be true: " I am there with you. " ? That

can be only true if Shri Mataji is in the photograph, a false belief

ignorant SYs wear as proudly as Her badge.


I again quote my response to Michalis to further clarify:



> But She also said that we should have Her photograph whenever we

> have meetings, and also use it for puja till we are gurus and make

> enough Sahaja Yogis. I think Her words were " You don't cancel Me " .



But Michalis, having Her photo for meetings and puja is not the same

as " the realization should not be from the photograph, but from

you " . i have never said that we should not use Her photograph for

meetings and puja because that is required. Shri Mataji is telling us

that we use the photograph for public meetings BUT the Self-

realization must still come from you and your powers. Yet again She

emphasizes this important distinction between Her photograph and

realizing of the Self, which the photo cannot enlighten ……. all the

more since the seekers know so little! (How much did you know in the

beginning Michalis, the irony being that you still have not realized

your Self despite years practising the SYSSR?)


But it is indeed impossible to explain anything without Shri Mataji,

and by that i mean Her all-encompassing advent and message of the

Blossom Time. More than three decades of enlightenment are

indispensable in triggering the General Resurrection. Without Her

quotes it is impossible to do anything. And seekers have to see how

the incarnation of the Adi Shakti, how the Comforter looks like? So

how can anyone of us ever cancel Her? (end)


But Shri Mataji is telling the truth that She is there with us. Being

the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, She is within us as the Adi

Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Aykaa Mayee/Tao/Kundalini. She is indeed our

own individual Mother, the Self that exists with all - " I am there

with you " is an absolute truth that Kash, Arwinder and Lalita have

confirmed thousands of times from 1993-2007.


Thus " the realization should not be from the photograph, but from

you ... (because) I am (always) there with you. " ]



Shri Mataji:

" I said you can use my photograph, but you have to give realization

to people. This is a sign of a guru. Then you will really know what

are different centers, and what are the things missing in people. I

have explained very clearly. In the same way you will find those who

come for realization, they have some defects and you will find out

what chakras they are catching. You know how to clear those chakras.

So you will tell them how to clear. " (end)


[Only after being a guru i.e., mastering the ability to make seekers

realize their Self, will you understand how to tell them to clear of

charka problems. You know how to clear those chakras. So you will

tell them how to clear ……. and that is exactly what i have done on

all web pages on the subtle system:


The most effective is to put attention on the affected chakra during

meditation and allow the Mother Kundalini to heal. Remain in the

thoughtless state while you work on the affected chakra. Always

remember this quote of Shri Mataji:


" Kundalini will rise and She will cleanse you completely. Kundalini

will rise and always cleanse the chakras. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sydney, Australia, March 31, 1991


Once this is power is established no external rituals are required as

catches will be healed instantly and constantly by the Mother

Kundalini within. Until and unless external cleansing rituals are

discarded this power will never be established. On the contrary, all

these rituals only make matters worse according to Shri Mataji as

they are specifically for sick people.]



Shri Mataji:

" Now you have mastered Sahaja Yoga, so you should know what tricks to

be done. If you think you have mastered, if you believe that you have

mastered, then you can become guru. But first of all you should

ascertain and find out for yourself if you are a guru or not. It is

your responsibility now to give realizations to people. And you can

give if you have vibrations, as like a guru. Or ladies also, they are

called as guruis, not as gurus but as guruis. But they can be called

as guru also. And they can also do this work very well. Solving the

problems of people is not difficult then. Once they get realization

their problems will be solved. " (end)


[Now you have mastered Sahaja Yoga since you know how to keep the

subtle system clear of all catches 24/7. Solving the problems of

people is not difficult then. Once they get realization their

problems will be solved.


But that is not what SYs are led to belief. On the contrary, it is

just the beginning of their problems and years are spent trying to

rid oneself of chakra-related problems. The SYSSR has become a daily

ritual of subtle system cleansing that has its roots in ignorance,

fear, guilt and corruption of Shri Mataji's teachings. There is just

no time, knowledge or direction to realize the Self, and SYs get

mired down, slowly stagnate and end up entropied.


That is the state most SYs are today, and they have the spiritual

bankruptcy and demise of their SY organization as proof - near-empty

halls and collectives that have now absolutely no hope of revival (as

all collective effort and passion has already been spent over the

decades to promote the SYSSR). That is why you have never heard any

WCASY member or leader enlightening SYs that " the realization should

not be from the photograph, but from you ... (because) I am (always)

there with you. " All their senses are focussed on the external, from

cleansing rituals to Shri Mataji.]


However, we are on the threshold of a seismic change. We must be

patient and work collectively to form an organism that will ensure

that Shri Mataji's revolutionary vision will not be AGAIN hijacked

and edited out by WCASY. We are that organism of the Adi Shakti.


Main Entry: or·gan·ism

1 : a complex structure of interdependent and subordinate elements

whose relations and properties are largely determined by their

function in the whole

2 : an individual constituted to carry on the activities of life by

means of organs separate in function but mutually dependent : a

living being


Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary





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