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SadaShiva and Adi Shakti - Part 1

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Here is Part 1 of " SadaShiva and Adi Shakti.







SadaShiva and Adi Shakti - Part 1


Today we are going to worship Me for the first time. The Adi Shakti has always

been a Puja aspect of Me. Now, one has to know very clearly what the Adi Shakti

is. As we say, it's the pure desire of God Almighty, of Sadashiva. But 'what is'

the pure desire of God Almighty? If you see your own desires, out of what do

they come? Not of the Divine love, but of the carnal love; of the material love,

out of power love. There are in all these desires; there is love. If you do not

love something, you will not desire it. So it is these mundane types of love

that you have, for which we spend so much of our time, uselessly. Actually, they

do not give you satisfaction, because there is no true love that you have. Just

infatuation, for the time being, and then you just get fed up with it and from

here you jump to another thing, to another thing, and to another thing.


So, Adi Shakti is the embodiment of God's Divine love. It's God's pure love and

in His love, what did He desire? He desired that He should create human beings

who would be very obedient, would be sublime, and would be like angels. And that

was His idea with the creation of Adam and Eve.


So angels have no freedom. Angels are made like this, that they are fixed. They

don't know why they do something. Animals also don't know why they do certain

things. They just do it, because they are bound by nature; they are bound by God



They say Shiva is 'Pashupati'. It means he controls all the animals. He is

Pashupati, He controls all the animals, so all the desires from animals comes

in, but they don't repent, they don't have ego, they don't think that " this is

wrong " or " that is good " . They have no karma problem, because they have no ego,

because they have no freedom.


At this point, think of a Father who has put all His love into one personality,

which was pure love - the Adi Shakti. Then, what is left in Him is nothing. He

is just watching. Then, what does it take? He is just watching the play of His

desire, of His love. He is watching it, how it is working. And when He is

watching that, then He is very careful, because He knows that " this personality

that I have created is nothing but love and compassion " . And the compassion

itself, is of such a noble variety, that He cannot bear anybody challenging that

compassion, troubling that compassion or also in any way demeaning it,

(arguing?) it out, insulting it. He is so alert on that point and he is very



So a myth, we should say, has taken place, from Him, from His own desire of

love. Now, this desire of love, was also given a personality, means ego and that

this ego has to act on its own. It became a sort of very independent personality

which was free to do whatever it liked. I mean we cannot think in our mundane

life, that a husband and wife are absolutely free to do whatever they like.

Because there is no cohesion, there is no understanding, there is not that

oneness, that rapport. But it is like a moon and moonlight, sun and sunlight,

it's such a cohesion, that whatever one does, another enjoys. And in that

beautiful relationship Adi Shakti decided to change its plans. It is known for

Her Sankalpa Vikalpa Karuna. Anything you try to decide too much, She will make

it change, like today's eleven o'clock Puja (laughs of Sahaja Yogis). So when

this 'Adam and Eve' business started, She thought that they will be just like

the other animals or angels, but more serious. They must know what they are

doing, they must know why they are doing it, they must have the freedom to

understand what is the knowledge - and why should they have a fixed machine-like

life, like the animals are having?


So, in Her arbitrary power, which is conceded of course, She is the one who came

as a serpent and told them: " You taste the fruit of knowledge " . Now, for people

who are not Sahaja Yogis, you cannot tell them this; they will be shocked. But

this serpent that came, came to test and tell them that: " You better taste this

fruit " . This serpent told the woman, not the man, because woman is supposed to

accept things easily. She may even accept bhoots [negativity], she may even

accept nonsense, but she is the one who accepts, while the man doesn't accept

easily. He argues, he discusses; that is why She came and told the woman. This

Holy Ghost, is actually a feminine and so much nearer to a woman. This feminine

force came as a serpent and told that: " You better taste the fruit of

knowledge " . Now, it was the job of the lady to convince her husband, because

women know how to do that. Sometimes, they may convince them wrongly. They'll

tell them something which is very wrong, very sinister, like as you know

happened in Macbeth. In so many places, we have seen that women have misguided

their husbands. But (if a husband wishes to be?) guided or emancipated it helps

if they have a proper wife. So he had all faith in his wife, believed in it, and

they tasted the fruit of knowledge, with the guidance of this Holy Ghost, who

was a feminine personality of God.


This cannot be conceived by the people who are just getting a glimpse of Christ,

or a glimpse of Mohammed Sahib or a glimpse of Nanak Sahib. They cannot

understand as they just had a glimpse of them. If they had told, people would

have said: " Bah, what is this? " They would never have listened to it. So at that

time, the way the attention was, the way the reception was, they told about

dharma, about the Ascent.


But in India, people talked about Kundalini, since a long time ago and that She

is reflected within us. Now you see, She has already read it out to you that: " I

will be in everyone of them. " Now understand that this Adi Shakti is the power

of love, of pure love, of compassion. There is nothing else She has, only the

pure love within Her heart. But this pure love is so powerful, so powerful is

the love She has given to this Mother Earth, since we may come in and do

everything, but she is pouring out her love through these beautiful things for



Now we also have this beauty expressed in every way of Her love, through the

galaxies and in the stars you see. Now, if you want to see it from the

scientific way, then science means it has no love in it; there is no question of

love. Even when people talk of Yoga, they don't talk of love and compassion.

When there is no love and compassion, there can't be any Divine's power in that

person. Everything is completely submerged in this Divine love - everything that

is created on this earth, everything that is created in this universe and

universes and universes, is all because of the love of the Divine Mother.


So this Adi Shakti's love is something so subtle; it's so subtle that you can't

understand it sometimes. I know you all love Me very much. It's a tremendous

love for Me and when I get the vibrations from you, it's like the ripples that

reach the shore and again return with lots of small, little sparkling drops that

are on the shore also. In the same way, I feel your love in My heart; equally [i

feel] the beauty of the sparkle of this Divine love. I cannot explain to you the

experience; what it creates. The first thing it creates is (ripples?) because it

is the compassion which is Sandra Karuna, is " Adhra " , not dry. Like, the

father's compassion can be very dry: " All right, move this otherwise I'll shoot

you, I'll do this " . Mother will say, but she won't say something that will be

that hurtful. She will have to say things sometimes, to correct people. But her

way of saying things is very different from the father's, because she has got

Sandra Karuna, Adhra - Adhra being " not dry " . And this kind of a thought She

developed because of this Divine love that She was the embodiment of compassion.

So every part of Her body, everything, is created out of Divine love. Every bit

of it emits nothing but Divine love. Vibrations are nothing but Divine love.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Shri Adi Shakti Puja

Cabella, Italy

6 June, 1993

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