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Christ, Conditioning, and the Ego - Part 9

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Dear All,


In Part 8 we concluded with:


" Reaction can come through anything. Seeing something, you can react. You can

become so engrossed in it that you don't realise you're wasting all your brain

energy on nonsensical things. The reaction comes when you've lost a complete

sense of judgement. You don't know what you're losing and what you're leaving by

such a reaction. Such reaction is going to destroy your inner being completely

[when] all the time you are here, there, there, and there. You're nowhere here.

If you are a very criticizing kind of person, try to stop it completely.

Criticize yourself [instead]. Direct that energy towards yourself: " Who am I to

criticize others? Who am I to react to anything? " ---- Put a challenge to

yourself and you'll see that your ego will subside. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, India

24 December, 1995


Here now is Part 9.








Christ, Conditioning, and the Ego - Part 9


One day, somebody came to see Me and said: " Mother, I feel so angry that I feel

like beating everybody " . I said: " Alright, what to do is to take a chump and hit

yourself on the head instead; that's the only way you can help [break] this

habit that you want to beat others " . [break Quote]




We have to see Shri Mataji's clever response in this. The man is wanting to beat

others up, due to his anger. Better to beat himself up, is Shri Mataji's advice.

Shri Mataji, of course, would not normally advocate beating oneself on the head.

But if a man has the need to beat others physically, it were better to beat

himself first, and see how he likes it first, before applying it to others: " Do

unto others as you would have others do unto you " . [End Note]


[Resume Quote]:


He didn't much like the advice, but I think by that he's improved. Now,

conditioning should be seen - and my condition is that there is 'good

conditioning' and 'bad conditioning'. At least, you should have good

conditioning. But even with that (good conditioning), an extremely few can

create a problem for yourself and others, through ego. Most of these rituals and

things started as a good conditioning, and then it became like a trap and they

couldn't get out of it. It was a part of a person who tried to accept. Then what

should we do? We should not react. Just see the drama and you will be surprised

that without paying anything, you will be in a theater and will see the drama

going on which is so enjoyable, whether it is absurd, whether it is ridiculous,

whether it is sort of as you see in films, where you see somebody beating

someone and all that. You just see it but do not share in it. Anything that you

think is very perverse, ugly, immoral - don't see it and it's finished, gone! So

don't tax your mind because 'in your mind' is what it's called. So-called 'mind'

is actually your agnya chakra in the center of your optic chiasma. Just imagine

what a central place it is, and what any disturbance to your agnya can do to

your brain, which is nothing but a lump of fat. So imagine how this agnya can

affect you, how it can work and create perverted images. That is really to be

understood! As you have seen (good) conditionings can also degenerate through

mental upset.


But the pure nature of Christ is innocence. He is Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is

an eternal child. Christ is also complete innocence because he doesn't react as

he is not conditioned. Children are not as conditioned as we are. If you stop

the children and speak to them, you will be amazed how innocent they are and how

innocently they talk. Once my grand-daughter asked me: " What do you think of the

poor children of the tiger? " I said: " Why? " " You know their father tells them

that you eat human beings. Now, what can they do? They have to eat human beings,

after all. " So innocent. So I told her that they are under the complete control

of God; whatever they do, they are not going to be held responsible. So, it's

only for human beings that God has given this freedom. It's only human beings

who can react in this manner. So, for animals, it's that they are " pashus " . It

means that they are completely under the control of God Almighty. So somehow,

they are that a serpent will be a serpent, a tiger will be a tiger, and as they

say - a lion will be a lion.


But human beings can be a serpent at the same time that they can be a scorpion,

could be a lion, could be anything. You know when you suddenly find a small,

little bug of a man, coming up like a lion and roaring at you and you say:

" Where does this come from?! " It is so. You don't know which way they will come

and which way the camel will sit. You can't say! So this reaction of human

beings comes, because he's not in connection with the Divine. When he is in

connection with the divine, he sees the drama and he leaves everything to the

divine. He can solve all the problems just by a bandhan, but he should be in

full connection with the divine. [Then] it works; it does work.


This is not the time when Christ came on this earth. This is the time where this

'Paramchaitanya' is gone into action, is activated, and is working everything

out. Now, they asked me about Shri Ganesha - whether Shri Ganesha drank milk, or

not. I said: " Anything is possible. These days this Paramchaitanya is doing such

unbelievable things, all of which we cannot understand, so it's possible. I have

never heard of Ganesha liking milk so much, but maybe for the little rat, he

might be drinking. " " Ah, say! " But why, for [what reason]? I said: " Let it be

Shiwao, let him have the milk. Actually, we have too much milk production, so

they must be wanting to consume some, but it's just a way of looking at things

that you see, when everything is done by Paramchaitanya. That brings such

wonderful things.


I mean, I never asked them to do anything. But now, for example, in Brisbane

when I was there, I was sleeping in the ashram and a rainbow appeared. Of

course, I like paintings of Raphael very much, because he has drawn the mother's

face and the child's face --- so exactly, expressing the feeling of the mother

and the child. And imagine, that picture appears in the sky! And I didn't tell

them to show that Raphael when I was sleeping. I was not going to look at it.

But at this time, the hollow that was on the back side of Mary, comes upon her

head. Raphael did it. I don't know --- how can I explain this Paramchaitanya

that is doing all kinds of things?! And it does all this just to convince you

about Sahaja Yoga [union with the divine], because even now, there are many who

are supposed to be very rational, intelligent and educated, who don't want to

accept it. After all, if there is something like that, how can you challenge

it?! How can you say " no " to it?!


Because the powers are unlimited, it has gone into every atom and every

molecule. You [might] do tricks, like moving things from there to there. But

what it (paramchaitanya/the vibrations surrounding us) does, is to do something

which is absolutely impossible. It is doing so for us to believe that this

activated Paramchaitanya is the only solution. So you leave it in this ocean [of

Paramchaitanya] and let this great power handle all this. Don't react, yourself,

as " It " is so efficient, so quick, so fast.... all over. So understand

everything.... that it loves you and respects you because you are sahaja yogis

['you are " born of the Spirit " persons'].


[break Quote]:


Note: In the mid-1990's, i heard Shri Mataji say at Sydney, Australia, that crop

circles, for example, are a phenomenon that is happening through the activation

of the kundalini energy within the earth itself. The activation of the kundalini

energy within the earth itself, which we can see externally, is also happening

within the human body ---- and Shri Mataji describes this activated kundalini

energy like this: " Because the powers are unlimited, it has gone into every atom

and every molecule " . So, for example, the kundalini energy is activated within

the earth body and within our individual earth body, also. When the kundalini

energy is awakened within us, She connects us to the all-pervading power, which

does its living work within us. She clears and cleanses us; She informs us of

our spiritual state, so that we can put our enlightened attention wherever we

have a psychosomatic imbalance, usually due to our 'conditioning' or our 'ego'.

The kundalini energy informs us of exactly where any problem in our

psychosomatic (mind/body) system, a.k.a. the subtle system, may lie:




This is so that we can have the redemption of the body - so we can be wholly

integrated as spiritual beings: " As within so without " . The whole earth and

nature itself are wanting us to become the Spirit. This is expressed in the



" For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth

together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first

fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly

for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. " (Romans 8:22-23)


Even though the 'first fruits of the Spirit' were given by Christ at his time -

the 'redemption of our body' in an en masse way, has not happened until the

Advent of the Comforter, that Christ foretold would come. She has clarified and

reminded us of all that Christ taught and more. Further, She has enabled our

Spirit to rise through the Narrow Gate/Agnya where Christ resides to the kingdom

of God/Sahasrara within, where all the deities take their seats. This kingdom of

God/Sahasrara is not to be found outside, i.e., it can't be found in a church,

synagogue, temple, or any other kind of external building. It is an internal

building, a temple built without human hands: " Or do you not know that your body

is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? " (1

Corinthians 6:19a) " We have a building from God, a house not made with hands,

eternal in the heavens " . (2 Corinthians 5:1b)


[Resume Quote]:


Today, this is what we should know at the time we are celebrating Christmas;

that what we are celebrating is really our own ascent, our own achievements, our

own lofty heights, which we have achieved and which we [still] have to achieve.

We should only have aspirations as far as our spirituality - our spiritual side

is concerned. All [other] aspirations should be left to our Paramchaitanya

[vibrations surrounding us]. They will look after that. The more you become [the

Spirit] the more you will develop this 'non-reaction' attitude through your

proper agnya. Not anger, not silence, but a very pleasant temperament that

doesn't mean that I have told you not to speak. No! You must speak. You must

talk to people. You must laugh. You must enjoy, but all this should be full of

joyous feelings. That's what they say at Christmas: " It's for a very joyous

atmosphere " . So they can't do that way, so they drink. After, you must give them

the benefit of the doubt that: " Why do they drink? " " By drinking, they become

joyous. "


Now, our understanding about ourselves will be very clear, especially [if we

meditate]. People don't meditate, they just don't meditate! They don't want to

grow. They are sahaja yogis, but they don't meditate. It's very surprising. I

can make out who meditates and who does not, because there is no depth [in the

person who doesn't meditate]. They want to have 'this', they want to have 'that'

- it's alright [with them]. " What about meditation? If you don't meditate, your

agnya will become completely covered with thoughts and you will be lost. So you

have to meditate " . If you don't meditate, I will also suffer. If you have no

aspiration in sahaja yoga [in your union with the divine], it is better to

leave, because you are like seeds which just sprouted and which will be wasted.


Some people are here, because they wanted some sort of a platform - some

publicity. Some are here, who want money, to make money out of sahaja yoga.

There are some who want to have a kind of a communication, to go round the whole

world without paying a single pound. All such people are of no use to

themselves. Now here, you have the complete wealth. All that celestial wealth is

before you, and you are not going to accept it. You are not going to drown in

it. " What should we say? This is not very sensible " . To do as I said, you don't

have to crucify yourself. You don't have to give up anything. You don't have to

live like Christ had to live, or be born in a manger. All that's been done for

you already.


Now - but, if you are coming in the darba [pasture?] of the divine, be worth it.

We should be worth it - and you will be surprised, all your problems will be

solved. Your self respect will be maintained. So many things like that have

happened. But if you have no self respect, you don't expect your realisation.

You are not deeply involved in your own ascent and help to others will not work.

I'm here to tell you all these things which Christ could not tell you. I have to

fulfil what he wanted to say. [They are] all those things I am saying to you

that have already worked. All of you got realisation. But develop respect for

yourself. As sahaja yogis, don't have any funny ideas about yourself. Just know

you are sahaja yogis and sahaja yoginis. That's what is needed for a person, if

today he is celebrating the birth of Christ.


He actually came on this earth as " Christ " - full of innocence, who was the

embodiment of Shri Ganesha. I've even [shown] the proof of it to you, how the

carbon atom [sits]. And by which I have proved that Christ is the Alpha and

Omega while he is made of Omkara and Swastika:


" I have told you a long time back how we can prove that Christ was Ganesha and

that he was the Logos. He was what we call " Brahmanat " - the first sound. By

looking at your left side from the right side, if you see the Mooladhara, you

will see swastikas because it is made of the carbon atom. If you see from left

to right, you can see Omkara and if you see from down upward, it looks like

Alpha and Omega. In those days Christ has said: " I am the Alpha and I am the

Omega " - and now we have made an animation. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India - 25 December, 1992)


" At Christ's time, I didn't know that anybody knew about these symbols. These

symbols also must have come from the unconscious to some of the great

mathematicians a long time back, and that's why these symbols are used exactly

like Alpha and Omega; you see him clearly. It is so clear cut now in sahaja

yoga. We can prove so many things in a tangible way: how Christ used to cure

people, what he did, it's all tangible. We can prove it now, in sahaja yoga; how

it works out, how these powers work out. But first of all, we have to cleanse

our lives. We have to lead a very honest, powerful and pure life. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India - 25 December, 1992)


All this we have experimented. We have found it there, with all this, what is

the greatest achievement - to respect your innocence. This is what is to be

asked for today: " to be innocent " . God looks after all the innocent people.

Don't worry. You don't have to worry. I've seen children falling from seven

stories. Nothing happens to them. They are perfectly alright. How 'who' looks

after them. Angels you have seen. Photographs of angels around you. So try to be

simple, innocent, not reactive and keep quiet and peaceful, because here we are

talking about the global transformation where people will find their peace and

their heart and we will establish a new world of peace, joy, and spirituality.


May God bless you


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, India

24 December, 1995


[Written in the English way with the meaning of what Shri Mataji gave being


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