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Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 10

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Dear All,


Shri Mataji does not give general advice for 'World Peace'. She pays attention

to every detail. It is clear that if the 'details' are looked after, that the

'whole picture' will change for humanity. So do human beings understand just how

important all the details are, to achieve a New Age where there is 'World Peace'

instead of 'World War'?....


In part 9 we had concluded with:


" The worst part is the practice of conversion. People are being converted from

one religion to another not for the faith, but for the non-religious reasons

such as matrimony or monetary gain. Bitter fights are going on in different

parts of the world between followers of different religions, all in the name of

God Almighty! This cruel phenomenon is not understood by any saintly person.

Groups of people claiming to profess the Islamic religion are in the forefront

of these fights. The Sufis amongst the Islamic people tried to tell them that

this is not the way to behave if you are a follower of Mohammed Sahib, because

this brings a bad name to Mohammed Sahib and to Islam. There are some people who

believe that Islam should be spread by Jihad. This was never the idea of

Mohammed Sahib. At the time when he was here on this earth, the people were

facing a very difficult situation because there were lots of tribes, and these

tribes were fighting and killing all the people who were taking to Islam. That

was the time when it was alright to talk about Jihad, but today there is no such

problem. Moreover, by talking incessantly of Jihad, they are becoming very

unpopular. Not only that, actually, they have achieved nothing. By doing all

this have they achieved their self-realisation? Have they attained their Qiyamah

[Resurrection]http://www.al-qiyamah.org/ and have they found the truth? Nothing

of the kind has happened to them. They are diverting the attention of people to

wrong things and are trying to do something which is absolutely no good for the

peace of the world. It is because of them that there are little wars going on in

so many places. In Chechnya there is a war going on. Wars are going on in other

countries as well, where the Muslims are thinking that they are the chosen ones

and that the whole world should become Islamic. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8



Here now is Part 10.







Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 10


The other day, I met a very important man from Russia, and he said: " Why is the

UN helping these Muslims? " I said: " Why not? " He replied: " Muslims who have been

a part of our country now want to separate their territories and thus break the

integrity of our country. They believe that their religion is the only authentic

one. They want to propagate Islam by their swords. Not only that, but they want

to produce as many children as they can, treating their women as

children-producing factories. Their ideas seems to be to increase the number of

Muslims rapidly and thus to change the pattern of population in favour of Islam

in a Democracy. And thus they might eventually rule every country. " Now, one has

to understand that any Democracy should not allow an exclusive religion to be

the basis of the State. Religion is a personal matter and every human being

should have the right in each and every country to follow the religion of his or

her free choice. Single religion States are an anachronism in the present age.

When a country is declared as Islamic or Christian or Jewish, the followers of

that one particular religion become superior citizens and others have an

inferior status. This is totally contrary to the accepted concept of equality in

a true democracy. These exclusive religions are absolutely blind-faith oriented.

People believing in them follow their religious injunctions blindly and divide

themselves into antagonistic groups.


In England, now, some church leaders have proclaimed that all kinds of people

who are supposedly living in sin according to the Christian religion, can attend

and join the church. They have done so because the attendance at the churches is

very thin and they want to attract larger congregations - even [if it means]

diluting and downgrading religious and moral values. The number of practising

Christians has decreased sharply, to the extent that they cannot run their

churches or pay their clergy properly. So they have put this big liberal project

before the public, as a report. They say that: " if people have got genes of the

wrong kind, how can they help it? " This is, now, an open invitation to

immorality and getting away with it by blaming it on one's genes. This is also a

very dangerous postulate, because it suggests that inherited genes determine the

character of a person, which cannot be improved by education or religion or

spirituality. The truth is that, the characteristics of inherited genes, can be

altered. It has to be understood, that we can change our genes, all the time.


For example, after transformation through sahaja yoga [union with the

divine/kundalini awakening], the peoples' genes get restructured and they become

righteous, loving and powerful people. This shows that the genes absorb

impressions from our day-to-day life. Also, we see every day, that all the

children of the same parents do not have the same nature or characteristics. One

child of the same father and mother may be brilliant and angelic. The other may

be stupid and devilish. It can be seen very clearly, also, that if genes are

what we have inherited, then there is no need to have a church, nor is there a

need to have any congregation. But one must know, that if our churches had done

a sincere job, the genes of the Christians would have changed as they have

changed in Sahaja Yoga, where Jews worship Christ and Muslims worship Shiva.


So people are fighting in the name of God and there is no World Peace. Behind

all these activities, there is also powerful money orientation and when it comes

to economics, the people of the highest order in a religion, succumb to

compromise, however immoral it may be. They have neither character nor courage

nor real faith to resist fashionable trends. In fact they allow their followers

to swim with the evil currents of the day and thus lead them into hell from

where there is no return. These religions inject fixed ideas into the brains of

people. These fixed ideas start developing in a collective way and this can

produce a very big, collective monster which can believe only in killing others

and pushing its own ideas.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8



[Written in the English way with the meaning of what Shri Mataji gave being


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