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A blatant and celebrated corruption of a most sacred secret!

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A blatant and celebrated corruption of a most sacred secret!



Dear all,


All i can say is that if you want to achieve Self-realization you

will have to completely discard the SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion). You absolutely need no external ritual/innovation/image

but only Silence on Self to attain this most important goal of life, a

goal that many great philosophers, thinkers, sages, gurus, messengers

and Holy Scriptures have collectively proclaimed:




Silence on Self (read it regularly till in Silence you realize your



....... one that Shri Mataji spent more that 30 years doing so also.


The Self-realization that most SYs preach to/discuss with others is

an insult to intelligence, and if you add all their catches and

cleansing rituals .......... a blatant and celebrated corruption of a

most sacred secret!


i give just the tip of this SYSSR iceberg - after decades Shri Mataji

finally told SYs during the recent 2008 Guru Puja that realization of

Self should not be from Her phtograph! It was a stament that went

against all that SYs had so religiously believed all their lives (and

will still do despite Her saying otherwise). Few could believe their

ears. Even less understood that Shri Mataji was in fact telling them

to discard the most sacred cow of Sahaja Yoga - Her photograph!


Remember how WCASY members like Alan Wherry and Viktor Bondar, their

henchmen John Noyce/Edward Saugstad, and other SYs went delirious with

joy years ago when i insisted on this forum that we must not, and need

not meditate on Her photograph for Self-realization (which was so

conviniently interpreted by WCASY as going against Shri Mataji!!!)


" This is a forwarded message

Viktor Bondar <viktorbo108

" Yura " < inspired

Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:23:59 +0200

Fw: Hi Viktor


John Noyce of Australia has been keeping a close eye on the

activities of the owner of www.adishakti.org, who used to be in SY

but clearly isn't a Sahaja Yogi now, and is openly critical of all

Sahaja leadership, including, at times Shri Mataji Herself.


He is somewhat eccentric and for example, advocates not using a

photo of Mother when meditating, not footsoaking etc. The owner of

this site, one Jagbir Singh of Canada is on a crusade to spread his

own eccentric, supraconscious view of what Sahaja Yoga is, and

where possible we should advise people not to go there - although

of course, individuals are free to do what they like.


John tells me that the web site http://inspired.kiev.ua/about/

links to www.adishakti.org


Obviously, I don't know the owner of that web site, Yuriy Linnyk,

whether he is Sahaj or not, but in the event that he is known to

you, is it possible that you might prevail upon him to remove the

link as it contains much erroneous and inaccurate information.

Yuriy lists adishakti.org before the official Sahaj Yoga website.


Much love and best wishes



Jai Shri Mataji " (end)



My comprehension of Self-realization was rejected as blasphemous and

there was unrestrained joy in so many collectives worldwide over my

unforgiveable error of judgment. There were collective celebrations

because at last SY leaders had proof that this blasphemy reflected

the supraconsious nonsense i have written of Kash, Arwinder and

Lalita at www.adishakti.org (even though Shri Mataji had over the

years always, and repeatedly, approved the evidence these three

siblings had given to prove that She is that - the Adi Shakti).


As i said, this is just the tip of the SYSSR iceberg. You will know

that there is much more nonsense than just giving self-realization to

bicycles and cats, forbidding women from wearing trousers, engaging

in matka marathons, or escaping from the Doors of Hell every Diwali.


It insults my intelligence even to write this post because i have to

tell so-called self-realized souls, already diseased by the SYSSR

mindset, that until and unless they completely discard all their

external rituals/innovations /images and learn how to maintain

Silence on Self, they are far, far away from the goal of Self-

realization. And i mean far, far, far away!


Yes, SYs are collectively engaged in a blatant and celebrated

corruption of a most sacred secret! Modern seekers are just too savvy

and well-informed to follow such fools. The Sahaja Yoga organization

is reaping the harvest of their SYSSR, seeds of ritual and corruption

so lovingly and collectively sowed many years ago.


It may be challenged that how can so many be misled for so long by so

few. The answer is that if you are neither conscious nor conscientious

of following the true teachings of Shri Mataji-in all its entirety-

you will follow those who have corrupted it. It is as simple as that!


regards to all,




------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


(Please note that this talk is just one of numerous over more than

three decades about Silence. There are just too many on being

thoughtlessly aware i.e., being in Silence during meditation, and its

absolute need in order to realize benefits to mind, body and, most

importantly, the human spirit.)


While you are meditating, go into thoughtless awareness

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Diwali Puja, November 2, 2002, Los Angeles, USA


Have faith that the Divine will give you the light, will guide your

path, will take you to the right place, to do the right thing....


We are collective, we are nice to each other, we don't tell lies, we

don't try to destroy anyone. That means we are much above human

failings and this is only because of the light. You can see where

you are faltering. It's just you see for yourself. For that, I think

meditation is the most important thing.


Every day you should do meditation. Those who do not do meditation

are capable of falling down because meditation is like putting oil

into the lamp. Those who do not meditate, think they can do without

it, are sadly mistaken. They have to meditate morning and evening.

The problem is everything comes so handily, so simple that they

don't understand that meditation is very important.


Not you, but there are many I know who get Realization, who don't

meditate and their style is different. Their nature is different.


Meditation is such a soothing thing ... a beautiful way of

connection with the Divine, that all your problems get solved in

that meditative moment.


If you are not meditating, you are not following meditation, then

maybe your light will go down. It won't give sufficient light. It's

important, very important to find out about yourself, about others

in the meditation.


How to do meditation, many people ask. Don't do anything, just go

into thoughtless awareness. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness.

If you can get into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you can

do your job because that's the point where you are with the truth,

with the reality, with the joy.


When you meditate try not to make some sort of a function out of it -

no. Meditation is something silent in yourself, silence in your

thoughts and going to that deep ocean which is within you, itself.

But supposing you don't do that, if you don't meditate I can make

out immediately those who are meditating and those who are not. It's

not difficult for Me.


Those who do not meditate are always hesitating. They are confused.

They can't understand. And that's why meditation is the most

important thing.


Just like a light burns with the electricity flowing in it, in the

same way meditation is a continuous availability of the Divine

Force. That will reduce all your agitations. Not only that, but it

takes out all the negative thoughts. It takes out all the

discouraging things. And when you are meditating like that,

thoughtless awareness, then you will be amazed how you are helped

from within and without. It's a terrible power that works, this

thoughtless awareness.


So those who do not meditate cannot go very much far with the

advantage of Sahaj Yoga. If you are in thoughtless awareness, what

happens to you is that you get the confidence, complete confidence

of divinity. You know you have it.


Meditation will give you security.... It will give you are a real

enlightenment and a complete connection with the Divine. Without the

connection of the Divine, what's the use of doing Sahaj Yog?...


I've talked so much about meditation before, but today when I see

all these candles burning, I think they are all meditating. They are

all in meditation and that's how they're growing. In the same way,

Sahaja Yogis who meditate, I know. And those who don't, I know. And

if they have problems, I know why the problems are there.


It's very important to become thoughtlessly aware because then there

are no thoughts coming from the left or the right, from the [past]

or the future. Just in the present you are there. It's something you

all have. It's not that I'm saying that to you, but all of you have

this, but steady yourself. You have to steady yourself at

thoughtless awareness. How long - that's not the point. The point is

once you've touched it, you'll go on touching it.... It is always

described in all the great books, but not so clearly as I am telling



Even for a second, if you get it, it's a very good idea. Then you go

on increasing that second. I think it's a reflecting mind. When you

look at something, you can become thoughtlessly aware and then your

mind deflects to the depth of what you see. That's how you all will

become really very creative Sahaja Yogis.


Many people are here who will say, 'Mother, we don't get that

state.' Try. Try that. I don't believe you cannot get it. All of you

can get that thought that 'I can get it.' And you will get it. In

that, you don't have to discard anything, you don't have to see

anything, just go into meditation and you will be amazed how it will

work out. Of course, you are very much there, most of you, but

still, I would say, increase that thoughtless awareness, that area.


So today's message is that while you are meditating, go into

thoughtless awareness. No thought is important because it's your own

creation. But if you have to become one with the Divine creation,

you have to get to that state of thoughtless awareness, minimum of

minimum. And that comes to you gradually if you grow and you'll be

amazed how you'll be able to grow into Sahaja Yoga in a very big way.


While you are meditating, go into thoughtless awareness

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Diwali Puja, November 2, 2002, Los Angeles, USA

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Dear Jagbir and all,


i agree with all that you have written, since i have experienced the

liberating power of the Holy Spirit that is within me. Shri Mataji

told us that She incarnated to introduce us to the Holy Spirit within.

Since She has told us that She has incarnated to introduce us to the

Holy Spirit within, what does that tell you? In other words, if introductions

are needed, what does that tell you? It must tell you that the Shri Mataji

without and the Holy Spirit within, are two separate individuals, in a manner of

speaking. i remember Shri Mataji saying that She is a reflection of the Holy

Spirit within us.


Many SYs are clinging to the Shri Mataji without, because they are still not

availing themselves of the introduction to the Holy Spirit within, that Shri

Mataji has given them. That is probably why they are also not confident, without

the external photograph of Shri Mataji. The external photograph gives

confidence, no doubt, but we are supposed to meet the individual Mother/Holy

Spirit within, and use our powers from within, to spread Shri Mataji's Divine

Message. Shri Mataji did not have an external image She relied on. She relied on

the Holy Spirit within. Her life alone, should teach us that.


One other point. There are Self-realised souls, like Jung, for instance, who

never had Shri Mataji's photograph. i would like to know how John Noyce and Alan

Wherry can explain that away - since with their SYSSR they are teaching that you

have to have the photograph of Shri Mataji without, to have the Self-realisation

from within.


Like you say, Jagbir, the SYSSR is a " blatant and celebrated corruption of a

most sacred secret " .


regards to all,






, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> A blatant and celebrated corruption of a most sacred secret!



> Dear all,


> All i can say is that if you want to achieve Self-realization you

> will have to completely discard the SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

> Religion). You absolutely need no external ritual/innovation/image

> but only Silence on Self to attain this most important goal of life, a

> goal that many great philosophers, thinkers, sages, gurus, messengers

> and Holy Scriptures have collectively proclaimed:





> Silence on Self (read it regularly till in Silence you realize your

> Self)


> ...... one that Shri Mataji spent more that 30 years doing so also.


> The Self-realization that most SYs preach to/discuss with others is

> an insult to intelligence, and if you add all their catches and

> cleansing rituals .......... a blatant and celebrated corruption of a

> most sacred secret!


> i give just the tip of this SYSSR iceberg - after decades Shri Mataji

> finally told SYs during the recent 2008 Guru Puja that realization of

> Self should not be from Her phtograph! It was a stament that went

> against all that SYs had so religiously believed all their lives (and

> will still do despite Her saying otherwise). Few could believe their

> ears. Even less understood that Shri Mataji was in fact telling them

> to discard the most sacred cow of Sahaja Yoga - Her photograph!


> Remember how WCASY members like Alan Wherry and Viktor Bondar, their

> henchmen John Noyce/Edward Saugstad, and other SYs went delirious with

> joy years ago when i insisted on this forum that we must not, and need

> not meditate on Her photograph for Self-realization (which was so

> conviniently interpreted by WCASY as going against Shri Mataji!!!)


> " This is a forwarded message

> Viktor Bondar <viktorbo108

> " Yura " < inspired

> Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:23:59 +0200

> Fw: Hi Viktor


> John Noyce of Australia has been keeping a close eye on the

> activities of the owner of www.adishakti.org, who used to be in SY

> but clearly isn't a Sahaja Yogi now, and is openly critical of all

> Sahaja leadership, including, at times Shri Mataji Herself.


> He is somewhat eccentric and for example, advocates not using a

> photo of Mother when meditating, not footsoaking etc. The owner of

> this site, one Jagbir Singh of Canada is on a crusade to spread his

> own eccentric, supraconscious view of what Sahaja Yoga is, and

> where possible we should advise people not to go there - although

> of course, individuals are free to do what they like.


> John tells me that the web site http://inspired.kiev.ua/about/

> links to www.adishakti.org


> Obviously, I don't know the owner of that web site, Yuriy Linnyk,

> whether he is Sahaj or not, but in the event that he is known to

> you, is it possible that you might prevail upon him to remove the

> link as it contains much erroneous and inaccurate information.

> Yuriy lists adishakti.org before the official Sahaj Yoga website.


> Much love and best wishes


> Alan

> Jai Shri Mataji " (end)



> My comprehension of Self-realization was rejected as blasphemous and

> there was unrestrained joy in so many collectives worldwide over my

> unforgiveable error of judgment. There were collective celebrations

> because at last SY leaders had proof that this blasphemy reflected

> the supraconsious nonsense i have written of Kash, Arwinder and

> Lalita at www.adishakti.org (even though Shri Mataji had over the

> years always, and repeatedly, approved the evidence these three

> siblings had given to prove that She is that - the Adi Shakti).


> As i said, this is just the tip of the SYSSR iceberg. You will know

> that there is much more nonsense than just giving self-realization to

> bicycles and cats, forbidding women from wearing trousers, engaging

> in matka marathons, or escaping from the Doors of Hell every Diwali.


> It insults my intelligence even to write this post because i have to

> tell so-called self-realized souls, already diseased by the SYSSR

> mindset, that until and unless they completely discard all their

> external rituals/innovations /images and learn how to maintain

> Silence on Self, they are far, far away from the goal of Self-

> realization. And i mean far, far, far away!


> Yes, SYs are collectively engaged in a blatant and celebrated

> corruption of a most sacred secret! Modern seekers are just too savvy

> and well-informed to follow such fools. The Sahaja Yoga organization

> is reaping the harvest of their SYSSR, seeds of ritual and corruption

> so lovingly and collectively sowed many years ago.


> It may be challenged that how can so many be misled for so long by so

> few. The answer is that if you are neither conscious nor conscientious

> of following the true teachings of Shri Mataji-in all its entirety-

> you will follow those who have corrupted it. It is as simple as that!


> regards to all,


> jagbir


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> (Please note that this talk is just one of numerous over more than

> three decades about Silence. There are just too many on being

> thoughtlessly aware i.e., being in Silence during meditation, and its

> absolute need in order to realize benefits to mind, body and, most

> importantly, the human spirit.)


> While you are meditating, go into thoughtless awareness

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Diwali Puja, November 2, 2002, Los Angeles, USA


> Have faith that the Divine will give you the light, will guide your

> path, will take you to the right place, to do the right thing....


> We are collective, we are nice to each other, we don't tell lies, we

> don't try to destroy anyone. That means we are much above human

> failings and this is only because of the light. You can see where

> you are faltering. It's just you see for yourself. For that, I think

> meditation is the most important thing.


> Every day you should do meditation. Those who do not do meditation

> are capable of falling down because meditation is like putting oil

> into the lamp. Those who do not meditate, think they can do without

> it, are sadly mistaken. They have to meditate morning and evening.

> The problem is everything comes so handily, so simple that they

> don't understand that meditation is very important.


> Not you, but there are many I know who get Realization, who don't

> meditate and their style is different. Their nature is different.


> Meditation is such a soothing thing ... a beautiful way of

> connection with the Divine, that all your problems get solved in

> that meditative moment.


> If you are not meditating, you are not following meditation, then

> maybe your light will go down. It won't give sufficient light. It's

> important, very important to find out about yourself, about others

> in the meditation.


> How to do meditation, many people ask. Don't do anything, just go

> into thoughtless awareness. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness.

> If you can get into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you can

> do your job because that's the point where you are with the truth,

> with the reality, with the joy.


> When you meditate try not to make some sort of a function out of it -

> no. Meditation is something silent in yourself, silence in your

> thoughts and going to that deep ocean which is within you, itself.

> But supposing you don't do that, if you don't meditate I can make

> out immediately those who are meditating and those who are not. It's

> not difficult for Me.


> Those who do not meditate are always hesitating. They are confused.

> They can't understand. And that's why meditation is the most

> important thing.


> Just like a light burns with the electricity flowing in it, in the

> same way meditation is a continuous availability of the Divine

> Force. That will reduce all your agitations. Not only that, but it

> takes out all the negative thoughts. It takes out all the

> discouraging things. And when you are meditating like that,

> thoughtless awareness, then you will be amazed how you are helped

> from within and without. It's a terrible power that works, this

> thoughtless awareness.


> So those who do not meditate cannot go very much far with the

> advantage of Sahaj Yoga. If you are in thoughtless awareness, what

> happens to you is that you get the confidence, complete confidence

> of divinity. You know you have it.


> Meditation will give you security.... It will give you are a real

> enlightenment and a complete connection with the Divine. Without the

> connection of the Divine, what's the use of doing Sahaj Yog?...


> I've talked so much about meditation before, but today when I see

> all these candles burning, I think they are all meditating. They are

> all in meditation and that's how they're growing. In the same way,

> Sahaja Yogis who meditate, I know. And those who don't, I know. And

> if they have problems, I know why the problems are there.


> It's very important to become thoughtlessly aware because then there

> are no thoughts coming from the left or the right, from the [past]

> or the future. Just in the present you are there. It's something you

> all have. It's not that I'm saying that to you, but all of you have

> this, but steady yourself. You have to steady yourself at

> thoughtless awareness. How long - that's not the point. The point is

> once you've touched it, you'll go on touching it.... It is always

> described in all the great books, but not so clearly as I am telling

> you.


> Even for a second, if you get it, it's a very good idea. Then you go

> on increasing that second. I think it's a reflecting mind. When you

> look at something, you can become thoughtlessly aware and then your

> mind deflects to the depth of what you see. That's how you all will

> become really very creative Sahaja Yogis.


> Many people are here who will say, 'Mother, we don't get that

> state.' Try. Try that. I don't believe you cannot get it. All of you

> can get that thought that 'I can get it.' And you will get it. In

> that, you don't have to discard anything, you don't have to see

> anything, just go into meditation and you will be amazed how it will

> work out. Of course, you are very much there, most of you, but

> still, I would say, increase that thoughtless awareness, that area.


> So today's message is that while you are meditating, go into

> thoughtless awareness. No thought is important because it's your own

> creation. But if you have to become one with the Divine creation,

> you have to get to that state of thoughtless awareness, minimum of

> minimum. And that comes to you gradually if you grow and you'll be

> amazed how you'll be able to grow into Sahaja Yoga in a very big way.


> While you are meditating, go into thoughtless awareness

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Diwali Puja, November 2, 2002, Los Angeles, USA


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