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Shri Mataji on: fulfilling our destiny - Part 2

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Dear All,


Shri Mataji ends this talk with the very touching words of:


" So ultimately my destiny is one that I should make you all very happy and

joyous. That is my destiny. That is why all this struggle is going on. I hope I

fulfill my destiny and your destiny too. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Navaratri Puja

5th Day (Panchami) of Navaratri

Pune, India

15 October, 1989


Here then, is Part 2.








Shri Mataji on: " fulfilling our destiny " - Part 2


This is one question you should ask: " Have I fulfilled my destiny? " And that

will clarify the situation for you, because now you are a guru of your own, you

know, you understand. You know so much about sahaja yoga [union with the Divine]

mentally. But when it penetrates into your being and the whole knowledge becomes

a part and parcel of your being, then it's a very different thing.


The whole attitude about facing anything, is very different for a realised soul.

Like me, I would say - if I see a problem, immediately I go into meditation,

immediately, and the problem is solved. Because that's my power. In the same

way, if you see a problem and if you go into meditation, the problem will be

solved by me. That means in meditation you surrender to me, then it is my job.

But if you start solving it mentally or orally, you will fall into traps. So,

the best thing is, any such problem that bothers you, you should just go into

meditation, don't even have to pray - just go into meditation with that problem

and you will come out victorious.


What today you have been asking me [is] for the victory. I have to tell you that

you are very safe in the fort of your meditative state and very well in

meditation only you can grow. You cannot grow otherwise. It is like the sunshine

for any tree. You have to be in meditation, in 'nirvichara'. You don't have to

oppose anybody, you don't have to agree anybody, you don't have to say anything.

Specially for other yogis you don't have to say anything. Anybody whom you find

to be funny, just go into meditation and you will be amazed how things will

change - and this is your power.


How many people have got realisation in this world? Very few. They are growing

up, all right, they are working it out. But what is lacking in them is the

meditative force. The best way is to surrender - and the surrendering is easier.

You just put Me in your heart, all the time - [is] the simplest way. Then you

cannot live without it. You cannot exist without it. You feel completely lost

[in it]. It's kind of a very detached love. You just feel absolutely rested,

blissful, and content. Then you don't want anything. That is the state, one has

to establish. It is so easy for you, because I am in person with you. (Note:

Shri Mataji told us that She is the reflection of the Holy Spirit within us.)

Only problem that is there as I told you in 'sahaja yoga'[union with the Divine]

- is that you have recognise me to begin with. But to recognise me is rather

difficult because I am a 'Mahamaya' and so normally you might come into that

mess created by Mahamaya. But as I told you the other day - that you could not

have faced me in my other form. Imagine a person with a sword in the hand

sitting on a lion. Could not have faced it. So I had to be Mahamaya and this is

what it is, that in this form you can come close to me, you can talk to me, you

can also take my advice, if you want. So this counseling can be done better. I

could decode everything to you. I could tell everything about it. But to know

that you are sitting before Mahamaya Itself is very helpful. So don't get lost

into the garb of Mahamaya. In your protocol, in your understanding, in

everything you have to remember that we should not make mistakes and we should

try to surrender. Automatically you will learn everything. There is nothing to

be taught to you.


That state is such - like a tree. When it comes to its full bloom, it gives

flowers and the flowers come to its own maturity that give fruits. That is how

you are built in. That is how you grow. What then happens [is that] you yourself

feel your own growth and enjoy it and just live happily with it. So ultimately

my destiny is one that I should make you all very happy and joyous. That is my

destiny. That is why all this struggle is going on. I hope I fulfill my destiny

and your destiny too.


May God bless you.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Navaratri Puja

5th Day (Panchami) of Navaratri

Pune, India

15 October, 1989

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