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But what can i do if those in power neither have the humility, common sense nor intelligence to accept the Great Mother's revelations?

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, " Violet " <violetubb



> Dear Jagbir and all,


> i really appreciate you coming out with the truth. It gives

> confidence that we can stand up as Shri Mataji has asked us, and

> give self-realisation from our own being. She has talked about

> that, now at the Guru Puja 2008 in very clear words. i know what

> you are saying is true - but to say it outright with such

> confidence as you do, is confidence-producing, also. Even for us,

> who understand.


> Thanks Jagbir. i really appreciate it.


> violet



Dear Violet and all,


There is absolutely no way i could have had the confidence prior to

November 1993. In fact i did not want to have anything to do with

Sahaja Yoga or Shri Mataji:


" A 'divine' mother?!!!


In 1990 Kash's parents received Self-Realization from a Sahaja Yogi

friend, Bhupinder Singh. They had agreed to try it out of courtesy,

not curiosity. The first meditation was brief; midway his father got

up and left. There were better things to do — like tasting cold beer

and hearing Bruce Springsteen lament about life — than sitting cross-

legged and shutting out the mind. As far as he was concerned it was

another empty ritual conjectured by some 'divine mother.' All

charlatans claim some sort of divinity, a common trait among those

wanting to set up shop. In India every other person knows a Shanti,

Indrani, or Meenakshi possessing some sort of spiritual powers.

Imposters had to claim divinity, the barest minimum required for

success (other than a respectable centuries-old lineage of guruship).

Even highly realized gurus snared fools by insisting that by

meditating on them one reaches the Almighty Creator. This Nirmala

Devi was no different.


Then there was this funny-looking god Ganesha, a cross between a

human and an elephant. Ganesha might have been an ancient mammoth

from another dimension than some primitive Dravidian tribe had

somehow managed to communicate with. Kash's father was not interested

in finding out if it was true. There was definitely no way he was

even going to dabble in spiritual stuff for he had known strange

sects that did weird rituals. After all, this is " a time in our

society when claimants to privileged spiritual status and multitudes

of uncritical disciplines continue to proliferate, when self-

proclaimed avatars and genuine gurus are being divinized by zealous

disciples. "


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 21



That was the end of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga for me. However,

three years later, as my daughter Lalita was gestating in my wife's

womb a series of spiritual incidents began to manifest, culminating

into this:


" The Manna Monsoon Of Many Moons


Within days of the Mighty Message the same Sahaja Yogi friend who had

given them Self-Realization three years ago arrived from Vancouver.

Kash's mother was about to leave for Malaysia and there was room for

him to stay.


A few days later he asked permission to give Kash and Shahwinder Self-

Realization. Their father agreed.


Instantly, on his very first meditation, Kash reached the Realm of

Ultimate Reality in the Sahasrara. From then on he began describing

in detail and accuracy about the Kingdom of God, His Holy Spirit, and

His Messengers — the Deities and Prophets of Hinduism, Christianity,

Buddhism, Islam and Sikhism — who live in perfect harmony. The

absolute certainty that his son was telling the Truth rudely shook

his father and finally broke the spell of Kali Yuga (the Age of



From then on the child held his father spellbound with wondrous

wanderings in his Sahasrara. For a period lasting exactly 21 full

moons the Great Adi Shakti took Kash across the Celestial World, and

introduced him to the greatest Incarnations who ever walked on Earth.

The Spirit of the Living God revealed to him the Kingdom of Sadashiva

in all its entire splendor, providing irrefutable proof that the

human spirit is immortal and bound for endless adventures far beyond

the limits of human imagination.


This was the Ultimate Reality that all Yogis, Sufis, Gnostics,

Cabalists and monks have searched in vain since the dawn of

civilization. This untarnished Truth, as revealed by an innocent kid,

provided far more enlightenment than all religious institutions

combined. To admit that they were still lingering in the Dark Ages

would be an understatement. They had been, on the contrary, leading

the human race further and further away from the Truth!


The absolutely surety that such astonishing spiritual facts were

being extracted by the astounding spiritual breakthrough of Sahaja

Yoga enthralled his father. How else was his son able to tell him

about something absolutely unknown to his tender mind? He had never

heard of anyone human explaining such penetrating insights into the

Kingdom of the Almighty Creator.


As he listened in reverence to these daily spiritual journeys, the

awesome fact that the Almighty Creator really existed could not be

doubted anymore. He knew that there was only one purpose left in

life — Surrender! Total surrender to a Higher Being! Kash's father

realized that it was his time to return to the Kingdom of God, and

preparations made for the spiritual trek ahead. His mind, body, and

soul had to be purified and cleansed of all earthly defects. The

greatest adventure of all, far surpassing anything known to the human

race, was just beginning.


For the first time in his life he realized the magnitude of his

ignorance, the sensual gratification he had become addicted to, and

the depth of his spiritual sleep. He retched from the first faint

stench that wafted from the grimy gutter of earthly existence, and

was nauseated by the strength of sin. In the ensuing months his body

occasionally shuddered involuntarily as images of his pervert past

flashed every now and then. These spasms were the only way he could

snap out of the recollection of his decadent decades, and shake off

the lingering drowsiness of a long spiritual hibernation.


For an even longer period he occasionally shook his head in sheer

disbelief, in overwhelming awe, in stunned silence, in utter

reverence, in helpless humility as the Divine Drama unfolded itself.

He was witnessing the Cosmic Play of the Great Primordial Spirit that

has no parallel in history. She had descended on this Earth for the

very first time during its darkest hour of Kali Yuga, in time to

awaken the human race to the first faint Light of the Aquarian Dawn

where " you'll find that people will not consider poverty or riches as

so important, but the richness of the spirit will become very

important. That is what is going to be the Sahaja Nations where the

richness of God, the spirituality, oneness with the Divine will

become the greatest boon for everyone. "


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 55


That is why i am able to state the truth about the Great Mother openly

and outright with such confidence, as Kash, Arwinder and Lalita have

collectively met Her thousands of times between 1994-2007:


" The Grail of the Feminine is urging us to open our minds to a new

vision of reality, a revelation of all cosmic life as a divine unity.

For those awakened to this vision, to be born a human being is not to

be born into a fallen, flawed world of sin and illusion, cut off from

the divine; it is to be born into a world lit by an invisible

radiance, ensouled by Divine Presence, graced and sustained by

incandescent light and love... This primordial experience of the

Great Mother is the foundation of later cultures all over the world.

She is like an immense tree, whose roots lie beyond the reach of our

consciousness, whose branches are all the forms of life we know, and

whose flowering is a potential within us, a potential that only a

tiny handful of the human race has realized. " -- Andrew Harvey & Anne

Baring, The Divine Feminine


The promised Age of human evolution into spiritual beings


This website is based on the empirical evidence of cosmic visions and

mystical experiences of children's souls meditating and meeting the

Divine Feminine within themselves from November 1993-2007. It also

deals with the Divine Message to humanity delivered by the Great

Mother's incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


" I am here to do the job of God Almighty... My life, My mission, My

existence, My everything is for the purpose of emancipation of

humanity.... Please remember you are born of a very brave Mother. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Bordi, India — February 6, 1985


(It is imperative to comprehend that throughout history the Divine

Feminine —Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Tao/Aykaa Mayee— has always been the

active, creative aspect of God Almighty.) Her Divine Message to

humanity is the very foundation of each and every religion, holy

scripture and messenger. It embraces all and excludes none, a

collective and harmonious triumph unlike anything humanity have

known, experienced or taught in organized religions. It is an

eschatological message of divine intervention, renewal of faith and

the promised, long-awaited Age of the Resurrection to evolve from the

temporary physical body to the eternal, everlasting spirit.





Shri Mataji has indeed come on Earth to do the job of God Almighty,

and the Holy Spirit within backs that declaration. My job is to bear

witness to all that the Adi Shakti revealed to Kash, Arwinder, Lalita

and synthesize it with the Holy Scriptures and Shri Mataji's lectures

to Earth so that the Blossom Time makes eschatological sense. There

is no way i would have had such confidence without the Great Mother,

as Shri Mataji is only Her physical incarnation necessary to declare

that the Last Judgment has commenced, and deliver that message to

humanity. But what can i do if those in power neither have the

humility, common sense nor intelligence to accept the Great Mother's

revelations? That is why WCASY and the Sahaja Yoga organization keeps

peddling the SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion) instead of

the Good News of the Resurrection because if they do otherwise many

people will think that all charlatans claim some sort of divinity ...

and this Nirmala Devi is no different. As i asked earlier: But what

can i do if those in power neither have the humility, intelligence

nor common sense to accept the Great Mother's revelations? ....... and

prefer their path of lies, hypocrisy and assured self-destruction?


However, Shri Mataji promised to establish Sahaja Yoga before leaving.

We have already given evidence that She is the Adi Shakti. Now we are

in the process of establishing Sahaja Yoga. But what is Sahaja Yoga?


Before answering that i just want to tell all SYSSR SYs that Shri

Mataji told them that " So, as it is, you are already marked, you have

already been chosen by Christ in his Last Judgment, and you are

there. But still one should know that there is also the possibility

that you are hypocrites, that you are playing with only words. "


So could it is be true that subtle system SYs are just playing with

words and are indeed hypocrites since their heavy, voluminous SYSSR encyclopedia

has no more space for the very message that Christ and Shri Mataji announced

with such joy, confidence and hope. The subtle system conviniently removes the

burden and guilt and all they need do is " Just give Self-realization " . Unlike

subtle system SYs, both Jesus and Shri Mataji were very concerned,

conscientious, and conscious that

the Good News is unconditionally meant for all nations, and must be

openly and joyously declared by all disciples who believed in it.


And Shri Mataji has made it absolutely clear what Sahaja Yoga is. Her

quotes below are a far cry from the official version that " Sahaja

Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience called

Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can occur within each

human being. " (Google now has 1,680,000 links to all sorts of gurus,

teachers, experts and schools giving Self-realization!)


But what can i do if those in power neither have the humility, common

sense nor intelligence to accept the Great Mother's revelations? that

will give all of us the confidence, courage and valor to openly

declare that Shri Mataji is indeed telling the truth when She claims:


" I am here to do the job of God Almighty... My life, My mission, My existence,

My everything is for the purpose of emancipation of humanity "


“The time has come for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not

only in the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. "


" Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have come for

this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time. "


" I am the Adi Shakti. "


" Christ didn't say that, " I am the Destination. " He said, " I'll send you the

Holy Ghost; I'll send you a Comforter; I'll send you a Redeemer; I'll send you a

Councilor. " He talked about the future. "


" The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. "


" You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus of 1000

Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "


" I am here to tell you all these things which Christ could not tell, and to

fulfil what He wanted to say. All those things I am saying to you.”








Thus we will have to form our own organization(s) to give evidence

that She is telling the truth ........... and we are well on the way

to back all Her claims and message in its entirety. Let WCASY and

their disciples continue claiming that " Sahaja Yoga is a unique

method of meditation based on an experience called Self Realization

(Kundalini awakening) that can occur within each human being. "


regards to all,







" This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last

Judgment. It is fantastic to have this but that's a fact and is the

truth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" I have to warn all the Sahaja Yogis who are here because Sahaja Yoga

is the Last Judgment; not only that you will be judged, that you are

entering into the Kingdom of God, but you become the citizens of God

is correct. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" But they should also understand that this is the Golden Age of

Emancipation, Resurrection and Last Judgment; if we can achieve it,

all of us, including them also, will have the blessings of the Divine

love which has been promised a long time back. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" This is the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or

herself through the light of the Spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the fingertips one

can feel oneself and can judge oneself. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the " Last

Judgment " and in the Koran as " Qiyamah " , the Resurrection Time.

Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of

rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" And in this great happening of the Last Judgment and the

Resurrection Time, one need not, and should not, believe blindfolded

in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should treat it

like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind like a,

scientist. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" In my opinion, every Westerner has, as a matter of urgency, to

understand the vital role he has to play in this great Age of

Transformation and of the Last Judgment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Thus, the establishment of global peace can only come through people

who have achieved this state in modern times which is very special

and I call it a Blossom Time. In the Bible, it is described as the

Last Judgment, also in the Koran it is called as Qiyamah (the

Resurrection time). "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" This is the Last Judgment. Either you will go to heaven or you will

go to hell. It's already working out like that. So let's see. Where

are you? So I have to again and again tell you as your mother, I have

to correct you and tell you that remember this is the Last Judgment

and please, don't take anymore to the activities which are

antichrist. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Now this is the Last Judgment and those who miss will miss in any

case. Christ has said, " You will be calling Me Christ, Christ, but I

will not recognize you. " "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" So in this Last Judgment a new race, new race of great people is

created. It is your own. It is your own power. Only to know how

glorious you are. How great you are. Absolutely free because you get

that superior intelligence. In the light of Spirit you know what is

constructive for you. You know absolute knowledge. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" People do not know what time has come. It is the last chance. You

won't get any more chance. In Bible it has been described as the Last

Judgment. Your Last Judgment is in Sahaja Yoga and how it will be

done can be judged by yourself. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" This is the Last Judgment. Let us see what happens. Whatever people

come is alright for me. Even if they do not come, it's still alright.

Remember, God will not bow before you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" For us, in between Christ and this destroying incarnation of

Mahavishnu called as Kalki, there is a time given to human beings to

rectify themselves, for them to enter in the Kingdom of God, which in

the Bible is called as the Last Judgment. That you will be judged,

all of you will be judged on this earth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last

Judgment. It is fantastic to have this but that's a fact & is the

truth. Though you can understand, that Mother's love makes it very

easy for you to get through your realization and that the whole story

of the Last Judgment looks such as horrifying experience has been

made very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not disturb

you. But this is the Last Judgment I tell you, and you all are going

to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether, you can enter into the

kingdom of God or not. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" I am here to work for you day and night. You know that I work very

hard for you. I spare no efforts, to help you, and do everything that

is possible to make you all right; to make you pass this examination

of Last Judgment; but you have to cooperate with me, and you have to

go headlong about it, and devote most of your time for Sahaja Yoga

and for imbibing all that is great and noble. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" This is the greatest of the greatest things which can happen to

anyone that you know. Also you know, this is the greatest happening,

which was prophesied long time back as the Last Judgment. You know

that this is the way, you are going to be judged. So we have to work

very hard. We have to work. It is effortlessly given to you, alright.

But to maintain it, keep it up to go high, we have to religiously

work it out. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" And that your Last Judgment is also now. Only through Kundalini

awakening God is going to judge you. How is he going to judge you

otherwise? You think of somebody now, a person comes in now. Here is

somebody sitting to judge you. How? By how many hair-dressers you

have been to? Or how many suits you have stitched for Christmas? Or

what presents you have bought or how many cards you have sent? and to

how many people you have sent some other things which may not be very

palatable. That's not the way. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment

today. We are not aware of it. And all the satanic forces have come

out like the wolves in sheep's clothes. And they are trying to

attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge

the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" That Krishna has said once you get your realisation your problems

are solved, physical, emotional, mental, all problems are solved and

you become absolutely relaxed. That goes without saying. But I'm not

here to sort of cure people and go to hospitals. Nothing of the kind.

It's just who are the seekers will be blessed because this is the

reward of this Last Judgment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Christ has said very clearly in the second chapter of Matthew 2nd

verse " You'll be calling me Christ! Christ! I won't recognize you. "

That's very true. It is not a question of who recognises Him, but He

should recognize you because the advent of Christ is going to be

absolutely terrible. He is not going to talk to you, convince you or

comfort you or give you any council as I am trying my level best, but

He will just come for the Last Sorting out because I declare that the

Last Judgment has started. The Last Judgment takes place only through

Kundalini awakening. There is no other way out. God is going to do it

through living process. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" But, logically, you must understand. Where should we reach? What

should happen to us? As seekers, what are we expecting? This is a

very, very precarious and important time is more to say. The Last

Judgment has started. That has started. That's how you are all here

and you are seeking. The way it will judge, is the Kundalini has to

rise. Your have to become self realized. Then you start feeling your

centers on your fingers. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of the whole world, at every

level. Once we have people of a certain number in Sahaja Yoga, it

will start triggering understanding of real righteousness,

religiousness and our love for God, and enlightened faith in God.

This is how the Resurrection time is going to be worked out. This is

the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself through

the light of the Spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" If we have to change this world, and if we have to save our people

from complete destruction, we have to take to wisdom, and that is

only possible when the brain is enlightened by Kundalini. This is

what is very important today, when we see that this world is on the

verge of destruction. Of course, the Creator himself is very anxious

to save us and that is why he has in these modern times which are

called Kali Yuga, made the all-pervading power activated.


So, now a new age has started which is called the Age of Aquarius,

(Kumbha) meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is

the work of Kundalini. The activity of the Kundalini is like the sap

of the tree that rises and nourishes all parts of the tree and does

not get stuck at one flower (centre). Moreover these are special

times. This is the resurrection time. The Last Judgment is done by

the Kundalini. On the fingertips one can feel oneself and can judge

oneself. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Of course, this is also the age of science and technology in which

human beings have progressed beyond the stage of blind faith. And in

this great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time,

one need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said

about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and

observe the facts with an open mind like a, scientist. Of course, if

a hypothesis is proved, then any honest, scientifically minded modern

person has to accept it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Now this is the Last Judgment and those who miss will miss in any

case. Christ has said, " You will be calling Me Christ, Christ, but I

will not recognize you. " So understand you have to become the Spirit

as Christ has said, " You are to be born again. " You may have faith in

me or not - doesn't matter. You must have faith in yourself to begin

with. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" But in a way is good because this is Last Judgment. If by marriage,

by temptations, by wrong doings, by conditionings if you have to go

out, you have to go out.


I must tell you that also there's very little place in the Kingdom of

God. Unless and until you prove to be good Sahaja Yogis, there is no

place for you, for mediocre there is no place. You have to serious,

deep, seeking, dedicated Sahaja Yogis otherwise you have no place. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" So this is the Last Judgment and you will be judged for everything

that you do for Sahaja Yoga. One has to be very careful as to how you

behave, what is your attitude is and how you should change. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last

Judgment. It is fantastic to have this, but that's a fact and is the

truth, though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very

easy for you to get through your realisation, and that the whole

story of the Last Judgment looks such as horrifying experience, has

been made very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not

disturb you.


But this is the Last Judgment, I tell you, and you are all going to

be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter into the Kingdom

of God or not. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody

misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their

absolute, their spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come

for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in

the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come

today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through

your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your

Last Judgment is also now. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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