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How followers have messed up the spiritual teachings - Part 3

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 2 with the following:


" Both Jesus Christ and Mohammed Sahib were not only Divine but they were

incarnations who had a special mission to come on this earth. These highly

evolved souls who came on this earth, perhaps could not really understand the

kind of people to whom they gave these precious warnings. Afterwards you see the

reaction of the people in a very different way, who say they follow Islam or

Christianity. Actually, to a modern man, is it possible to say [to him] that he

should keep a control over his attention, or a control over his mind, and also

find out through introspection, prayers, or Namaz, what is wrong with him? This

becomes a mechanical process which has developed though ages. They don't

understand why it was said and why it should be done, that one has to fear

[i.e., respect] God Almighty and try to be good reflections of His kindness, His

greatness and His Divinity. The prayer said without the connection (i.e., Union

or Yoga) with God, is like a telephone without any connection. 'Namaz' is the

way a realised soul can cleanse his Chakras with Kundalini activated. "


Namaz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namaz-e-tawbah


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

book/Meta Modern Era

Chapter 6 'Religions'



It is very significant for SYs that Shri Mataji says that:


" Namaz is the way a realised soul can cleanse his chakras with Kundalini

activated " .


In other words, Muslims do not have to take up the Hindu rituals so prevalent in

the organisation of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji says that " Namaz is the way a

realised soul [in Islam] can cleanse his chakras, with Kundalini activated " .


Here now, is Part 3.








How followers have messed up the spiritual teachings - Part 3


Now, we see a very different type of human beings who have come on this earth in

these modern times. Those who are blindly following the dictations of a blind

religion are called fundamentalists, without knowing the fundamentals of the

religion. They have to know themselves, and what they are. If they try to follow

anything so ardently blindfolded, then they are a problem for themselves and a

problem for others.


For example, if you have to control your attention, if you have to control your

mind, and if you have to introspect yourself, the vehicle that is to be used has

to be an egoless personality, which can definitely give strength to a person to

control himself and to cleanse himself. But in these modern times, people are

very busy with their ego ventures. Their ego is very strong, and once they start

controlling all their attention and their mind and also religiously following

the rituals (which are supposed to be [purely,innately] religious) they become

more egoistical because all these things are done by the ego. That is why

fundamentalists are self-oriented, self-centred and extremely aggressive. Mind

creates the ego and the ego tries to control the mind. Ego tries to control the

attention. As a result, one develops a bigger and bigger ego. Now, this very big

ego makes one blind. They don't see, as they get lost with their ego, and start

thinking that they are the highest, they are the chosen ones and that they have

every right to bring everyone to their own level of madness. This ego cannot be

seen. It only hurts others but doesn't hurt the person who has the ego. The

pampering of the ego starts when this ego becomes successful, and later

collective. Such collective people's ego is very dangerous to the realisation of



Now, in Islamic fundamentalism, the main problem is that they say they are

fighting the Western culture. Firstly, we must understand that Western culture

today, is nowhere near what Christ has talked about. Immorality has become the

life style of human beings in the West, but what about the immorality the

Muslims are indulging in secretly whenever they get the chance? They can be

worse than Christians.


If you visit any one of the Christian nations, one is shocked to see that,

though they call themselves nations of secularism, they all follow one

particular type of Christianity. For example, in England, the Church of England

is the only accepted religion. France is the eldest daughter of the Catholic

Church. In Italy, one can understand, but even parts of Germany, Spain, Austria,

Portugal, Belgium and Ireland are politically dominated, absolutely, by the

Catholic Church.


In these nations, in their private life or in society, can one find that they

try to imbibe the great qualities that our Lord Jesus Christ has taught? Only in

name are they followers of Christ; for political control, they use religions

without any substance of these great religions. All of them are making money and

are not willing to accept the universal pure innate religion, which is the

fountain-head of all these religions. Their own standard of understanding moral

life, is really very shocking.


For example, they believe in heavy drinking, because they say that in the

Christian religion, drinking is allowed as Christ went to a wedding and there he

made wine out of water. The word " wine " is used in the Hebrew language, even for

grape juice, and also for grape wine. How did they interpret that he made

Benedictine, French wine or Scotch Whiskey? It is very simple to understand the

logic that you cannot create alcoholic wine in a short time, spontaneously. It

has to ferment, and then it becomes a very good, expensive alcoholic wine that

can cause intoxication. If it is a very, very old smelly, rotten wine, one can

sell it for a very high price. This is not the same wine that was created by

Christ at all. It is very easy to understand that he was constantly preaching

for a higher awareness. Therefore how could he try to something like

alcoholic intoxicating wine, which is anti-spiritual in nature and which reduces



In Canada, I met a scholar who had a doctorate from some English university. To

my surprise, he had written a thesis on how alcohol creates more awareness for

Divinity. Moreover, many people in Europe believe that by taking drugs they can

get a very high awareness to achieve their Divine ascent. It is all absurdity to

the last limit, but who can tell them. They can't talk to you after six o'clock

anyway, especially in France, as they all start drinking quite early. It is

impossible to understand why all these people have taken to drinking in the name

of religion and even when they give the communion to God, which they call in

their language Holy communion, it is given with wine and some sort of rotten

bread. How can any one believe that this wine and alcohol, which makes a person

so sick and causes so many diseases and which is so dangerous for children to

consume, has something to do with the Divine ascent, because it is the 'blood of

Christ, our lord'. What an insult to the great life of Jesus, who was a pure

incarnation for innocence, Logos or Aum.


Somehow, my luck has been to be very near pubs and Churches when I was in

London. I saw people going to the pubs and coming out, absolutely falling down,

and others making a queue to go inside to take drinks and come back in the same

manner as the previous persons who had emptied their purses. Moreover, in the

back yard of the Church, lots of beer barrels come and go and that is the only

activity for the whole week, except for Sunday. On Sundays, lots of drunkards,

sit on the stairs of this particular Church, with the bottles in their hands,

begging from the generous Christians who want to pay for the alcohol the

drunkards consume. All this is in the name of God. Some of the drunkards said

they are in communion with the certified Saints and Bishops who were buried in

the Church. This is why they stick to the Church and also mug the passers-by as

these buried holy men come in their dreams and forgive them: " With the

permission of the Bishops who also drank like us we go to rob others to drink " .

Here one has to say with great regret that many great saints and such were never

recognised by the Church and were despised and tortured instead, because their

Divine light exposed the Churches and the Bishops.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

book/Meta Modern Era

Chapter 6 'Religions'


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