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Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 12

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 11 with:


" For example, the Muslims believe in a formless God. It is a religion which

teaches absolute detachment from worldly things. But what are they doing? They

are fighting for a piece of land here and there, and troubling everyone and

torturing so many. They themselves are also being tortured. They call this Jihad

and they believe quite stupidly that by getting killed in a Jihad, they will get

their resurrection. All these fixed ideas can be neutralised only through

self-realisation, because through self-realisation one knows the reality. The

reality, the truth is that this world is one, that nothing belongs to anyone in

particular, and that there is no need to fight for any territory or for land

whatsoever. Of course, for protection from aggressive nations, people should

form boundaries around their country and try to protect themselves. It would be

unwise to ignore the fact that there are so many aggressive people who are

trying to destroy the peace of the world. We must be vigilant against them. But

that is no reason for promoting quarrels and fights everywhere. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8



Here now, is Part 12.







Shri Mataji's Vision of World Peace - Part 12


Another problem is that the U.N., as it is today, is trying to maintain a

balance among different powers and groups. In this process it makes great

mistakes. Sometimes it supports very negative people who are barbaric, who are

violent and who are terrorists. Before taking any decision as to what other

countries should do, the U.N. should have a full idea as to the motives of

aggressive countries. Sometimes these aggressive countries sound extremely

reasonable and logical and create such an image that all the negativity of the

rest of the world is drawn towards that. First the U.N. should find out what the

purpose of these people is, what their background is and what sort of ideas they

have. Only then will they not be deceived by the tricks of aggressive people

like Saddam Hussein.


In some countries there is a decline in the economy or great social turmoil

caused by unemployment. In order to distract the attention of the public, the

rulers try to start a war with another country. This is how a number of wars are

started in this world. Once a country becomes powerful, the corrupting influence

of power makes it frightfully ambitious. Such a country thinks nothing of

interfering in the affairs of another country, or even attacking it regardless

of the misery which a war causes to the people. If a country is attacked, it has

to defend itself. This sets in motion a chain reaction and a wider conflict may

arise. Look at the situation between Iraq and Iran or between Turkey and Greece.

As we all know, wars start in the hearts and minds of military and political

rulers, who are power and money-oriented. The only way to prevent wars and to

promote global peace, is to work for the transformation of people in power, so

that they take to the path of righteousness, rather than that of aggrandisement.


I have written a lot about racialism earlier and you can see the primitiveness

of these racists and how they try to kill each other like animals. Mahatma

Gandhi says that Ahimsa, i.e. non-violence is the only way we can get rid of

war. It is true that Indians fought the British with non-violent methods to

achieve their freedom. But non-violent methods to gain freedom may sometimes

result in the sacrifice of great lives for the country, when the ruling power

uses brutal methods. This is what happened in India in several instances.

Fortunately by Divine Blessing a Labour Government came into power in the United

Kingdom immediately after the end of the Second World War. This Government

initiated a process voluntarily which resulted in India's independence.

Unfortunately, not all countries have the same good luck. There are numerous

instances of dependent countries having to sacrifice a great many precious lives

to gain freedom.


Sometimes people whose countrymen suffered atrocities in an earlier period begin

to think in terms of revenge. For example, those whose forefathers were tortured

and ruthlessly killed by Hitler's Nazis in Germany, constantly think of taking

revenge on the current generation of Germans. This is totally wrong. The present

day Germans had nothing to do with the Nazis. No guilt whatsoever is attached to

them. They are a new generation and they are peace loving, good human beings.

For example, in Germany now, we have lots of Sahaja Yogis and they are so

beautiful and so gentle that you can't believe that they could be the

descendants of the followers of Hitler. In Austria, again the Sahaja Yogis are

great seekers and they are full of humility and goodness. They are also German

speaking people. There is no trace at all of any harshness in the character of

these people. On the contrary, they are a model for other Sahaja Yogis, in their

kindness and good behaviour. The first time I went to Russia, these German

Sahaja Yogis came rushing to help me. I asked them: " Why did you come all this

way? " They said: " Mother, this is a country that was really harmed greatly by

Germans, so we must make amends for what our forefathers did. " With such love

and such compassion did these Germans work for me in Russia, that whatever

success Sahaja Yoga had in Russia can be credited very easily to them and to the

British. The British have a small country but in the preceding centuries, they

conquered many other countries around the world, so that once upon a time, the

sun never set on the British Empire. In this process, the British committed many

atrocities and killed many people. But that is all in the past. The present

generation is a new one which cannot be and must not be blamed for the past.

These two nations, the Germans and the British have given great Sahaja Yogis to

work in Russia. Now I have discovered that the Sahaja Yogis from Austria are

working for the benevolence of the people of Israel by promoting Sahaja Yoga in

that country. They are sending people to Israel. Could this have been possible

without Sahaja Yoga? The Germans who fought the Jews and killed them and tried

to destroy them, are now going to Israel to tell them about Sahaja Yoga and to

help them to attain the bliss of self-realisation and transformation into

spiritually evolved human beings.


It really touches my heart to see that in these modern times, such beautiful

people are born who give their love and attention to those people who are

victims of the cruelties of their forefathers.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8


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