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Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 13

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 12 with:


" Sometimes people whose countrymen suffered atrocities in an earlier period

begin to think in terms of revenge. For example, those whose forefathers were

tortured and ruthlessly killed by Hitler's Nazis in Germany, constantly think of

taking revenge on the current generation of Germans. This is totally wrong. The

present day Germans had nothing to do with the Nazis. No guilt whatsoever is

attached to them. They are a new generation and they are peace loving, good

human beings. For example, in Germany now, we have lots of Sahaja Yogis and they

are so beautiful and so gentle that you can't believe that they could be the

descendants of the followers of Hitler. In Austria, again the Sahaja Yogis are

great seekers and they are full of humility and goodness. They are also German

speaking people. There is no trace at all of any harshness in the character of

these people. On the contrary, they are a model for other Sahaja Yogis, in their

kindness and good behaviour. The first time I went to Russia, these German

Sahaja Yogis came rushing to help me. I asked them: " Why did you come all this

way? " They said: " Mother, this is a country that was really harmed greatly by

Germans, so we must make amends for what our forefathers did. " With such love

and such compassion did these Germans work for me in Russia, that whatever

success Sahaja Yoga had in Russia can be credited very easily to them and to the

British. The British have a small country but in the preceding centuries, they

conquered many other countries around the world, so that once upon a time, the

sun never set on the British Empire. In this process, the British committed many

atrocities and killed many people. But that is all in the past. The present

generation is a new one which cannot be and must not be blamed for the past.

These two nations, the Germans and the British have given great Sahaja Yogis to

work in Russia. Now I have discovered that the Sahaja Yogis from Austria are

working for the benevolence of the people of Israel by promoting Sahaja Yoga in

that country. They are sending people to Israel. Could this have been possible

without Sahaja Yoga? The Germans who fought the Jews and killed them and tried

to destroy them, are now going to Israel to tell them about Sahaja Yoga and to

help them to attain the bliss of self-realisation and transformation into

spiritually evolved human beings.


It really touches my heart to see that in these modern times, such beautiful

people are born who give their love and attention to those people who are

victims of the cruelties of their forefathers. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8




Here now, is Part 13.







Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 13


The so-called advancement of different countries doesn't give any kind of

evolutionary push to the people of those countries. On the contrary, they get

very money-oriented and go on working hard to get more and more and more. If

this advancement doesn't give a person any inner satisfaction and peace, then

what is the use of having this unlimited greed generated by advancement? Another

big problem arises because of the existence of " have " and " have-nots " , the rich

and the poor. This problem is one of the biggest threats to world peace. The

rich countries have to do a lot of re-thinking. They have to understand that

poverty anywhere is a threat to peace and prosperity everywhere. The rich

countries have to control their greed for more and more for themselves. They

have to give serious thought to the idea of one world, one human family.

Environmentally, the world is one. Should we not begin to think in terms of one

world economically and even politically? With some restraint on consumerism and

with a determination to have only so much and no more, the rich nations can

assist the poorer ones to arise above the poverty line and to lead a reasonable

life. Such a compassionate approach will give enormous joy and inner

satisfaction to the rich. It will at the same time promote a better social order

and world peace.


Now in Sahaja Yoga we have solutions for all these problems which constitute a

grave threat to world peace. First of all we have to deal with fixed ideas. All

such fixed ideas come from ignorance. They just vanish when you become a person,

who sees the reality and understands that this world is one. Those who believe

in grabbing land under any pretext must understand that this land belongs to God

Almighty and that they are here just to enjoy it and not to fight for it or to

grab it from somebody else. Even a small piece of land can be enjoyed by a

Sahaja Yogi, because he is so much at one with nature that he enjoys the produce

of even a small plot of land which he can properly cultivate and do justice to

Mother Earth.


The state of Self realisation is like the state of a King who has his own

kingdom. He enjoys his domain of spirituality. He doesn't care for worldly

possessions. He enjoys giving all that he possesses, and that is the greatest

enjoyment he has. He wants to give his love to everyone and he loves his

Creator. Some saints have also shown in their lives how much importance they

give to love. Once a great Indian saint was taking a pitcher of water to be

poured on a deity of a particular temple. For this he had to walk for a month

with this pitcher in his hand. But when he reached the temple he saw a donkey

who was very thirsty and on the verge of death. Immediately he gave up the idea

of going to the temple and instead gave that water which he had carried to this

donkey to save his life. All those who had carried the same kind of pitcher were

amazed at him. How could he give this water to the donkey instead of taking it

to the temple to pour over a deity, asked his companions. He answered in a very

simple way: " I don't have to climb up all these steps to go to the deity. The

deity has walked down here already " . They were amazed at his understanding which

was so subtle. But that is what it is. For a spiritual person the highest thing

is to spontaneously sacrifice everything for spiritual joy, because it is the

most precious thing. Some people behave atrociously to grab the land of others

and they commit all kinds of sinful acts, impelled by greed. But if they pause

for a moment and think about what the ultimate purpose of life is, they will

definitely change. The ultimate purpose is to achieve happiness and joy. But

there is no happiness and joy in gathering all these material things. The

greatest joy is in being one with the Divine.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8


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