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Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 14 (Conclusion)

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Dear All,


Nicole recently informed me that she heard Shri Mataji say She would intervene

in a Third World War. i heard Shri Mataji say that too - though i have to admit

it sounded like a wonderful dream at the time:


" Am I dreaming this, or is this really for real???!!! "


Well, i have found evidence that Shri Mataji pointed to a prediction of Acharya

Bhujander where there is indeed an " intervention in a Third World War by a great

incarnation " ----- so we are not imagining this, or making it up. In fact, Shri

Mataji pointed out this prediction of a future happening in a Formal Talk in

Sholapur, India on 27 January, 1982:


" He [Acharya Bhujander] says that they may go for the Third World War and they

will have to suffer for it. After that this great incarnation will interfere and

all the countries will come together, with an understanding of collective

oneness and they will understand that war is so horrible. In a very big city (I

don't know which one) a conference of all the countries will be held. There -

not the politicians, but the yogis will direct them. " Yogis " ---- he calls them

" yogis " throughout. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Formal Talk

Sholapur, India





When you read the appended conclusion to " Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace "

you will see that Shri Mataji has already worked out all the details for this

future happening. Our Mother, the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter,

is going to make sure that human beings get their Age of World Peace, the Satya

Yuga - where they will have peace within and peace without. Jai Shri Mataji!


regards to all,






Shri Mataji's Vision for World Peace - Part 14 (Conclusion)


Most of the people lose their values because of wars. They lose faith in God

Almighty. God has given freedom to human beings which he would not wish to take

away. Only through freedom can we learn about the Absolute. In a school a

teacher teaches students that two plus two is four but when the students go up

to the level of college, they are given freedom to find out the solutions

themselves. In the same way, today, the human race is on the brink of that jump,

where through its freedom it must know that the highest thing is to achieve

spiritual ascent.


After every war there is a so-called peace time, but during the peace time

people are preparing for the next war. The reason is that they cannot forget and

forgive the people whom they have fought or those who killed their kith and kin.

It has to be realised that for the maintenance of world peace, we have to have

some sort of a global organisation. We have established the U.N. organisation,

but basically the U.N. cannot effectively fulfil this peace mission because it

has no effective power of its own and is dependent on the wishes of its Member

States who do not always act in unison. They all put forward their own

individual ideas and their own demands to the U.N., which is always dominated by

America. Americans are not the right people to dominate the world, because they

are very immature and very sex-oriented.


We have to have another higher house for the U.N. We can get very well known

judges like those of the World Court at the Hague. These people should be

elected by the whole world and should not come from any one particular country.

They should have the necessary detachment and wisdom as well as a great

understanding of the problems that affect the peace of the World. This new body

of the most distinguished persons on top of the U.N. can manage much more than

the U.N. which is absolutely under the thumbs of the countries which are

governed sometimes by very odd governments. There is then the problem of getting

adequate financial resources for running this new body as well as the U.N.

Considering that Governments are not willing to contribute large sums of money,

it is extremely necessary to reduce the total number of U.N. employees and also

to scale down their salaries. If the salaries are not as high as they are today,

those who are purely money-oriented will not be attracted to the U.N. In that

situation only the public-spirited people will join and work for the world body.

Every effort should be made to secure the services of people of global eminence,

possessing higher ideas and idealism to work in the true spirit of service. They

should be persons of great intellect and high and renowned moral character. In

particular they should be very mature and highly experienced so that they can

clearly and properly understand the problems of the world, especially those

affecting global peace.


If persons of high eminence, integrity, wisdom, character and intellect are

elected to the proposed new high body to direct and guide the entire United

Nations system, the people of the world may have a new chance of seeing the

world governed by righteousness and dharma and not by narrow selfishness, greed

and immorality. In that case, world peace and a good social, political and moral

order may yet be established. Such a high body which we may call the Supreme

Council, will not be dominated by any one country, not even by America. I

sometimes feel that on the whole the Americans are still very immature people.

There have been very great Americans like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington,

but what one sees in America now is that people need to become mature, and this

maturity will only come if they take to Sahaja Yoga and not to some sort of

evangelists or false gurus.


We cannot say with certainty that this Supreme Council which will be created to

control the U.N. will be absolutely perfect. First of all, they will not be paid

very highly, but an honorarium would be given and they may try to do something

which is not honest if they are by any chance, money-oriented. So the only

conclusion one can reach is that this Supreme Council should be constituted by

the election only of excellent Sahaja Yogis. They have all the requisite

qualities in abundance - they are selfless, they are compassionate, they are

devoted to public interest without the slightest bias on grounds of race,

religion or nationality. They will thus always make sound and proper decisions.

Most importantly, the Supreme Court consisting of Sahaja Yogis, will spread the

message of Sahaja Yoga throughout the world not merely by words but by deeds

which will inspire all the people and thus ensure a new peaceful and just world

order. Sahaja Yoga is thus the only solution to world problems because it will

ensure the transformation of all human beings and thus create a new highly

evolved human race.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meta Modern Era

'World Peace'

Chapter 8


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