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Vedanta - The Most Satisfactory System of Philosophy

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Dear All,


i have come across some very interesting articles on the Vedanta. This

particular article states that:


" [Philosophy] is a rational enquiry into the nature of Truth or Reality. It

gives clear solutions for the profound, subtle problems of life. It shows the

way to get rid of pain and death and attain mortality and eternal bliss " .


The article says that philosophy can only take you to the gates but cannot allow

you to enter through those gates:


" Philosophy will take you to the gates of the realm of eternal bliss, but it

cannot allow you to enter that realm " .


It says that what is necessary " to enter that realm " is " intuition or

realisation " :


" Intuition or realisation is necessary for entering that holy land of

everlasting joy and ineffable glory " .


i hope this gives an overall picture that will help.











Philosophy Part 1


Philosophy – Its Origin and Its Limitations


Philosophy is the rational aspect of religion. It is an integral part of

religion in India. It is a rational enquiry into the nature of Truth or Reality.

It gives clear solutions for the profound, subtle problems of life. It shows the

way to get rid of pain and death and attain immortality and eternal bliss.


Philosophy has its roots in the practical needs of man. Man wants to know about

transcendental matters when he is in a reflective state. There is an urge within

him to know about the secret of death, the secret of immortality, the nature of

the soul, the Creator and the world. Philosophy helps him to know all these

things. Philosophy is the self-expression of the growing spirit of man. The

philosophers are its voice. Great creative thinkers and philosophers appear in

all ages. They elevate and inspire the people.


Certain philosophical questions arise in the mind of man. What is this Samsara?

(Samsara = life through repeated births and deaths; the process of worldly

life). Has it any purpose? Is the world real or mere appearance? Is there any

Creator or Governor of this universe? If there is a Creator, what is His nature?

What is the relation between man and the Creator? Is there any way to escape

from the round of births and deaths? Is there any such thing as the Impersonal

Absolute? If so, what is Its essential nature? How did man come into bondage?

What is his essential nature? Is he a part of the Supreme Soul, or is he

identical with It? What is the difference between Personal God and the

Impersonal Absolute? What is the source for this world? What is matter? What is

mind? What is individual soul? What is the goal of life? The search for a

solution of these problems is philosophy. Philosophy solves beautifully all

these problems.


Death – The Starting Point of Philosophy


The idea of death has ever been the strongest motive-power of religion and

religious life. Man is afraid of death. Man does not want to die. He wants to

live for ever. This is the starting point of philosophy. Philosophy enquires and

investigates. It boldly proclaims: " O man! Do not be afraid of death. There is

an immortal abode. That is Brahman (the Supreme Reality). That is your own Atman

(soul) which dwells in the chamber of your heart. Purify your heart and meditate

on this pure, immortal, changeless Self. You will attain immortality " . Death is

the ultimate pointer to the transiency of all things and the existence of an

ultimate reality.


Various Schools of Philosophy


A clear understanding of man's relation to God is a matter of momentous

importance to students of philosophy and to all aspirants. Philosophers,

prophets, saints, sages, thinkers, Acharyas and great religious leaders of the

world have tried to explain the relation of man to God and the universe. Various

schools of philosophy and different kinds of religious beliefs have come into

existence, on account of various explanations given by different philosophers.


Philosophy and Intuition


Philosophy will take you to the gates of the realm of eternal bliss, but it

cannot allow you to enter that realm. Intuition or realisation is necessary for

entering that holy land of everlasting joy and ineffable glory.


Hindu philosophy is not mere speculation or guesswork. It is lofty, sublime,

unique, and systematic. It is based on mystic spiritual experience, or Aparoksha

Anubhuti. The seers, sages and Rishis who had direct, intuitive perception of

the Truth are the founders of the different philosophical systems in India. The

different schools of philosophy are all based on the Srutis or the Vedas,

directly or indirectly. Those who have studied carefully the Upanishads will

find that the revelations of the Sruti (Vedas) are in harmony with the

conclusions of philosophy.


The Orthodox and the Heterodox Systems of Indian Philosophy/


The six systems of Indian philosophy or the Shad-Darsanas are the six orthodox

systems of philosophy. They are the six ways of looking at the Truth. These are:


1. The Nyaya

2. The Vaiseshika

3. The Sankhya

4. The Yoga

5. The Purva Mimamsa

6. The Uttara-Mimamsa or The Vedanta.


The orthodox systems of philosophy believe in the authority of the Vedas. The

heterodox systems of philosophy do not believe in the authority of the Vedas.

The six heterodox systems of philosophy are:


1. The Materialistic School of Charvaka

2. The System of the Jainas

3. The School of Presentationists or Vaibhashikas (Buddhistic)

4. The School of Representationists or Sautrantikas (Buddhistic)

5. The school of idealism or Yogacharas (Buddhistic)

6. The school of Nihilism of the Madhyamikas (Buddhistic)


The Shad-Darsanas or the Six Orthodox Schools


The Shad-Darsanas or the six orthodox systems grew directly out of the Vedas.

Darsana means literally sight or vision. Darsana means a system of philosophy.

The Darsana literature is philosophical. Each Darsana is a way of looking into

the Truth; is a standpoint in respect of the Truth.


Gautama Rishi systematised the principles of Nyasa or the Indian logical system.

Kanada composed the Vaiseshika Sutras. Kapila Muni founded the Sankhya system.

Patanjali Maharshi is the first systematiser of the Yoga school. He composed his

Yoga Sutras. The Yoga-Darsana of Patanjali is a celebrated text-book on

Raja-Yoga. Jaimini, a disciple of Vyasa, composed the Sutras of the Mimamsa

school, which is based on the ritual sections of the Vedas. Badarayana composed

his famous Vedanta Sutras or Brahma Sutras which expound the teachings of the

Upanishads. The different schools of the Vedanta have built their philosophy on

the foundation of these Sutras.


Different Ways of Approach to the Same Goal


The six schools of thought are like the six different roads which lead to one

city. You may go to Bombay by train or airplane or motor bus or any other

vehicle. Even so, you can reach the goal of life through Yoga, or Vedanta, or

any other path. The methods or ways of approach to the Goal are different to

suit people of different temperaments, capacities and mental calibre. But they

all have one aim, viz., removal of ignorance and its effects of pain and

sufferings and the attainment of freedom, perfection, immortality and eternal

bliss by union of the individual soul (Jivatman) with the Supreme Soul



No student of Hinduism ought to be satisfied without acquiring a clear and

accurate knowledge of the principal distinguishing characteristics of the six

philosophical schools. The more advanced scholar should study the original

Sutras in which the doctrines of each school are enunciated. Study of the six

schools of philosophy will sharpen the intellect and give you vast knowledge.

You will have clear and comprehensive understanding of the Truth. Each system is

a step or rung in the spiritual ladder.


Interrelation Between the Six Systems


The six schools are divided into three groups:


1. The Nyaya and the Vaiseshika

2. The Sankhya and the Yoga

3. The Mimamsa and the Vedanta


The Vaiseshika is a supplement of the Nyaya. The Yoga is a supplement of the

Sankhya. The Vedanta is an amplification and fulfillment of the Sankhya. The

study of Vyakarana (grammar), Mimamsa, Nyaya and Sankhya is necessary to

understand the Vedanta. The Nyaya sharpens the intellect and enables the

aspirants to grasp the Vedanta. The Nyaya is considered as a prerequisite for

all philosophical enquiry.


The Vaiseshika is not very much in honour now. The Nyaya is popular. The Sankhya

is not a living faith. The Yoga is practised by a few in its practical form. The

Vedanta is the most popular of all the schools today.


The Nyaya and the Vaiseshika will give you an analysis of the world of

experience. They arrange all the things of the world into certain kinds or

categories (Padarthas). They explain how God has made all this material world

out of atoms and molecules. They show the way to attain knowledge of God. The

Sankhya will provide you with deep knowledge of Hindu psychology. Kapila Muni

was the father of psychology. The Yoga deals with the control of Vrittis or

thought-waves, and with meditation. The Yoga system shows the ways to discipline

the mind and the senses. The Yoga will help you to cultivate concentration and

one-pointedness of mind and enter into Nirvikalpa Samadhi or the Superconscious



The Purva-Mimamsa deals with the Karma-Kanda (rituals-ceremonies) of the Vedas,

and the Uttara-Mimamsa is also known as the Vedanta-Darsana. This is the corner

stone of Hinduism. The Vedanta philosophy explains in detail the nature of

Brahman or the Eternal Being, and shows that the individual soul is, in essence,

identical with the Supreme Self. It gives methods to remove Avidya or the veil

of ignorance and to merge oneself in the ocean of bliss or Brahman.


The Nyaya calls ignorance Mithya Jnana, false knowledge. The Sankhya styles it

Aviveka, non-discrimination between the real and the unreal. The Vedanta names

it Avidya, nescience. Each philosophy aims at its eradication by knowledge or

Jnana. Then one attains eternal bliss or immortality.


By study of Nyaya and Vaiseshika, one learns to utilise his intellect to find

out fallacies and to know the material constitution of the world. By study of

Sankhya, one understands the course of evolution. By study and practice of Yoga,

one gains self-restraint and obtains mastery over mind and senses. By practice

of Vedanta, one reaches the highest rung of the ladder of spirituality or the

pinnacle of divine glory, oneness with the Supreme Being, by the destruction of

ignorance (Avidya).


Vedanta – The Most Satisfactory System of Philosophy


Some of the doctrines of the Nyaya, the Vaiseshika, the Sankhya and the Yoga are

opposed to the teaching of the Vedas. These systems are only superficially based

on the Vedas. The Nyaya and the Vaiseshika schools rely too much on human

reason, though they accept the Vedas as the supreme authority. Human intellect

is frail and finite. It has got its limitations. It functions within time, space

and causation. Its findings cannot be infallible. It cannot solve transcendental

matters. Vedas only are infallible and authoritative. They contain the

revelations or direct intuitional experiences of seers and Rishis. These

experiences will tally with the experiences of those who have attained Knowledge

of the Self (Brahma-Jnana).


The Vedanta is the most satisfactory system of philosophy. It has been evolved

out of the Upanishads. It has superseded all other schools. The Mimamsa school

has laid great stress on rituals, or Karma-Kanda.


According to Mimamsa school, Karma or ritual is all-in-all in the Veda. Upasana

(worship) and Jnana (knowledge) are only accessories to Karma. This view is

refuted by the Vedanta school. According to the Vedanta, Self-realisation

(Jnana) is the foremost thing, and ritual and worship are accessories. Karma

will take one to heaven which is only an impermanent place of refined sensual

enjoyment. Karma cannot destroy the cycle of births and deaths, and cannot give

eternal bliss and immortality.


During the time of Sankaracharya, all the six schools of philosophy flourished.

Therefore, he had to refute the other systems in order to establish his absolute

monism (Kevala Advaita). But, nowadays, Sankhya, Vaiseshika, etc., are in name

only. Even now, some Hindu preachers, Sannyasins and Mandalesvars try to

establish Advaita Vedanta by refuting these old systems. This is a mistake. They

will have to refute at the present moment materialism, agnosticism, atheism and

science, and then establish Advaita Vedanta.



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