Guest guest Posted September 3, 2008 Report Share Posted September 3, 2008 > > We urgently need to have more research/quotes to support the Divine > Feminine, especially that related to the Holy Spirit and Comforter. > There is no question that far more can be accomplished by focussing > our attention and energies on these topics, than anything else. > There are many books out there from which we can extract relevant > quotes and synthesize them with Shri Mataji's teachings about Jesus > Christ and the Good News. Shri Mataji's advent and message must be > supported thus, an approach that will eventually work out as more > seekers are enlightened by the Comforter. > Pagels on " The Truth at the Heart of the DVC " So many Christians throughout the world knew and revered these books that it took more than 200 years for hardworking church leaders who denounced the texts to successfully suppress them. [...] Irenaeus said there could be only four gospels because, according to the science of the time, there were four principal winds and four pillars that hold up the sky. Why these four gospels? He explained that only they were actually written by eyewitnesses of the events they describe -- Jesus' disciples Matthew and John, or by Luke and Mark, who were disciples of the disciples. Few scholars today would agree with Irenaeus. We cannot verify who actually wrote any of these accounts, and many scholars agree that the disciples themselves are not likely to be their authors. [...] What, then, do these texts say, and why did certain leaders find them so threatening? First, they suggest that the way to God can be found by anyone who seeks. According to the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus suggests that when we come to know ourselves at the deepest level, we come to know God: " If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. " This message -- to seek for oneself -- was not one that bishops like Irenaeus appreciated: Instead, he insisted, one must come to God through the church, " outside of which, " he said, " there is no salvation. " Second, in texts that the bishops called " heresy " , Jesus appears as human, yet one through whom the light of God now shines. So, according to the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said, " I am the light that is before all things; I am all things; all things come forth from me; all things return to me. Split a piece of wood, and I am there; lift up a rock, and you will find me there. " To Irenaeus, the thought of the divine energy manifested through all creation, even rocks and logs, sounded dangerously like pantheism. People might end up thinking that they could be like Jesus themselves and, in fact, the Gospel of Philip says, " Do not seek to become a Christian, but a Christ. " [...] Worst of all, perhaps, was that many of these secret texts speak of God not only in masculine images, but also in feminine images. The Secret Book of John tells how the disciple John, grieving after Jesus was crucified, suddenly saw a vision of a brilliant light, from which he heard Jesus' voice speaking to him: " John, John, why do you weep? Don't you recognize who I am? I am the Father; I am the Mother; and I am the Son. " After a moment of shock, John realizes that the divine Trinity includes not only Father and Son but also the divine Mother, which John sees as the Holy Spirit, the feminine manifestation of the divine. - Elaine Pagels, Perspective\ els-on-truth-at-heart-of-dvc.html+Pagels+- +The+Divine+Feminine & hl=en & ct=clnk & cd=\ 2 & gl=au & client=firefox-a Dear Nicole and All, This is precisely the research/quotes i am talking about because even i am learning from them ........... despite spending almost 15 years in meditation, cross-examining the scriptures against Shri Mataji's lectures/each other, and being enlightened by the Holy Spirit within. There are two things that cannot be bypassed or ignored, no matter your religion, if you want to attain the eternal afterlife/moksa. It is the message of both Jesus and the Comforter sent in the name of God Almighty. Everything that Jesus spoke two millennia ago has been clarified and explained in detail to all humanity by the Holy Spirit. In fact the Comforter has recalled to their minds Jesus' teachings, enabled them to understand truly and completely, and developed and expanded them into new and wonderful truths--Kingdom of God, Good News, being born again of the Spirit, Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit, worshipping God in truth and Spirit, Last Judgment, Resurrection, Second Coming etc.--and radically turning all our spiritual seeking, attention and worship of God Almighty/Self/Brahman within. And the Comforter, who has spend more than 30 years glorifying and exalting Him above all other incarnations, has declared " He was the Holiest of the Holy. You accept that position. " There are a number of important facts to be properly grasped before the above paragraph makes sense: i) Shri Mataji: " I am here to do the job of God Almighty. " ii) Shri Mataji: " I am the Adi Shakti. " iii) Shri Mataji: " The religion of Christianity or any religion is the religion of the living God. At different times, there were great flowers on the Tree of Life, but we plucked them and said, " This is mine; this is mine " and we are fighting the dead. But in Sahaja Yoga, you will know the beauty of all these great prophets and you will be amazed how they have enriched us; all of them. " iv) Shri Mataji: " When you believe in God you believe in the darkness and ignorance, and when you do not believe in Him also you are in ignorance. By believing into you close your eyes, accept the faith and go along with it. Of course it shows that you are conscious of some Power which is beyond. Such people have a great chance. But in the case if you go to these extremes in this kind of faith then you start only believing in Christ, only believing in Muhammad, only believing in Krishna — I mean depending on where you are born. How human beings are so narrow-minded? " v) Shri Mataji: " If we have to change this world, and if we have to save our people from complete destruction, we have to take to wisdom, and that is only possible when the brain is enlightened by Kundalini. This is what is very important today, when we see that this world is on the verge of destruction. Of course, the Creator himself is very anxious to save us and that is why he has in these modern times which are called Kali Yuga, made the all-pervading power activated. " vi) Shri Mataji: " You are yourself and you must see yourself as your Self, as your Spirit. And Spirit is a Universal Being, is the innocence, is the virgin within you. This body is a palace and it is the House of God. Within it God kept the Infinite Flame. " vii) Shri Mataji: " The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your Last Judgment is also now. " viii) Shri Mataji: " This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to have this, but that's a fact and is the truth, though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for you to get through your realisation, and that the whole story of the Last Judgment looks such as horrifying experience, has been made very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not disturb you. But this is the Last Judgment, I tell you, and you are all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter into the Kingdom of God or not. " ix) Shri Mataji: " These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the " Last Judgment " and in the Koran as " Qiyamah " , the Resurrection Time. Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth. " x) Shri Mataji: " I am here to tell you all these things which Christ could not tell, and to fulfil what He wanted to say. All those things I am saying to you. " xi) Shri Mataji: " " Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have come for this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time. " xii) Shri Mataji: " Now this is the Last Judgment and those who miss will miss in any case. Christ has said, " You will be calling Me Christ, Christ, but I will not recognize you. " So understand you have to become the Spirit as Christ has said, " You are to be born again. " You may have faith in me or not - doesn't matter. You must have faith in yourself to begin with. " xiii) Shri Mataji: " The representatives of Sadashiva and Adi Shakti in us are the Atma and the Kundalini. " xiv) Shri Mataji: " Kundalini is our Mother, we are Her only children, and She has been with us through all our lives just waiting for the moment of fulfilment. " xv) Shri Mataji: " Meditation is nothing but the state of remaining in the constant company of the every-loving Bhagawati. " xvi) Shri Mataji: " God has created man with his Shakti and man has to know Him, and recognize Him through Kundalini Awakening. Blossom Time has come and many ancient seekers are today getting their Self- Realization. " xvii) Shri Mataji: " Adi Kundalini is the Primordial Kundalini. She is one of the powers of the Primordial Mother and is reflected in human beings as Kundalini. A great deal of work went into this Incarnation. Major work had to be done to create a very strong spinal column so that it could support the Adi Kundalini, which is responsible for all this great work of transformation. The Adi Kundalini had all the powers of redemption, but She also had to know how to help human beings, what their problems are, how to bring them to an understanding of Sahaja Yoga and the need for their ascent. Many sources of energy and knowledge had to be used because the world in which the Primordial Kundalini has to work out is very complicated. We have all kinds of conditionings and inhibitions, very different from the people who came to the Himalayas, who were very surrendered. She had to understand all aspects of human beings, so as to communicate with the Adi Kundalini. She also needed to come as Shri Mahamaya so that we would not be frightened or feel distant from Her. " xviii) Shri Mataji: " Jesus Christ said that we should be born again. In our country we refer to this process as Dwija or born for the second time. The second birth of any human being is possible only by awakening of Kundalini Power. So long as the Kundalini is not awakened, one will not acquire the second birth, and so long as we do not have rebirth we will not be able to recognize God. You read the Bible after Realization. You will be surprised to know that Jesus Christ has told nothing but the importance of Sahaja Yoga. Everything has been explained with minor details. Those who have no insight, misrepresent the matters. " xix) Shri Mataji: " In reality, giving Baptism means the awakening of the Kundalini Power so that after it rises and pierces the Sahasrara, there is the union of the All-Pervading Power of God and the Kundalini Power. This, in fact, is the final job of the Kundalini Power. But the clergy know nothing about this. On the contrary, they are vainly trying to do something which they are not even authorized to do. " xx) Shri Mataji: " " So within us lies that Power and that Power is anxious to give you your second birth. That Power lies as shown, lies in the triangular bone of sacrum and you can see with your naked eyes the rising of this Power. It has nothing to do with what nationality you have come from, what sort of clothes you are wearing, what sort of hair dress you have — it has nothing to do with this but it has to do something with your inner being. And while in your inner being there are certain problems which you have created out of your ignorance, and this Power being your Mother — your sweet loving Mother who has been born again and again with you — knows your problems and She knows how to correct it. " Note: When Jesus and Shri Mataji talks about God Almighty you have to give up all your mental concepts and conditionings about the Creator. One should realize that Jesus spoke about the Creator with far more authority, power and depth than Abraham, Moses and Prophet Muhammad. Even more significant is the fact that Jesus already existed eons before Abraham, Moses and Prophet Muhammad, and declared that without any fear: " Before Abraham was, I Am " . John 8:58-59 says explicitly that Jews took up stones to cast on Jesus when the latter said that " before Abraham was, I am " , despite never claiming to be God Almighty. The Comforter gives evidence to support Jesus' extraordinary claim, and counsels us that He was in fact speaking the truth: " In the Puranas, in the ancient scriptures of India, Christ is described so very clearly. Actually in the Bible what they saw of Him when He was on this Earth was written down, but not in what created Him; how He came on this Earth; what is the Spirit of Christ; what is the seed of Christ; and how He came; and what was His purpose; and where does He stand within us. And all those things are not described in the Bible. As I told you the people at that time were not at all aware of His greatness or His special Incarnation. But if you read some of these ancient books you will find that He was called as Mahavishnu in the Devi Purana, in the Goddess Purana. It is the ancient scriptures of the Goddess. Mahavishnu was created immaculately... This special happening took place long time back. This is at the stage of Vaikuntha as you call it. At that stage nothing existed as far as this world was concerned. At different stages it came. We see the world in such a way that it was created in seven days. Actually these are seven stages when the whole Universe was created and we are at the seventh stage we can say. Now at the first Vaikuntha stage where it was all decided how to work it out, the creation of this great personality of the Son of God (was created) — the Greatest of All, the Adhara, the Support of the Universe, the Mahavishnu. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — October 6, 1981 " But in the West we still are very much attached to the nonsense of Christianity. It has nothing to do with Christ, believe Me, and this fanaticism which is lingering still in your mind must be given up, otherwise you do not do any justice to Christ. That by no chance means you take to another religion like Hinduism or any other nonsensical Jainism, or anything. The essence, the Tattwa, of Christianity is Christ. And it is so thickly clouded by all these nonsensical things that you really have to drop this word " Christianity " from your vocabulary completely, and from your mind. Otherwise you can never go to the essence. It is a fact; take it from Me. And even now the attention of all the people is on what Christ said, or Mother Mary has said it, and which has come through these horrible people to us. So to learn about other Deities and other great Incarnations, we neutralize. We must try to neutralize too much attention by learning about other Deities, say, Shri Ganesha. If you talk about Shri Ganesha, He is the essence of Christ, and Christ is the manifestation of Shri Ganesha's Powers. So, if you go to the essence of most things, you see, that is better. Then, of course, Christ is there but we must see in Him, as He is, which very few people has seen before. But now in Sahaja Yoga you should see Him as He was. He was the Holiest of the Holy. You accept that position. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Christmas Eve Talk, Pune, India — December 24, 1982 Yes, Jesus Christ is " the Holiest of the Holy " and " You accept that position " . But if you follow any guardian of the religious regimes you will be as blind and ignorant as those who lead you — priests, pastors, reverends, bishops, popes, rabbis, clerics, imams, mullahs, shaikhs, ulema, ayatollahs, gurus, swamis, pandits, brahmins, acaryas, bhagwans, granthis, gianis, lamas, monks, and dalai lamas. The same goes for those following the WCASY (World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga) and their SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion). Just ask yourself: " How much do they know about the Christ within, the Holy Spirit within, the Kingdom of God within, the Comforter within, being born again from within, experiencing the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit from within, and the commencement of Last Judgment and Resurrection from within? " The answer: " It has nothing to do with Christ, believe Me. " And since Christians cannot possibly learn about God Almighty and the essence of Christ's teachings from their churches, can they do so from any other religion(s)? The Comforter's answer is crystal clear: " That by no chance means you take to another religion like Hinduism or any other nonsensical Jainism, or anything. " i know without any doubt whatsoever that the Comforter is absolutely right because i too don't follow any religion in particular, even to learn about Christ and His message. The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in the Bible but all the scriptures of the world .............. which is the eternal afterlife! The Adi Shakti has triggered that collective promise, with personal experience of the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit to back the Resurrection. God can be found by anyone who seeks. According to the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus suggests that when we come to know ourselves at the deepest level, we come to know God: " If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. " All the religions and philosophies tell us of Union with the Divine, but are unable to make this experience a reality. This knowledge is only accessible in sayings and remains fixed at the mental level, keeping us far from the pure knowledge, which springs from the source inside human beings. This realization of, and union with Self (atma jnana) is what the Comforter has been tirelessly preaching for more than three decades. regards to all, jagbir Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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