Guest guest Posted September 3, 2008 Report Share Posted September 3, 2008 Dear Jagbir and all, In the article, appended, of " 10 Things Religious Pundits Need To Know About Gnosticism " , the phrase " to immanentize the eschaton " was used. Apparently it is a Catholic terminology and dogma devised with the aim of making such people as the Gnostics into heretics in the eyes of the people and yet there is no understandable truth in it. The Gnostics taught about both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, however once the Gnostics were suppressed through such dogma as being accused of " immanentizing the eschaton " , knowledge of the Divine Feminine was also suppressed - and thus, Her Message of Universal Salvation or Apokatastasis: > 5) Gnostics do not repudiate salvation through Grace > > The role of Grace, and of the Holy Spirit, is of > paramount importance to the Gnostics. Where Gnosticism differs from > Christianity is that Gnosticism says that " blind faith " does not > grant salvation. To be saved from the forces of deception and > ignorance (maya in Buddhist parlance) one must attain > enlightenment: the direct experiential intimacy with God that is > gnosis. This experience is the birthright of every aware human > person. > > > 6) Gnosticism is not elitist > > Do Christians distinguish between the saved and the unsaved? Is > this elitism? Gnostic teachings frequently reinforce the idea that > liberation via gnosis is available to everyone; that such > distinction is a matter of reclaiming birthright, of intent, > choice, and effort. In fact, Gnostic theology tends to support the > idea of apokatastasis, of universal salvation. So, what does to " immanentize the eschaton " mean? The word 'immanent-ize' comes from the root word " immanent " . From my recall of Christianity, the terms of immanent/immanence and transcendent/transcendence were often used together, much like the Hindu words of " Saakar " and " Nirakar " are often used together, when speaking of one or the other. From what i can recall, i learned in Christianity that when Jesus was on the earth, he was considered to be " immanent " , i.e. " God with us in the flesh " . (That is very close to the Hindu meaning of Saakar.) From what i can recall about transcendence, that was explained as when the Holy Spirit speaks through Jesus, that that is his " transcendence " . (That is also very close to the Nirakar, i.e. " Jesus being in the Nirakar state " . But the term " to immanentize the eschaton " sounds like a lot of gobbledygook. Even people asking questions as to what exactly it meant are not finding the answer. It seems to be a special term of the dogma of the Catholic priesthood to have such mysterious knowlege which they consider allows them to label such well-balanced people as the Gnostics, as heretical: Source of " Immanentize the Eschaton " Mon, 6 Oct 1997 19:35:46 -0400 (EDT) Equilibrst zee-list Re: Source of " Immanentize the Eschaton " In a message dated 97-10-05 17:04:46 EDT, you write: " Immanentize the Eschaton " Catholic term for the sin of most heretic groups who attempt to either create heaven of hell in this world instead of waiting for it in the next. The Gnostics are a prime example of people guilty of attempting to Immanetize the Eschaton. Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea give a pretty good run down of the idea in Illuminatus! where Goodman and his partner are having the phone conversation with the priest. The priest runs through some of the Catholic Dogma on the topic. 'Frater Equilibrist'. Mon, 6 Oct 1997 09:42:39 -0600 (MDT) J B Bell (cipher) zee-list Re: Source of " Immanentize the Eschaton " On Sun, 5 Oct 1997, Theta 8008 wrote: Does anyone know what the original source of the phrase " Immanentize the Eschaton " is? I've been able to track it back as far as the Principia Discordia, but can't find any earlier sources. Is this it? Or is there an earlier source? It is actually discussed in theology. In THE ILLUMINATI PAPERS, RAW talks about articles in NATIONAL REVIEW (W.F. Buckley mag) in the 60's; that referred to imanentization with regard to (I think) Neo-gnosticism); The book is at home, so I'll look it up later and write back. - Zero I have seen the phrase used in an anti-heretical paper. My head about exploded when I read it; I had been thinking it was original to RAW. Nothing new under the sun, of course. I think the charge was levelled against Martin Buber where I read it, but honestly my memory is faulty on this point, except that I am very certain that it appears to be a theological term, specifically a heresy, that predates RAW significantly. A little note on this oft-misunderstood phrase: many people confuse it with the idea of " imminentizing " the eschaton. Imminent means " real soon " . Immanent means " everywhere " or " all-permeating " , perhaps. The eschaton, as every good Chaote knows, is the End of Everything. " Immanentizing the eschaton " refers to the heretical idea that the eschaton is in fact a state of being, accessible at any time, rather than some chronological event. Of course, in the theological usage, it doesn't normally refer to magickal efforts to make apocalypse happen, as the Chaote's looser usage usually means. Hope this helps, as they say. --JB When it comes to " immanentizing the eschaton " and other such theological and dogmatic concepts, i believe J.N. Darby says it very well in his 'Letters, Volume 1, number 292', where it says that: " People like to speak of mysterious things about which we know nothing: we can dogmatise ecclesiastically or hereticise conveniently " ----------------------- (But lets face it, folks, they don't answer the hard questions, satisfactorily. People today are intelligent and they expect honest answers to honest questions): " p492 [R T Grant] BELOVED BROTHER, - As regards your hard questions, I am not disposed to be wise above what is written. It was the old patristic doctrine, but with every imaginable notion tacked to it. It issued in the limbo patrum, or as now expressed, the opening of the kingdom of heaven to all believers, but I humbly think they (nor our friends who speak of it) know nothing about it - at any rate, I do not. People like to speak of mysterious things about which we know nothing: we can dogmatise ecclesiastically or hereticise conveniently. " STEM Publishing: The writings of J.N. Darby: Letters: Volume 1, number 292 However due to the immanence and transcendence of the Christian Comforter, we are well on the way to answering the hard questions, since She has enlightened what Christ taught. regards to all, violet , " Violet " <violetubb wrote: > > 10 Things Religious Pundits Need To Know About Gnosticism > > - Saturday, April 22, 2006 > > > " We don't need to take the Gospel of Judas / Thomas / Mary seriously, because unlike Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, it wasn't written in the first century, wasn't written by eyewitnesses and is not historically true. It was written by an elitist world-hating sect called the Gnostics who were rejected by early Christians as heretics. Gnostics preached that the flesh was evil, and salvation was only available to a select few who had secret magical knowledge, or gnosis. " > > - Every bible " expert " in the western world in the last three weeks. > > I've read variations on this spiel at least twenty times this month. The problem is that this summation of Gnosticism is entirely false, and in many cases known by its proponents as false; this is bearing false witness. > > > 1) Gnosticism is not a heretical sect of Christianity > > Gnosticism is a distinct, pre-Christian religion. Its roots are in Alexandria in Egypt, about 2200 years ago, where a " cafe-society " of Greek-speaking and-educated Jews were syncretizing the myths of the ancient world with Judaism and classical Greek philosophy. > > These communities and their ideas greatly influenced Christianity as it later emerged. As Christianity struggled in its first four centuries to distinguish itself from the pagan world, it slowly began to reject some of these Gnostic influences. But most of the people who still favoured these ideas considered themselves devout Christians, not heretics. > > Let us not forget that the most common topic in the New Testament - more common than the power of love or redemption or the sacrifice of the cross or even the divinity of Jesus - is that " other Christians are getting it wrong " . Paul condemns James as a heretic. Jesus refers to Peter as " Satan " . > > > 2) Gnosticism is a lot like Buddhism > > Because of Gnosticism's insistence on personal responsibility and ethics, its emphasis on singular prayer, the practice of compassion, detachment from materialism and the striving for enlightenment, it has been called " the Buddhism of the West " . The similarities between Gnosticism and Mahayana Buddhism are so strong it has been speculated that there may have been ongoing contact between the two religions. > > > 3) The Gnostic Scriptures are, for the most part, contemporary with > Christian canon > > None of the four canonical Gospels were written in the first century. Mark was not written by Mark, nor Luke written by Luke. John was written in two distinct phases, the first of which showed significant Gnostic elements, and the latter a retraction and condemnation of those elements. These were based on first century oral traditions which varied greatly from region to region, but did not exist in written form until at least 100 years after the events they describe. Paul is the only first century Christian writer we have, and much of his writings were edited centuries later into the form we have today. > > The Gospel of Thomas, for example, is contemporary with the later half of John, and there is some evidence to support that John's later editors were familiar with Thomas. The scriptural authors of the second century were reaching for meaning, using their interpretation of what they had heard, their intuition, their creativity, and their yearning for God. > > > 4) Gnostics do not hate the physical world > > Gnostic scripture frequently invokes favourably the beauty and power of the natural world; the symbolism of pregnancy, midwifery, childbirth, newborns, storms and ripe crops are frequently employed by Gnostic authors. Gnostics do not view the flesh as evil, but rather as temporary when contrasted with the immortality of the soul - a view shared by most if not all Christians. > > What Gnostics reject is not the earth, but they system: the artificial world of injustice, prejudice, institutionalization and materialism. > > > 5) Gnostics do not repudiate salvation through Grace > > The role of Grace, and of the Holy Spirit, is of paramount importance to the Gnostics. Where Gnosticism differs from Christianity is that Gnosticism says that " blind faith " does not grant salvation. To be saved from the forces of deception and ignorance (maya in Buddhist parlance) one must attain enlightenment: the direct experiential intimacy with God that is gnosis. This experience is the birthright of every aware human person. > > > 6) Gnosticism is not elitist > > Do Christians distinguish between the saved and the unsaved? Is this elitism? Gnostic teachings frequently reinforce the idea that liberation via gnosis is available to everyone; that such distinction is a matter of reclaiming birthright, of intent, choice, and effort. In fact, Gnostic theology tends to support the idea of apokatastasis, of universal salvation. > > > 7) Gnosticism is not Utopian. > > There is nothing in Gnostic scripture to support the idea that Gnostics wish to make " heaven on earth " from human efforts, and no connection whatsoever between Gnosticism and the reshaping of society; neither from fascism nor socialism. There is no " immanentizing the eschaton " in Gnosticism: Rather, this idea is the hallmark of millennialist Christianity. > > > 8) Most basic tenets of Gnosticism are supported by Christian scripture > > In fact there is a litany of Christian saints who are blatantly Gnostic; St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Hildegard of Bingen and St. Joan of Arc all described in detail the integrity of their experience of gnosis. > > Paul says " The Kingdom of God is within you " which is probably the best single summation of Gnostic theology. Jesus says " My kingdom is not of this world " (Jn 18:36). > > > 9) Gnosticism serves as a bridge between world religions > > Gnosticism stands at the crossroads of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, representing a common ground. Historically Gnosticism influenced Judaism in the development of Kabala, and Islam in the development of Sufism; it both encouraged and challenged Christianity through its early centuries and contributed profoundly to Christian theology and identity. > > > 10) Gnostic churches are thriving > > Gnostics across North America and Europe gather weekly for prayer and Eucharist in forms very similar to orthodox liturgy. We derive inspiration from the Old and New Testaments, and also from Nag Hammadi scripture such as The Gospel of Thomas and The Thunder: Perfect Mind. A vital and growing Gnostic ekklesia is serving in charities, missions and hospitals; writing, crafting, debating and working in coffeehouses and dozens of parishes around the world. Most Gnostics consider themselves Christian, their churches constituting the Body of Christ. Other Gnostics gravitate to the symbolism and traditions of the Divine Feminine in her aspect as Sophia ( " wisdom " ), the Shekhina ( " presence " ), and the Holy Spirit. > > Despite book-burnings, despite the Albigensian Crusade and the Inquisition, despite schlock-populism, and despite inane castigations from self-appointed pundits, we are still here; still praying, celebrating, exploring, and asking. Still Knowing. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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