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Feminine Spirit of God is working in our providence, redemption, guidance and empowering of the Messiah

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> We urgently need to have more research/quotes to support the Divine

> Feminine, especially that related to the Holy Spirit and Comforter.

> There is no question that far more can be accomplished by focussing

> our attention and energies on these topics, than anything else.

> There are many books out there from which we can extract relevant

> quotes and synthesize them with Shri Mataji's teachings about Jesus

> Christ and the Good News. Shri Mataji's advent and message must be

> supported thus, an approach that will eventually work out as more

> seekers are enlightened by the Comforter.


> i believe that the suppression of the Divine Feminine is primarily

> caused by grammar, and to a lesser extend a patriarchal clergy. Over

> the centuries the damage has been enormous and it is imperative that

> we give evidence of that.



" That the Holy Spirit is the designated representation of the feminine

principle is further supported by the Hebrew word for " spirit " . I

quote now Jerome, the author of the Latin Vulgate:


In the Gospel of the Hebrews that the Nazarenes read it says, " Just

now my mother, the Holy Spirit, took me. " Now no one should be

offended by this, because " spirit " in Hebrew is feminine, while in

our language [Latin] it is masculine and in Greek it is neuter. In

divinity, however, there is no gender.

- Jerome's Commentary on Isaiah 11


This explanation contains an astonishing admission. First, it tells

us that there was a tradition among a sect of Early Christians which

believed that the Holy Spirit was our Lord's spiritual mother.


Second, Jerome - a more orthodox figure cannot be imagined - admits

that the Hebrew word for " spirit " (ruach) is feminine, meaning that

for the 1st Century Christians - who were largely operating in the

Aramaic world (Paul's churches were tiny in comparison) - the Holy

Spirit was a feminine figure. It was lost in the translation from the

Hebrew into the Greek, and then it was changed to a masculine gender

when it was translated from the Greek into the Latin. "





Note: It is for this reason that we have www.ruach-elohim.org/ for

Jews who are waiting for the Messiah:


" When applied to God, the word Ruach indicates creative activity (Gen

1:2) and active power (Isa 40:13). The Spirit of God also works in

providence (Job 33:4; Psa 104:30), in redemption (Ezek 11:19; Ezek

36:26-27), in upholding and guiding his chosen ones (Neh 9:20; Psa

143:10; Hag 2:5), and in the empowering of the Messiah (Isa 11:2; Isa

42:1; Isa 61:1)...


In short, as the ruach is to the created nephesh, so the Ruach Elohim

is to God Himself, part of God and identified with God. Ruach may be

understood as the Author of the animating dynamic of the created

order, the underlying Principle of creation, and the One that imparts

the nephesh to the entire universe. "


Hebrew name for God - Ruach Elohim



" One ancient Hebrew word for God, for example, was ruach. Literally,

that word meant " wind, " a natural and even an impersonal concept. The

wind or ruach was observed not as a being, but as a vitalizing force.

It had no boundaries and no recognizing destination. Among the

Hebrews the ruach or wind of God was said to have brooded over the

chaos in the story of creation in order to bring forth life. Slowly

this ruach then evolved and became personalized and was called

Spirit. But it is important to note that at its origin ruach was an

impersonal life force, an experienced " what, " not a " who. " The ruach

or wind of God was not external. It rather emerged from within the

world and was understood as its very ground, its life-giving reality..


The wind was also assumed by the Jewish mind to have come from

God. " Thou didst blow with thy wind, " said the book of Exodus

(15:10), and " There went forth a wind from the Lord, " said the book

of Numbers (11:31). God might have been defined by these ancient

people as a distant, theistic, personal power who lived beyond the

sky, but in the very mysterious wind, which the Jews felt on their

own faces, they believed they found themselves touched by God here

and now. "


Bishop J. S. Spong

Why Christianity Must Change or Die



All of us who are taking part in the Resurrection can feel the Ruach,

the feminine Spirit of God working in our providence, redemption,

guidance and empowering of the Messiah, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


Main Entry: prov·i·dence

1 a often capitalized : divine guidance or care

b capitalized : God conceived as the power sustaining and guiding

human destiny

2: the quality or state of being provident


Main Entry: re·demp·tion, re·deem·ing

: the act, process, or an instance of redeeming

: serving to offset or compensate for a defect <her performance is

the film's redeeming feature>


Main Entry: guid·ance

1: the act or process of guiding

2: the direction provided by a guide


Main Entry: em·pow·er

1 : to give official authority or legal power to

2 : enable


Merriam Webster Online Dictionary



This Ruach is now daily experienced by tens of thousands, some 24/7.

It is time Jews (Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists)

begin feeling the feminine Spirit of God from within themselves, the

same Ruach that their forefathers felt millennia ago.


It is only with the advent of the Messiah that such a mass phenomena

of Ruach (Cool Breeze/vibrations/chaitanya) has been experienced. It

does not matter what you call the Messiah - the incarnation of the

Holy Spirit, Adi Shakti, Shekinah, Spirit of God, Comforter, Ruh of

Allah, Mother Kundalini or Aykaa Mayee. Just choose the word that best

represents your religious tradition and understanding, the word that

best reminds you of the Divine Feminine. It does not matter what

religion you belong to because She is entrenched in all of them! The

Feminine Spirit of God is working for our providence, redemption,

guidance and empowering of the Messiah.


The Messiah has a unique and unprecedented method of triggering

spiritual rebirth. You will begin feeling the feminine Spirit of God

as a vitalizing force from within flowing out of your hands, head and

other parts of the body .... the very mysterious wind felt by the

ancient Jews that is now given the name " Cool Breeze " by the Messiah!


" One spring afternoon in 1992, a Norwegian friend who was living in

my village for a year whilst he completed a Master of Business

Administration at Bath University dropped over for coffee. After

exchanging the usual set of pleasantries about the weather and a few

comments about the local primary school, he introduced a new topic

into the conversation. Knowing my interest in new religions, he said,

was I aware that some people in the next village were 'giving cool

breezes'? I confessed my ignorance and pressed him for details. One,

a woman called Jane, he continued, had given him a sort of massage

and as a result he had felt a cool breeze on the top of his head. " I

really did, you know! " he went on, looking slightly uncomfortable, as

he did not quite believe it himself. " What's it all about? "


This book is my attempt, as a sociologist of religion, to answer the

question raised by my friend that day. It is about Sahaja Yoga, the

new religious movement (NRM) whose member was responsible for

the 'cool breezes' which he felt. "


Judith Coney, Sahaja Yoga (Introduction page)

RoutledgeCurzon; 1 edition (May 24 1999)

ISBN-13: 978-0700710614


regards to all,





Note: Judith Coney is a lecturer in the Department of Study of

Religions at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University

of London.

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