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The 'Gospel of Judas' does not stop with condemning erroneous views about God and sacrifice, or practices of eucharist and baptism

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Dear All,


For those of us who never truly understood the subtle meaning of 'communion,

mass, eucharist', Antoinette Wells' and

Marie-Laure Cernay's recollection of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's beautiful

explanation of that mystery follows:



Mother just unravelled everything


We were in Portugal in 1980, in a small village called Cintra. We were about ten

people, and we went to an inn at the top of a hill. The innkeeper was a wine


‘There is some wine in the cellar.’ Shri Mataji said, about the bad vibrations


We all sat around the rectangular table and Mother had a white sari on, and Her

long hair was on Her shoulders. She was at the middle of the table and on it was

a basket of bread and some grapes, and we were all waiting to have our supper.

Two little local girls rushed into the restaurant and Mother smiled at them, and

then they rushed out again.

‘Realised!’ Mother just said. I thought, ‘Oh, how sweet, they just came in to

get their realisation.’ They were about ten years old and just went in and out,


Antoinette Wells


I remember the picture because it was so beautiful. Shri Mataji had Her long

dark hair on Her shoulders, and She had a dark red shawl around Her.

‘Shri Mataji, please, could you explain to us, what was the charisti, the

communion (the Christian mass)?’ my elder sister Antoinette asked Shri Mataji.

Marie-Laure Cernay


I remember very much what happened then. We were about to take some grapes.

‘Just wait,’ She said, and put Her hands on them for a while, ‘Now you can take

the grapes.’

We had tasted the grapes before She put Her hands on them and they had been

quite average: sugary, but no taste. After She put Her hands on the grapes, they

were absolutely succulent, a lovely nectar flavour.

So we just ate the grapes and praised Her and said how good they were.

Antoinette Wells


Shri Mataji was really looking like Christ and took a loaf of bread, which was

quite big, oval shaped and took it in Her hand. She kept it in Her hand a little

while, then just started to give a little piece of bread to each one of us.

Marie-Laure Cernay


‘Now you take this bread and share it among yourselves,’ Shri Mataji said. So we

did and I was quite amazed at what was going on here because I could recall a

scene that had happened two thousand years ago. ‘You see,’ She went on, ‘when

Christ shared the bread among His disciples, He could say, “Take that because it

is my body,” because this very bread was His own body, because it was full of

vibrations and, as He was full of vibrations, He was pranava. He was the

vibrations Himself. He could convey that to the bread and, obviously, when the

disciples would eat this bread, they would eat His vibrations.’ And it was the

same with the grapes or the ‘wine’ that Shri Mataji transformed.

Antoinette Wells


‘That’s all. That’s it. That’s all of it,’ She told us.

We all ate this in silence and we realised that this communion, was the same as

the vibrated food that Shri Mataji is giving to us and She was putting the

vibrations in the bread and then giving it to all of us.

Marie-Laure Cernay


I was completely in awe, and was in meditation, because years and years of going

to mass never explained to me that mystery. There, in a telescopic way, in five

seconds, Mother just unravelled everything for us and we understood what was

going on and it was very beautiful.

Antoinette Wells


So we realised also, as an experience, what it was. It was a very strong moment.

Marie-Laure Cernay


After this we went out and it was evening, a beautiful sunset in Cintra, in

Portugal. Shri Mataji had Her burgundy-coloured shawl around Her head, Her big

brown eyes were looking at the sun and the sun was enormous, just at the

horizon, and it seemed not to move. We were all still beside Her, looking at the

sun. In my head, I thought, ‘The sun is waiting to go down because Mother is


Then She blinked. The sun went down and I felt that the sun was saluting Her,

and that was the end of this beautiful evening.

Antoinette Wells


On the subtle nature of Lord Jesus


‘I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this

bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of

the world is My flesh.’ John 6.51

‘If any one thirst, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the

scripture has said, ‘Out of His heart shall flow rivers of living waters.’ John


‘Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter

and will not be able.’ Luke 13.24

‘I am the door; if any one enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and

out and find pasture.’ John 10.9





Linda Williams. The Light of the World. Shri Jesus, as explained by His Divine

Mother, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Stories from The Eternally

Inspiring Recollections of Our Holy Mother: " The Explanation of Communion, Mass.

Mother just unravelled everything. On the subtle nature of Lord Jesus. "

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