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A wilful and deliberate rejection by Muslims (Christians and Jews) of the Great News

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> The Mysteries of the Kingdom:

> Jesus teaches Judas that at death, the bodies of all human beings

> will perish – there is no resurrection of the flesh. Only the souls

> of the great and holy race will be lifted up when their spirits

> separate from them (Judas 8:3-4). At the beginning Judas does not

> really understand, for when he has a dream, Jesus laughs at him, a

> clear indication that Judas has made some error. But rather than

> dismissing Judas, Jesus promises to support him. He encourages Judas

> to speak about his distress when he dreamed that " the twelve "

> disciples were stoning and persecuting him. But Judas also had a

> vision of the heavenly Temple – a glorious vision of a great house

> filled with brilliant light, and, high above, dense green foliage

> (Judas 9:9-12). (P.78) People would immediately recognize this as

> the infinite light in which God dwells – the house of God. That, of

> course, is what Jews called the Jerusalem Temple; but what Judas

> sees - in stark contrast to " the twelve's " dream about bloody

> sacrifice in the earthly Temple – is the spiritual reality beyond

> this world, the divine reality that Israel's prophets often

> described simply as " light " , the glory of God's presence, at which

> humanly built " houses of God " , from the Jerusalem Temple to the

> cathedral at Chartres, can only hint.


> Reason I am stunned:

> " The doctrine of bodily resurrection, linked closely to the soul's

> nature and destiny, suffers like a fate. The ancients knew little or

> nothing about the human organism — its chemical constituents, its

> functioning parts, its psychology — and even less about the nature

> of death. Modern man has measured corruption, can detail the

> chemical changes that take place when bodily life ceases, has a

> clear idea of what precisely corruption and decay of the human

> frame connote, and defines human death precisely by the cessation

> of the observable functions of the body. The three religions define

> death as the moment when the soul leaves the body.


> On the other hand, the scientist cannot accept the " outside "

> explanation: that a god will " resurrect " the corrupted body. He

> knows that in a living body today the actual molecules which

> compose it were not part of it some time ago. In another decade it

> will be made up of molecules which at present are elsewhere: in

> African lions, in passion-flowers of the Amazon, in Maine lobsters,

> in earth in Patagonia, and in the fur of a Polar bear. For the

> scientist, the body as such has truly ceased to exist. No " shade "

> or reduced form of the body exists in an " underworld " or in Elysian

> fields. The body has ceased to exist. He therefore finds the

> resurrection of the body unintelligible. "


> Malachi Martin, The Encounter,

> Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, 286.




> The Mysteries of the Kingdom:

> But when Judas asks to go there and join the distinguished elders

> who surround the divine presence, Jesus rebukes him: " Your star is

> leading you astray, Judas " (Judas 9:15). This shows that although

> only Judas, of " the twelve, " caught a glimpse of what Jesus meant

> when he began to speak to them about the mysteries that are beyond

> the world – for Judas alone perceived that Jesus came from the

> immortal realm above (Judas 2:22-23) – he still has not fully

> understood what Jesus is trying to tell him. No mortal is worthy to

> go there, Jesus insists, because that place is reserved for the holy

> ones – that is, for people who are no longer subject to the sun and

> moon and the other angels who rule over the realm of chaos. So even

> though Jesus has already told Judas that he is able to reach the

> immortal realm (Judas 2:27), the disciple still doesn't understand

> fully Jesus' most central teaching – that for human beings to gain

> eternal life, they have to perceive the deeper vision of God that

> emerges from within. That is why Jesus began by challenging the

> disciples " to bring forth the perfect human. " (P.79) Those who do so

> discover that they have within them spiritual resources of which

> they were unaware.


> Reason I am stunned:

> The eternal Spirit World exists and that is where Jesus descended

> from. It is an immortal realm where countless liberated souls live.

> Jesus demonstrates that no human being can enter the immortal realm

> until and unless humans have realized their Self i.e., perceived the

> deeper vision of God that emerges from within.



We can observe that both Jesus Christ and Mataji declare the same,

declarations that are anathema to Muslims, Christians and Jews waiting

for 'graves to be opened up' by a god that sinful humans can never

have any trace of within:


i) that at death, the bodies of all human beings will perish – there

is no resurrection of the flesh;

ii) that for human beings to gain eternal life, they have to perceive

the deeper vision of God that emerges from within.


Main Entry: anath·e·ma

1 a: one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority b: someone or

something intensely disliked or loathed

2 a: a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority

and accompanied by excommunication b: the denunciation of something

as accursed c: a vigorous denunciation


Merriam Webster Online Dictionary



As Malachi Martin puts is so brutally clear in " The Encounter " :


" It is clear, first of all, that today all three religions lack any

authoritative note for man. They have, as yet, each one of them,

sufficient number of adherents to give the impression of continuing

strength, and this glosses over for them and for the outside world at

times their terrible weakness. For each of them, when scrutinized

closely, is blackened with sufficient failures to prevent any

thinking man from believing in them. And, above all, all three

persevere in making a claim which cannot possibly be valid and true:

that they are, each single one, the true religion.


Each one of them, however, hides from the ultimate test of its

validity and truth behind a wall of unknowing and expectation. All

three chorus that only on the “Last Day,” when the “End” comes,

when “God” decides, will it be clear that the “other two” and all

others besides were false, and it (the claimant) was all along the

true community of the one “God.” ”


But even as the Last Judgment and Resurrection is taking place right

under their noses Muslims, Christians and Jews wait for 'graves to

open up'! i am stunned by both Jesus and the Comforter exposing a

medieval mindset that defies plain logic, scriptural evidence and

eschatology. Shri Mataji comforts us that all souls will be born

again and told about the Resurrection, and not 'graves opening up'

i.e., there will be no resurrection of the flesh (dead bodies). That

is exactly what is taking place during this General Resurrection,

which Shri Mataji also calls the Blossom Time.


i am also stunned that the Quran prophesied that those who have

knowledge and faith of the Resurrection will remind Muslims

(Christians and Jews) about this Great Event, and that despite its

declaration they persistently closed their mind to this promise,

determined not to know about the General Resurrection and eternal

afterlife as the spirit! That is the true translation of:


Waqala allatheena ootoo alAAilma waal-eemana laqad labithtum fee

kitabi Allahi ila yawmi albaAAthi fahatha yawmu albaAAthi

walakinnakum kuntum la taAAlamoona (Al-Rum 30:56)



But those who [in their lifetime] were endowed with knowledge [see

the last note on 16:27.] and faith will say: " Indeed, you have been

tardy in [accepting as true] what God has revealed, [Lit., " with

regard to (fi) God's revelation (kitab) " , i.e., that the dead shall

be resurrected and judged by Him. It is to be noted that the verb

labitha signifies " he waited [for something] or he was tardy [with

regard to something] " as well as " he stayed [in a place] " or " he

remained " . Evidently, in verse 55 ma labithu has the meaning of " they

had not stayed " or " remained " , while in verse 56 labithtum denotes

" you have been tardy " or " you have waited " .] [and you have waited]

until the Day of Resurrection: this, then, is the Day of Resurrection:

but you - you were determined not to know it! [Lit., " you were wont

not to know " - i.e., " you persistently closed your mind to this

promise " .] (Al-Rum 30:56)

[Please note that Asad is referring to the unbelievers/transgressors/

guilty in verse 55 and the believers of Resurrection in verse 56.]



YUSUF ALI: On the Day that the Hour (of Reckoning) will be

established, the transgressors will swear that they tarried not but

an hour: thus were they used to being deluded!

But those endued with knowledge and faith will say:

" Indeed ye did tarry, within Allah's Decree, to the Day of

Resurrection, and this is the Day of Resurrection: but ye - ye were

not aware! "


PICKTHAL: And on the day when the Hour riseth the guilty will vow

that they did tarry but an hour - thus were they ever deceived.

But those to whom knowledge and faith are given will say:

The truth is, ye have tarried, by Allah's decree, until the Day of

Resurrection. This is the Day of Resurrection, but ye used not to



SHAKIR: And at the time when the hour shall come, the guilty shall

swear (that) they did not tarry but an hour; thus are they ever

turned away.

And those who are given knowledge and faith will say:

Certainly you tarried according to the ordinance of Allah till the

day of resurrection, so this is the day of resurrection, but you did

not know.


How can Muslims be guilty of rejecting the Resurrection, and worse

still, not even unaware of it as is the case today? Despite declaring

the Sure Signs of the Resurrection at http//:www.al-qiyamah.org and

challenging the ulema and all Muslims, they have failed to respond.

On the contrary, some Muslim countries have blocked access to the

site. They regard it as the work of Satan to claim the Resurrection

i.e., Doomsday is taking place! And Shri Mataji has this to say about

enlightening Muslims about it: " Who will tell them? No one can talk

to them. As soon as one wants to talk one can be killed. This is the

only way they know - how to kill. "


In the Qur'an, it is stated that the unbeliever is one who neither

recognizes nor appreciates the signs of Allah. The distinguishing

mark of a believer is his ability to see those signs and proofs. At

various points in the Qur'an, expressions like, " will you not take

heed? " , " ... there is a sign for thinking men, " lay stress on the

importance of pondering upon the Sure Signs of God regarding Al-

Qiyamah (The Resurrection). In fact one can accuse each and every

Muslim who rejects the Resurrection just because it does not meet

their 'graves opening up' mentality with this warning: " You were wont

not to know " , " You persistently closed your mind to this promise. "


Thus Shri Mataji correctly counsels us that " there is a very big

chapter on Resurrection, but the fundamentalists don't want to look

at it... It is so much misinterpreted, so much misinterpreted Now the

time has come, this is a special time which is the time of

Resurrection, this is the Qiyamah. It is the special time of Last

Judgment where you have to judge yourself. "


Entry Word: misinterpret

1 to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the

meaning of;

2 to fail to understand the true or actual meaning of;


Merriam Webster Online Dictionary


Thus those believers like us who have been given the knowledge, faith

and Self-realization by the Comforter know for a surety that the

Resurrection has commenced, as the daily experience of Cool Breeze

meets that exacting requirement. However, anyone who desires that

proof of the Winds of Qiyamah/being born of the Spirit will get it.

This is the true Baptism of Allah/born again of the Spirit/Kundalini

awakening/opening of Dasam Dwar. The latest independent confirmation

of this Sure Sign of the Resurrection reads:


kousikgsh <kousikgsh


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 10:08:35 AM

Re: i know for a fact that the SYSSR

go against the very realization of your Self!


" i'm not even a sahaja yogi ... haven't attended any meetings ... but

i have no doubt that Mataji is an incarnation and i have felt the cool

breeze only at the sahaja yoga website ... not anywhere else " (end)


But Muslims, Christians and Jews will persistently close their minds

to this promise of Resurrection and eternal life as they believe

that 'graves will open up and the dead will rise', instead of the

Comforter's insistence that that is not the case. Without question,

the Quran (Bible and Torah) repeatedly agrees with Shri Mataji as She

is His Ruh (Holy Spirit and Messiah) sent to declare the Great News

i.e., the commencement of the Reusrrection!


Concerning what are they disputing?

Concerning the Great News [5889] about which they cannot agree.

Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!

Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!


surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)


" 5889. Great News: Usually understood to mean the News or Message of

the Resurrection. "


surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989


It must be understood that Azad, being a Muslim scholar, too has

that " graves opening up on Doomsday " bias. Thus his footnotes do not

enhance his more truthful interpretation as he has to conform to the

Doomsday mindset. We can better clarify his comments:


But those who [in their lifetime] were endowed with knowledge and

faith that the Resurrection (Al Qadr: The Night of Power) has

commenced, and is not Doomsday (Al Qariah: Day of Noise and Clamor)

will say: " Indeed, you have been tardy in [accepting as true] what

God has revealed, [Lit., " with regard to (fi) God's revelation

(kitab) " , i.e., that the souls of the dead shall be born again,

informed of the Resurrection, given the Baptism of Allah, resurrected

into the spirit, and judged by Him. It is to be noted that the verb

labitha signifies " he waited [for something i.e., graves to open up]

or he was tardy [tardy means " delayed beyond the expected or proper

time " i.e., tardy with regard to the Great News of Al-Qiyamah] " as

well as " he stayed [in a place or position] " or " he remained "

unconvinced. Evidently, in verse 55 ma labithu has the meaning

of " they (the disbelievers) had not stayed (to take part in Al-

Qiyamah) " or they " remained " unconvinced, while in verse 56 labithtum

denotes " you have been tardy " or " you have waited " .] i.e., rejected

Al Qadr: The Night of Power, [and you have waited]. This Al Qadr,

then, is the Day of Resurrection: but you - you were determined not

to know it! [Lit., " you were wont not to know " i.e., " you persistently

closed your mind to this promise " .] This is a wilful and deliberate

rejection of the Great News, usually understood to mean the News or

Message of the Resurrection.


regards to all,



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