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The Great Cover Up [of Christianity] - Shri Mataji: So this mental attitude of the West is responsible for killing the great Incarnation of Christ, so I think it's another crucifixion.

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> Dear All,


> Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy discovered in their research which

> led to their thesis of: " The Jesus Mysteries " that there was

> a 'Great Cover Up' with regard to the early beginnings of

> Christianity. i am still reeling from the shock of this discovery!


> regards to all,


> violet




The Great Cover Up (Except from Chapter 1)


(P.12) Our new account of the origins of Christianity only seemed

improbable because it contradicted the received view. As we pushed

further with our research, the traditional picture began to

completely unravel all around us. We found ourselves embroiled in a

world of schism and power struggles, of forged documents and false

identities, of letters that had been edited and added to, and of the

wholesale destruction of historical evidence. (P.13) We focused

forensically on the few facts we could be confident of, as if we were

detectives on the verge of cracking a sensational 'whodunnit', or

perhaps more accurately as if we were uncovering an ancient and

unacknowledged miscarriage of justice. For, time and again, when we

critically examined what genuine evidence remained, we found that the

history of Christianity bequeathed to us by the Roman Church was a

gross distortion of the truth. Actually the evidence completely

endorsed the Jesus Mysteries Thesis! It was becoming increasingly

obvious that we had been deliberately deceived, that the Gnostics

were indeed the original Christians, and that their anarchic

mysticism had been hijacked by an authoritarian institution which had

created from it a dogmatic religion - and then brutally enforced the

greatest cover-up in history.


One of the major players in this cover-up operation was a character

called Eusebius who, at the beginning of the fourth century, compiled

from legends, fabrications and his own imagination the only early

history of Christianity that still exists today. All subsequent

histories have been forced to base themselves on Eusebius' dubious

claims, because there has been little other information to draw on.

All those with a different perspective on Christianity were branded

as heretics and eradicated. In this way falsehoods compiled in the

fourth century have come down to us as established facts.


Eusebius was employed by the Roman Emperor Constantine, who made

Christianity the state religion of the Empire and gave Literalist

Christianity the power it needed to begin the final eradication of

Paganism and Gnosticism. Constantine wanted 'one God, one religion'

to consolidate his claim of 'one Empire, one Emperor'. He oversaw the

creation of the Nicene creed - the article of faith repeated in

churches to this day - and Christians who refused to assent to this

creed were banished from the Empire or otherwise silenced.


(P.14) This 'Christian' Emperor then returned home from Nicaea and

had his wife suffocated and his son murdered. He deliberately

remained unbaptized until his deathbed so that he could continue his

atrocities and still receive forgiveness of sins and a guaranteed

place in heaven by being baptized at the last moment. Although he had

his 'spin doctor' Eusebius compose a suitably obsequious biography

for him, he was actually a monster - just like many Roman Emperors

before him. Is it really at all surprising that a 'history' of the

origins of Christianity created by an employee in the service of a

Roman tyrant should turn out to be a pack of lies?


Elaine Pagels, one of the foremost academic authorities on early

Christianity writes:


'It is the winners who write history - their way. No wonder, then,

that the traditional accounts of the origins of Christianity first

defined the terms (naming themselves " orthodox " and their

opponents " heretics " ); then they proceeded to demonstrate - at least

to their own satisfaction - that their triumph was historically

inevitable, or, in religious terms, " guided by the Holy Spirit " . But

the discoveries [of the Gnostic gospels] at Nag Hammadi reopen

fundamental questions.'[7]


History is indeed written by the victors. The creation of an

appropriate history has always been part of the arsenal of political

manipulation. The Roman Church created a history of the triumph of

Literalist Christianity in much the same partisan way that, two

millennia later, Hollywood created tales of 'cowboys and Indians' to

relate 'how the West was won' not 'how the West was lost'. History is

not simply related, it is created. Ideally, the motivation is to

explain historical evidence and come to an accurate understanding of

how the present has been created by the past. All too often, however,

it is simply to glorify and justify the status quo. Such histories

conceal as much as they reveal.


(P.15) To dare to question a received history is not easy. It is

difficult to believe that something which you have been told is true

from childhood could actually be a product of falsification and

fantasy. It must have been hard for those Russians brought up on the

tales of kindly 'Uncle Joe' Stalin to accept that he was actually

responsible for the deaths of millions. It must have strained

credibility when those opposing his regime claimed that he had in

fact murdered many of the heroes of the Russian revolution. It must

have seemed ridiculous when they asserted that he had even had the

images of his rivals removed from photographs and completely

fabricated historical events. Yet all these things are true.


It is easy to believe that something 'must' be true because everyone

else believes it. But the truth often only comes to light by daring

to question the unquestionable, by doubting notions which are so

commonly believed that they are taken for granted. The Jesus

Mysteries Thesis is the product of such openness of mind. When it

first occurred to us, it seemed absurd and impossible. Now it seems

obvious and ordinary. the Vatican was constructed upon the site of an

ancient Pagan sanctuary because the new is always built upon the old.

In the same way Christianity itself has as its foundations the Pagan

spirituality that preceded it. What is more plausible than to posit

the gradual evolution of spiritual ideas, with Christianity emerging

from the ancient Pagan Mysteries in a seamless historical continuum?

It is only because the conventional history has been so widely

believed for so long that this idea could be seen as heretical and



The Jesus Mysteries

Was the Original Jesus A Pagan God?

Chapter 1 - p.12-15

Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

Element (imprint of HarperCollins'Publishers')

77-85 Fulham Palace Road

Hammersmith, London W6 8JB

ISBN-13 978-0-7225-3677-3

ISBN-10 0-7225-3677-1




[7] Pagels, E. (1979), 147





" The child agreed to pass these suggestions to the Great Divine



He meditated and the energy of the Holy Spirit, residing at the roots

of the Tree of Life within him traveled all the way up and blossomed

into the Thousand Petalled Lotus. He emerged through the clouds and

slowly floated into his ethereal body that was meditating beside the

Great Primordial Mother. He stood up and, after exchanging greetings

with the Supreme Mater Sanctissima, told Her that he wanted to see

Shri Jesus. She agreed and both traveled through the universe to His



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi slowed down as they approached His abode. A

short distance away Kash could see that Shri Jesus was in deep

meditation, His massive spiritual body poised magnificently on the

soft cloud cover. It was a sight to behold, a Divine Being powerful

beyond all human imagination, sitting in utter peace and egoless

humility. The entire atmosphere was super charged with Spiritual

Energy, Silence and Bliss. They were in Heaven.


When they came nearer Shri Jesus came out of meditation and got up to

receive them. He was dressed in a one-piece light gray dress that

extended to His ankles, like a robe. There was another piece of

cloth, also light gray, that was draped across His right shoulder

down to the left waist.


After exchanging greetings all of them sat down. Kash then asked the

Spirit of the Living God again if he could ask Shri Jesus some

questions. The Great Holy Spirit smiled and told him to go ahead.

Kash first posed this question to Shri Christ, " Lord Jesus, who is

your Father? " Shri Jesus immediately replied, " The Spirit is My

Father. "


Kash then asked Shri Jesus if it would be all right to convince the

pope of these Revelations.


For the first time Kash saw both the Great Adi Shakti and Shri Jesus

taken aback for some reason. Both visibly reacted the very instant

the word pope was mentioned, as if it was a name that should not be

uttered in the Sacred Sanctuary of His Kingdom.


Actually both of them moved backwards as the force of the name hit

them like a potent curse. It was as if the word had defiled the

immaculate purity and pristine holiness of the Kingdom of God. The

word " pope " was to both Lord Jesus and the Great Adi Shakti the very

essence of Evil itself, an entity that reeked of centuries-old vice,

lust, wickedness, sin, immorality, blasphemy, torture, and death.


Kash waited for an answer but there was only silence. He wondered

what had gone wrong and felt uncomfortable. These Divine Hosts had

always displayed impeccable manners and utter humility to any guest,

but Shri Jesus was not answering his innocent question. Kash had

immense respect for this massive Son of Man, and His silence was



The Great Sacred Mother then smiled and said that this question

cannot be answered, without giving any reason. She then told him that

they should meditate...


There was an immediate feeling of intense guilt that something had

gone terribly wrong. What could the Pope have possibly done so

blasphemous and corrupt that even the mere mention of his title made

the Great Celestial Mother and Shri Jesus withdraw physically and

mentally? After all, about a billion Catholics all over the world

regarded him as Christ's representative on Earth, and they all could

not be wrong. Moreover, Kash's family had begun to celebrate

Christmas partly due to their belief that the Pope was the

representative of the followers of Jesus Christ.


At first there was turmoil in the mind of the father for having made

Shri Mataji and Shri Jesus react. It was his own entire fault — his

big mouth, his bloated ego, his absurd ideas, his sheer stupidity —

that led to this debacle. There was delusion as his mind ran around

in circles. What type of person was he to disturb Divine Beings with

the stupid questions he asked them through Kash? Why was such a

proposition posed in the first place? Why is he so nosey? Were they

unhappy because he was getting a third party like the pope involved?

Was he pushing his weight around and trying to enlighten the Great

Holy Spirit and Shri Jesus on how to advertise the Truth? Why did

both Shri Jesus and the Spirit of God not want to seek the help of

Pope Paul II? Why did both of them reel back at the mention of the

word Pope? How could the father, a dumb human, be able to make a

supreme personality like Jesus Christ and the Great Blessed Mother

feel 'offended'? Who was he to suggest such stupid proposals as

getting the Pope involved? Maybe they did not want any outside

interference in these Revelations. Maybe his proposal was so silly

that they had no choice but to react. Maybe he was dumber than he



There was a lingering sense of loss, confusion, and hurt as no

logical answers could be found in the conditioned mind. This hurt was

why did the Holy Mother and Shri Jesus refuse to even talk about the

Pope, a man that was believed and respected by him. Kash's father had

very little knowledge on the background of Christianity and had

accepted the Universal Savior due more to His supreme sacrifice on

the Cross than anything else. Why should the Heavenly Hosts keep

silent on the man who led the largest religious institution in the



The mind even dared to think that maybe the Great Divine Feminine and

Shri Jesus might have made a mistake! This was the strangest

spiritual Revelation for it even made the mind doubt about the

absolute integrity of Shri Jesus and the Supreme Mother, despite all

the most awesome Truths of the Kingdom of God! One-fifth of the

humanity believed that Pope John Paul II was Christ's representative

on Earth and yet the Universal Savior was allergic to the mere

mention of his designated title! Why?


The fathers underwent a very disturbing period of anguish, remorse,

disbelieve, delusion and pain...


After weeks of confusion and apprehension there began a search on the

background of popes at the nearby Saul Bellow Library in Lachine. It

was an academic revelation beyond all expectations! For the very

first time in his life the harsh Truth about Christianity was known

and it shocked him into utter disbelieve! He never expected the

people of the West — the supposed-to-be-the-most-advanced-and-

educated human beings on Earth — to be so foolish and dumb as to

believe what he was reading: original sin, papal infallibility,

confessions, sale of indulgences, papal corruption, division of

churches, conflicting human doctrines, evil in women, Inquisition,

celibacy and others. The mind reeled and screamed in silence! How

could so many humans believe in such latent falsehoods of the

Catholic Church, despite all the historical facts of the last two

millenniums? What power had duped so many intelligent people for so

long? What power had spiritually maimed so many bodies and destroyed

so many souls? What power had the strength to maintain its

stranglehold despite committing the greatest and most barbaric acts

against humankind? What power had such chameleon-like camouflage and

inherent cunning to elude and delude detection? What power made so

many to surrender their souls and salvation to a single man, the

False Prophet? What was the nature of this power? Who was behind this



This power was anti-God! This power was anti-Christ! No wonder the

Great Ancient Mother and Shri Jesus recoiled at that blasphemous word

" pope " ! No wonder they reacted to this unclean word! No wonder they

flinched at this vile word! No wonder they cringed at this satanic



Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 1565-1571



And Jesus spoke again unto the eleven and said,

“Grieve not because I go away for it is best that I should go away.

If I do not go away the Comforter will not come to you.

These things I speak while with you in the flesh, but when the Holy

Breath shall come in power, lo,

She will teach you more and more, and bring to you remembrance all

the words I have said to you.

There are a multitude of things yet to be said; Things that this age

cannot receive because it cannot comprehend.

But, lo, I say, Before the great day of the Lord shall come, the Holy

Breath will make all mysteries known —

The mysteries of the soul, of life, of death, of immortality, the

oneness of man with every other man, and with his God.

Then will the world be led to truth, and man will be truth.

When She has come, the Comforter, She will convince the world of sin,

And of truth of what I speak, and of the rightness of the Judgment of

the just;

And then the prince of carnal life will be cast out.

And when the Comforter shall come, I need not intercede for you;

For you shall stand approved, and God will know you then as he knows



The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 162:4-11

Levi, Marina Del Rey: DeVorss & Co., 1988.



“After Peter, the centuries roll by, full of controversies, any one

of which today would involve immediate recourse to Rome for a

decision... We have already noted that not a single Father can

find any hint of a Petrine office in the great biblical texts that

refer to Peter. Papal supremacy and infallibility, so central to the

Catholic church today, are simply not mentioned. Not a single creed,

nor confession of faith, nor catechism, nor passage in patristic

writings contains one syllable about the pope, still less about faith

and doctrine being derived from him.”


Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy,

p. 206.

Publisher: Crown (January 13, 1988)

ISBN-10: 0517570270

ISBN-13: 978-0517570272



" It's a very serious thing they have done against Christ. And still

going on. Still this Catholic Church, though being exposed so much,

is still going on. In India also, all over. It's stupid. This

Protestant Church also is going on everywhere. What good name have

they brought to Christ, one should see? The first and foremost thing

He has said that you must enter into the Kingdom of God, that you

must be born again.


So it's all mental: 'You are born again.' You have a certificate. We

are born again. Finished. So this mental attitude of the West is

responsible for killing the great Incarnation of Christ, so I think

it's another crucifixion. Mentally, you cannot understand

spirituality. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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