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Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine

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> i have provided hundreds of pages of irrefutable evidence and

> knowledge of the Devi. i have also strongly cautioned against the

> avidya that the devotees of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi, are indulging in, and encouraging/enforcing others to do the

> same. Seeking such knowledge of the Devi-while strictly avoiding/

> rejecting such avidya at all times-alone makes life worthwhile, and

> the attainment of knowledge completely fulfils the ultimate purpose

> of existence. Such knowledge is far more priceless than Silence,

> and precedes it. Without such knowledge you cannot comprehend, far

> less learn how to maintain, Silence on Self. The Devi insists that

> liberating knowledge can be attained here in this world. There is

> nothing to surrender to Her except our ignorance and arrogance.









> i also want to make a small amendment in memory of ex-world leader

> Yogi Mahajan who was in 1995 the first to read, and reject, 50 pages

> of Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God. Yogi Mahajan then initiated

> the worldwide InquiSYtion against my children and myself. It did not

> matter that Kash, Arwinder and Lalita were giving evidence to his

> own beliefs, which can be quoted from his book " The Ascent " :


> “Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden Goddess

> that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the total

> being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle resides in

> every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it, and the

> saints glory in its praise.”


> Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent,

> Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.


> The only way for him to get around this obstacle was to claim that

> they were possessed by evil spirits.


> Alan Wherry, Edward Saugstad, Viktor Bodhar, John Noyce, Kuntal

> Sood, Raj, WCASY members, and subtle system SYs like you are just

> carrying on that InquiSYtion. So the recent post should have been

> titled:


> " Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls

> before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn

> and tear you to pieces. " (Matthew 7:6)


> And you are right on this Anil: " Discussion is an exchange of

> knowledge whereas an argument is an exchange of ignorance. " That is

> why i prefer subtle system SYs to go away as i do not want to give

> what is holy to dogs or throw pearls before swine. That holy

> knowledge and pearls of enlightenment is for the rest of humanity,

> i.e., the 99.999999% not interested in the official SYSSR (Sahaja

> Yoga Subtle System Religion).



The Third Jesus

The Kingdom of God is Within


" No matter what version of Jesus you accept, the goal of a Christian

life is to reach the Kingdom of God. Millions of believers hold that

this means going to Heaven after you die. But Jesus is much more

ambiguous than that. There is just as much evidence in the gospels

that reaching the Kingdom of God means arriving at a higher level of

consciousness. As is so often the case, you can read scripture many

ways. But I think the argument for higher consciousness is by far the

most persuasive…


Specifically, we follow Jesus' words, repeated often in the gospels,

about the need to wake up and to remain awake.


" Therefore, keep awake—for you do not know when the master of the

house will come, in the evening , or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or

at dawn. " (Mark 13:35)


When we join this injunction with the one about the Kingdom of God

being within, the implication is that going within requires a person

to wake up, also. In fact, that's the only way to live any spiritual

path to the fullest. The traditional ways of devotion, service, and

contemplation don't actually solve the problem of Jesus's

contradiction between inner and outer life. Tolstoy was right: If you

take Jesus at his word, your life must be realigned completely, away

from worldly ways towards godly ones.


Because he is so absolute, Jesus doesn't offer a path of devotion

that consists of daily prayer and piety to God. He wants total,

unswerving devotion. You shall love the Lord your God with all your

heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. In other

words, every thought must be of god and every action directed towards

him. Such a teaching is unworkable except for the most pious of

recluses. The same holds true for the complete selflessness required

on the path of service and the total fixation on spirituality

required on the path of contemplation. But denying the world is a

path to extinction, which no one can advocate. Nor can we assume that

Jesus wanted us to annihilate our egos and personalities in the name

of God. It's more reasonable to assume that reaching Heaven requires

an unfolding process.


If you were able to meet Jesus today as he was in real life, there

would be a gap between your level of awareness and his—we know that

this is true when we encounter spiritually inspired people who are

far less enlightened than Jesus, the saintly among us whose

compassion reflects back our own spiritual shortcomings. If you were

to follow Jesus after meeting him, you would have to close this gap,

setting you on a path that unfolds over time. The same holds true

without a flesh-and-blood Jesus; the same gap needs to be closed

between your present state of awareness and God-consciousness.

Devotion, service and contemplation remain viable ways to transform

yourself, yet even the most devout Christians fall into the trap of

believing that they don't have to transform themselves inwardly, that

performing enough acts of devotion (attending church, praying, giving

to the poor, and the like) will suffice or that doing charitable work

among the poor and sick, or thinking about God as often as possible,

will be sufficient. Jesus warns us against this trap when he speaks,

in parable form, about seed that falls on waste ground and doesn't

sprout. The seed is his teaching; the waste ground is the mind

unprepared to receive the truth.


What Jesus doesn't elaborate upon is how waste ground can be made

fertile. He says only that some people receive a bit of the truth,

some a great deal, and some none at all. Let's assume that you and I

can absorb some of the truth, rather than all, or none. In this

regard, we fit into the category of Jesus's disciples. We are neither

hopeless nor fully realized in God. We turn to Jesus because he

understands the territory of the unknown, the source not only of a

messiah but of the soul itself…


Jesus's vision was so breathtaking that it inspired a new religion,

but without the lens of higher consciousness, these teachings seem to

be mere fantasy, a distant hope that will be fulfilled, if ever, only

in Heaven. Christians want to feel that their religion is unique,

which is certainly achieved by claiming the one and only Son of God.

But by the same token, they risk being left out of the great human

project, which began centuries before Christ and continues to this

day. This is the project of transcending the physical world to reach

the realm of the soul. "


Deepak Chopra, The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore,

pgs. 36-52

Harmony Books, February 2008




The Gospel of Thomas

It does not tell the story of the life and death of Jesus, but offers

the reader his `secret teachings' about the Kingdom of God.


Know Thyself


One of these documents [found at Nag Hammadi] begins with the scribal

note in the margin, " The Gospel According to Thomas. " And the first

sentence of that document says, " These are the secret words which the

living Jesus taught and which Judas Thomas Didymos wrote down. " And

then they start a total of over 110 sayings, each introduced

by " Jesus said.... " Some of those sayings have parallels in the

gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke. Some of these have not. Some of

these sayings may go back to a very early period of Christianity,

some of them may have been added later. The document itself comes

from the fourth century....


Now what is typical about these sayings is that in each instance,

these sayings want to say that if you want to understand what Jesus

said, you have to recognize yourself. You have to know yourself, know

who you are. It begins with a saying about the Kingdom of God, " if

you seek the Kingdom of God in the sky then the birds will precede

you. And if you seek it in the sea, then the fish will precede you,

but the Kingdom is in you. And if you know yourself then you know the

Kingdom of God. " (The Kingdom of the Father, in fact, it always says

in the gospel of Thomas. Normally the Kingdom of the Father, not the

Kingdom of God.) " But if you don't know yourself, you live in

poverty. " And poverty is understood as the ignorance of a life in its

physical existence. Knowledge is understood to be the knowledge of

one's divine origin, of the fact that one has come from the Kingdom.

That we are on this earth only in a sojourn....


What does it mean really to know oneself? To know oneself is to have

insight into one's own ultimate divine identity. You can go back to

understand this to Greek models, which certainly exist. " Know

yourself " is a very old Greek maxim... that is, you have to know that

your own soul is divine, and then you know that you are immortal,

whereas the body is the mortal part of human existence. Now this is

radicalized in the Gospel of Thomas into saying that everything that

is experienced physically and through sense perception, everything in

this world that you can perceive in this way is nothing. It is, at

best, chaos and, at worst, it doesn't even exist in reality. The only

thing that really exists is your divine spirit or your divine soul,

which is identical in its quality with God himself. And Jesus is the

one who teaches that....


[When one truly knows oneself], one understands that one is divine,

but also one understands that one is mortal. In such a way, you

recognize that this mortality is really meaningless, as physical

existence is meaningless. And therefore, death is no longer a

problem, but death is a solution, because in death finally all this

mortality will fall away, and the true self will be liberated to an

independent existence that's no longer dependent on physical

existence. And on everything that goes with physical existence,

sickness and poverty and so on. And so physical existence is often

described as poverty. But when you know yourself you are no longer in



Helmut Koester:

John H. Morison Professor of New Testament Studies and Winn Professor

of Ecclesiastical History Harvard Divinity School

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> >

> > i have provided hundreds of pages of irrefutable evidence and

> > knowledge of the Devi. i have also strongly cautioned against the

> > avidya that the devotees of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala

> > Devi, are indulging in, and encouraging/enforcing others to do the

> > same. Seeking such knowledge of the Devi-while strictly avoiding/

> > rejecting such avidya at all times-alone makes life worthwhile,

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